Shingeki no Kyojin

Who was in the wrong here?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Is there an edit where Carla responds with "Have Sex"?

Keith obviously.

It's an excuse for Historia to give birth. Not really an EMfag or YHfag but never expected for the plot to be this unbalanced in the sense that any weird thing in the narrative can be explained by "lmao just wait for Historia's pov!"
Like I like Historia but holy hell, it's not going to be a deep revelation to delay everything so much

There is never going to be a "father reveal" because it doesn't matter who it is, the only reason for Historia's pregnancy is a narrative one that allowed Zeke to live on Paradis.
This won't be enough for shitposters, who will ceaselessly debate the subject. They will ruin every thread even 20 years from now, just like the Eva threads discussing which girl is best with nary an actual discussion to be found.
Kill me now

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I feel NTRd. Why did Historia fuck a random dude and accept his seed even though he treated and still treats her badly?

You do it.
oh no no no no

>how come girls I like make choices I don't?
Grow up, dude.

>accept his seed
She won't be satisfied with just one though

She is realistic

i dont want to though

>the only reason for Historia's pregnancy is a narrative one that allowed Zeke to live on Paradis

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If EM will be canon in the end, do you consider Isayama being a big fan of NTR?

>commander of the illustrious scouting legion
>personally trained the current crop of heroic soldiers
>fought a bear
carla didn't know what she was missing out on

Were you here for this?

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>Give me a kiss, user...

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How much kino can one series have in it?

Damn... this is deep...

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Say that Historia's location is closer to the capital and thus nowhere near them, what is Isayama planning for these two?

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The fake memories theory is just an evolution of this cope. We're all here for it.

Cutemin has made for Annie!

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Slut is breeding with random men she isn't married to to produce more offspring






Hopefully they'll have some nice character development seeing that they're both at their lowest

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Uh. You think you have enough leather belts on you, Mikasa?

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lies and slander

We're laughing at you instead, schizo.

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Her fetish about being wrapped with the scarf is evolving.

I feel like potential for development is a deathflag in this series

She's going full on 90's comics.

You wish idiotic MPs

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Umm... learn to spoiler text, Reddit sweatie.

>Keith is crying by the end of his speech
what a fag

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>the only reason for Historia's pregnancy is a narrative one that allowed Zeke to live on Paradis.
I would agree with you before but when the wine came to light, the assumption that the pregnancy is a way to stop Zeke from being fed to Historia just doesn't make sense anymore to me. It feels unnecessary because Zeke already has his insurance.

Do you think Eren will end up becoming Hokage?

He will end up being a traveler

Didn't Pixis already surrender the rule of Paradis to him?

surprisingly enough, I was



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He's already a king (a queen's husband)

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gabi is made for Jean-sama's cock

It isn't really surprising since it was in spoiler week

>a queen's husband
King consort

What happened to the plot about some mindless titans being able to talk?

Even the shifters can't talk in titan form

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>preview still isn't out
I guess it won't come out until August

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Why there are titans that are Aberrant? Did Isayama explain about this?

I remember the board was flooded with SnK threads. It was glorious.

Strong will or purpose before being titanized.

Yeah man it comes out with every volume release and the next one is august 8th.

two basic possibilities: a heart to heart in a cave about life, meaning and growing past trauma, maybe even some personal catharsis and confession about the failings eating away at both them. or, isayama uses it as a way to have hans monologue her suspicions about eren's motivations to spell them out for the brainlet speedreader lowest common denominator. maybe a mix of the two

i hope she cradles manlet in a serumbowl hug callback

They shit doesn't work since they are white.

120 ch

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What? They can and they do. Eren couldn't because his mouth was split in his titan form so he couldn't form proper words.

Last three fake previews have come out in July, November and March

yea, im in that picture

Zeke is actually gay, he's just mad he won't be able to produce offspring, so he wants to sterilize everyone to be able to live peacefully with his lover, Laina Braun

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>Gets Marlowe killed by convincing him to join the SL
>Tells Hanji to spare Reiner who ends up leading an attack on Paradis 4 years later
>Pussies out of killing Pieck thus fucking over Paradis when she realizes that Zeke switched sides
>Decides to spare Falco and Gabi which ends up making Paradis lose the Founding Titan
>Needs Armin to save his life 3 times
How fucking useless. At this point he should be as suicidal as Reiner

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But she isn't scared of horses anymore

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At least puberty treated him well.

Cringe and dead

he drinks to forget

I would be disappointed if Isayama doesn't do it but he is kind of autistic with the Paradis cast


It's always (((them))), isn't it?

Well I mean he took the power anyway

Dude..not in front of his mom.....

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Never insult one of Isayama's fav char

What does "mmgh" mean?

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>Erenkeks have mommy issues

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Classic failure

Hopefully he gets over that autism as we approach the endgame. Sometimes it feels like he's preserving characters for merch and sales or somethn

Guys, remember to respect other races and cultures.

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It means you are enslaved
Eren is more likely Historia’s slave
Mikasa is Eren’s
Jean is Mikasa’s


At least Reiner's failures are a neverending meme machine, Jean on the other hand might as well be Connie tier at this point.

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I don't think he cares much about sales and popularity, at least nowadays. He killed Erwin off and promoted Reiner to main character even though he's not very popular. Not to mention all the Gabo shit, I imagine she's not really popular in Japan.

