Yu Yu Hakusho

Should I watch the anime or read the manga?

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The dub was great and worth the watch. It would be interesting to see what anyone says about the manga though. I rarely see anyone say anything about it one way or the other.

Both have basically the same plot, but from a technical standpoint the anime wins. Excellent near-OVA quality animation, great art with detailed shading, trippy uses of color, ambitious shots with animated backgrounds, great OST, and postcard memory shots. Manga has some pretty good art, but isn't as consistently impactful as the anime.

Anime. It has a bit of filler but it also cuts out some unnecessary stuff from the Manga. The ending is shitty on both but it's slightly better in the anime. I'm not really a dubs guy but the dub for this anime is surprisingly good. The first two arcs will have you feeling like a middle schooler watching adult swim on a Sunday night in the early 2000s again. It's a great feeling desu!

Both are excellent. Basically, it boils down to whether you're a manga or anime guy. I'd suggest both.

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Ok, I decided to watch the anime. Now which release should I pick? The MP-Complete release is like 110 GB and I don't know if the other dual audio release on nyaa is good either.


It's worth the 110 gbs , just start dling it.

just start and prioritize the early episodes

Can you link the magnet url here ?

Watch the dub homie

Watch the dub from audio news rio. Marcos Ribeiro is absolute best Yusuke

I watched the anime subbed so i don't know anything about the meme dub.
The anime has excellent animation and some trippy creatively colored scenes.
The only problem i had with the anime is that the first few episodes (i think around 25) are pure shit because the MCs win using inconsistent power rules. After that the Dark Tournament arc begins and it's all good from there.

Can you give an example? Yusuke really just gets lucky ? Randall throwing him into a puddle that's connected to another puddle. He puts a a lit cigarette in a guys belt to see him in the dark etc. I wouldn't say he is inconsistently powerful.

>anime cutting manga content is good
What is happening on Yea Forums right now

I prefer the manga for the most part. Togashi's art was inconsistent even then, but the manga simultaneously has more humor and more grit.

I do like the anime, though. The OPs and EDs are great, the animation tends to be pretty good, etc.

Does Yuu Yuu Hakusho have any Togashi asspulls on the same level as Alluka or O my rubber nen?


Where do they land in on the scale of "this is an asspull but I'm completely fine with it," to "this completely ruined the show, fuck this piece of garbage."

Nothing in HxH has really ruined my interest in the manga going forward. YYH on the other hand completely shits the bed. There are some highlights afterward (in the manga more than the anime) but it's still egregious. YYH is mostly wasted potential in general.

Yes of course.

The last ass pull was a "sure why not"


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Anime became normalized and attracted underage kids and zoomers who only watch Netflix shows to this board.

>watching YYH

Please nigger, the dub is legit good. Dubs are usually cancer but this one is better then sub. I've rewatched the show dubbed and subbed several times. Sub = generic edgy anime bullshit, Dub = full of soul

The dub is good because its leaps and bounds better than the dumpster fire dubs that came out at the same time.

I read the manga a few years ago. I couldn't tell you a thing about the story but I remember thoroughly enjoying it and there are several moments I still love, and had fantastic presentation in the manga.

>Dubs are usually cancer but this one
This is what Funimation fanboys always say though. Maybe you should try to limit it because it's pretty stupid seeing this every time.

>anime cutting manga content is good
>he says this when the anime also added a lot of scenes in fights

The dub is 10/10, the sub is closer to 8/10. I don't know how it's possible but the jap cast and performance actually sounds boring and unemotional in comparison. There are some dubs out there that roughly equal or rival the sub, but yyh is the only one where the dub is objectively better.

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Is bluray quality great?

The manga was fun. This is a rare instance of both the manga and anime (dub) being great.

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Watch the fucking Anime. It's production was amazing for a long running Shonen. Very well directed and excellently paced. The dub version is top tier. All the op and end versions redone in English is surprisingly good.

Based Pierrot always btfo the cheap Toei kikes in this kind of stuff, just like they did when Naruto and Bleach ran concurrently for years and actually had improved animation over time even when one was announced to be cancelled. Considering what they had to work with from Togashi's doodles, the anime looks amazing.

The bd is good. It has better contrast and coloring compared to the semi saturated washed out look of earlier releases. Some nostalgiafags bitch it lost grain but it looks much better.

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wait he was a neck-pilled Chad in the manga and not a skinny fuckboi?

The anime is pure kino.
What dub? Why do you Americans think you're the only people who post on Yea Forums?

im not even american, but the english dub was pretty fucking good

>being this mad
American English is the standard language of the internet, and arguably of international communication but the britbongs might have that one. You're free to enjoy your own language's dub, but nobody outside of your country cares about it even if it is really good.

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Then just say "American dub", you mongol.
There's no reason to watch the English dub version if you're not a nostalgiafag AND American.

Were anymore OVA's planned for the future?

When girls watch, magic happens.