Alignment Chart

Can Yea Forums help me fill the remaining spots? Do you agree with the choices already made?

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Other urls found in this thread:

It' solid. I suggest Guts for true Neutral.

Guts is at least chaotic neutral

Ainz is more like Chaotic retard
Set a theme on your chart like only Isekai MCs like Slime and Sword or whatever

Well the theme is protagonists, I am looking for the most prototypical ones.

Who is Kapwing?

true neutral should be Kino

Its just the website that I used to make the chart, they watermark the image if you don't register

Jotaro is chaotic neutral


Chaotic evil

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Are you for fucking real?

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uh Kazuma strikes me more as Chaotic Neutral

if I don't know the character then I don't know the character. I am not sure how telling me to kill myself is going to change that.

Chaotic evil

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Ainz should be true neutral. He's neither benevolent nor malevolent, he's just indifferent to how his self-preservation affects others.

Chaotic neutral

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Being under age of 18 is bannable.

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>to make the chart
>they watermark the image
That's definitely chaotic evil.

Maybe pre-tomb post tomb he killed a bunch of people that he lured in, sounds pretty evil to me.

True Neutral is Mob, from. Ob Psycho 100,you can't get more neutral than that even with his explosions.

>Not realizing OP said protagonists
Is nu-Jojo really this bad?

>serial killer

>using a website to make essentially 9 boxes with text
That would take literally a minute in paint, stop being a fat lazy retard.

I am 23?

true neutral

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How do you use paint on an phone?


You are clearly not. Stop lying.

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You fuck off and get on your computer.

Here you go

Chaotic Neutral

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Either one of this two in true neutral.

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Kino varies really. She tries to be true neutral but sometimes can go to chaotic good or neutral. I doubt she ever goes into the evil category though.

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I’m a jojofag I can’t read

Sure ill just tell this bust driver to hurry the fuck up, I am sure everyone will appreciate that and not look at me like an insane person.

I am not sure how you expect me to convince you? is there some kind of litmus test that does not require me to dox myself?

Saitama is lawful good, dude.
His first heroic deed was saving a kid

Mob is neutral good

She is most neutral of all anime characters.
Even if she could change the situation to be better, she lets it develop on it's own.
Only time she acts when her well-being is threatened.

If he gets to ??? % he can kill everyone no matter who they are, is this unknown part of him that is inhuman and can destroy the world the one that makes him the true neutral, because he also has no feelings, or at least he shows none

>phoneposter and underage
This is sad state of Yea Forums

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Then don't make this shitty ass thread with a shitty ass image that doesn't even have a proper theme.
>posting on Yea Forums in public
You should just off yourself now my man.


Do I really need to post my personal ID while blanking out details? fine you fucks wait a second

??? isn't his true self.


I wish I Hate Fairyland was an anime just so it could be valid here.
Because a protagonist more Chaotic Evil than Gertrude does not exist.

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>Lulu chaotic good
>Kira lawful evil
You can't have both user.

Eren for Chaotic Evil

Ainz needed sacrifices to fulfill Demiurge's plan, so he set a lure that would specifically attract only grave robbers who were willing to risk their lives for their greed. We as the readers are sympathetic to their motivations, but Ainz had no reason to be.

You've got the wrong board buddy, is that way.

Luffy for Neutral. Maaaybe Chaotic Neutral

How is Tricking people so you can kill them not evil?

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>recognizing a Yea Forums poster
you should be joining him, both of you would probably be more comfortable shitposting in Yea Forums

I left you guys on your threads justifying Ainz crimes but here goes:
Luring bad people to your home: questionable
Fighting intruders: legal
Attacking surrendered intruder: Homicide
Torturing surrendered intruder: Manslaughter
Setting up an entire system of conspiracies to make the neighboring country look like the one who set up the attack: Act of Treason

That's a lifetime in jail or guillotine if done in real life

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Yes but he still set a trap to kill people, that he absolutely did not have to kill, that's evil no matter how you spin it. His actions are evil and his motivations are evil or neutral at best.

Are you familiar with the concept of entrapment? its illegal for a reason.

Also what do you think I am doing, using a projector or something? I am just trying to kill a nugget of time on my way home, I am sitting at the back of the bus with no one next to me. Its not like anyone can tell without forcing my phone from my hand

>also identity proof for you fucking spergs

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I still think Guts should be true neutral.