Connie never fucked up though.

how about no

Isayama's is building up his character. Soon, we'll see enough of it

dilate, then kill yourself, tumblrina

yeah, connie just had a lot of horrible shit happen that was out of his control completely

Please, don't bully.

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>Connie never fucked up though.
he failed to kill his titan in the supply room

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>ayylmao KINO soon

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Eren is very likely to be the father but that doesn't imply they love each other, he probably just raped Historia and wiped her memory and the baby is just a part of his plan.

Brainlets can't into Jeanbo.

Please let them be okay Isayama

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Carla because she brings a child into this cruel world

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>i hope she cradles manlet in a serumbowl hug callback
I hope they both hug each other
Maybe they could hold hands too, or what's left of Manlet's hand

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I've seen a nip's online pool, maybe Twitter's I don't quite remember but Gabi is 0.x% along with Zofia iirc

Yeah why tho?

He never explained it. They are supposed to be mindless

Yeah, try to compare that to Jean's massive future of Paradis decider tier chokes.

Sex chapter next month

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You can't be serious.

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Based and neverhadsexpilled.

Just let them cope in peace.

i would like to remind everyone that Levi belongs to Mikasa

Petra Ackerman Zoe soon.

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>Jean is Mikasa’s

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Long time no see eh, LMfag.

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How come Berthold and Reiner never helped Annie back in the forest when she kidnapped Eren? And how come they didn't help her fight him inside the city, but just left her?

Why are dead women so hot?

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They finally shut up.

>How come Berthold and Reiner never helped Annie back in the forest when she kidnapped Eren?
they didn't really get a chance to. she was already captured/cannibalized by the time they would have been able to reach her, and the scouts were in full retreat and on high alert. people would have noticed the two of them disappearing, so they made the decision to wait and bide their time.

>And how come they didn't help her fight him inside the city, but just left her?
they were in a separate city. the whole operation to capture annie was kept hidden from them.

Reminder that YHfags are more offended by EH than by EMfags calling Historia a whore

>How come Berthold and Reiner never helped Annie back in the forest when she kidnapped Eren?
Reiner did help her and they didn't want to blow their cover in case Eren wasn't the Founding Titan

>And how come they didn't help her fight him inside the city, but just left her?
They weren't told about that plan because they were intentionally baiting traitors into the SL.

Jeanbo is too goodhearted for this cruel world.

>I-I'll shot next time

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Got any of these for when Historia was announced pregnant?

That's right, even if Eren is the father Eren will love Mikasa!

reiner passed her info, but for direct help it was better to keep their cover in case it would be needed in the future. by the time it would've been clear annie would need help fighting they weren't close enough to the action to do anything even if they had known.

potential suspects from the SL were kept away from the operation in shina, they couldn't have helped without going awol to intervene in an op they didn't even know about. after their attempt to grab eren failed reiner wanted to go back and break her out of course, but by that time zeke was there to take command and put the kibosh on that

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Why should they? One of them called Historia a cumdump and insulted her since 107 already.

Carla because she brings a child into this cruel world


Brainlet. Him and Reiner are clearly the only high agency characters in the series

Farmer-kun was forced to watch Eren raping Historia.

Time travel

First page had mikasa saying erens name. Then later on that one attack titan dude was talking about mikasa and armin like he knew them

Reminder that Eren died as a virgin.

I want a mommy hisu.

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historia breeds with random men!

random breeding!

what a whore!


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Were they lovers, /snk/?

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>High agency
Never put SHITean in the same league as Reiner ever again.

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Pieck is so beautiful.

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describe mikasa's personality

hard mode: describe mikasa's personality

Historia's pussy disagrees

>The truth is that throughout my youth, I used to practice prone masturbation
>This refers to the practice of rubbing your penis against the bed as you lie on your stomach
>Cum stains on the sheets aside, I always felt this resembled real sex more
>But I didn't know the truth, Eren
>Years of abuse with my full weight compressing the veins resulted in me becoming impotent
>I can no longer achieve orgasm from touching my penis or even have erections
>I was forced to seek alternate ways to relieve myself
>I'm talking, of course, about prostate stimulation
>I obtained a fake cock, commonly known as a dildo, Eren
>Each night I would insert it into my anus and move it back and fort
>This allowed me to once again experience what I had lost
>But Eren...
>My sphincter was damaged
>I became incontinent
>As it stands, I can neither have erections or control the release of gas or feces from my anus at will
>I am reduced to wearing a diaper, Eren
>I know you hate me
>But no man deserves to die wearing a diaper, Eren
>Please don't kill me
>My diaper is soiled right now, Eren
>Don't kill me

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I hope she gets eaten next chapter by titan Mikasa

>you are Gabi now and witness this beautiful sight and voice in front of you
What do?

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We know baby of the last panelEven more cringe and even more dead

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if eren really is the hisu babydaddy will mikasa accept it and be labelled as a cuck for all eternity?

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Reminder Sneed and YHfag are friends now

Funny enough, I was just reading the thread in the archive just a while ago.There was like 80 posts talking about it, but there wasn't much butthurt or "FAKE SPOILERS!".

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I miss Zofia

Desperate fujo

Don't want to know how disgustingly dirty your ears are

it's her duty to raise eren and historia's child

>there wasn't much butthurt

Mikasa would probably scrape erens baby batter out of Historias cunny if she thought there was a small change she might get pregnant from it.

