Everything is in her head. Lala doesn't exist, Fuwa is just a toy, Elena and Madoka feel uncomfortable and avoid her in the school
Other urls found in this thread:
Did Emiru get brain damage between episodes or something?
Silly user, my wife is not a toy
Elena know how to handle girls and boys.
Is this a GoPri reference?
Bamco confirmed for bros
Karen is the 5th princess
She became a hero.
HaChads: you know what to do.
You know what Precure needs? It needs more explosions.
Just tell me what to do and I'll do it. Also, between this poll and the Pazurun one what's Toei planning to do? The next all stars will be about the most popular Cures or there's going to be a special Twinkle episode with the popular Cures? Perphas astronaut Tsubomi
Her "coolness" certainly seems implausible enough that, of all the seasons, this does seem the most delusional. But Toei wouldn't do that to her.
She'll get an episode soon right? Right?
>You need to type up the reasoning for your choices
Too much effort
>ten years later
>still the best redeemed Cure
I want that so much.
ten years later and flesh is still the beast season overall
Are we voting for something? How to make HaCha win.
All faith lost in Japan if HapCha actually wins
go back
I did my part for the superior show one year earlier.
Come on, you can spare one minute to google translate something. That'd be fine, it's Precure, they'll just think you're a three year old if your Japanese is unreadable.
Go back where?
I would like an ep or special featuring the extra cures that have appeared so far, maybe as a secret cure squadron. Probably with the resurection of Dark as a plot, in order to stop the revival of Sabaaku or something.
>Infini (yes, they too.)
The Pazurun one is normal, it's going to be used to help decide which characters get 5* cards. Just like popularity polls for every other gacha game ever. No point putting out extra-super-duper rares if they're not of characters that people will whale for.
The NHK poll is more unusual, I have no clue why that would exist separately. Maybe Toei really is interested in mixing up the All Stars formula again, who knows.
I miss Regina.
So guys, where is the sekret link for Miracle Universe ? Some dude already uploaded scene from it ,so it must be available somewhere
Is this an accurate summary of the show?
>big Hikaru and Lala
>medium Yuni by their side
>smaller, side-lined Madoka and Elena
No. Yuni and Madoka are both at the very least tied with Lala at this point, maybe even ahead. And Elena might as well not be on there at all.
I want to make babies with Hikaru. Will his dad let me?
What did she mean by this?
So theres these 4 voting categories, Series & movies in general, Cures/main characters, secondary characters/special cures (Ex: Mofurun and CureMofu are counted as the same in this category) and insert songs/themes.
And all of that seems to amount to what i imagine is gonna be the CureOscars this september 14th.
Shits weird as heck, yo.
Maybe it's finally time to get old and busted Witchy Precure off of the Olympics lineup and choose a replacement!
Gee Elena, how come your mom lets you have three sausages?
Very sasuga.
I know you are trolling, but im pretty sure they already changed the cures representing the olympics.
Personally, they should have stuck with Black & White only.
I was joking about calling it old and busted (I enjoyed Maho), but I actually didn't know they'd already changed them. I assume it's the Twinkles now? I'll have to google that, thanks for the heads-up.
Explain yourself /pc/
Is Hikaru cool?
hikaru's dad is too busy chasing bigfoot to care
No. She's adorable, but not cool. Everything she says and does is firmly on the cute side of the spectrum.
I wanna do something like this to my f150 but with Doremi
The coolest
She's not cool, but she is still great anyway.
Damn, Mexican half-breeds look like THAT? Maybe that trip was worth it after all.
She's twincool.
They don't make it very easy to find, but the online store has a T-shirt with Mirai and Riko, and another with Nonohana.
Did everyone vote
>European parliamentary elections
I sleep
>Precure popularity poll
Real shit?
Where is the form? Tell me what buttons to push so I can Google translate my response?