>Fighting intruders: legal
Actually illegal in most countries. Or at least questionable.

Why do you think we believe an image someone posted here?

Self-defense if they are not planning to surrender or flee.
Shooting a fleeing criminal is manslaughter.

If you're going to demand proof and then turn around and say "doesn't count" I am not sure what to tell you.
I never left.

What the fuck is this thread? shonenshit truly is cancer

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Yeah. But even self-defense should be appropriate to the threat.
What Ainz did was equivalent of pulling out a high-power machine gun against unarmed opponents.

This should be a thing now. Anytime user calls you underage post I.D

Self defence must be proportional. You must use a lower tier if weapon and regardless of anything you can't cause permanent harm.

>Act of Treason
You can't commit treason against another country.

Mobu is neutral good though

he was fully capable of preventing that meteor from destroying the city after he punched it but he didn't do shit because it wasn't his problem. that ain't lawful good.

Pretty sure it was more like he didn't expect it

>Alignment faggotry is something new
Is this your first day on the internet?

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I mean, being underage does get you banned, so even if you can't convince the spergs at least you won't get banned by mods. Other than just ignoring people who accuse you of being underage for not watching Kino's adventures or whatever

The problem is that they set Saitmas physical parameters such that that isn't a problem. When you make your character that powerful his actions become intentional whether you want them to or not because nothing takes him by surprise

It's not a matter of his actions being justified. Neutrals are amoral. It's not that their actions are "neither right nor wrong," it's that they don't care whether they're doing the right or the wrong thing, they're willing to do both depending on the circumstances.

Don't post ID user you retard. Just ignore people calling you underage etc.

Nah, there's tons of stuff saitama could do to help but doesn't because he can't be bothered. I mean for fuck's sake, he can move faster than light. he was more than capable of picking up every meteor shard and throwing them back into space before they hit anything.

I usually do, I just got fed up with it, but nothing shuts them the fuck up. So I guess there's no fucking point*.

true neutral should be goku

nah he is lawful evil

That mosquito sure was faster than light and him.

Actually he seems perfectly willing to violate the law if he knows he can get away with it...

>Arab shitskin
>Thinks his opinion matters

Goku is a retard who endangered his entire universe for fights.
He is chaotic good.

>but nothing shuts them the fuck up
user, you shouldn't care what other people on an anonymous imageboard think.

Lawful Neutral: Willing to listen to both sides for the betterment of everyone
True Neutral: Apathy
Chaotic Neutral: Does whatever he wants but would never do anything out of malice

Lawful Evil: Willing to do any crime if it means the betterment of the world
Neutral Evil: Destructive by nature not out of Will
Chaotic Evil: Does everything with ill intent and aims to maximize suffering of everyone for no other reason than self gratification

I am white with blue eyes, and even if I wasn't what would my skin color have to do with my opinion on anime?

but if I didn't why would I be here?

but goku isnt good, he is just neutral. if anything he should be chaotic neutral.

Sure thing Ahmet

You're still not presenting any argument, are all racists this diminutive and retarded?

Fair enough.

yeah, but at least I'm not a shitskin

please please please stop replying to shitposting
it just makes you look like a retard

By your logic yes you are and ill never trust anything you'll post as proof either and completely discount your opinion like you did mine, so go fuck yourself.

I've got time to kill and nothing to do, might as well fling some shit in the monkey cage til I get home.

Besides no one has actually helped me fill the chart, everytime someone would answer someone else would reply with "actually, no" so I've gone nowhere.

Lawful Good: Nodoka
Neutral Good: Ui
Chaotic Good: Yui
Lawful Neutral: Mio
True Neutral: Mugi
Chaotic Neutral: Ritsu
Lawful Evil: Azusa
Neutral Evil: Sawako
Chaotic Evil: Jun

Thread theme is protag only.

Can anyone provide Chaotic Evil protagonist from at least semi popular show? If not, this chart can't be completed.

The closest I've got is loli hitler but I am not sure if she qualifies as chaotic evil, since he's very calculated.

not gonna be a lot of popular shows with chaotic evil protagonists

Chaotic Evil

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That's easy
>traumatized the sexiest girl in club out of envy
>beat a guy up to beat his highscore
>threw same guy on cliff to get an extra jump
>punched a girl to unconcious in case she wanted revenge from yesterday
And many more

Tanya is Lawful Evil, mate

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Without going too much into the /tg/faggery, "Lawful" as an alignment has more to do with ethics and morals than it does the written and codified law. For example, someone who frees slaves despite slavery being explicitly state-sanctioned is still "lawful" despite the illicit nature of their act because they live by a moral law rather than a written one.