Reiner is the most relatable and sympathetic character in SNK.

Pieck is sexy...

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I really hope Eren turns out to be the dad, but it doesn't make sense why he would choose to father the child. What does he gain by doing it?


Not even sure who that is, despite constantly reading his name here.

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maybe to a beta like you

personally, i relate most with the main character, Eren Yeager

To satisfy EHchads and nothing more

Got any links?

It was the result of a one night stand, user.

Partially (though I wish it weren’t the case), though I also find Annie to be the most relatable

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>Mikasa... We're having a baby.
>You can stay in our house and help raise it.

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>relate most
Disgusting cucks

I think he's the Porcofag who even got his haircut.

It was an accident. Just like Zeke.

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Why is he called sneed? Is that his leddit name?

Knock yourself out. A bunch of "HOLY SHIT HE ACTUALLY DID IT!". A lot of people thought Eren wanted to protect Historia because she was pregnant, and it actually happened.

I doubt it, and I doubt that any other user in these threads can truly relate to Eren

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>oh man he's just like me

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Because Isayama never thought that far into the series yet. Bert and Reiner weren't thought of as Titans yet.

You think all the scouts who died trying to protect Eren would be pissed if they saw what was happening?

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and of course she would because of her ackerman blood, the cuck. subservient maid mikasa is kino

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Has it been established that the Founding Titan has always been in the royal family before Grisha took it? What if anyone without royal blood who uses the FT eventually gives in to destructive urges? That could be what started the Great Titan War and Once Karl Fritz was able to get it back, he took it to the island to protect it.

Many damage control, impossible to reunite so many butthurt posts

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Yes, they were. It's why the AT has always looked exactly like Reiner.


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No, i read translated chapters.
Spoilerfags are literally worse than Pieckfags and gabifags

How sure are you that the ending won't be rushed?

Wasn't he a Jeanfag?

guys, since when does being pregnant imply that Historia had sex

maybe it was artificial insemination, maybe she got it from a swimming pool, maybe her bloodline can do asexual reproduction(most likely possibility)

>it's another Mikasa wants to stay in the room and watch eren and historia have sex episode

why do they air this one every night

No, kekrenfag.

Alright EH shitposters, explain why the farmer is speaking so casually to his queen if he didn't make the child?

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When will we get a KINO moment from CHADkasa, representing her true character now that she’s distanced herself from Eren?

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they had titan sex several times

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Dunno about them, but Levi will surely be.

Because in 107's case first we got the ant spoilers which included the page of Historia sitting in a farm which after enhancing we could see she was pregnant.

With 119 the very first leak was a goofy image of beheaded Eren which also came with the mistake of Eren losing his pants two chapters earlier.


am i forgetting some scene or is this chapter more or less the first time we've seen reiner really genuinely angry at eren?

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Reminder that this is canon.

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>Founding Titan has always been in the royal family before Grisha took it?

He was an Erenfag before some EHfags not wanting to ship PP. He is also a JMfag

Hisu should have used a decoy

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It must suck being Sneed, me and war brother "Android Zekechad" often battles with him, poor fella doesn't get tired of being proven wrong time and time again.

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isayama draws plain-looking cuties so well

pieck chan is cute!


oops, wrong page

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tell me about historia, why does she cosplay arcueid?

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it's funny how autists like that will fixate on one perceived slight, like when some offhand use of the detective hange meme triggered someone into a seething shoot

because its the best one, duh

This, now Sneed and YHfag are a team

When she doesn't blink at Eren's death and rallies the others next chapter while they all cry uselessly.

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Which JMfag is he? The one that only wants Jean to be happy or the one that regularly shitposts about how she is made for stallion cock and pretends that any panel that has the two of them even with other people is proof of how in love they are with each other?

Based. I though i'm the only one who thinks that

she wishes she was a vampire

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Purefags are the worst.
Also, the ones who feel cucked by Eren/Farmer are pathetic.
I, for one, will enjoy the father reveal so I can see one of those sides freak the fuck out and reeeeee of rage.

So she'll try to kill herself again?

Imagine la CRIATURA behind this post

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How come Ymir's jaw titan doesn't have jaw powers?

She will live on for her new liege Gabi.


>those dirty feet
Do you think Liner licks them clean?

Why is Historia such a slut?

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God I wish I had an Armin to molest

That one was an actual retcon and something Isayama hadn't thought through.

But BR were always meant to be the AT and CT which is why it was a very popular theory since way before their reveal.

Was he a good big brother? ;_;

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too good

>tfw you never had a chance of having such a close bond with your older bro because he spends all of his time with his fucking gf

He should have been the one to shoot Eren desu

Too good for Falco who was more concerned about saying goodbye to Gabi's pussy than realizing that his brother was going to die with him.


>than realizing that his brother was going to die with him.
what? it clearly shows him trying to push colt off

Yet he is titanized looking at Gabi

You see user, when a man and woman love each, especially hormonal teenagers who are fighting for their lives and under a lot of pressure, magical things will happen and they will be visited by a stork nine months later that is delivering a bundle of joy for them.


We're talking about a suicidal bundle of rage that knows he has very little time to live, and that he will not be able to be a father to the child.

The big brother Zecuck wished he could be.


Just caught up with the manga. Spoilers when?

>Livai...*cough blood* stop punishing yourself. Live by yourself, you are more than a soldier. No matter how many dies, you have to move forward...