The big colored buttons
The first one is favorite series
The 2nd is Favorite Cure
The 3rd is favorite character
And the 4th is favorite music
That link takes you to four giant coloured buttons. Each is a poll.
>Favourite entry in the franchise
Takes you to a list of each TV show and movie, with logos. Click on the logo of your favourite and it'll bring up a summary, etc. with a huge button at the bottom. Click that to confirm.
That takes you to boxes.
>why you chose it / thoughts on it
>your nickname
>your age
>your sex (left is male, right is female, no option for Yuni huh I see how it is Toei you racists)
>where in Japan you live (pick whatever)
Next is the terms and conditions. Click the checkbox without reading as usual, then click the pink button on the right to submit. The other grey button is to reset.
>Favourite Cure
Pretty much the same. Pick the series, then the Cure, then fill in the same boxes as before.
>Favourite side character
Same as Cure.
>Favourite song
Same. It seems to only list OPs/EDs/inserts, not character songs sadly.
>where in Japan you live (pick whatever)
The last option ćĽćŹĺ˝ĺ¤ is for filthy gaijins.
But you don't want them to throw out your vote, do you?
Gaijins get a free pass this year thanks to Star Twinkle and its anti-xenophobia themes.
I'm not sure if I should be happy or sad, provided that Japanese xenophobia is the reason anime is so good in the first place
It's too mendokusee
Thank you, anonymous.
čăă§ă is all the reason I ever needed
Nah, this sort of ultimate poll is just something that NHK does from time to time with mainstream anime franchises, likely to justify those TV license fees.
The likes of Gundam and Macross had similar polls recently.
I love Plonk.
As much as I like elena and Madoka design maybe this show would work better with three precures
HaCha, Honey. Kaoru, and Shubidubi Sweets
Star Twinkle works fine with Madoka and Elena. This is nowhere near a KiraKira situation.
Let's get rid of anything good and entertaining if it's not necessary (and what is necessary is arbitrarily decided by me).
god i want her to step on me
Will we get to see other actors trying to support their character in these polls?
Also, this is hard, the fact that you can only choose one of each. I wanted to give my support to both Mofurun, Kumata and Cook, we are talking about 42 series/movies, 60 cures, 900+ characters and 64 songs here. It is a big number and just being allowed to choose one of each feels a bit restricted. And A LOT of characters wont even have a vote.
You have fine taste. Honoka is among the top precures to be stepped on by.
Stop whining and vote.
Hikaru's dress looks really cute there, so Kirayaba!
I want to conquer that girl. Honoka still the best.
>the fact that you can only choose one of each
You are limited to one show, but you may choose three favourite Cures, three favourite non-Cures, and three favourite songs.
Any other adult girls watching this?
What? How do you choose more than one? As soon as you click on an option it takes you to the page with the form to explain why. Why would they let you pick three favorite cures, or songs, or side character, but only from the same series?
I'm a adult girl.
>adult girl
I'm one of those two things
Yes, I'm 22 year old adult girl (male) and I love Precure
Oh I also have a really hard cock and I love Mana like lots
Totally adult little magical girl.
hello Lala
I'm a mahou shoujo by heart
No, not (necessarily) from the same series. It seems you can choose one favourite show, and up to three favourite Cures, up to three favourite non-Cures, and up to three favourite songs.
My quality of life has drastically increased ever since I downloaded Kirakira's and Ryusoulger'sED and listen to it on a regular basis.
Is Hana the first Woke precure or was there someone before?
Shubidubi Sweets Time? It's actually impossible to listen to without shaking your butt.
It's usually better to stick with dog whistles.
Not the nasty kind, though.
Where's the bunny butt to accompany the song?
It's been too long, but I'm sure Madoka would understand.
how'd you get a picture of my car?
>blackmailing Lala to keep the existence of aliens secret
Madoka is growing up to be a fine leader!
Brilliant, Madoka can be the leader while Hikaru is the Xenomorph Queen giving birth to Lala and Yuni's wonderful lovely babies.
