Black Clover

Chapter 212 is out.

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My bad

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>mha chapter released
>jaimini running smooth
>black clover chapter released
>shit hits the fan

I think it's clear which is the better manga

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I didn't think I'd see the end of this arc before killing myself

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Last Page

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>Im going to be the devil king

Translator's Page

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Amvil is a lot like Zora lmao

He's coming back right?

What a bro.

FWK is super dead. Dude died a virgin goddammit.

naw, loser is staying dead


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This whole elf saga was planned by the word devil.
What's anti-devil's plan?

This is just a part of his master plan, you'll see.

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the tsundere joke was there but it wasn't some dumb shit, i like it

What's Patolli going to do.

to keep being a raging homo

Where the fuck is Zora again?

stayed outside fighting the elf niggas

Outside with the rest of the bulls.

So this implies Amvil will get an actual design outside of that shadowy world, right?

If he ever gets a body.

Nah He'll be a calm homo this time

Yes, once he takes over Asta.

Why was Charla grabbing Yamis ass?
He's Charlotte's property

It was a "Good Job" type of grab

Everyone who has read this arc in one go has said it's been great and doesn't feel dragged out. It only feels bad when read weekly. I can't wait to do a reread once things wrap up

>ends just as it starts in the anime

I reread the wevil fight before today's chapter and it felt way better.

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I wonder if Amvil wants to move up the Devil hierarchy, or maybe he wants revenge on the other Devils, or maybe something else

he wants to be the devil king

He wants some friends.

I'm loving Charla now
I want Yami to have them both, just them and no one else

ah fuck! I got a feeling this isn't over because of that last page for some reason.

They're about to be transported to another world.

>this is now the cast for the next saga
How would you feel?

Yes, less bulls

>mereoleona is there
very good

>Fana gets triple teamed by Jack, Nozel and Fuego while Salamander and Vetto watch.

Needs more Grey

It's not fair. Bring him back.

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>gg ez noob

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>Implying Wevil is relevant
>Implying we're not gonna find out in a few arcs that he was just a weak low ranking devil that got too uppity

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So is the end? Like, of the series?

Nowhere near the end. Asta hasn't become Wizard King yet.

Thank fuck. Food Wars ended. I can't stand this ending yet.

Please make it official

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Asta has like 4 maybe 5 girls let my nigga Yami get his one (2*1) princess.

These were some good times.

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shes so cute

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wevil is old school devil past his prime
amvil is that new school I dont need no magic devil

The hype builds up weekly so it wasnt all that bad imo
Every week it just gets better and better

>He spent all those years just to finally pull this off
>Only to get blown the fuck out and called a loser as he dies
Poor bastard.

I feel like this arc has overstayed it's welcome and has gone on for too long, shit was hype when we had all the fights against the elf's and everyone fighting their comrades

ah, yes, my beautiful invincible boys

He doesn't mind

Hot garbage rest of the series is cold garbage tho.

hot garbage is worse than cold garbage because hot garbage smells bad

What did he meant by this?

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Positive and joyful Lumi is cute.

We don't know if he had kids yet.

What are those disgusting pimples on Astas face?

>Hey there 8 tailed beast, it's me the nine tailed beast.


That's sweat silly user.

Fuck off, Charlotte is Yami's one and only. She's just friendly to Asta cuz he's a good kid.

>gg izy
Fucking AMevil lmao

I'm open for more trash talk from Amvil

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>esto es el fin, Wiablo

>The last you hear is

>get fucked senpai
Top kek

Amvil is pretty based

GEGEGE KINO is back.

she came?

Yuno a shit.

>Not even Wevil knows who he is
So Amvil is either very good at staying hidden or he was born after Wevil lost

Both, most likely

wevil is still alive bros

Amvil is a peasant devil from the our world boonies

do corrupted grimoires just keep shooting out new demons? Because atleast two demons can now claim their lineage from that grimoire

Does Wevil have a dick and is it bigger than Nebra's huge grotesque dick?

julius RIP soon
next chapter Lumi dead again

I doubt it

>bigger than nebras
Let's not get carried away

Haven't be to these threads in some time, why is the recently killed devil called 'Wevil' and Asta's devil 'Amvil'? What did I miss here?

Word devil and Anti-magic devil

people are to lazy to say Word Magic Devil and Anti-Magic Devil so they shorten it to Wevil and Amvil

>This is the face of your future Devil King
Say something nice about him.