That being said, Kusoma steals panties from underaged girls, commits immoral and unethical acts too innumerable to list, is a cheater, a liar, a thief, a pervert, etc. but never truly ventures into true "evil" territory. Even the "bad" things we see him do (besides the pervy stuff) all seems to be in service to the party's end goal of banishing a Demon King. He is the dictionary definition of Chaotic Neutral, and there could even be a not-unsubstantiated argument made that he is Chaotic Good.

The thing is most mc have some good in them. The only chaotic evil mc i can thing is that healer hero manga but it isn't popular.



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I agree with this. He's generally CN. Of course, so is Lupin.

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add a shrapnel horn

>willing to cause a global pandemic just so she can live
So glad she got raped by the end

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I'm aware there's some disagreement on what the exact definitions of the terms are, but this doesn't even make sense. How do you go from "neutral evil" having no ill-intent to "chaotic evil" having only ill-intent? What exactly do you think the word "chaotic" means?

Squid girl? are you going to explain why?
Yeah but Tanya doesn't genuinely respect the law she follows it because she has to. She would be a tyrant or a despot if given the opportunity she has no compassion, or sympathy and is pretty much just rotten to the core.

While I agree that Kazuma is chaotic neutral, I think you're confusing the semantic and pragmatic designations of the word law, could a law be a codified moral code? yes, is it appropriate to muddle the territory between legality and morality as distinct entities? probably not.

Gintama is true neutral

Without reaching, Tetsuo and Johan might be best.

With reaching, who knows.

There's an argument for it, but I feel like gintoki's more Neutral Good than anything else.

That's actually a fair example. I didn't read much of it, but from what I remember, he fits the bill.

Chaotic Evil, for your consideration.

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Guys, what is Naofumis alignment? Chaotic Good?

I would put Frieza as Lawful Evil, he is specifically written as an alusion to dictators and tyrants and one of the most recognizable anime characters

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gintaman is true neutral

Frieza is not a protagonist my dude

Neutral evil are beasts who has no idea that they are destructive and causes harm. They just do what they need.
Deadly pathogens, insane people, and malfuctioning robots

Chaotic Evil
Fully aware of what is order and why it is needed and aims to destroy it to make everyone suffer for no reason
Corrupt politicians, Child abusers, War criminals

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Really the obvious pick is MD Geist

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the bike guy?

Johan Liebert for Chaotic Evil.

>Corrupt politicians, Child abusers, War criminals
none of those want to make everyone suffer for no reason, they're just assholes

Did you just created those definitions? because that's not how it works.

>Yeah but Tanya doesn't genuinely respect the law she follows it because she has to
Right at ep1. He says that society needed rules to function

In the manga, she even went to his past where he found the idea of people who do not abide by rules as a threat to order. She actively looked down upon people who pursue artistic and philosophical drivels because it does not adhere to order and may even cause disorder. Complete and utter Lawful Nuetral

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I am very solid on this concept now, not because he's a great character, but because he's clearly the protagonist.

This is the very essence of CE.

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>is it appropriate to muddle the territory between legality and morality as distinct entities? probably not.

The concept of alignment as it is used here has it's origin in tabletop gaming. There is quite literally no "muddling of the territory" because ironically enough, the definition of alignments are codified. "Lawful" does not refer to written laws or rules but to a character's adhesion to an ethical structure or code of conduct.

Go ask /tg/.

I did read a fair bit but I hesitate to call even him chaotic evil, because the people he's killing aren't exactly the nicest guys around, and he's explicitly stated that he won't harm anyone unless that did not harm him in his past life or try to get in the way of his revenge now. Chaotic evil doesn't need a reason to cause pain and suffering, it just kinda does without regard to anyone or anything.

Words don't mean jack shit, the character can say whatever they want, the manner in which she conducts herself and the way she schemes is just chaotic evil biding its time, besides law and order are not the same thing.

Tanya would be an autocrat, not a berserker. Her Evil is debatable. Lawful is not.

Neutral evil is the opposite of that. Neutral evil characters are very selfish and do evil things to achieve their goals.

