Anime jokes you never got

Anime jokes you never got

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wheres the 4th one??????

in the face

To this day nobody has given me an acceptable explanation as to what the "fourth mouth" is.

I dont get it.

The urine hole maybe?

Paizuri perhaps?

Isn't it a reference to that knee joke?


>two sacks of milk
that doesn't add up

There are flat girls, and she is referring to girls as a whole, so it can't be paizuru.

I hope not


Tracheitis from the head
Tracheitis from the body
Esophagus from the body
Three holes under

Labia majora and labia minora

that's a stretch

but the joke is that she's kind of ignorant about sex, right?

1. mouth
2. vagina
3. anus
4. girls taking a dick between their buttcheeks.

pretty sure the 4th mouth is just her hands


And a fuckton of blood vessels



That's the joke, you retards.

If she said three mouths, that wouldn't be much of a punchline because everyone already knows there's three "mouths." But they have the deranged deviant say there's four, and you're left wondering what the hell she means by it.

It's like the top in Inception. People are arguing about whether the top would fall or not when they're completely missing the point. It's about explicitly not giving you an answer, but giving you just enough to wonder.

People have two hands. That would make for five holes.

This, too.

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First of all
>reddit spacing
Second of all, if that's true, then why did the guy quite clearly understand what she's saying?

Back of the knee, maybe.

>he doesn't know about the 4th hole...
Lurk for at least 3 more years before posting here again.

It’s called knee pits

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Nah, you're wrong

>why did the guy quite clearly understand what she's saying
Are you fucking serious?

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I was going solely off the OP image and haven't actually seen shimoneta in several years


>Doctor discovers woman is virgin after failing to get pregnant with her husband despite trying to have kids for 12 years.jpg

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I'm pretty sure the joke is actually that she wants him to imagine her holes and out himself as a fellow deviant. By saying 4 holes it provokes him to count the other 3. But I haven't seen Shimoneta since it aired either.

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Back of the knee


you fucking morons

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You could fit a dick in an earlobe easier than you could fit it in a peehole

Thigh gap

Girls have 2 pairs of labia in the vagina, hence two "mouths". Plus the real mouth and the anus, makes 4. That's how I read it.

That would make the mouth and throat two different holes, by the same logic.

It's sad that this anime didnt get more episodes, and will never ever have a second season due to the dead cake.

Its the nipples, you can stick your dick in the nipples.

That would make five mouths

>girls have one nipple

isn't there two holes in the throat?

The answer is posted in every one of these fucking threads. It's just a mistranslation. "Every girl has 4 LIPS".

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You just need a carving knife

>you have one mouth
Does he think girls have one lip?

What would he mean by 1 lip though


Boy do you look stupid i clearly spelled Nipple(s).
I only have 1 dick user pls no bully.

The fourth one is unlocked once you untie the belly button knot.

But that would make it five unless girls only have one nipple, stop trying to act smart

Dont worry user you have no reason to impress anybody here we are all virgins.

>not already having put your dick into the fourth hole

The lines in Japanese translate to
>"You only have that mouth!" (口はうえにしかね)
"Girls have four!" (女の四があるのよ)

Her hand.


back of the knee maybe

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its actually 5 (two hands)

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Oh but they are. It feels like entering a completly new hole inside the first hole.

They can be holes if you try hard enough.

It's the back of the knee you fucking morons.

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Jesus, wouldn't that hurt like absolute hell? Especially if the guy came inside of you.

How small was his dick? Even catheters hurt like a bitch.

Flat girls are just boys without dicks.

It reminds me to the origin of the term kunoichi, suppossedly it's because men have 8 holes in the body (2 ears, 2 nostrils, 2 eyes, the mouth and the asshole) and women have one more, but it doesn't make more sense because the tip of the dick also has a ninth hole.

nose and ears are too small and there's two of them, so it's gotta be the urethra

btw if you ever go down on a chick lick and suck that little hole, they love it

you might think so, but try sticking something smooth and lubricated down your urethra when you're hard

in case anyone needs educational materials

the vagina has two holes you retard

what is the urethra
women still have 1 more hole

Mouth, anus, vagina and cervix

The 4th hole is visible once you look at the girl as a whole. I mean hole.

>That's the joke, you retards.
Translation error. I bet you now feel stupid.

There is no such thing as reddit spacing.

>how to spot a newfaggot

I-is it really milk?

I always just thought this was an urban legend but apparently there is a condition wherein women can conceivable have urethral coitus

The thing is she had a severe uti and urinary intcontinence only 5 months into marriage, so i doubt a woman could last over 50 years without seeing a gynecologist or something.

Best Shimoneta

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my man

It's mostly a joke for its absurdity, but partially because she's riffing off of his incredulous reaction.
Near-literally, "What mouth can you say that with // What mouth is saying that" in the sense of "where do you get off saying that" or "where is that coming from", but there's probably no good equivalent expression in English for that. Maybe something contrived like "what fucking pie-hole did that come out of?" would fit the sense, even if it's not a good translation.

So continues the exchange,
>もちろん 上の口よ!
The/My upper one (mouth/hole/whatever), of course.
The/Your upper one is all there is! (or that exists)
[Didn't you know?] Girls have 4!