What are they doing?
Something wonderful.
Emiru is the cutest Hugtto
I want to do math with Yuuko.
Most big friends on Japan are girls but the male otakus are more vocal, spend way more money on merchandise and they're very demanding with the product (muh purity) so they're more noticeable
Rin is already best Yes5
The entire Kirakira soundtrack is amazing.
Is everyone excited for the next kamen rider season?
I still haven't finished Build
Yeah, a bunch of them already have. Hibiku Yamamura is probably gay for Kirara. twitter.com
Fuwafuwa time is coming
They forgot to upload previews on curesta.
How long does the poll go for and when do they publish the results?
Will one of the Fuwas is going to be her human form? Please
until 8/31
Fuwa Fuwari.
You wouldn't fuck Fuwa right anons?
Sorry user, but she is my wife
That's so far from now. I should have thought about it more first. Oh well.
Nice OST.
Hugotto is better than I expected.
If it weren't for my sentimental attachment to my favorite season I would have vote for it as the best season.
Hugtto is definitely one of the better Precure shows. Hana is a great pink.
Hugtto should've ended on ep18. I don't remember anything past that.
Hugtto is a show that i have to rewatch because im not sure if i like it or not But i definitely love Hana
>tfw a new episode today
God I wanna smell Hana
Stop it Hana makes me really hard guys! Still don't understand why this simple girl does this to me errrrr!
You're getting into the meatiest part.
It definitely took some risks.
Cats like high places.
Rare flying cat.
falling with style cat.
you alright buddy?
>It's lonely at the top..
I love how her face looks there.
>pal friend
Previous post is a wojak undergone severe plastic surgery while drinking seven up
Next post is an infomercial for insecticide
They're a Canadian, don't mind. So am I eh
Canadian precures when?
>So am I eh
>Canadian precures when?
Jesus what manner of 90's browser you're using?
I want future Hana to meet other future Hana so bad. I want them outfit exchange together.
This picture is not accurate please delete.
In what way? Care to explain my pal friend?
You have learned nothing, is that so?
Custard is so cute.
I wish Uni would be furry all the time instead of fake human. Do you think she will at least be shown to spend the rest of her days in her natural furry form at the end of the last episode?
I want to her in her Idol form, but that wont happen. and i also want her to be a furry from time to time, they need to do something with it
I'm confident that Toei will send the right message to children and never, ever have her use that form again, especially in the epilogue.
>my pal friend?
Okay fine it's me, please don't delete and this is what I meant.
Yes, Precure should have a cute Canadian like this one!
It's not accurate in that Pikario isn't in his cure form because HE DESERVES TO BE A CURE GODDAMNIT
>>And that's nice.
I'm sorry for being mean to you fellow little girl.
Dorothy's cuter.
and here i thought the organizers of the poll were stupid by including characters that are just mentions (aka. we never see them)
girls don't watch precure, they only buy the colorful toys
>villain calls heroes out on blindly following tradition and essentially harassing a poor bird just because everyone else does it
>"lol nah it loves being chased out of town every year, it just had a cavity that's all"
at least the reward for catching the thing being the magic of dental hygiene was funny I guess.
Are they wearing donuts? And poor Yuni is still feeling down.
Felice (NOT Haa), should have had more silly episodes like that one.
>Hikaru not wearing donuts.
Fuck off user
low budget drive cosplay
We should all watch Drive
It should have been Hikaru and Madoka, they are the go-to donut girls. Goes to show how the staff loves shoving oyorun into roles that should be have been given to other girls (like the episode with Elena's brother or last week)
when im done with Fourze. And i have to finish OOO first
Now I want Madoka to make Hikaru pregnant.
I hope Elena gets a chance to help out Yuni. Something like that should be right up Elena's alley.
I wish we got more Hikaruposting that isn't about her fucking.
Bro it's /pc/ get over it or ignore.
So many cute wifes
I want Hikaru to wear a spacesuit. Kirayaba~!