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I could care less about the idea of devil king.
But he cool

He got punched in the face

You just know that in non-Jump censored dialogue he would say this
>gg no re fucking faggot noob play minesweeper


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He's missing an eyeball

You mean the gem in his left eye fell out

>eat shit, senpai

Love this guy. Hopefully he gets more screentime

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So do you think Revchi saw Amvil here? Seems pretty in-character for him to pop out just to scare some poor human bastard.

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not a big fan of this chapter, neither the last one

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Amvil can't exist in the world on his own.

Just accept you lost Wevil


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>another seething wevilfag

what's amvil's plan?

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It would be cool if he did. I think Vetto saw him too.

Wait for asta to become powerful before he takes over

would be cool if he could actually manifest into harmless shit like shadows for effect

>Yfw he was actually a good guy all along.

What's gonna be this thread's reaction when Licht and Lumiere both die in the following chapters?

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The devil got julius killed though.

>implying he's dead

Don't do it, user

Niggerstream trying so hard to localize they fucked this up.

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But they literally mentioned that there are other demons in the other chapters

Yami’s kids are pretty cute.

Amvils goal is to kill other higher ranked demons. Calling it now. He set it up so Asta would be his host since Asta wouldn't get a grimoire from having no mana. Amvil is probably the equivalent to a peasant in the demon world and thought Asta would relate when the time comes

should have just used senpai, its pretty common lingo now
Elder sounds cool though

Elder works better than senior.
Though I agree at this point it's very much understood that he's saying senpai.

What if Amvil was literally born of a masterless grimoire of despair?

Dont care for this theory.

>the demon world is just a mirror of the normal world
>so the Black Clover kingdom is where amvil comes from
>seeks to join forces with his human couterpart aka Asta to become one and the same and take over Black Clover

just a headcanon but it would be really cool

>wait till Asta is strong
>kill him and absorb his essence

Hes ready getting punched out by fledgling asta bro.
He wont stand a chance if hes stronger.

I've been toying with this idea but what if demons are sent to the BC world like humans are sent to isekais in isekai stories?

They get hit by a truck?

More on the lines of being given a second lease in life but sure why not


Good news

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Well. We knew this.

Pretty much the same except for the wings. I guess all devils share that body type.

It's nice to get confirmation from a reputable source

>be alpha bull
>get old
>another bull in his prime who's stronger thanks to the 'future generation is stronger' shit laughs at you as you job to your prey

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Stop relating to old people

Senior > Elder

You don't call a senior at your workplace an elder. That said senpai would have been best

You're going to be old someday user, your daughters you raised will all go to stronger bulls.

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Senior sounds awkward in casual conversation

Elder sounds worse AND comes with various vague implications especially in a fantasy setting

are you guys bots or something
don't even care about the demon

I wont have children user

Stay mad wevilfag


The half devil joke last thread was probably more on point than we realize. My head canon is that he’s someone who ascended to demon status in an effort to kill them off. Anti magic is weird even by the bc world standards.

>more on point than we realize
If nothing is confirmed it's not suddenly more on point.

If this is the new Beserk, is Noelle the next Casca?

That's lily

Over already? Good god, what a fucking drag of an arc.


If I can't take some 20s-30s genXXX fag in my 50s-60s then science has failed us.

Words are hard for you, aren't they?

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Living Rent free.Rent fucking free.

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>brainlets not realizing what anti magic devil means
He is the destruction of mana, he will lead the world to a manaless state by absorbing it all.
He is Érebos = deep darkness, the place between Earth and Hades, he is born of chaos.
Others like gaia, thanatos and eros might come later as well.
The end game of black clover is Ragnarok where the war of all wars will be waged.

How the fuck did a demon get inside a grimoire?

Let me put it like this.
>more on point than we realize.
To make a claim like this new evidence would have to show up supporting the said joke/theory.
Witch to my knowledge none has.

Fuck off norsekek

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I know weevil was dying anyway but Did he thanos snap him


>literally I came here to laugh at you

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When the fuck did this hapoen

How did you speed read that hard?

so you're not esl, just slow. good luck in english class young man.

Wait so am I retarded? I thought the Elf demon was in Asta's book

That's a good thing tho
Like literally
You fuck and procreate up not down

I've been having a rough year

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Is Asta, dare I say... The true Black Swordsman?

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>all this esl samefagging with phone filenames
Kill yourself.