Yes but by that definition there would be no such thing as a chaotic character because chaos can be set as a rule under this definition, this is just absurd and wrong.

Mate, Tanya's goal was to end the war ASAP and almost disobeyed order to prevent Dunkirk.
It was not because she don't want more people dead, it was because it would secure the Empire's power and order

A chaotic evil would gleefully anticipate more wars

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I don't think chaotic means out of control, but rather evil for no discernible reason other than self satisfaction, and that seems to cover Tanya to a T

Yeah, but strong emphasis on "goals"
Animals would cannibalize their pack/pups for survival.
Neutral evil won't go further than what is needed. A Chaotic would,

Are you implying that self-interest and chaotic evil are at an odds? Because I don't believe that to be the case. All her actions are motivated by a rational self interest and they're evil for no discernible reason than just because, that screams chaotic evil to me. One could be self interested rational while being good obviously.

She is chaotic neutral because everything she does is out of selfishness. A Chaotic evil character would want to keep killing people just for the sake of it regardless of their own safety.

heres your true neutral bro

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The only chaotic evil protagonist.

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If she's chaotic, she would allow torture.
She would raze the entire capital of notPoland instead of just the factory and she won't publish volumes of books justifying the bombardment of partisans (note: this is legal under Geneva Code.)

She would gladly get civilians dead if she was chaotic

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One liners like "have sex" and other variations are extremely Yea Forums and you must either be really new or stopped posting on Yea Forums for months in order to not recognize them or where they come from, since they've been spammed a lot lately.

I covered that already. There's at least one.

What about Kintama?

I think you're confusing the issue here, selfishness can be good or evil. While Taniya is evil for evident reasons she's chaotic because that's the way her selfishness manifests even though it doesn't have to be.

Basically she's evil for no reason other than "just because" rational self interest does not require one to be evil. She behaves that way for ostensibly no reason, and is therefore chaotic.

>it was because it would secure the Empire's power and order
Only so that she doesn't have to deal with the risk of being at the frontline, did you seriously watch it and not realize that tanya only serves the empire purely out of self interest?

Chaotic doesn't mean causing damage for no reason but simply being evil for no discernible reason. Motivated/rational self interest is not inherently evil, Tanya is evil for no particular reason.

There's no ''just because'' in tanya's actions whatsoever, are you sure you were paying attention or what, the only reason she was even on the frontlines was due to unforseen and unexpected circumstances but she tried multiple times to avoid spending any real effort into actually aiding the empire, anything she ever did for the empire was purely for self interest in an attempt to secure an easy and secure life.

>dumbbell threads die so this shitshow can be preserved
just end it already

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He's still torturing/killing his enemies purely for his own satisfaction though, not for altruistic reasons or for his own security. He might not be chaotic, but he's pretty evil.

Kazuma is true neutral

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Stop with that "but the animals" non-sense already, neutral evil is in no way defined by animal behavior you retard.
> All her actions are motivated by a rational self interest
Thats literally neutral evil. Neutral evil means doing evil thing out of selfishness, chaotic evil means doing evil things not out of selfishness but just to damage others. Go read about the alignments real definitions and stop embarrassing yourself already.

Safety and self interest an evil person does not make

Go ahead, fuckhead
Name 1
Just 1 single warcrime Tanya did.
Author of Tanya outright spoke out against "Westerners" who call her "Loli Hitler" because she was never evil. Just pragmatic

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At his best he's neutral and before Shirley gets murdered he's clearly evil.
He's uncaring to everyone who isn't his sister and plays with people's life like a sociopath who holds no value in it, he only gets slightly better by the end but he still doesn't actually take responsibility and dumps everything on spinzaku while he's off to put the D between the Cs.

Killing people without due process, and don't give me any shit about "follows his own rules" because we watch him killing people based on what he hears from the media.
He doesn't even bother making his own research, he's powertripping hard and masking it behind fake righteousness but in fact doesn't give a shit.

The guy constantly fucks with everyone and is the main cause of conflict and chaos in the world at this point.
Also he's not evil because he clearly values human life and usually only kills when provoked, the only exception being beastkin which he doesn't see as people.
Being ruthless doesn't necessarily mean being evil.

If she was chaotic she would want to extend the war just to get more people killed.

Where do the classic two go?

