Ask a guy who has seen every Lupin III series/movies anything

Ask a guy who has seen every Lupin III series/movies anything

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Other urls found in this thread:

Is Cagliostro a bad Lupin entry? Answer wisely.

As someone who's only watched the TV series, are the specials any good? Is it one of those "They're all enjoyable with good qualities, but some are weaker than the others" or are there outright shit specials that you should not waste any time on?

How hyped are you for The First?

Why is Jigen so hot?

no it's the best
I started with it

Why is OP always and eternally a faggot?

The specials are higher quality than the TV seasons. Better writing, set pieces and go more all out.

Congrats you watched everything and learnt nothing.

Mamo - top tier or shit tier?

some of them are good, others not
I don't think any of them are better than parts IV and V

Looks good, I don't want to wait 16 months to see it


I thought it was good, maybe the third best movie after Fuuma and Cagliostro

A decent proof of concept. Hemingway's better in every way.

Would Lupin and Tintin get along?

Miyazaki Lupin perhaps. Tintin would have to outwit 1960's Lupin.

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After the obvious (Cagliostro, Parts IV and V, the Koike movies) what would you suggest people check out?

Where do a begginer that has never seen lupin start?

I know Lupin is a pulpy plot-driven franchise, but did any of the anime ever try to dig deeper into the characterization of Lupin and the others?

This is not my thread. But start with the original anime series if you want how the character changes.

Part I

Part V

Castle of Cagliostro

what compelled you to do it, waste your life like that?

what are the must see movies and what are the ones that should be skipped?

Green vs. Red was a low point for me.

Do you prefer Zenigata as a worthy adversary for Lupin or as a comedic foil?

how many hours do you think you spent watching? it could be calculated i guess but i’m more curious about your perception of the time

Who's your favorite character and why is it Jigen?

Cagliostro, Fuma clan, Red vs Blue, Lupin vs Conan the movie, Nostadamus, Twilight Gemini

The rest is not important

A mix of both


What's your opinion on The Woman Called Fujiko Mine?

Have been avoiding based on director.

What are the best Goemon stories? He seems out of place or sidelined a lot of the time

Is the longer seasons (the ones with 100+ episodes) episodic or do they have actual storylines?

Which is the best Fujiko design in your opinion?

episodic for the most

This seties doesn't exist

Fuma Clan

The only series with 100+ epusodes is part II, it's mostly episodic but has some two parters

Part V episode 5

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Why is Goemon so cute?

Can you fill out a chart from this thread with Lupin characters? Chaotic good , lawful evil etc

I could, but I won't.

should i get into it


t. contrarian faggot

im going to watch some Lupin media rn which should it be?

>This seties doesn't exist

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Not OP but Jigen's Gravestone and Goemon's Bloodspray

Shit rules

The first series (green jacket) is mostly solid, holds up surprisingly well
Second series (red jacket) has over 100 episodes and it's very hit or miss. Miyazaki directed two episodes that are fantastic.
Third (pink jacket) is also kind of hit or miss and it does get really zany and cartoony (which i enjoy)
Fujiko Mine (2012) is edgy as fuck, at first i hated it but after watching it a second time i actually really enjoy it
Part IV (set in italy) just sucks
Didn't watch Part V yet

Gold of Babylon

>This seties doesn't exist

t. Miyazaki drone

Shit man those movies are so fucking awesome
The gore caught me off guard, didn't expect Lupin of all things to show exposed muscles


>Part IV (set in italy) just sucks

That's some real shit taste you got there user

Cagliostro, then parts IV and V

They suck

The fujiko series doesn't exist
>Part IV (set in italy) just sucks

take a hike

What's the best order to watch them all? Logically it'd be by release date + movies maybe that doesn't apply here.

Also if I can't watch everything due to time constraint, what are the mandatory viewing to get into Lupin?

>They suck

Look OP I'm not gonna tell you how to live your life but if you don't think that shit is tight get out of my face

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Which Zenigata charactisation do you like the best?

lol. The only "order" in Lupin is Part IV followed by Part V. You can watch anything else from there. Stay away from Green vs. Red, though. It's shit.

I think taking single shot pistols to fights isn't particularly clever.

Why do you keep making this thread? Are you that lonely and starved for attention? Is watching all of Lupin III your sole achievement in life?

How did you not fall asleep? I gave it an honest shot, I really did. Much of the animation was great (in the newer ones, at least), the music was great, and the girls were cute. But it was just so damn boring. Weeaboo Pink Panther, which, for the record, I didn't find enjoyable either.

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what do you think of the koike movies?

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Part IV is pretty bad, the overarching plot and the new forced characters are garbage
In fact Part V had the decency to do smaller arcs and throw in classic episodes

The one in Cagliostro where he's both goofy but also a good cop that knows his job
Lately he's been either too goofy or too serious

>tfw still no Koike Zenigata movie

I think i hate Koike's Zenigata
Even compared to the manga nigga's way too serious, might as well call him Inspector Callahan

To be fair he didn't get much exposure in Jigen and Goemon ones. Haven't watched Fujiko's yet.

In Fujiko not only he's overwhelmingly serious, he also straight up tries to murder Lupin in their first encounter

Koike didn't write that, he was just the char designer.

How do I... become a rapist? It is my duty, my calling, to rape and kill.

this is like the 5th time you brainlets keep asking the same question on this very thread

I am not going to reply to this again.


If you're going to make the very same thread everytime, expect the very same replies everytime. You utter fucking retard.

good, koike is garbage

Where to start and is it worth bothering with?

Who cares? If you don't want to answer the same questions, create a blog or something, you attention-seeking faggot.

I'm glad we agree.

just scroll up and you'll have your answer you donkey

sneed yourself

Did you read all The mangas!?

