post em
3x3 thread
underage "conoisseur"
inb4 /m/fag
We need manga threads more often.
Whats the bottom right? Great taste for the other 3
What ever happened to the elitists?
What's the yanki girl show?
needs less Shonen
I could make a 3x3 of just movies or ovas but like 3 of those square would be Ghibli.
getting a hold of "You're Under Arrest" these days has been difficult, its on my priority list.
Also if I had more spaces I'd added G Gundam, Patlabor, Kiki's Delivery Service, Lost Universe and Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou but these 9 are that the ones that impacted me the most.
Nice, I never see center get referenced.
I love robots, you are right user, more people should.
underage entry level
underage LARPing as oldfag
south american
entry level but based
needs more jpeg
unironically whines about "moeshit" ruining anime
Can't one just like 90's stuff because one enjoys it?
8/8. ++Akira, NGE, KLK. +everything else except Taiga.
3/3. ++Kyouso, Joshiraku. +Azumanga.
4/4. ++Armageddon, JoJo. +Azumanga, Paranoia Agent. What makes you put the 70s Mazinger over any other mecha anime not there already?
7/8. ++Bebop, NGE, Kaiji. +TTG, OPM, FLCL, SD. -Ergo Proxy...
5/6. ++FMA, Kaiji, NGE. +Monogatari, SamCham. -Cromartie. Found it unfunny most of the time and the type of jokes I did laugh at I thought were done better elsewhere. Maybe should have watched the dub?
7/7. ++KonoSuba, Metropolis, NGE. +Patlabor, Steins;Gate, DtB, Dandy. Metropolis is perfect.
5/5. ++TTGL, Armageddon, Bebop. +Trigun, SMZ. Is that the original Harlock series?
Some very resonant taste in this thread, I like it.
No love for Giant Robo? Sad.
>No love for Giant Robo?
It's pretty based too but I can't remember all my favorite shows all the time. Those 9 are the ones that had a major impact in my life in some way or another.
Also, I like Arcadia of My Youth more than Endless Orbit but but it's pretty good too despite its flaws which I'm aware of.
pedo jail called, they miss you.
>Those 9 are the ones that had a major impact in my life in some way or another
Really? In what way did Shin Mazinger and Getter do that? Legitimately curious.
nice general
Both helped me out of a slight depression and helped me solidify my love for mecha in general.
Armageddon was one awesome moment after another and Shin Mazinger was just crazy fun (expected from the guy who directed G Gundam)
I just wanted a good time watching giant robots and got that with those shows.
Imagawa is a prodigy. You've seen Tetsujin too right?
Not completely but I liked the first few episodes.
Which anime is the central one?
It's very different but absolutely still just as good as anything else he directed. Wish he didn't stop after Shin Mazinger.
Mine are:
Monogatari, FMAB, Haikyuu
Psycho-Pass, HxH 2011, '97 Berserk
YYH, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, GitS:SAC
++Akira, NGE
++Paranoia Agent
++NGE, Kaiki
+Bebop, OPM
++FMAB, Kizu, NGE, Kaiki
+Bebop, DB, TTGL
++Monogatari SS
-Jojo Part 6
I'm pretty uncultured desu
how many shows should you complete before making a 3x3?
At least 9.
More if you want the pain of picking just 9 out of a bunch of favorites without feeling you're betraying them.
>make 3x3
>next day I look at it and change my mind about half of the stuff on there
This image always makes me think of smug snail.
Couple good ones
I just kinda combined them into one because my favorite stories are the same in each format
Rest are meh
very natural process
1000 anime, don't bother beforehand. Movies are more important than shows.
2/9 +GITS, Kizu
3.5/9 +TTGL, Kyou, Non Non Dayou ~Testujin
3/9 +Haibane, Watashi, KON
2.5/9 +Bebop, Arrest ~Dragonball; actually saw the TTGL movies recently and they are terrible (unless that frame stands for the tv show, but I am pretty sure it's the movie cover)
5/9 Metropolis, Memesuba, NGE, Pooplabor movies, YKK; will never get the appeal to Eve no Jikan - utterly retarded film/ONA, the two guys don't even abide by the cafe's rules and nobody says a thing for the most part
3/9 +NGE, Kizu ~VOTOMS, Kaiji
5.5 ~Kaiji -Tatami, Dandy, OPM
I get the feeling I've already seen this grid in this thread; 1/8 + Paranoia; never seen Jojo never will
4/9 +Rah, Esca, Kyou ~17, Kaleido
6/9 -Perfect Blue, Toradora, Mononoke; rewatched the latter recently and it still didn't do anything for me. Got the feeling the entire film is being carried by Yamamoto Nizo's background art.