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Chaos cannot be "set as a rule", chaos is a lack of rules or order and the two ideas are mutually exclusive to one another. As far as alignments go the words chaotic and lawful do not have the usual dictionary definition. Having knowledge that character's goal is spreading unrest and chaos to the exception of all else is not enough foundation to base an identification of their alignment upon. What the character's motive and driving force is, is the most important factor.

I'm serious, go ask /tg/.

We don't need to fuck around with Tanya, I already posted a Chaotic Evil one and he's legit.

Yes that's entirely my point, self-interest is not a reason to be evil in and of itself, so saying she's self-interested doesn't explain why she's evil.

She's not evil because she's self-interested, she's evil well, for no real discernible reason, its perfectly possible to be self-interested without being evil.

He pursued a good in the best way he saw fit, his methods were unscrupulous yes, and chaotic good is basically the ends justify the means, and whether they do or not relies on whether the character in question genuinely believes it.

Light is lawful evil because he does follow his own rules, but his own rules are not the rules he claims to follow as set out by society, but rather the rule befitting a maniacal egocentric narcissist. He viewed himself as a god and by definition all actions a god takes are lawful because gods set the rules for themselves, Light can have no contradictions in his actions because any action he assumes is correct from law as codified by personal alignment although his actions were outwardly evil, so even though they were lawful they were certainly not good nor neutral.

Yes chaos can't be set as a rule, that's why your definition of the word rule/law is wrong, I am saying you could do it if I were to acknowledge the definition you used but I don't.

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If Tanya is Neutal Evil, she would have long betrayed the Empire for attacking notRussia and risking their efforts

Her goal was self interest, indeed
But she holds a strong moral of never betraying your company because it's going to be bad for your employment elligebility. Industry espionage gets you jailed, treason results in death

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>She's not evil because she's self-interested, she's evil well, for no real discernible reason, its perfectly possible to be self-interested without being evil.
Shut the fuck up and give me 1 single evil act she did, fucking idiot
Just 1

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>self-interest is not a reason to be evil
It actually is. Selfless = good, selfishness = evil, that's how the alignments works.

Can we please stop with the bad faith argumentation? if you're not even going to acknowledge that she's evil at the very least then we're going nowhere very fast. Look its clear that you're a big fan of the character and it rubs you the wrong way to have her be called evil.

Please try to keep your waifu bias out of this, we were having a meaningful discussion.

arguably all good actions are born of selfishness because they lead to personal gratification.

Did she betrayed anyone?
Did she steal anything?
Did she murdered anyone?
Did she turned a blind eye to war criminals under her command?


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Chaotic evil is almost indistinguishable from the chaotic neutral.
What's the difference between "muh wants!" and "muh freedoms!" when the strong moral backbone is absent, really?

>Yes chaos can't be set as a rule, that's why your definition of the word rule/law is wrong, I am saying you could do it if I were to acknowledge the definition you used but I don't.

>You're wrong because I say you're wrong.

Quite the argument, fella. I see the idea of context is foreign to you. I think we may be done here.

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There we go, the full sperg, I am sorry I insulted your waifu user.

>arguably all good actions are born of selfishness because they lead to personal gratification.
As I said before, you NEED to go and read the REAL definitions and stop using your shitty headcanon. I hope you are just baiting at this point, I don't want to believe someone is really this retarded.

There we go, avoiding the questions

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Ruthlessness and scale. If you'll hurt a person to get it you're CN. If you'll kill dozens you're CE.

I'd say Goku fits neutral good pretty much perfectly. Yusuke I'm not too sure about, either neutral or chaotic good. I'm leaning chaotic though.

No, you said I was wrong because the relationship between two words is mutually exclusive, I agreed, and pointed out that the relationship wouldn't be mutually exclusive if we followed your definition. I am not saying you're wrong for no reason.

Please explain to me how i am using my shitty head canon.

No you're just throwing a tantrum and there's no point talking to you, you're too emotionally attached to the character in question, you'll just deflect and obfuscate anything I say.

>selfishness is evil
Wow. What a laugh
He keeps on spouting he is from /tg/ as if that gives him authority

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Crossboarding is a hell-of-a-drug

muh wants, muh freedoms! is not a GNE axis quantifier but a LNC one. most of the shit on a chaotic evil's plate it unappetizing to a CN because, if nothing else, it's gonna get him in trouble with the fuzz and that's a really big hassle.

y'all need to do what this guy said and consult /tg/

Very, very subjective. Moralfag would say that both are CE.

