So they could think and see(dark only). In other words the brain was still working correctly... for 3700 years. Yea...

So they could think and see(dark only). In other words the brain was still working correctly... for 3700 years. Yea, right. So, Does it get better? or Should I drop it?
Also the fact that the loud dude didn't age mentally considering my statement above bothers me.

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He survived 3700 years by the pure autism of wanting to say "I love you". At least onionhead had a decent reason.

It's weeb shit, fuck sake. Nothing is believable. Take your autism somewhere else.

It's some danganronpa shit

>my anime isn't realistic wtf!!!!

It's the premise of the story, are you going to say that chakra/nen/quirks/stands are bullshit because they're impossible? Or that self insert harems aren't realistic? People don't actually die when you write their name in a magic book? Titans, aliens, mechas, etc are all bullshit, people suspend their disbelief because it makes for a more interesting story, (you) brainlet

>giant robots
>reincarnating in a fantasy world
>thirsty thots hot for nerd dick
>magic out the ass
But nooooo... I draw the line at this!

What I want to know is what Senku did differently to free the birds. In both the manga and anime, it looks like he did exactly the same thing in failure and success.

Senku entire premise is retarded.
His retarded "Hey you gotta draw the protagonist as something really fucking stand-out" look is also retarded japanese backward thinking.

But hey its a show for kids, dont think too hard on it

Read Origin. He's got a bad case of thot same face. It's only marginally better in Dr. Stone.

I could take this anime so much more seriously if he didn't have this retarded hairstyle.

The e=mc^2 also dont bother me as much, nor all the asspulling of knowledge he does

Taiju might have gone into a coma, deducing from his inability to say how long he was in the stone-state . And if it's anything related to actual science, I'm sure the manga will correct those while progressing through the story because the author actually tries making sense out of anything. In the manga the stone-syndrome is explained to have regenerative properties so the brain remaining intact might have something to do with it. You didn't even ask the more logical question about how they're able to sustain for such a long period of time. I think it was explained in the manga but my brain is too small to remember how it was explained. You ought to stick through this season or maybe catch up to the manga uf you want more answers, friend.

btw, I noticed a while back how Senku's name means 1009 in Japanese. could it have something to do with his hair? maybe he's a gmo?

I think this was done to cater to the young kids who aren't interested in science and can only view it as something boring and something you need to memorize for your exams. This is prominently seen in Asian countries like mine.

Why their eyes so big? that's not even slightly realistic to have eyes or hair like that.

Read the manga

how many anime have you watched user

Why is it drawn? That's not realistic at all!

Speed reader. He said the formula had to be very precise and exact percent measurements of nital and distilled alcohol. It took him over a year of trying to get the perfect ratio.


Loud guy and his girl get dropped, dont worry.

The formula he gave Tsukasa seemed like it required pretty specific ratios, he was probably experimenting to find the optimal one.

Senku is a Gary Stu of the highest order. He can fucking do everything and never does anything wrong. Ever.

Have you ever read a manga at the speed of light?

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out reddit fag

I think Dr. Stone sucks!

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Ohayou Sekai Good Morning Woooorld!
Fukanou No Yami Wo Haratteeeee!!!
Shinwa Wo Reaching
Jou Ni Kaeteku Houryuuseiiiiiii!!!!
Ippozutsu Ishi Wo Wakatsu You Naaaaaa...
Kono Ayumi De Sekai Wo Hirogeyouuuuuuuuuu!!!!

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shut up

Is this what mental illnes looks like?

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They couldn't think all that clearly. Most people would stop thinking after a while. Senkuu himself struggled a lot to avoid fading into unconsciousness, he even discovered how often that happened.
The other guy kept thinking only one thing, that he loved Yuzuriha. It's not that 1500 years after the incident he suddenly remembered "oh, snap! I left the TV on before going to school", and yet another 460 years afterwards he thought to himself "I'm gonna ponder about philosophical issues cuz I'm bored". He was stuck in the thought that he loved her, that's why he didn't age mentally at all despite being self aware for so long.
And Senkuu, who is mentally gifted far beyond average human beings, had to work really hard to be able to count and have a second thought at the same time, something that wouldn't be an issue at all had he not be stoned.

the opening is trash
their haikyuu songs were better

it's just a child
I hope

He literally made a clay oven wrong in the first episode and had it explode on him, forcing him to do it again. This stays true for most scientific theories brought to life in the show. He had to practice that ratio to complete the formula for months. Sometimes it goes off without a hitch for plot convenience but just as often they have to take several attempts to make science work

I don't like the gradient effect either, I prefer his manga hair

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honestly why does this idea persist in anime that high school crushes are equivalent to real love? no 15 year old boy feels so strongly about a girl that he could muster that kind of willpower

Its fucking stupid. 3 minutes of internal dialogue is not acceptable explanation. This show is for kids, also that nigger look like the onion alien

drooling retards

but the show isnt presented as an alternate reality or something where people are mentally stronger, its meant to be real people in the real world who have something strange happen to them. you still expect the normal rules of human ability to apply.
i mean obviously its anime and i personally dont care, but still

why are the birds even petrified? you see other animals be totally fine, but the birds are not only in stone but were in stone before people were?

nah i think its implied he was conscious the entire time, just not counting or really paying attention to the outside world very much

what would happen if he like, cut his hair? would he just cut the green off? would it grow back?