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Zeke can't even touch Eren yet he clearly loves Eren. He didn't even enjoy the order he gave to titan Falco.

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Then he better do his best to make sure that his child will be born in a peaceful world where the possibility of being killed by a bomb drop or by dogs is zero.

yeah he reaches out in the next panel, there's clearly not supposed to be any meaningful passage of time between these two facing pages, it reads as one moment

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Any predictions for s4 op?

Why is Hange coughing blood? Shouldn’t it be Levi? Or is that sick fuck Isayama gonna let Hange have gotten shot by the Yaegerists?

You know the only thing that is making me thing that there's some substance to EH theories is the fact that we still haven't gotten Historia's POV. Why keep it a secret if it's not a big reveal?

The best

Colt is still too good for that retarded and suicidal waifufag

Some mindless titan (probably due a problem/imperfection of the trasformation) keep the ability of speak(example the talking titan in the OAV and Connie's mother), for the shifter depend if their mouth is developed enought to allow them to speak (some also said that this depend also how smart the shifter is, since the talking shifter are high IQ like zeke and piek, but since also lady tybur and ymir's jaw titan were able to speak too, that probably just an ipothesis)

How did Eren have the chance to impregnate Historia? It usually takes weeks or even months of regular fucking to conceive unless both partners are extremely fertile/lucky. I doubt Historia was chilling at the orphanage away from the capital for extended periods like that. How did he do it lads??

Why did Historia ruin her tight little body by getting pregnant?

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what else is a cute royal loli for other than breeding?

An imperfection of the transformation, royal blood reaction and maibe the will of the eldian shifted.

When your otouto hates you and is planning to betray you, you're a failure as a big brother.

He didn't. You need to understand that it's delusional to think otherwise. Give it up already.

>hange will take a bullet from the yeagerists but hide the injury
>hange will use up her medical supplies treating manlet's wounds instead of her own
>hange will give manlet a speech about living for himself then slip into unconsciousness

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You can see Eren is not with SL sometimes, they may assume he is helping Historia either in the orphanage or trying to activate more memories

The karma in this manga is an huge bitch

Eldians are very fertile and healthy.

He didn't.

I don't think Eren hates Zeke, he might feel bad for him

Will Mikasa start growing out her hair again? She wore the scarf because Eren gave it to her. Now she stopped wearing it. She cut her hair because Eren told her to. She should stop cutting her hair.

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it was necessary

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Y-you'll protect her from AM, r-right?

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>be 19
>back pain already

oh nonono...

Attached: historia_covered_in_and_spitting_out_sticky_white_liquid.webm (1920x1080, 3M)

Delete this immediately. They're going to make it.

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Her current dyke cut was because of an accident

Why people think eren hates zeke? I think he feels pity for him. He has his father memories and knows how shit his parents were

final chapter mikasa will be long haired

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Why is she no longer wearing her scarf? Does she not have feelings for Eren anymore?

Reminder that Eren is the effective and unofficial ruler of Eldia. Historia is nothing more than his puppet.

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>Brightest mind + strongest soldier
Poor Pieck.

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Does anyone got a vibe that Falco titan looks a lot like Ollie and Andy from Bob's Burgers?

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Which accident?

She stopped wearing the scarf because she doesn't want to be a "slave" and wants to be "free".

Attached: mikasa_vs_female_titan.webm (800x450, 2.99M)

did you not read the manga? he insulted her and basically told her he hated her, so she left the scarf behind to symbolise abandoning her love for him


a sacrifice for duty

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Hope is the last to die (also this arc is slow as hell,if isayama wanted to rush it he should have done it like 10 chapters ago

What I'm asking is if you think she really did abandon her feelings for him, or if she is trying to do it and dropping the scarf is her idea how to distance herself.

All Eldians except the shifters will be his puppets once the coordinate is operational to him. But the Freedom-man isn't someone who would take someone else free will.

What if Historia's kid gets the Attack Titan at birth, and essentially just become Eren again?

An accident involving her ponytail. I don't remember whether it's in a q&a or interview

Not EH but if (i repeat IF) eren is the father and farmer is a red....... , that mean that he have to fake him the father and fake a closer relationship, or he would be the worst actor in SNK history.

>yfw next chapter is LH and we left Shinganshina in a cliffhanger
>yfw one of them will die
Hope we stick in Shingansina

he could pity him as a person and still hate that he's trying to push his ideology onto people who could be free, it's probably not just one or the other

Call me a normalfag but I hope it lines up all the titans along with their current shifters, since we (will) know all of them in this arc. The Warhammer Titan is the last one with it's user's siluete or something.

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Because not all shifters turn out the same. Ymir wasn't a hand-picked trained child soldier but a literally who off the streets.

Ah. Someone shot a .40 calibre bullet at her ponytail like Gabi did at Eren's neck.

Also they might not be alone there, they might be with guards there, Historia is too important

Grisha wasn't a trained soldier either, and he could defeat the founder as the Attack Titan.


Grisha's AT has a fucking beer belly while Kruger and Eren's actually lift some weights. Frieda is just shit and coordinate powers don't work on shifters

Founder is a pacifist.

why is he calling eren a girl


Flocke is king now.

Because he respects a tranny's pronouns.

He already mastered the Kawarimi no Jutsu, so he's definitely on his way.