Just 1 act of evil, please

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>He pursued a good in the best way he saw fit
But that's wrong, Lelouch's motivation has been revenge for the longest time, and even when it shifts to a more "greater good" meaning he still ultimately is just pissed off at his daddy.
He doesn't destroy their plan to save mankind from losing its identity, he does it out of spite for his parents which he clearly states in that scene when he reminded them they've abandoned him and his sister.

>Light is lawful evil because he does follow his own rules
But he doesn't, he claims to be a force of good and justice but not only as I said his way to deliver justice is flawed and lazy, but in multiple cases doesn't hesitate to kill the innocents even when they're not even directly against him.
Also a rogue isn't Lawful just because he's stealing with a conscience or following his own rules of not killing, he's still a chaotic entity.
Everyone follows his own set of rules but that doesn't automatically make them Lawful otherwise the realm of Neutral and Chaotic would only be fit for the mentally ill.

>Please explain to me how i am using my shitty head canon.
By the very definition of the alignments selfishness equals evil, but you keep denying it.

Honestly, either this guy is true neutral or chaotic neutral.. God I love his design though.

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She doesn't exist and that makes me miserable, thats very evil.

Those this guy seriously think that evil thoughts make you an evil person?
Are all edgy teenagers evil?
Is Metallica evil?
Are horror writers evil

I am laughing at this thread

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Chaotic evil
He gives extremely generous offers but when they want to abuse the system, he curses them 100 folds for no reason other than their suffering and his smile

>Is Metallica evil?
I dunno, ask them.

I am laughing at this thread too.

No, you're just making an assertion without providing the authority necessary to do so.

I mean, I'm sure if they had the fortitude to not abuse the system he'd leave them alone or something. It's very much entrapment as fuck but I doubt he'd go against his word unprovoked. Definitely a shit-stirrer though, so chaotic neutral might fit.

Are videogames evil?
We truly live in a society

Yeah, he's evil. At least in the New series (don't know about the original) he sometimes even tricks and punishes people who did nothing wrong. The first few episodes just make it seem like a monkey's paw deal
>Here's [what you asked for], just don't do [thing]
>OY VEY, YOU DID [thing]
But in later episodes people who did nothing wrong get the DON hammer too.

His system is completely flawed.
He is enticing them many riches but takes it the next day. Obviously, they would want to hold on to it.

Just like the Serpent.

i like tanya but i have to say it's pretty evil to order your men to fire on innocent civilians just bc they could grow up to be an issue, and it's pretty evil to purposefully put your men in a position where they're likely to be killed bc they disobeyed you. she may be pragmatic and calculating, but that doesn't stop her from doing evil things. does that make her rotten to the core? i don't think so. clearly she still feels emotion and cares about others. but she does do evil things.

>Neutral evil
>A neutral evil character is typically selfish and has no qualms about turning on allies-of-the-moment, and usually makes allies primarily to >further their own goals.
>Chaotic evil
>A chaotic evil character tends to have no respect for rules, other people's lives, or anything but their own desires, which are typically selfish >and cruel.
from Dungeons & Dragons: Player's Handbook. I hope you have any source for your shitty headcanon non-sense otherwise any reply will just show everyone your butthurt at being proven wrong.

Chaotic evil.

Attached: makoto.png (720x480, 341K)

Align him.

Attached: MOyrzi0.gif (500x255, 933K)

>fire on innocent civilians just bc they could grow up to be an issue,
No. They were partisans
Partisan is a War Crime
Either you surrender as a civilian or fight as a soldier
Fighting while pretending to be a civilian is a war crime
The country MUST disapprove Partisan support or the other side can justify bombing civilians as self defense.

This is in the Geneva code

>put your men in a position where they're likely to be killed
You mean the 2 guys on ep1?
They were in a bunker, a safe position not a suicide ission.
Blame the scout regiment for not ensuring that no artillery is not in any firrng range

Attached: Youjou Senki19.jpg (933x1007, 149K)

Alignments are retarded, no

>that lawful good

Zoomers were a mistake

I think Geist is better, but I have no problem with this.

Agreed. Kino is the ultimate impartial observer. She goes out of her way to not get involved and not pass judgment. She repays kindness with kindness and violence with violence, but will always keep to herself if given a choice.