Thanks for this. I voted.
I just typed it in English and said my nip was terrible.
it'll probably get tossed out but whatever
seems as if you just have to go through it 3 times for your 3 votes
Lewd Star butt.
Youâd think that Hikaru would wear something like this. Although wearing Lalaâs various clothes would work just as good if not better.
Post Hikaru wearing Lalaâs outfits
Already seen it, good stuff though. Probably a top 5 contender. Gonna watch Den-O when I finish the precure I'm watching right now though.
I would also like to watch this movie very much!
>Reasons and memories I chose
>please tell me
>(Less than 200 characters) Required
I don't speak, much less write japanese.
then write in english
good idea, lets meme this shit
Nigger goes in every field
>Prefecture (Required)
I don't think they want people who aren't Japanese
Scroll down to the bottom and there's an option for 'outside japan'.
Can't find it anywhere.
>click on choose your prefecture
>scroll to the very bottom option, which is japanese for 'from outside japan'
It's not hard you fucking Hime.
Ah, I'm pretty sure that's for Japanese people living outside of Japan, user.
just do it you weeb
I'd rather not. I don't want to cause some assistant who has to sift through these and throw out invalid ones extra work.
you think some underpaid nhk intern who can't even read english gives a shit?
Anyway it's pretty rude to assume Precure doesn't have fans outside Japan. Why not open it to everyone?
Because you're a dirty gaijin.
Babies are super fun if they aren't yours.
> Faster than baby
I just want my Elena episode.
What is your opinion on Yes 5? Considering in watching it alongside Splash Stars. Dropped Max Heart, too much of them already
The best thing about this year's henshin is how the lyrics drown out any unwanted background noise of my shitty life
I want to hold Lala's balls in my mouth and see how flustered she'll get
Finally got to download Star Twinkle OST1, I love some of the tracks:
OST2 when
>Dropped Max Heart
Yes 5 is quite decent. It's probably not going to blow your mind all that much except for maybe the midway climax which I think is still some of the best shit I've seen from Precure.
Also, based fucking Bunbee
Half the cast is super uninteresting, and it follows a strict schedule of laser-focused focus episodes for each Cure, so as a result half the show is boring as hell. The remaining parts are actually pretty good, but whether it's worth it overall depends on how much stomach you have for the non-characters eating up valuable episodes.
GoGo is almost strictly superior and hits many of the same beats while giving the cast a lot more personality, so you can seriously just skip Y5 entirely and go straight to GoGo and you'll be better off for it.
Y5 has midriff, GoGo hasn't.
So Hanaâs husband really is George?
>Dropped Max Heart
You can't be considered a true PreCure fan until you finish Max Heart user, it's a rite of passage.
No, it's trumpet cuck
True big friends watch FW, MH and SS in order without a break.
Please note, that every big friend who did this ended up killing themselves
Then Y5, Y5GoGo and Fresh without subs. And that causes some kind of irreversible changes in your personality. That's how you become a real big friend.
I tried to do that, but was too weak and started watching StarTwinkle along with SS. Is it all over for me?
I'm sorry, you have to start over from the beginning.
>Love of Life end
Big friend watches all of Precure in a random order.
>Final Sage end
Big friend watches all of Precure in production order.
>Never Stop the Madness end (aka Final Sage bad end)
Big friend attempts to watch all of Precure in production order, drops Max Heart, starts rewatching Max Heart again from the beginning, drops and picks it up again, leaving him in an endless loop.
I started watching Precure 2 years ago, started with FW all the way to the CL/Yukari cats episode, in production order. Have been watching Precure weekly since then.
>Y5GoGo without subs
That was actually a thing for a fairly long time iirc. What I don't recall is what the recent season was when GoGo was finally subbed completely, maybe Doki?