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You are very VERY retarded.
Because theres no demon in astas book

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Next arc shes involved greatly.
Tabata is my uncle

The next 5 chapters should be the aftermath and another 5-10 chapters for a cooldown.

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It's a foregone conclusion at this point regardless if Tabata is your uncle.

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Would you be pissed if all along, they were secretly dating? No clues no hints

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I mean it's bad writing if there was absolutely no hints.
But no I wouldnt.

Based Amvil

Kys Asta self inserter.

Cute family

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Is this from the Viz site?


Ask Tabata when will my husband come back

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He dies.
It's what triggers the arc

Don't ever reply to me again

>dying before impregnating Fana
Nice try

Lotus dies .I'd way through the arc protecting his daughters

I'll be honest. When looking at that panel of Secre I can't help, but think she has invisible nose hooks on. You know those nose hooks that make you look like a pig and is used some sort of humiliation fetish.

>Get fucked

>killing the poor family man
Still very rude

My theory is Asta has “zero” mana but not really.
He has equal amounts negative mana and positive mana.

This ain't magi


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>Kanji for death.
I fucking love Yoshihara!

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Licht will marry Sister Lily.


Hopefully. Imagine how Noellefags would react if she got mindbroken and remained retarded for the next decade.


>all these fanart
>still no doujin
why must we suffer

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I just want someone to draw a cute vanilla doujin of them.

So nice

what the fuck is this autism

12 years of shit posting would do that to a person


>wanting 10-15 weeks of NOTHING HAPPENING


There is no "demon" in asta grimoire.

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Asta IS the Demon my dude.
This manga is literally Oparts hunter

CHADAsta fucking Mereleona when?

Fuck off. She impregnated shota Vetto already.

>Charlotte is Sol's one and only
ftfy. Yami can have Charla

It's crazy how i just fucked Fana to death 4 times yet she just keeps coming back to life for some more.

Leave me alone with your garbage ships. In the anime it's hinted that Charla likes Rhya btw.

t. Small dick


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what if it's 10-15 weeks of my boy Yuno being cute and smug

elf niggers*

Why is smug Vetto so lewd? He's begging to be brutally raped.

After the next wizard king selection Yuno will be absent for at least 20 chapters


How would they go on dates?


Instant loss but with an amazon press instead

Prolonged fighting/fucking session that lasts for hours.

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I doubt Leona will agree to anything but a hunting trip date.
Or another naked hot springs training.

>Prolonged fighting/fucking session that lasts for hours.
So 10 hours fighting, 10 hours having cuddling/violent sex, and 4 hours of sleeping?

>implying Leona ever sleeps
They go back to fucking

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They better not wait until they're old. Charlotte needs to have some katana wielding chad babies.

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Which episode is supposed to get Sakuga exactly? If 92 is the big fight then why is Yoshihara listed for 93?

porque no los dos

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Based Pierrot

>Astas clothes have been shredded multiple times this arc and is so out of energy by the end he has to be carried
>Yuno is still in his fully intact royal knights robe with now even a scratch
Yuno really is superior in every way

Kirsch and him need to keep up their beauty.

Yuno was nearly completely helpless to kill Wevil and was reduced to acting as a homing beacon for Asta's black meteor.

I hope throughout the story they both retire to raise children and other characters develop as leaders for the respective squads (finral for the bulls and sol for the roses maybe)

I think that would be the best thing to happen, since I don't want them to die just for someone new to get their positions. Though both of your captain suggestions have quite a lot to learn before they could lead a squad.

Well i think that the next big saga will be the 4 kingdoms saga. It will start with a small Clover Kingdom arc where we get a new wk as well as rebuilding the kingdom and just dealing with the aftermath of this arc. Then we get a Diamond Kingdom Arc which will probably include the Black Bulls vice captain as well as some nods tp dwarfes setting up Charmys story. I believe that the magic gems that the diamond kingdom use to brainwash their mages are from Dwarfes and that the Black Bulls vice captain is brainwashed and one of the 8 Shininng Generals. The i believe we will get a small Heart Kingdom arc. Since the Heart Kingdom are the allies of the Clover Kingdom i feel like this will serve to power up some of our characters. Noelle might get the water spirit for example and this might also be the arc where we explore Charmys backstory and maybe the Dwarfes moved from the Diamond Kingdom to the Heart Kingdom because the HK was friendlier and the DK betrayed them. It could mirror the Elf-Clover conflict and would somehow show Astas growth. Then i believe we might get a small arc where Asta, Charmy, Noelle and maybe Leopold and that snow girl from the Azure Deer (they need development and i find them pretty interesting) go on a mission in the Forsaken Realm. Charmy would join because in the Heart Kingdom they might have learned where the Dwarfes live now and that might just coincidentally be where the mission is. This arc would end up similar to the dungeon arc where they encountered DK mages, just that this time they would be from the Spade Kingdom. Something might happen and it would cause the Spade Kingdom to attack and invade the Clover Kingdom. I think this would be a really nice saga for worldbuilding as well as keeping the format that Black Clover has had up until now with all the arcs tying into 1 at the end of the saga.