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Frieda wasn't a trained soldier either. Actually how come she didn't control Grisha or change his memories? She changed Hisu's memories and had a couple of years of experience. Are shifters immune to that or am I a speedreader?


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I'll do it when I get home

"Helping" *insert lennyface here* (is just a joke, don't be triggered)

Shifters are resistant, when Eren use the FT against Dina BRY feel it but they don't join the pummelling

Is that the latest YHfag cope?

Is Yea Forums EVER right about anything?

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Presumably, it's never stated outright but that scene, the scene in clash where BRY react to the coordinate but aren't compelled by it, and the fact that Karl apparently couldn't use the FT to stop the civil war he abhorred all point to shifters not being under the FT's direct influence

Why a piece of wood? Is this a refrence?

t. Gabi

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Okay, so Mikasa had another headache last chapter. What the fuck is that about?

Is Eren right about her getting headaches because she's a slave?
Or is Armin right about her just having headaches and Eren is lying about her being a slave?

What the fuck are the headaches about?

GODner is SHITren el diablo perro uchiha’s FARMER

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Frieda had no hardening, no combat training, and a smaller titan.

Most people think that Eren is lying, but even so, what's his purpose in lying here? Why is he purposely trying to hurt Mikasa? Even if he wasn't lying, why did he hurt her?

It's Erenfags who think he can do things like creating fake memories or wiping them

Falco is a good boy

>So what Zeke saw was real
Falsememoryfag mass suicide when?

Have you seen that one calling her a cumdump for Eren? You shouldn't be surprised that so many of them care less about Historia as a character than about their ship potentially getting torpedo'd.

Erenfags are already commiting mass suicide, muh false memories was just their coping mechanism.

Eren is into ryona, obviously.

Attached: [DameDesuYo] Shingeki no Kyojin (Season 3 Part 2) - 55 (1920x1080 10bit AAC) [1C348D7A].mkv_snapshot (1920x1080, 837K)

How old is Mikasa now? Do you think she's still a virgin?

I hope the 104th don't cry over Eren. He doesn't deserve them.

>Frieda is smaller

By like 1m, I think, judging by that height chart.

>no hardening

Weird, because Rob had a ton of armor serum.

Eren was fighting for their sake as well.

Eren died a virgin but his corpse most definitely isn’t one.

They would have all been killed when Zeke titanized the soldiers if Onyankopen didn't free them.

Isn't that exactly the same question regardless of the father's identity?

Mikasa isn't a slave. She already thought he was dead once but she continued loving him, and even decided to not off herself just so she could continue loving and remembering him.

Why do you think he looked scared when he first saw Zeke on top of the wall?

What was Reiner thinking with the Falco thing? Even if Eren couldn't use the coordinate, Falco would still be easy prey for someone like him. Throwing away an experienced AT with some fight left in it for a rookie AT who probably wouldn't even be in fighting condition for a few hours is dumb. Reiner would only have bought him a few minutes of life.

>implying Eren didn't know that would happen because he is fully aware of all points in time simultaneously

got to update this

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So was she a whore or not? Was it ever confirmed?

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I never gave a fuck about Ymir so... no I guess.
Also I'm just being realist because Isayama don't give a fuck about romance and Eren only love is Gabi pussy.

You'll need to update it again now.

Maybe he wants to free her from the Ackerbond and if he were nice about it she'd just say "It doesn't matter, I still love you"

That's just predicting the eventual asspull


Garage sale titanzation serum vs premiun soldier titanzation serum

Whore for food only.

>How old is Mikasa now?
>Do you think she's still a virgin?
Does she look sexually satisfied to you?

Attached: Mikasa 112.png (567x473, 297K)

Update it with a crystallized Annie. She's been longer crystallized than she has been a character.

He's speaking as though he personally knows her, which is true for all intents and purposes: his speech isn't particularly rude or anymore familiar than how the 104th have adressed her, for eg. We also know Historia doesn't care much about formalities (her buddies have called her by her name in the middle of official meetings). Don't really see any particular implication from those lines outside of that.

Only for Nico's niku


>Armin is right there
That blind bitch

Isayama hasn't thought about the Ackerman bloodline or the slave shit at that point.

No, I'm just discussing the powers, not an Erenfag, stupid dyke

What do you mean?

Imagine their kinky sex involving various foods

You are disgusting, YHfag


the sweet embrace of death was so close, he wasn't thinking clearly

When do we get spoilers? In two weeks?


well put, mikasa

>Is this a refrence?
To the permutation technique in Naruto, yeah.

Attached: transposition.gif (360x270, 1.8M)

Runs after Eren who repeatedly treats her like shit and never considers Armin. I guess it's too late now. He has hots for Annie.

So instead of strawberries and whipped cream, you used mashed potatoes?

Attached: sasha_eats_potato.webm (1920x1080, 862K)

Wow, that sounded like pure deflecting. I'm also pretty sure no Erenfag thinks he raped Historia, either.

No. She already chose Armin over Eren this chapter

See? I told you sneed and YHfag joined to spam this shit

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An unconvenient moment.

It has been 1 month since she died. It looks like it has been 10 months, I couldnt stop crying. One friend adviced me to write this dairy to relief my pain, and for sure it does. Reminiscing those good times with Sasha helps a lot to heal. And healing is good. Writing about those moments of happiness, sadness, surprise, fear, and those funny moments I had with her helps.