I think if you watch all of Precure without subs, by the end you'll understand pretty much all what's said
I guess you could say it's important, since it's the true bridge between sentai and Precure that led to the format we have today. Nozomi is great, her stories are good enough but her development falls flat. The others are hit-and-miss depending on how your taste runs. The season itself runs around the middle of the franchise, I'd say.
You'll probably convince yourself you understand it all, particularly with how much people scream about it being literally for babbies. That's just how cognitive dissonance works.
Precures themselves speaking is pretty basic, yes. It's when villains or adults start speaking you would have troubles.
>two fingerless gloves
How long until Hikaru gets pissed off enough that she transforms into Cure Star without a henshin sequence?
>+8°C outside right now
I sure do hope summer is coming soon, it's the middle of July already.
It's my favorite Precure season.
In regards to how the show develops the characters it is literally the opposite of what said. Outside of the first cour you will seldom see a character focus episode that is only about X character. It's often about at least two of them, or has some small character vignette with other character pairings. It's some of the most organic character development I have seen in this franchise, and certainly the most of the ones with a cast this big.(5 cures + 3 fairies all wehich develop through the season. Even Bumbee gets development)
The show doesn't shy away from having the cures clash between each other or have disagreements which gives the characters a wider arrange of emotions to display and makes them more believable. Also makes it all the most satisfactory when they start getting along in the second half of the show and through all of GoGo. They are not just Teletubbies like most modern Precure teams.
It addresses one of the issues I have with generals in Precure and it is that they don't attack together with the MotW which makes zero practical sense. In Yes! they do, and with a team as big as 5 it was a great decision because it gives everybody something to do that is not just endlessly wailing at a giant monster.
Komachi as a shield-user Cure has probably the best track record out of all of them, and she is not just there to job and show how strong a new opponent. And when something does break her barrier it tends to be consistent (i.e Bumbee's missile attack)
Nightmare uses the "evil corporation" motif which later Hugtto reused for Criasu. Some of the generals are great (Bumbee, Hadenya) some are ok (Kawarino, Bloody) and some are rather forgettable. Desperaia as a main antagonist is nothing special and it makes some of the final arc a bit weak because of it.
It's cool seeing some later famous names in Precure in their early days. Zako, Umakoshi, Rie Matsumoto, and so on did some great work for Yes!. I loved Zako's episodes in particular.
tl:dr Yes, there is a ton of things to like in Yes!. Go watch it.
The original Star Twinkle Precure.
Quit that.
Hikaru in a spacesuit when?
I love precure bunnies...
The episode looks fun. Not going to spoil it.
I love Lala
Buruma Lala is very sexual too.
Tummy precure. Swimsuit precure.
Lala is so cute!
Post cute Hikarus
Please refer to the appropriate board if you are gonna do wordless, context less image-dumping. They even have a Precure thread going
Also there is no merit or value in reposting pictures that anyone can get from opening a Danbooru or Pixiv tab. It just bloats the thread and kills discussion.
There's no merit or value in your post. It just bloats the discussion and kills the thread.
>context less
Read the thread and the ongoing /previous posts again
> kills discussion.
If anyone want to speak up they don't need to worry of interrupting
Does anyone even like Coco's voice or do they just ignore it?
It's sort of annoying but I have heard worse fairy voices in Precure.(Mipple and Mepple for example)
I was getting tired of it by the Yes! finale but during GoGo my ears just got used to it.
Jesus Christ dude, stop. You don't even know how to write in English.
What the FUCK was his problem?
If Nozomi can love it then so can I.
He's control freak.
Also I was referencing a 5chan post, newfag.
He has a son that abandoned his wife and daughter to chase imaginary creatures, I'd be mad and bitter too.
He strongly values family members being close to one another, associates physical distance with emotional distance, and considers himself a failure because he believes he hasn't imparted good values to his son, by extension blaming himself for his daughter-in-law and granddaughter being left without a husband/father.
Please consider learning to read, and/or paying some semblance of attention to the show you're watching.
Life gave him lemons but he sealed them in a jar.