So, are the magic stones gone for real? Do you think they are exclusive to the clover kingdom?

I want more than 1 or 2 kingdom focus, diamond can be next but spade comes attacking or helping the civil war.
Heart can be sending some reinforcement or supplies too.

the magic stones are treasures of the elf tribe

>Yuno had to rely on Lumiere's buff to fight the devil
>About to lose elf fetus power multiplier
>Squad about to be disbanded for being 99% elf reincarnations
Not looking good for Yuno right now

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They already introduced negative mana bruh

Another kino chapter


>usually hate tsunderes
>think Noelle is actually pretty cute
Anyone else the same?

Nah I like Tsunderes as long as they dont hit the MC all the time or create the most forced drama in the series. But Noelle is cute.

Stop being retarded

Doesnt mean they are equal and opposite forces.

Are you new to these threads? Noelle is easily the most popular female in the manga.

Were we ever given a reason as to why Yami left his home land?


Chadsta will finally win the Sisterbowl.

But licht will

He got shipwrecked.

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Remember him

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The eye will be taken

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>retarded theoryfags still trying

It's just lonne you autist

>don't make theories
Fuck off retard.

Prove it kid

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I hope noelle and secre are good friends.
Noelle needs other female friends in her life more often

>he doesn't know about our lord and savior

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>magna's apprentice

Sekre will see her as the rightful future queen and do everything in her power to ensure Noelle's designs and good standing.

I know about sekke though


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The arc is literally over retard, there’s no one else it could possibly be. The anime even had Lonne sitting at the table with the rest of them. It’s obvious that Tabata hid his identity to add to the “What the fuck” factor when Wevil donutted Rhya.

Mad lad will be back

Ask Tabata to make a Charmy in Wonderland arc where Charmy is a Giant through most of it. Please.

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Fuckoff Norsesefag
Black clover are Christian-jews based

For what? The new king of demon


What a nice man

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In 100 chapters I will be proven correct.

He won't respect Magna at all.

Noelle's strict father's debut when?

As much as naruto popularized it i love the teaming up with your inner monster thing and fighting full power side by side
I dont see asta and amvil being on bad terms in the long run and in a couple arcs it feels like asta will need all the power he can get and asta wants peace among all races anyway

jesus christ

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I want to see an arc where she gets forced to join the Silver Eagles now that she's proven her strength, with Asta and the Black Bulls having to bring her back.

That's lame and childish.

Noelle would literally one shot any of her siblings. She can come back on her own.

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I dont want to see that.

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Fuck off with that fanfiction-tier writing.

Fuck off Langris.

It's funny how the other protagonist voiced by Asta's VA alao has a crush on a nun

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I wanna see more captains as little kids!

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I wanna give her a head pat

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I hate it that she looks older in the anime version. Also hoped to see more than just a silhouette.

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I wanna see young Julius.

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Sekke is pretty based

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Cuz fuck pierrot. I wonder if she question herself why she was cursed?

Bros why these threads are so dead?

This is the 2nd thread of the current chapter

We had 3 consecutive threads in a row. We're cooling down.

I bet she does. That curse is pretty strong, so that person must've hated house Roselei quite much, wanting to kill the whole family using their precious little daughter. I hope we'll get another flashback in the future.

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>That curse is pretty strong
Where does it stated that the curse is strong when Yami himself easily broke out those thorns?

Guidebook. It says that the curse is so strong that some people even think that elves have something to do with it. Sorry for the shitty photo.

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I love Mana Zone.