I think it's just dumb love at its finest. You know as an innocent teen high on life and pure love daydreaming about the rest of your lives together.

looking at this thread, just being physically away from people creates problems, think how insane if you couldnt move but watch.

Meditative enlightenment is a meme. You're not going to get smarter just by thinking to yourself, especially if you're a kid. Buddha was a total memer.

I like to imagine it would grow back

but does that feeling persist long enough? every time i felt like that in school id forget about them by about halfway through the summer

Senkuu was already smart, also he dabbed on Buddha in the early chapters.

I think the best working theory is that the birds were a test run, making sure that the petrification effect could be tuned for a single species

One part in the story points out that the two only got out of the petrification with only nitric acid due to having been actively thinking for the last 3700 years while others that turned to stone stopped thinking, something about the thought process of the brain using up energy of the stone, making it weaker than that of someone that stopped thinking shortly after turning.

They're childhook friends, she's not going away. The 3700 years is overkill sure, just saying.

guess the fact that all this happens in like 5 minutes of screentime makes it harder to believe. i guess they had to make the fist episode include some of the exciting post-apocalypse shit, but really the entire first episode should have been just characterisation and ended with the petrification event

Smooth brain.

The backstory comes later and inbetween. It's a cute and wholesome backstory. The adaptation so far is accurate to the first 2 chapters. There are a few things left out but nothing that would change the story. Maybe the understanding. There was a trump cameo where he got stoned too and straight up said he is losing it.

You are a moron. It is a shonen manga where the one shot makes or breaks a mangaka.

If Boichi did what you suggested, the manga would have been axed. The whole reason people enjoy the series is because we see science and these characters go from the stone age to modern day.

This is why I laugh at your moronic dipshits who think you can write a better story than the author. You want character development go read from an author who consistently gives you that in Togashi. Boichi is known for good art, interesting characters and good ideas. Dr Stone has that. Kill yourself.

Inagaki is the writer, Boichi just draws

petrification isn't real user, you should have started there.

When I was 17 which was 7 years ago I fell in love strongest. Love is love user

Wouldn't you go blind if you saw pitch dark for 3700 years?
Usually your pupils will dilate in order to let in as much light as possible, so your vision adjusts to being in a dark place.
But could that really happen if you were stuck in a stone casket? Which also makes me think, there must have been openings in the stone big enough to let enough oxygen in.

Instead of cooking up a chemical to corrode the rock, wouldn't it have been easier to dunk a stone animal in water, see where the air flows into the casket, and then attack that spot with a rock or something?

Yes it is, user. Petrification is very much real

I think he was born with green hair and at some point lost pigmentation

They didn't "see", their whole body was stoned, just inner thoughts remained.

Oh I thought they were inside the stone, not actually becoming the stone, because of the way stone fragments were left behind after they broke out.
That makes more sense as to why they're not blind and brain damaged.

From what I've read so far 90 percent of his knowledge is chemistry, geology, or mechanical engineering. It's a lot but not too crazy that someone knows all of those.

They're gonna explain this by ep 3 in the anime. Whole body turns to stone, nital needs to seep through the stone and activate the process of the depetrification. The process starts from the inside out, so at the end all you're left with is a stone shell which is easily breakable and breaks by itself.

Look at the broken bodies, it's a total conversion. Brain activity seems to be just slightly counteractive to the process. the stone itself is restorative, and upon being broken reverses everything back to its optimal state, barring the emergence marking

Thanks for the explaination, anons.
>Look at the broken bodies
I completely overlooked this.

No problem user, we discuss the science behind the series all the time. Shitposters are just pretending at this point.

i literally said that in my comment, can you not read? and you pretend like youre teaching me anything, kek. youre as edgy as the green hair scientist kid

is that because it was real love or because youve had nothing since

how, though? its the tip. unless it grows in stripes and he just cuts it at the green part. or it like, oxidises over time and just gets greener at the tips because that hair is older?

The latter. Idk, it was never explained, I just like to imagine his "older parts of the hair" change colors for some reason.

>Shitposters are just pretending at this point.
Or are actually, literally, no memeing retarded

I hope they're not, it's less insulting if you just assume they're pretending.

What the fuck made him so sure that this was even the right combination of substances. In reality it could have been whatever made them wake up and male ejaculate.
But going even further it could be something else altogether.
They got lucky as fuck.

They literally tried different combinations for 6 months straight, pay attention faggot.

Different ratios.

Senkuu experimented with loads of possible things, just look at his stone swallow collection

They were also transformed into stone themselves, as in: their flesh turned into stone, and when they woke up they were fleshy and there was just some akward stone shell around them, no idea where that came from, not to mention that their brain works while being stone or not whatever - nothing in this shit makes sense but the author believes to be smart. I almost dropped it when the 3700 counting happened and did so after the deep chemistry explanations later that were handled as if the MC was einstein himself.

Humanity is pretty dumb, pretend idiocy is just as close to real idiocy to surprising degrees.