No need to be so grumpy grandpa.
he seems to resent hikaru too.
What, because he insists she greet him properly in the morning? I don't think so. That's just standard grumpy-old-man stuff, taking out his frustrations by finding little faults. At worst, he might worry that Hikaru is going to become a deadbeat like her father, but that still comes back to him blaming himself.
you know I liked this episode was I watched it but the more I thought about it (and more I thought about other episodes of Precure that deal with missing/dead parents) the more I sided with the grampa.
That's exactly what makes it a good episode, user. It's a good thing that it makes you feel that way.
/pc/ sings Kirari Star Twinkle Precure when?
The lack of left eyelashes is still so distracting.
I always did it when I was in my job office.
My boss fired me and I lost my job last month.
Add them yourself.
>no Oyoyo and Kirayabai wife
Is that capoeira?
oyorun is a fucking shit
I want to help Precures fight xenophobia by making half-blood babies with Lala!
>Madoka-san is wearing short sleeves!
>Summer clothes I wonder?
>Madookaa~! Let's plaay-lun~!
>Wai- don't stretch it-
>A lot happened...
Physical has been brought. Getting that raw out as soon as it gets here
outerspaced and kirayabapilled
I miss Eyewon. I hope she shows up again soon.
I hope she dies.
God's work
Liko is sharing her umbrella with Mirai, what a nice friend.
I love my gay daughters
Skorts are a miracle of the universe, I want to wear them with spats so badly.
Is there not an episode this week
>zura-maru is Lala
Makes sense I guess. I liked her then, and Lala-lun now.
I think that Mirai and Liko might be gay
>Aquors and the Futari wa duo appear in Granblue
>Black and White appear in Hugtto
>Hugtto Cures and Star Twinkle Cures appear in Miracle Universe
Aquors is therefore canonically linked to Star Twinkle.
I guess. Fuwa is cute and all, but I'm still waiting for an Elena episode to get really excited for.
It would be great if Elena episode will be about Elena.
I'm not sure, we need more evidence.
It's going to be a QUALITY but otherwise promising episode.
Do any of you guys fap to livestream Precure episodes?
I want to marry Mirai
Duly noted Liko
Madoka/Elena episode when? I like Madoka episodes and Elena needs one. It's a win-win.
Reminder that this is a coloring book page
It's not nice to lie.
>all this thirst for an Elena episode
It's not too late to join Team Lala. We're thoroughly enjoying every episode.
Fuwa is so cute.
Why? She's just a worse Yuni
I'm enjoying the episodes too, but Elena deserves episodes like everyone else.
You can't just join Team Lala or Team Elena, It's for your heart to decide.
Say something nice about your new ally of justice!
Negom has fucked me up so much that I can't even find the chemistry between Elena/Madoka.
What's that?
There hasn't been any. Don't blame other people, blame yourself or Toei.
Elena is the sun and Madoka is the moon. Other than Hikaru's mom's manga episode there hasn't really been much chemistry between them.
>The first Reiwa Rider
kono kyatto sugu.
You just been brainwashed by her cracks is all, break the habit.
They've had plenty of moments together, you just haven't been paying attention.
man, I was really hoping Madoka and Elena would have the kind of fun chemistry Akira and Yukari did as the two who were popular for different reasons, but alas
We know, fuck off.
Finally something to watch after Precure. Also he looks simple and dope.
So ugly
>Elena worries whether Uni's been eating well and brought her some food
That's not Madoka Aguri, That's Kaguya Madoka
I love this gay ad
Are you kidding, Aguri is way more attractive than this ugly shit any day of the week.
That Prunce.
It is time to get raped by Fuwas!
An alien invasion has begun!
This looks like the Elena episode. There's some focus on her and her cooking will come in handy
Someone wanted some Elena and Uni action recently.
>Elena and mascot episode
This is a Fuwa episode. but if this is truly an Elena episode it shows how pointless she is
pretty much.