It seems you don't feel very strongly for Imagawa.
I am fine with Giant Robo, which is basically his only noteworthy work anyway.
I need recs for moe series so I can clear these ancient early 2000s shows off my list. I've heard Kancolle and Love! Live! are good.
what you need is to kill yourself
>Big O
>Golden Wind
Having taste this shit should not be allowed.
What parts of it do you find noteworthy that are lacking in the rest?
um that's rude, do me a favor and lose weight and have sex (if possible)
>space dandy
5 for 9 is big enough
Looks like the night is short walk on girl
-0.5 KlK
-0.5 Big -
-1 S;G
-1 Juirui
-10 Revue Shit.
Animation and soundtrack, that's it. Tetsujin was fine, but it's episodic detective format simply starts to drag 12 episodes in. I am not implying for Giant Robo to be much better, especially given the downright amateurish introduction of the remaining members of the magnificent 10, but at least it's pretty to look at. G Gundam is terrible, albeit it's simply not my type of comedy. I don't gain anything from hoot-blooded protagonists and windmill mechs. I will probably give Z-Hen another shot. Simply haven't gotten around to it yet.
Posting the bestboys version.
2/3 (for the "real taste")
Characters: 2/5
Anime: 3/5
>ancient early 2000s shows
You have to at least be 18 to post on 4channel, user.
Anime: 7/10
Manga: 2/4
And manga.
I hate that you got it out of order
>out of order
What kind of order is that anyway?
Please rate others.
good taste
amazing taste
>Animation and soundtrack, that's it
Sort of what I was expecting, you find his scripts to be generally weak then? The single episode arcs in the middle of Tetsujin were probably the weakest parts of the show (though I thought the episode with the zoo worker was great) but I found everything else to be well paced, and it's not as if it abandoned its themes for those episodes. I would consider it noteworthy purely for its sincere depiction of the post-war+occupation period, especially with regards to the atmosphere of the time, but since you've seen many more anime than me maybe there are some you think do the same but better. (That aren't movies, that is)
Okay, but Toradora is trash.
Good taste
>Sort of what I was expecting, you find his scripts to be generally weak then
I don't like to judge people based on a handful of adaptations or remakes. The amount of creative freedom available to them might have been severely limited. It's not something we'll ever know. So it's not a question I consider myself qualified enough to answer. But, again, I'll likely give Z-Hen another shot at some point and I didn't think of Tetsujin28 to be bad, just boring, so maybe my opinion will change.
7/8 ~Toradora, Short Night
5.5/6 ~Paranoia
3/3 Having more than one manga from the same mangaka on your grid is super gay.
6/7 ~Gatari, Champloo
7/7 probably never watching Stein Gates or Konosuba
How that transition going? Can xir be considered a real woman yet?
6.5/7 ~Gatari
Not quite sure what middle left and bottom right are. 3/5 for the other
4/5 ~Marnie, Stormy night
What's middle and middle right?
Great inverse 3x3 user, though, I remember Gantz anime was pretty decent and it adapted the best part of that trash manga, give it some slack.
Like 10/17 for manga and anime
Still no albums in sight.
>male characters
5/6 ~Kon, Hibike
4/5 ~Haibane, what's middle right?
>Still no albums in sight.
And it never will be in sight.
>male characters
Yes, indeed. You have great perception and deduction skills, mate!
And why is that?
>Watching anime with male characters
>And why is that?
I've never listened to an entire album in my life. And I generally don't go out of my way to listen to music.
>Watching anime with male characters
If I'm not mistaken, most of the hands in your grid are male character's hands as well, user.
That's alright, I was more wondering about your opinion on the scripts themselves, but you sorta gave enough that I can gather your overall thoughts. At the very least we know he had complete freedom on Giant Robo, since the characters as far as I'm aware share nothing in relation to their roles in Yokoyama's manga besides the names and designs and the plot is entirely original. Did you see Shichinin no Nana?
I hope you're joking, do you at least listen to anime OST?
Actually it's 4 males, 4 females and whatver gender Big O is.
>I hope you're joking, do you at least listen to anime OST?
I do but only on occasion. I just have a bunch of anime ost lined up in my harddrive that I listen to from time to time. I generally just listen to space ambient and trance music.
