I know Yea Forums hates Shiburin but you can't deny the impact she's had on the enjo kosai genre

I know Yea Forums hates Shiburin but you can't deny the impact she's had on the enjo kosai genre.

Attached: 1538972576281.png (1200x1001, 588K)

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>enjo kosai
Uh, in English, doc?

my fists are going to have an impact on your fat fucking face if you spread this mean spirited rumor again.

>I know Yea Forums hates Shiburin

You do know her clothes are referencing amuro nami

lurk more faggot

Delinquent genre

Maybe "dislike" would be a better word.

isn't this an idol master character? what does it have to do with enjo kosai? is this show really not fluff????

hi, i'm Yea Forums and i love shiburin