This one, is none of them. Or it could be any of them. If by any chance you were daring enough to break into my privacy and read this dairy, I just want to let you know one thing: This is open to your own interpretation.

Anyway. It was a cool evening. We had been dating for, what? 3 months? That night, we were celebrating, precisely our 3-month anniversary, in the only way that could make us happy to both of us: A splendid diner. Ah! Tracks of happiness can still be found on my kitchen, those moments were we shared and play together, with playful comments or jokes forever printed on those walls. In a way, Sasha is inmortal because of that.

That night, we had an apple salad, lobster, Marleyan fries, and a whole cheesecake with blueberry jelly and homemade gelatto. Nothing less for my princess, nothing more that the best from my castle inside the walls: The excellency of my kitchen.

We already had sex. Twice to be exact. Her first time was cute. Her second time, a little more savage. That day, we planned to get on our third time. It was not that dangerous time of her month or whatever they call it here in the Walls. In Marley, we use an infused root to avoid getting babies. However, for some reason, it doesnt work on devi--- I mean, on Eldians.

After we cleaned up the table and washed all the dishes, the real dessert was still pending to be served. She ran upstairs, to my room, playfully and laughing.


You're not being realist if you genuinely believe there was any kind of rape involved, much less memory wipe. You're just being an idiot.

- Today's dessert: Me. So please, sit, make yourself comfortable, and eat with pleasured- says Sasha, trying to keep her bangs out of her face while trying to turn her head to make eyes contact with me. This new haircut suits her so nice, I have to thank that Hacker-something girl for giving her that idea.

I was going to took off my clothes, but just inmediatly she begged to keep my cook attires. She confessed she had a fetish, and who I am to deny the best girl on the world such innocent wish?

Carefully, I started licking the frosting around her neck. Softly, heavily sniffing the skin around, with small and delicate bites, more like pinching with my teeths, carefully enough to not hurt her, but firm enough to make her squeak silently.

And then, I started going down her back. I can feel she put some chocolate chips down the frosting, that surprised me for a moment. I responded that gesture with an aggresive kiss just up on her butt cheeks. I couldnt resist, and left her a bite. Usually she would scold me but, in this case, it seems she liked it since she squealed like a aroused mice. She was enjoying herself.

It was time to get down to business. First, I took the cherry held it for a moment. Then, I licked the frosting, but just on the surface. With some of that frosting on my tongue, I carefully smeared that frosting with just the tip of my tongue around the inner walls of her upper cheeks.

So it's just good old NTR?

kek, now draw a red bloody line on eren’s neck indicating that he’s beheaded and add long hair to it

>Eren with his head

But it was not deep enough. No, this was barely the surface. I needed help. And so I got help: I put the cherry just outside of her final gate, and started pushing slowly, slowly, slowly, softly. Sometimes I would heavily inhale the sweet aroma of that frosting that moments ago was on her fairly beautiful ass. One moment later, the cherry was diving on the unknown, and so did my tongue. Clearly, Sasha prepared this for me, because no waste or dirt of any kind could be found so far. I trusted her, and my tongue wanted a deeper taste. I kept pushing that cherry inside her, my tongue moving like a powerful drill around those inside walls.

And then, it happened. A roar. No, not just a roar. And echoing roar like a salvage wave, barring anything on the coast, like a tsunami. Something was not Ok. But, I didnt have time enough to think or act. Before I could tell, I could feel the cherry pushing my tongue, and then an really really really awful taste. The Dead Sea, a rotten water with the most dirty colours you can think, was springing from that formerly divine dry fountain. The cherry, on the top of my head, had something brown that was not chocolate. Rather, it looked what chocolate looks like after 6 months. My cook attire could be as well taken to clean the toilet. My girlfriend was blushing. I was smiling.

I forgot she can only eat fresh lobster for dinner. Anything else may result in an unconvenient moment.

it was only pure

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Where's Zeke and Pieck?

Update it with Reiner pointing a gun at his head.


>Taking shitpost seriously
Are you ok user ?

Yes, AA = NO

Yes she did

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Of course

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Reminder that Isayama speaks english and that it's likely he's shitposting in this thread right now

Armin and Mikasa will marry. Armin will be Emperor

How? When?

Who's that man on the left?

It's true. I'm Isayama.

Zeke doesn't have a lower body

I think that user meant Mikasa already chose Armin over Eren by going with Armin instead of going to Eren

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Zii doesn't want to hurt Pii

Man, this season is just so sad. Why does everything have to be ruined with no explanation as to why anything is happening?

>The rail opening was 10 months ago.
>Eren was in marley for at least 1 month
>Eren in jail for another month
>Levi says Historia got still a few months
Seems like Eren impregnated Historia 2 or 3 months before he went to Marley.


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Eren only treated her like shit when she did the same to him and now recently with the slave shit.

That's no reason to go decide that she might as well grow sexual feelings for her other close friend.

you don't say?

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>Still no Zeke and Pieck
My dear little user

Mikasa deserves a man taller(and more handsome)

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Before going to Marley

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NS was too pure for this cruel and imperfect world

So you're telling me he wouldn't have got his head blasted off if he didn't sperg at her?

You actually think Mikasa was as much of a cunt as Eren was in 112?

So why is Eren such a massive prick this arc?