>the city of Elena
Come on, Elena is a good girl.
Can't wait for SUPERNegom to lose it because Madoka and Lala spent the episode scene-sharing
Uni is very relatable in this episode.
Aw, it's almost like she has a personality.
She's so pretty
Cats like tight places.
Oh damn big hug!
I really, REALLY wanted her to just eat the donut piece there. I would have died laughing.
Not even close to what Hikaru and Madoka got with her. Elena forever lost with no plot.
I want to marry Elena now.
Next week's
>Still not quite together
I'm picking up what you're putting down, Toei. Real subtle.
Oh man, Madoka's gonna be furious!
Elena actually approached Uni and shortened the distance. Makes sense, she did her job.
>not snow
Holy shit that color
Good episode. Elena actually had a decent part in the episode.
Sneaky Jew Cat still has a hidden agenda.
Hikaru is going to be really furious.
It wasn't much she's still very distant. All her efforts are going to be forgotten in the next episode, you might as well call it filler.
Hikaru looks beautiful with my frozen somethings on her.
>next week the precures kill a snowman
Oh no, now she's addicited to cocaine.
What's his gimmick?
I typed my vote in English and said I was overseas. They'll still care about my opinion r-r-right? I said I bought a bunch of their merch. They owe me!
Subs when?
She works fine in other people's episodes, where her "I'm friendly" shtick is enough to carry her since it's only a supporting role. It's when she actually gets her own episodes that she fails to fill the shoes of a main character, since they forgot to give her any meaningful traits, conflicts, or goals.
animal themed skeleton keycards
KSB has weird colors and granularization yeah
Does it represent blue cat's futa penis?
Probably 4-5 hours from now, like every week.
Yes for our Xenomorph Queen Hikaru
>(not green)
What did they mean by this?
I'm rather bothered by the Yose Yosei
>Cure piece
>hano akane
>yose yosei
I think it's more understandable if we consider this episode a Yuni episode, with Elena getting her turn as a supporting character.
It was a Elena episode so it was very boring.
She's barely even had any episodes. That's the problem. All of Elena's episodes have her paired with someone else. It sucks.
Elena's merch sells like stale bread. She's never going to get real episodes.
Super fun episode.
Can they at least give her a crush on Plonk? That way she could be a prettier homare
One of my favorite Precure episodes.
We don't deserve Tanaka.
Shut it, "Snowyoke"-san! If that IS your real name.
bigumi :DDD
>user wants an Elena episode soon
>he gets it, but shoved into a Yuni/Fuwa episode
Was it worth it?
One of the greatest ever.
Except Hikaru got the Fuwa bowl in the end.
I love Bigumi-chan!
She will have her own episode, calm down.
It was more of a Yuni episode, but I was glad Elena had a part in it.
they've been saying that for 6 months now I'm starting to get worried
>Elena had a part in it.
She did have an episode but it was about her family because it's Elena's theme.
Oh, you mean that one Lala episode.
Lala was less relevant in that episode than Elena in today's one.
You might want to try and watch the episode before you post your stupid reaction videos.
Perfect comedic timing.
I don't know if I agree. She may have had fewer lines -- and I kinda doubt that, even -- but Lala's role was particular to Lala. No one else could have taken her place. Elena in this episode contributed nothing that Hikaru or Plonk couldn't have.
I also disagree. Elena is the team's mama, she knew what she was doing today.
Fuck off
I'd drink her in 10 seconds.
Elena was perfectly fine today.
And nobody said she wasn't.
Hello future piss bottle.
What is she listening to~lun?
There's been at least one or two people here calling her boring or pointless or that she could be replaced easily. Try again.
Being easily replaced and being perfectly fine are not, in any way, mutually exclusive. So no. Try again.
Are you just going to ignore the rest of what I typed? I don't think she could be replaced. She is the heart of the group and they did a good job of showing that in the episode today.
O lawd they comin'.