Peeew! This is looks like a faction whose plotting something fishy since they mentioned elves who will be a great obstacle to reach their goals. Thanks user, this thickens the plot for Charlotte

Charlotte's plot was already thicc

Her flashback was left vague for a reason. The tsun queen has growth potential and thanks to Charla, she knows that she still has to break the curse.

user, pls...have mercy on my peepee
Yeah, it was great knowing that there will be more about her later, probably it could be an important one since elves got an involvement over the curse issue

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But they don't know about the elves at that point? they mean the midnight sun who we now know as elves.

Dunno who is meant. I just translated.

Weird, no?
But the guide book kinda implied there is someone who can see future events

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Who does Nozel cook for? Can he even cook?

He might have learned to cook as a royal practice

They're cooking for Julius. Nozel and Jack aren't in the worst cooks ranking, but Charlotte is.

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Remember Charlotte trying to cook for Yami in the banquet, she's doing her best. Kek

Will Yami act like a gentleman for her cooking or just belch and say he'll be the one cooking for both of them?

I'm sick of Charlottefags and more importantly shipperfags. Fuck off with your fanfiction.


Then leave, if they annoy you so much. You won't get rid of them any time soon.

How much of a newfag are you that you didn't know Charlotte's development engage on romantic influence?

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Is it fanfiction if it's canon, user?


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Is she tsun for Lumiere

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I need these two semen demons back as soon as possible.
Fuck Tabata, do it before I kick the bucket.

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My tsuns!


>the finished one is worse
The coloring team is shit.

What's with the sudden influx of fujos?

Regardless compared to last popularity poll we are drowning them out.


These guys need to eat.

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We're Valtos arms always like that?

Like what? It's just gloves.

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Valtos actually looks pretty badass here.

>be 25
>look 40
Anorexia, not even once

Look at yami

Imagine the smell of Rades's grimoire.

She isn’t even close to her brothers level

Julius is coming back, right?

Best girl is on it

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Valtos has always needed to eat something.

Thanks for that mental image user. Really appreciate it.


His pretty pink pubes smell like bubblegum


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It looks like Noelle did alright?

Yeah, she did.


Looks like aniki

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Finral will redeem himself and their combo move will be his attack spatial magic going through finral's teleportation portals.

Why does Finral need to redeem himself?


Maybe he meant Langris

Langris did nothing wrong



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>rent free for 2 years

Nebras huge dick...

>i am to create a future with "no discrimination"
>until that future comes, i will not die
Julius died for our sins to bring everlasting peace

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My theory is that Asta is the Magic emperors illegitimate child and his lack of mana is due to him being posessed by Amvil.

>possesed by amvil
Dumb retard

> Julius

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Is there even a point to apprentice ship?
It seems to me spells are based on your understanding of magic and you can’t just learn spells someone else knows.

Amvil is posessed by Asta.

That's also incorrect

When is finral going to dick down Vanessa

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Being taught magical fundamentals is important.
You can teach control and the ways witch an element behaves.
Not to mention things like mana skin and mana zone along side combat training.


Oh wow Lmaoo le debil is in the 5th leaf clover durrr nhurrr. No. Stop with your headcanon.

Nozel please.

Nozel don't.

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Based Nozel.

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Enjoy your bag of dicks

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God damn Amvil is such a chad.
Someone make a Chad Amvil vs Virgin Wevil thing. Even their body types match.
I really hope that Amvil stays a smug asshole even after the inevitable moment where Asta earns his trust and friendship and they fully cooperate with each other.

Also, are we the only ones that use Amvil and Wevil as their names? Didn't find anything by googling them.

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Leddit does too

It started here, and since BC isn’t popular enough for redditors (sans Jimbo) to come into our threads, there’s no way that it could spread out.

>implying asta is not just gunna keep punching amvil in the face

Is it weird that that makes me super happy cause I think I'm the one that started it?
I initially made this post, and looking at fireden it's the first mention of those names.
I just went with them cause I wanted to post theories about the devils and got tired of them not having names. I didn't realize it had caught on so much.

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Flaunt it user, you earned it

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Nah, it makes sense since it became so widely used in such a short time.

Plus when we finally find out their actual names, you can look back fondly on the days when we called them “Amvil” and “Wevil”.

Consdiering Wevil went out like such a bitch here, I wonder if we'll ever get a name for him.

Though, I could see us getting his name when they introduce a whole group of devils as major antagonists for the next saga of the series.
Like it'll cut to some shadowy figures that are clearly devils talking about the incident in Clover Kingdom with one of them dropping Wevil's name as they go "______'s plan was thwarted" or "_______ was weak compared to us."