Let's say that hypothetically someone decided to reprint the manga in English. Would you buy two volume collection with hardback covers and color pages?

Never Gonna happen Just give me fantranslations

Have you seen every Lupin II and Lupin IX?

Buy the new italians one, scan them, and translation will happen overnight

It's amazing. Whing all you want about Miyazaki's interpretation of the characters, it's a visual masterpiece.

Anything of that caliber should be considered a welcome entry to any series.

There's no point in a fancy package if you ruin what's inside. Good film? For sure. Good Lupin entry? No way.



Do I have to watch the Fujiko show for context for the Jigen and Goemon movies?

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I liked most of Part IV's standalone episodes and even the early plot episodes, it's just the final arc that really sucks. Although I did enjoy the new characters.

Zenigata does try to shoot to kill Lupin in several episodes of early Part I. Although, yeah, even there he's kind of comedic. I think the last time it happens is in the episode about the fake Lupins who trained with a manual left by Arsene Lupin. (He technically shoots one of the fakes, but thinking it was Lupin III).

Posting objective rankings for posterity.

>Top Tier
Part 1
Mystery of Mamo
Pilot film
Topcraft episodes from Part 2

>Great Tier
Castle of Cagliostro
Fuma Conspiracy
Mine Fujiko to Iu Onna
Farewell to Nostradamus
Voyage to Danger
Part 5

>Good Tier
Part 4
non Topcraft episodes from Part 2
Koike movies
Bye Bye Liberty
Dragon of Doom
Hemingway Papers
From Russia with Love
Napoleon's Dictionary
Harimao's Treasure

>Okay Tier
Part 3
Green vs Red
First Contact
Dead or Alive

>Don't Bother Tier
anything else

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>Good Lupin entry? No way.
Why? Elaborate, not for the sake of argument I'm just curious as to why you think that.

Being a Lupin the 3rd fan isn't measured in quantity of cartoons watched, but if you have a Lupin graffiti on your rolldown gate

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Pffft, pleb.

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It's like Italy is a whole nation of weebs. No wonder they are such failures

Good taste

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Don't be mistaken, Lupin wasn't treated like anime as we mean it here.
You can tell why he would be popular here though, it strikes all the cultural spots.

The crew is benchend and Lupin acts like a fullfledged white knight.

the fujiko series doesn't exist

stop replying to him


Fujiko rager is still at it.

Who are the best and worst "Lupin heroines"? I don't mean Fujiko, I meant the girls introduced to serve as waifubait/plot devices for movies/seasons.

They're all shit and the same, Rebecca is the worst simply by virtue of having the most screen time.

Rebecca is the worst by virtue of being insufferable and unironically a mary sue. Thankfully she only got 3 frames in part V.

Hijacking this question to ask whether the Jigen and Goemon movies are worth watching if I didn't like the Fujiko series. I have no problem with Lupin being dark and gritty but the writing in Fujiko was shit and I hate what they did to Zenigata.

Koike didn't write the Fujiko serie, he was only the char designer.
Those film are definetly worth a watch.

You're a retard, Koike is a great director.

If your issue was the writing, then they're honestly worse in my opinion. The Jigen one was kind of boring, and the Goemon one is just edgy nonsense. At least the Fujiko show had all that trippy owl cult stuff.

Visually stunning, with a fun story. The pyramid episode was really good.

Pretty sure the Fujiko Mine director was Sayo Yamamoto


He's talking about Okada. I think the serie is good.

Okada didn't direct it you fucking idiot. Neither did Koike.

Where to start?

How well do you handle older anime?

Pilot film, series 1, Castle of Cagliostro, Mystery of Mamo
Then just anything that looks interesting to you.

Why haven't you killed yourself yet, faggot?

They're still making new Lupin content

Castle of Cagliostro, Parts IV & V, part I, Fuma Clan

Ami > Clarisse > Rebecca

fujiko a trash

It's a great movie but it doesn't stay true to what kind of character Lupin is. I'd say Mamo is the movie were Lupin acts closest to his manga counterpart.

which do you prefer, Osumi directed or Miyazaki directed part 1 episodes? This goes for anyone

Osumi. I love the chill but edgy tone of his episodes.

did you watch exclusively in the superior japanese sub? if not fuck off

Is it kino?

Also how is the Fujiko Mine series and movies?

Fujiko series is a 10/10 and only philistine retards will tell you it's bad. It's easily the best written Lupin media and animation is beautiful.
The films are gorgeous and fun but the writting is not on the level of the series. 100% worth watching for the animation alone.

Osumi by far.

did you watch the movie at Japan Expo?

I actually haven’t seen any Lupin media yet. Should I start out with that?

No, start with season 1 or 4/5 if you're a fag who can't handle classic anime. 4 is pretty bad every time it's not episodic though.

Which is the best film for a newcomer?

The legend of mamo

I started watching a short while ago, started with part 1, got to episode 62 of part 2 and am now watching mystery of mamo, this shit is fucking great, it's my favorite anime by now, but does the music ever get as good as part 1, does anything ever get as good as part 1?

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I want to add something: today I have watched about 15 hours of Lupin with some pauses

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The OSTs mostly shift to jazz after part 1. It's p good but it lacks the moodiness/beatnik feel part 1 had. Part 4/5 and some of the movies and specials are close to 1 in tone at least. 4/5 are a good balance of silly/serious imo.

Too bad about the music, it's still great but it doesn't beat part 1 to me, when should I watch that OVA with Pycal? I really miss that dude, so far I'm watching everything chronologically and will continue to do so unless you tell me it's fine to watch that OVA


You have shittaste mate

Are you Italian?

Drink hot lava