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>t. Shitposter

This is a plot point brought up later on. Also stop trying to prove how much smarter you are than a kids show. We're all very impressed by the size of your brain.

Its the Rick&Morty of anime. You need to be at like 200+ IQ to even understand the show.

Zoomer Prime has arrived.

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Go back to wherever you came from.

t. someone whos never left his basement

No full nude? Disappointing

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It's a simple story to get children into science and engineering, literally a "How it's made" in shounen manga form. Can't you stop sperging out for a second and judge it for what it is? Everything about the post-apocalyptic setting and people turning into stone is just window dressing to make it more exciting.

Is this fucking 9gag?

It actually shows much more ass than this in the episode.
Not that I noticed or anything like that.

I'm not gay but I want an accurate adaptation, so every detail counts.
I don't know moon so I need to wait

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Unironically this.

THIS, it is literally the Dumbbell of science.

>Should I drop it?
the mc has E=MC2 written on his shirt unironically
does one really need more of a reason than that?

>t. Shitposter desperately trying

Read the manga and form your own opinion you fucking retard

Gary Stus are a bad thing why

His hair is a blue silver/metallic blue shade in the manga. Cutting it would change absolutely nothing.

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Really hyped for him. I used to hate him when he first showed up in the manga but his retribution was seriously well done and his raw power is charming.


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whats that pic i replied to then? fanart?

Boichi drew both, he stated he's bad at coloring so his hair turns out a bit different every time

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dont know how you can be so bad at colouring that you use completely different colours

Idk either

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Interstella 5555 is the only good thing matsumoto has ever done

There are some scientific issues in the show but this is really not one of them.
99.9% of stoned people just fall asleep, and when revived don't realize that thousands of years have passed. It's even stated that Senku nearly fell asleep a few times, but kept autistically counting.
They don't age mentally even when awake because, as will be stated later in the show (probably before the end of this cour, I don't remember exactly when this is reveal) the stone has the ability to heal people, or more accurately keep them healthy, which is why no one starved to death. This becomes a major plot point around when I think the anime will end. They never specifically mention it, but it's safe to assume that it would keep the brain from aging and degenerating, as well.
>but that doesn't make sense! it's pure magic!
like , it's the premise of the story. Even Senku itself refers to it as "fantasy" because it is fantastic, and I honestly expect the big twist at the end of the manga that it literally is explainable magic and Senku will have to deal with the fact that not everything is understandable by science.

Why did the birds turn into stone like the humans, but no other animal did?

Highschool crushes are more powerful than anything. If adult love was powerful than most couples wouldn't eventually divorce.

>explainable magic and Senku will have to deal with the fact that not everything is understandable by science
That's not how science works. It would be contrary to everything the manga stands for.


not smart enough to carry spears with them.

>An entire year went by without any wild animal attacking them.
>Suddenly a pack of lions attack them.
>Over 400 IQ guy didn't think about making simple weaponry like a spear or a bow.
Just turn off your brain and enjoy it.

Not all birds, only sparrows, presumably as a test.

>only man strong enough to punch out a lion is just a few yards away

He made crossbows, but the plot required them to be useless.

there are spears shown in the first anime ep, i guess they just forgot about them

is he aware his head looks like an asparagus?

it's just an anime, take it easy

>genius physicist MC
>gets 3700 years of free thinking time
>uses it to count seconds instead of doing mathematical proofs

>that it literally is explainable magic and Senku will have to deal with the fact that not everything is understandable by science.
Then Senkuu will just start learning magic and turn it into science.

Hey, if it works for Araki

Interact with children.

People who never got hurt by love can be blindly passionate

It would be a fitting final chapter, though. That's pretty much what final character development should look like as well as themes.

>anime based around science
>real life Earth
>doesn't apply real science
>"It's weeb shit, gawd! Can't you suspend your disbelief and glorify this like everyone else!???'
Sure, lemme think about it for three thousand seven hundred years, I'll get back to you in exactly the same mindset as I am right now. Hang tight.

Boomercaust when?!

>character development means shitting all over your work at the very end for shock value
Never write anything.

Magic doesn't exist. If it can be observed and reproduced, it can be studied, analyzed, and eventually explained and understood, even if it doesn't happen in your lifetime. That process is what science is. Hitting a roadblock, giving up and calling something magic is what primitive people and morons would do, which again is the polar opposite of Senku's character. Even if he had to spend his whole life studying the petrification process that would not stop him - it would only make his science boner harder. You must think that the real world is full of shitty character development, considering the amount of researchers who live and die as scientists, never turning to voodoo or shamanic rituals when a problem stumps them.

>not senku realizing that there might be just one miracle that can't be explained via science in a wholesome final chapter
Shit taste senpai.

>every person in the world gets turned to stone in the first episode
>"why isn't this anime realistic what the fuck"
First, consider where petrification is most used, what is its connotation, and how it's cured.

did you never go through puberty

It's the last time Japanese people feel pure love before getting married of convenience

>Also the fact that the loud dude didn't age mentally considering my statement above bothers me
You can't age mentally without an outside world to interact with.

t. shut-in

Post pics of his ass