It will just be a bunch of young devils laughing calling amvil a madlad and wevil a bitchboy

>Amvil and his generation are literally just a bunch of Chad dudebros that like to fuck with boomer devils
I would unironically love that.

>they flex being powerful and young compared to demon boomers
i would kek

Man, I just wanna see what kind of semen demon the first female Devil we get will look like.

Unless it turns out to be Lily.

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I hate to ruin your moment but amvil is a female.
She’s thicker and has a bigger chest area than wevil.
Before you dismiss that she’s not feminine enough just look at mereoleona.

Leona is exceptionally feminine looking though.
Your point makes no sense.

Leona from a black silhouette alone wouldn’t look feminine just like amvil.

So your saying if this is blacked out it wont look feminine.
Is that what you are saying?

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Nice roots. Does he bleach his hair?
Those memes about Valtos being Patri's hairstylist aren't true are they?

Could just be anime hair

Kino of the century

Maybe but the thought of Valtos being a humungous faggot like his master is quite amusing especially his fashion sense.
Also if I remember correctly his roots didn't show until after he got BTFO but Patri.

>Those memes about Valtos being Patri's hairstylist aren't true are they?
It's obviously true.

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Good work, next level is when ur stuff gets used around here.

It's cute and canon

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that nigga better apologize


He's got nothing to apologize for.

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Wholesome Group

Man noelle really out paced yuno by poll three
But to be fair she stagnated in poll 2

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Author better deliver, in a sense sista is a tsundere.

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Wat does wevil and amvil mean?

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nice but it's almost like these two barely similar events effected the plot of these series in completely separate ways?

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She's already full dere at this point.

People often forget this because they can’t comprehend that similar events will have different effects.

Word and Anti-Magic Devil

Why is Yuno such a Gary Stu?

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Nips finally realised Yuno's shit

He's placed 3rd and 4th before. His votes have also been increasing every polls.

This shit is starting to get annoying. Also too gay.
Last two chapters were so full of nothing. I think I'll let some 40 chapters to stack up so I can have some development.

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>the death of the main enemy of the saga and cunt who fucked everything up so far is nothing
based retard

Because she's actually a character unlike most tsunderes

>His hair is braided when he fought Yami
>He fought Julius it's flowing freely
The second he's free of being their esteemed leader this faggot literally threw away all his follower's to the ground along with his hair stylist, a very subtle confirmation about the hair.

Also fucking forget about William, the fucking nigger is literally useless indecisive cuck.
>Inb4 he is the captain.
No you fucking faggots Patri IS the captain.

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I love this fanbase.

Literally both are god-tier.

Much better than Suckura and Hinatits

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Best girls.

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Why are both so cute?

>Sweet, caring demure girl
>Cute, haughty tsundere
The best things come in pairs, user.

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Poor Valtos just wanted to belong to a family yet Patry just spit in his face in the end. Hopefully Jack picks him up as his own teleporter giving him a chance to start doing good.
Also the hair situation is pretty cool. It's subtle but has strong symbolism behind it.

Sister Lily will fuck William's brains out in front of Asta

>dick sucking pimple

How can noll even compete

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By being an actual well-written character

Tsuns are best girls.

>mimosafag tries to start shit again


Should more characters have died in this arc?

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No, it's to make clear that modern magic >>> old magic
Even with overwhelming mana it can be overcome through the evolution of the grimoire and techniques.

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I love how that directly leads to tech + modern magic >>> modern magic and explains why Spade is a major military power.

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>500 year old tech by some autistic prince >> elf powerhouses
I can see robots and guns being introduced by morris.

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We still never got any confirmation on spades technological prowers.
As far as we know clover made the most strides

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I think that won't happen, but several artificial dual element grimoires for sure.

I'm assuming that Spade's tech is high just because they're called a military powerhouse.

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In a world of magic being a military powerhouse can be many things.
They could have a military full of yunos

Probably due to the sheer size of the country, they are the Russia/USSR equivalent so bare minimum tech but massive numbers.
They're going to be storming soldiers in the fronts.

I don't think being cute and smug is a winning strategy

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>The exit they're all headed for is a doorway to another world
>Everyone is Isekai to the normal, magicless world Asta is originally from

What of they all head to the demon world instead?

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>they actually come out 50 years later into the future
>the orphanage kids are now grown up and the kingdom is peril with diamond invasion

I dont want another psyren