Attached: Kino.jpg (1060x1500, 2.36M)

Context user, Tanya was fully detached from the act and just followed orders like any competent soldier should.
She neither felt enjoyment nor felt guilt from it and didn't deviate away from her orders, it's a Lawful Neutral act.
Someone Lawful Good would've tried to keep casualties to a minimum and target only the rebels.
Someone Lawful Evil would've increased the intensity of the bombing for more efficiency and a praise from her superiors.
Someone Neutral Good would've contested her orders and try to offer an alternative, possibly failing and following them through with a grudge.
Someone Neutral would've simply shrugged it off in the same way as Lawful Neutral but the context being just not causing trouble instead of just following orders.
Someone Neutral Evil would've increased the target area just to watch more shit burn.
Someone Chaotic Good would've simply refused the orders and sabotaged the operation.
Someone Chaotic Neutral would've refused the orders and stepped aside letting someone else do it.
Someone Chaotic Evil would've also added banks to the list and robbed them in the chaos exploiting the situation.

>put your men in a position where they're likely to be killed

Ohhh nooo. War's hell innit?

Context too, user
Tanya hold no authority over the artillery regiment. She just published books stating the obvious and clearing the definition between a civilian and a partisan

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>is not a GNE axis quantifier but a LNC one
My point is that Lawful is very Good-friendly, while Chaotic is very Evil-friendly, unless we're talking about inherently corrupt government structure like the Drow society.
>it's gonna get him in trouble with the fuzz and that's a really big hassle
That more about how capable this person when it comes to predicting the future, not the alignment.

Neutral good.

>using PoWs as hostages and shooting them if the flee
That's a super big deal in war
PoWs are not convicts and must be treated with respect
They must be kept in humane rooms, allowedto send mails to their family and friends, and their base must be informed that they are there. If they try to escape, you are forbidden from firing unless they shot first

Using them as hostages and meat shields?
Oh booo hoo.
Here bomb, fuck you

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>tells the guy he isn't over 18
>at the same time he unironically uses images from anime females as a way to show himself

Hisoka is chaotic evil, he just wants to see the world burn. Johan would be another good choice since his goal is a perfect suicide

Neither axis has any bearing on the other or there wouldn't be a point behind having different axes at all, we'd just say good bad evil or lawful neutral chaotic and there would be no reason to add additional quantifiers. Evil characters are just as capable of being lawful as good ones chaotic. Palpatine, Hitler, any stereotypical "honorable villain", etc.

Besides, I'd wager Lawful makes for the easiest descent into Evil than any of the other vertical axis just for the fact having some rationale, justification, standing order from authority, or ingrained prejudice allows people to more easily defy their ingrained sense of decency.

>That more about how capable this person when it comes to predicting the future, not the alignment.

I fail too see your logic, doing high-profile illegal shit just for fun is going to get you into shit with the authorities and no CN is going to bother with that unless the payoff is worth the risk and the chances are decent. While a CN weighs the profit of robbing a bank against the potential jailtime a CE walks in and sets the place on fire with the money still inside because he doesn't like the look of the exterior trim.

To be fair none of that shit held true until relevant nations decided to codify rules for fighting amongst themselves.

You'll notice of the laws and customs of war that non-signatories of this treaty or another are not protected by their provisions.

Protagonists only.

Johan is the subject, not the protagonist, though.

You kidding?
It was in the Geneva's Peace Pledge Union signed by 12 EU nations since 1864

>In 1864 governments were invited to send representatives to a diplomatic conference. As a result 12 European nations signed a treaty stating that in future wars they would care for all sick and wounded military personnel, regardless of nationality. They would also recognise the neutrality of medical personnel, hospitals and ambulances identified by the emblem of a red cross on a white background.
>The treaty was called the Geneva Convention

Attached: 1425088717513.png (168x141, 3K)

sorry for spoonfeeding
Kino from Kino's Journey
this girl(boy(girl))

>Neither axis has any bearing on the other
Neither axis supposed to have any bearing on other.
>Evil characters are just as capable of being lawful as good ones chaotic
No. That's exactly my point. If the society is generally good-aligned then it's much more probable that chaotic will tilt towards evil and lawful will tilt towards good.
Lawful Evil and Chaotic Good is not not impossible, but unusual.
It's reversed when the government body is evil.
>and no CN is going to bother with that unless the payoff is worth the risk and the chances are decent
Making a lot of assumptions here. I can easily picture a criminal who breaks into high-security installations, steals shit and then gives it back after a while just because he loves the thrill of danger.
Also please stop spacing like a retard.