Cringe Jean self inserter

yeah probably more of the second one. i imagine she still loves him but feels like she should try to stop if he hates her. thats the beauty of leaving it vague, though, we're free to fill it in with all the nuance of real human emotion instead of being told that its some shitty flat motivation

Why does he run? Because we have to chase him. Because he can take it.

Suck me off,AMfat.

The cursed king was kind to everyone so he has to balance it out

he's just pretending to be, to save his friends.

sorta like how lelouch pretended to be evil

>I'll always wrap this scarf around you

Now that I think about it, does this mean Eren wants to hang Mikasa?

Attached: sad_mikasa.webm (1100x1080, 1.25M)

Why are EHfags so retarded?

Because he wants to genocide the world to protect his people but he knows his moralfag friends won't allow him to do that.

The father

Could have or could've not. No one predicted Falco becoming the JT after all.

It's just making me sad that Eren who said this is now hurting Mikasa. I don't even ship them, it's just really fucking sad.

It's some "I'm mean to my friends to protect them" shit.

have they even explained that serum yet? why do they have serum for hardening when armored titan and female already can do it? and possibly hammer as well. why wouldnt they give it to every titan under their control? a hardening colossus titan would be unstoppable

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It makes sense for Eren to shit on his friends. Wouldn't it be way worse if he told them he wants to save everyone only to backstab them and do the rumble? Eren knows they will never accept it so he doesn't even bother to explain himself.

dont they want the rumble, though? it only makes sense if he thinks they wont accept the euthanasia plan, or if he thinks he'll die pulling it off or something

>It's just making me sad that Eren is now hurting Mikasa.

so little faith in eren you have. he said it because he had to, not because he wanted to. he still loves her more than anything.

just you wait, it won't be long before we see eren and mikasa together for good.

Happy now

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they want a small scale rumbling not a full rumbling

Talking about when they used to bicker during the trainee days

The name of the farmer is Eren.

They only want a small rumble. Eren wants the full.scale one with the world getting fucked.

If the world didn't want to get fucked, why did they try to exterminate the Eldians? Really stupid if you ask me.

Annie will btfo Eren

She chose to go help her country and Eren for that matter by attacking the titan that was sniping Eren.

She didn't decide to go just to be near Armin, you deluded shipfag.

dumb EAfat

>EAfat when i literally imply she will whoop Eren's ass again

aw dude 4 str 4 stam leather belt? AHHHHH

>If the world didn't want to get fucked, why did they try to exterminate the Eldians?
That's basically the plot right now. If they just stopped attacking Eldians none of this would be happening.

Yeah but their ancestors euthanized billions though so it's okay, right?

The EAfat is a retard that has been claiming for years that his waifu could still beat his self insert even despite the hardening, the 4 more years of experience, and the warhammer because she is so badass and pretty.

Go find him so you can both share your delusions.

Right here.

Yes yes everything that is not Eren fucking Mankasa (your selfinsert) is selfinserting


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He isn't wrong you know

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>he still loves her more than anything.
I fucked Historia.

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>double speedreader
Willy's speech and Karl's actions confirm the Eldians did in fact do all that shit.

It sure does look like a Jean self inserter's dick

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Holy kek saved

Even Jeanbo and Connie could beat Annie now

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Even Armin too holy kek.

It's only happening because Paradis decided it was a good idea to attack Liberio, a city full of Eldians, instead of taking a diplomatic approach to the problem. Tybur's speech meant nothing since I know you're gonna bring that up. He got people excited but that excitement wouldn't last a few days after people started to calm down and think things over. He said himself that Marley needed that attack to take place before anyone would actually commit to war.

I want Laina to clog me with his cum

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>hm, I had thunderspears, but that wasn't enough
>what new weapons could I come up with this time?
>ah, let's have MULTIPLE thunderspears!

My fucking sides

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To be fair anyone with odm gear can destroy any titan. Levior Mikasa would obliterate Eren

Mikasa Arlert

i just caught up with about the last years' worth of chapters, holy hell what a ride. there's one thing i thought would be touched upon that hasn't yet though, and that's the details of ymir's time in marley. it's still a little weird to me that we've gotten so little information about that. they could leave it as is and it wouldn't really cause any problems, but it just seems to me like one of those points that could be made relevant again in the future

If anything it seems that they've tried to erase Ymir from the story as much as they could.

The last time anyone mentioned her was to say that she was shit at using her titan compared to Porco.

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Mikasa Jaeger

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Annie Arlert and Mikasa Arlert

Annie Fubar! Beru beru!

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I don't like how everybody was just standing around while they were grappling.

Why would anyone choose to self insert as Armin?

After this is all over Jean will find a nice lady and start a family

Fuck AA, ArminxMikasa is beautiful and should happen

Yes it is. Now suck it

Their blades couldn't do shit to Reiner's armor until Hanji figured out that it must have some weak spots.


Enjoy Armin's rock cumming sessions instead.

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Armin's harem yes

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They already knew that, though. Eren only wrestled Reiner because he was told there were gaps in the armour. Knowing that, they should've all been cutting ankles and hamstrings.

I'm afraid I don't have a ministraw for that

He is a cute trap like me

>Annie's been longer as a crystal than she's been a character

Attached: annie_laughing.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

Because he's a pretty boy I miss his bob cut so fucking much

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Fuck off erwinlevimod

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>IP count
This is embarrassing.

How many fucking fake-out deaths are there going to be in this final arc alone. Come on, man.