The early answers were on point. No, they didn't say lips, but 口 has a nice broad swath of meanings that lends itself to wordplay (even if it's shitty wordplay like this). He initially says "why would you say 'upper', there's only one", she makes the dirty joke but instead of saying the usual 2 (or 3), she says 4 and he's confused, and laughs all around. Or something.

There. Isn't it so much funnier now that we explained it?


Behind the knee, maybe?

>between breasts
>back of knees
What else are we missing?


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Have sex.

that's actually clever



Can a femanon answer this?


Pussy is a lower mouth, and boobs are a breastpussy, so they're the middle mouth.

Nigger you only have one mouth lmao

Read a book, ffs

femanon here
have sex

Women aren't real

>after a day people STILL can't agree if the joke is that there isn't a 4th hole, the 4th hole is the urethra, or the whole thing is just a translation error
Guys can we just agree that shimoneta isn't exactly a brilliantly written work of art and maybe there isn't a clear answer us western scum will understand?


i remmeebr

90% of this series
still loved it

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Shimoneta is my little sister's gateway anime.

>people on Yea Forums don't remember Yumekui Merry

4th mouth are boobs
you're welcome

have tried with broken lab glass stick, burned first couple of times
but can confirm, it feil great after a while

Bullshit, the hymen breaks from any strenuous physical activity

Technically they have 8 mouths if you include earholes and nostrils.
10 if you include eyesockets for skullfucking.

>disliking Shimoneta
but why

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Shimoneta is literally modern society.

when they join feet together so you can squeeze inbetween

That's a myth.

"physical activity"

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>haha look at how pervy we are

Your girlfriend is lying to you bro

Look at all these physical experts

you forgot

But those are pussies, not mouths

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every mouth is a pussy and every pussy is a mouth, dummy

Its the anime equivalent of Cow Tools

What about the elusive boy-pussy?

I still read it everytime a new chapter comes out, Im actually amazed it hasn't ended yet


>it hurts the first year or so, but it was fine after that
>she had been married for fifty-two year

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You're only surprised because the scanlators were so off schedule for something that dropped monthly, that it felt like the mangaka was taking constant hiatuses. But really, the manga is like a year ahead of translations and does pretty well.

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>This far in denial
I think you need to have a chat with your girlfriend, user

>That file name
Why do you hurt me so?

Imagine creating a whole narrative in your mind to justify stupid shit that happens in anime.

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>paragraphs are Reddit spacing
Absolute fucking retard trying to fit in.

imagine not recognizing the punchline to a simple joke

You can use only one line to separate paragraphs, both on this site and on most others. It doesn't look like disconnected shit that way. Only a redditor, who is used to hitting "enter" twice to separate paragraphs and afraid of being called out, would deny this. Besides, the post I was replying to didn't use that spacing to separate paragraphs, they (and I can probably assume you) used it to separate single sentences. Compare to , which while using double spacing still kept paragraphs cohesive and used it to effectively space out text and not make every indentation look like trash.
In other words, fuck off reddit.

If you think that's all the show offers you missed the point despite it being waved in your face from the first minute

Yeah you're trying way too hard to fit in pal.

is better suited for you.

If you're not into that kind of humor why would you watch a series where that was the main attraction?

>4 holes
Anal,pussy,mouth,hands. It's more like 6 if you count breasts

Why did she freak out when she saw MC's willy? Was he uncircumcized?

It's funny because 口 can mean both mouth or opening/hole

the ear

Depends on the girl. Some break easily and some hymens have to be surgically cut by a doctor.
Another reason why sex education is important. That woman and man was probably never taught how to actually have sex and she knew it was supposed to hurt so she bared with it.
I used to try to stick a finger up my urethra thinking that was a vagina. Managed to get a pinky in before I got the internet and learned how to masturbate.

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Wait, girls don't pee from their vaginas?

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This is the correct answer

>I used to try to stick a finger up my urethra thinking that was a vagina. Managed to get a pinky in
Can girls really do this?

That was a mistranslation of 口, which can mean anything from "mouth" to "orifice" to "doorway". Classic case of a translator whose learning is deep, but not wide.

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I was like 11 and started bleeding thinking I started my period. I think kids these days are more aware of their body parts than in the past. Hopefully anyway. Anyway, I wouldn't reccomend anyone try it. Don't know if sounding is a thing for women.

There are more holes than that. Assuming no open wounds, there are some on nipples and arguably nails seal up 20 more.

This can't be real right. I cannot fathom being able to fit my pinky inside my urethra.
And sounding is not likely to happen accidentally for guys, but I know some people do it on purpose.

I'm not even shocked that Yea Forums does not know that vaginas have 2 holes

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There's stories of women that thought their urethra was supposed to be their vagina and ended up with gaping crusty holes from the fucking.

Girls fingers can get pretty thin ameifat-kun

I'm Irish

Oh sorry tater-san.

It's ok

Your mouth has at least two holes too, so what?

How do you even bend it that way.

Vagina bones

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Wouldn't that make men actually have two mouths?

That would make guys have four mouths

>pee hole
What's the 4th?

I think he's referring to the yaoi hole.

in the tien shan mountains in north west china/ south east kazakhstan

It can also mean "square" which has 4 sides; might have a relation to what she mean by 4.

Hand shaped as a hole

>Hand shaped as a hole
Don't think that counts as a hole. Isn't that just a loop or a ring?

its good enough for a dick

It's really infinite at that point, remember what the holes doujin taught us. Just make a new hole!

Now this is based