Read my post again, dipshit.
>To be fair none of that shit held true until relevant nations decided to codify rules for fighting amongst themselves.

None of that shit held true before the Geneva Convetion.

As for the second part of your post, we are talking all PoW's not just the injured or infirm. PoWs are covered by the Hague Conventions which are only applicable to other signatory nations, a precedent that is followed by the various UN treaties like the restrictions on incendiary and cluster munitions.

There are oceans of literature on this subject available to you, start with research on the term "unlawful combatant" and you'll see that unless it will make for casus belli with a peer, soldiers treat captives in the same manner they always have.

Alignments are retarded and so are you. But congrats for creating a 200+ reply thread for this retarded shit since morons love arguing about this crap

1. Tanya s set in WW1. 6 decades after Geneva
2. Uk, France, and Germany are signatory members. Soviet Union wasn't and therefore neither protected nor obligated to follow it durin WW2

Tanya is notGermany and the place they bombed was notFrance

Where do you think you are? Nice dubs though.

Attached: devilish_digits.png (265x340, 145K)

Someone just make the OP chart with Kino, Kazuma and Geist in it. Then we can argue about edits rather than Inclusion.

Attached: Kino_and_Hermes.jpg (409x258, 90K)

I’d say he’s more Chaotic Neutral. He does things more for his own benefit, rather than for the sake of others. He’s a pretty selfish dude.

Light is NE at best, the only thing motivating him is his own pride, and what little principles he had he loses anyway.

Kapwing should be chaotic neutral

Dark Schneider for Chaotic Evil.

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can araragi be chaotic evil?

>2. Uk, France, and Germany are signatory members. Soviet Union wasn't and therefore neither protected nor obligated to follow it durin WW2

that's wrong

>The Conventions apply to a signatory nation even if the opposing nation is not a signatory, but only if the opposing nation "accepts and applies the provisions" of the Conventions.

"accepts and applies the provisions" of the Conventions is meant if the not signatory nation breaks any of the provisions the signatory nation doesn't need to respect it anymore.
but in case in ww2, germany didn't give a fuck about the GC since it committed various war crimes right at the start of war, even against other signatory nations

Second French Empire
Grand Duchy of Baden, Kingdom of Württemberg, & Grand Duchy of Hesse
You're right about UK though. They didn't sign in 1864 but were still part of the original Geneva

Quit the WW2 argument on Tanya
The author was interviewed saying that he is specifically avoiding any mentions or even references to Nazi Germany because of obvious reasons.

Here's the author's words:
“On a gut level, I hate Nazis. It wouldn't do to write a story that shows Nazis doing cool things. If Nazis were in the story, it would make the question of which side is pure evil much more straightforward, but a story about a genocidal war would have to be handled with sensitivity. The Empire in this story is based on a what-if scenario where the German empire unified under the Großdeutsche Lösung ("Greater German solution"), so that all German-speaking peoples came together under one state. If peace had managed to continue throughout the 1910s and war broke out later, during the years between World War I and World War II, how would things be different? In that scenario, there wouldn't be any room for a demagogue like Hitler to come into power. ”

It is for this reason that Carlo Zen does not like the term “loli nazi,” which he has seen the English-speaking audience use to describe Tanya. “When I see the term, I think, 'Hmm, that's strange. How come they think so?' She's certainly not a hero, but she's not that kind of evil. Ultimately, she's a pragmatist.”

>tfw the thread’s been completely derailed

You guys ruined OP’s fun with your world war autism.

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Better than OP who kept on taking the bait over him being underage
And that /tg/ idiot preaching over whatever

>Quit the WW2 argument on Tanya
it wasn't an argument on Tanya, i'm well aware it's set in not-ww1. it was an argument about the geneva convention in ww2 since you brought up the SU, justifying german war crimes with the SU being a non-signatory nation, even if the GC applies in both cases

>but if I didn't why would I be here?
To talk shit with people. We come here to talk about anime and memes. There are also many different opinions on this site as there are many different people browsing it, so taking it seriously is a road to being let down an infinite amount of times.