>it's been 7 years, the manga is in its final arc and her fags are still latching on to hopes that she'll get to be relevant

That's now annie she wasn't drawn with a disgusting jew hook nose in this panel

>Isayama's awful non blue eyed Armin

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Isn't that just the scene where she tells Hisu that she knows her secret in the snow?

Based ZMchad

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>Not wanting to cum over Annie's jew nose

no because everyone on Yea Forums is a master at story telling and every manga and anime in existence is just total dog shit because it doesn't follow their retarded theories.


AMchads will win

He's right though, she never achieved anything lol. Having a kid and staying at home is the bar minimun a married woman can do.
It's also heavily implied that Grisha didn't even love her, she's just another cog in his plan inside the walls.
Compare Dina to Carla, it's like day and night (revolutionary royal woman vs random bar slut)

Why hasn't anybody in the manga been racist towards Onyakopon? In fact, why were black dignitaries invited at all to the world meeting?

Well, since the Marley arc started:
>114 with "ZEKE AND MANLET ARE DEAD!!!!"


The faggot is in the wrong. Earth is just a piece of dust in the enormous universe. His "greatness" amounts to absolutely nothing in the astronomical scale of things.

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I guess because they are both brocon Erenfags?

heavily implied? what are you on about? he begs freida with tears in his eyes to save his WIFE and son. there is zero evidence he didn't love her when he had real concern for both of them in that moment, not just eren. if anything, it's obvious he never loved mikasa, obviously, although the signs are there that he probably molested her a bunch of times

Annie is rabu
Annie is raifu
Annie is raitu
Anne is waifu
Annie's nose is greater than the known universe

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So who was technically right? Did the titans really cause serious damage 1700 years ago or just the mainland making shit up to control the titans? What if Eren just want to revive those memories?

How KINO would it be if the final chapter comes out on the same day as the final episode?

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Cute and canon

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How can they animate material that isn't even out?

You replied to a shitpost from someone that wanted to get a "t. Dina" or "calm down, Dina" reply.

As for Mikasa, he says "my wife and children" not "my wife and son" when he begs Frieda for help so he definitely ended up caring for Mikasa as if she were her own child.

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Magath is the patrician's favorite character

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>amounts to nothing
>people not realizing that the author put this shit in the manga because his speech is what subconsciously inspired Eren to be the way he is.
true hero of the manga right there

>Is upset about Marco's death
>Starts laughing when she's about to kill a bunch of people
Is Isayama a hack? Annie does so much sadistic shit like this? Rememebr when she spun that guy around like a yoyo instead of giving him a humane death? We're expected to believe she's just sympathetic villain only reluctantly killing people? Psycho bitch. The nose knows.

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>Both are Erenfags
>Both desperately hang on to the family they have left
>Both wear a keepsake from the person who gave their life meaning
>Zeke is cute and feminine, Mikasa is a strong amazonian
>Both philosophies are about how to deal with their cruel world
>Zeke thinks it's not worth living in this cruel world
>Mikasa thinks there is beauty that makes life worth living
ZM is the plot.

new thread with no shipfaggotry in the OP

Z-Zeke is not femenine!

Eren is a hot blooded retard tho. What he uses for "inspiration" means jack shit.

Doesn't change the fact that she was a bar slut and got eaten like some trash character lol

Seethe more incel

Oh, that makes sense

Fucking this.

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Didn't that happen with fma?

well at least HER son and not that dumb cunt dinas will go on to actually save their people. how does it feel knowing that dumb cunt dinas son is so polarized against their ideology he is going to willfully euthanize his own race?

kek what a fucking idiot mankasafat

How do they determine how many episodes to make if the final chapter isn't out by the time the anime is airing?

Isayama never planned Annie's backstory that far back when Annie started slaughtering innocents and laughed about it.


If I make it will people actually post in it or will they post in the samefagging shipping thread?

There's one already

Formerly Chuck's

It is kind of hilarious that her backstory appeared to be something mysterious and interesting that would later be told in multiple chapters and now it's clear that it was just that her dad was a wannabe restorationist that got cold feet after he found out about the 13 year curse.

She cried and apologized to the corpses in Trost before the FT arc, her being sad isn't something Isayama decided on later. Also that guy died instantly, at most you can just say that she mutilated his corpse. He was an enemy soldier who made threats against her seconds before that.

You're stupid

>the final audio is of the series climax, not necessarily the ending or final chapter

Isayama is a hack

they must at least try to save her or something, it would be mental if she just stayed in the crystal all the way to the end

right, except she was never actually in danger from him, and showing that disrespect to the corpse if still pretty sketchy regardless of whether he felt it or not

i love my wife

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theres definitely stuff he didnt plan. but theres also stuff he clearly did. like reiner giving annie directions to eren was clearly intentional, but then you have zeke and annie both portrayed as sympathetic now but completely sadistic at the time. i mean, zeke will probably triple cross eren or something anyway, but im rewatching the anime and in the first ep of s2, zeke just lets the survey corps no.2 guy get mauled to death with no issue, as if he barely recognises the death. theres no need for him to act the part when its just one guy whos gonna die

he has 5 different people inside his head whispering at him plus the fucking titan looks like can influence the holder so

>he didn't get the memo about the wordplay

5? founder, attack, hammer...?

Frieda, Grisha, Kruger, Lady Tybur and...?

Grisha, Lady Tybur, Owl, Frieda, King Fritz(?)