So you watch anime with male characters as well!?
>Did you see Shichinin no Nana?
Nope. What's the catch?
>What's middle and middle right?
Happy Sugar Life and E7 Hi Evolution: Anemone
You shouldn't be that arrogant when your taste is just one level above that entry level chart
Watching Taiho shichau zo now. Maybe my expectations were too high but I haven't been too impressed
You need to watch more anime but considering that it's good
Why make a book 3x3 if you're going to put A Tree Grows in Brooklyn on it?
far too lazy to figure out what these are
>Why make a book 3x3 if you're going to put A Tree Grows in Brooklyn on it?
You don't like the book?
Gunslinger Girl.
The best tale of bros being bros. I take it you weren't a fan?
It's an original comedy Imagawa wrote and directed and the only thing he made not attached to an existing IP (I guess there's "Virgin Fleet" as well though). Only seen the first episode and it seemed unremarkable, just wondering if you might have had an opinion.
I liked it enough when I read it in ninth grade
Not him, but I only enjoyed the first half that takes place in the prison. I didn't like how they portrayed the antagonists as 100% evil, almost cartoonish villains. Also, their love for Sakuragi was a bit too over the top for my tastes. It felt like every second word in the script is "An-chan!!!". But don't get me wrong, it's certainly one of the better shows I watched, just trying to come up with some criticism.
>Madoka, Josei shit, Ashita no Joe and the most entrylevel shorts he could find
>thinks he's in a position to accuse anyone of being entrylevel
If you couldn't connect with Sakuragi, you'd probably not feel as strong, makes sense. I really enjoyed watching each character develop post-prison setting and how they stayed congruent with his life methodology. Maybe I wouldn't feel as enamored with it now, not sure.
I think it's arguably one of the most significant and important comings of age stories, and its youthful optimism is something that rightfully deserves to be read at that age. But, in my opinion, it's still one of the best novels ever.
5/5 cute glasses girl in the middle.
>far too lazy to figure out what these are
Surely you should recognize at least some
Mobile Fighter G Gundam is the best Imagawa anime.
Beginner Taste
Intermediate Taste
Advanced Taste
Tries way too hard to appeal to Yea Forums users.
Creative, I like it.
(although I can't really tell what shows they are other than Big O, and "Now and Then Here and There")
>although I can't really tell what shows they are other than Big O, and "Now and Then Here and There"
Big O — yes, the other one is not on the grid. Maybe it's time to put names in or something, nobody ever was able to recognize all of them anyway, also I made another hand grid I can put to use, though it's still quite raw and need more work.
9/9 By the way, althought I was unable to finish Bradherley no Basha like 7 years ago or so, I was too young, susceptive and too disgusted to continue.
Revue felt like a cheap Utena knock off, but I liked it anyway.
0/0 - back to clearing shows off PTW for me then
i've realized ive spent too much time in these threads instead of just watching more shows
>instead of just watching more shows
But those shows might not even be worth watching, user! Rewatch your favourites instead!
Please rate others.
I don't care about the level of my taste or if the shit I watch is "pro" or not. I just want to enjoy stuff and watch whatever that interests me.
Okay. This thread's large enough: Have a random-sample-grid. Made from 9 random 3x3 in this thread, one random panel from each.
I kinda like this one so far, and I don't even know why. Maybe because it's assembled from very characteristic 3x3.
>190475470r+(5), 190481613+(8), 190476822+(1), 190479657+(4), 190482171+(8), 190485514+(5), 190477338+(6), 190486709+(8), 190481159+(7)
That's pretty cool. What techniques did you use to make this?
what does "?/?" mean?
You're so irreverent that you posted an indignant reply, curious.
>What techniques did you use to make this?
You mean to randomize? I'm just using a default Pseudorandom number generator (LCG type) you can find in any set of standard libraries of any programming language (C# in this case) to create a sequence of random numbers. I use those to randomly shuffle a list of inputs (post-IDs of the grids) and take the first 9 items of that list. Then I get a random number between 1 and 9 for each list-item to determine which panel to take from it.
For adding in more items into the list (in case more grids get posted) I just use a random-insert method by swapping: Meaning that I randomize the position to insert the new item into.
All of that automated of course. I could provide the program, but I doubt anyone's interested.
The rest is manual labour: Downloading the grids selected by the algorithm, cropping the panels and compiling them into one new grid.
>what does "?/?" mean?
Things you liked or enjoyed or whatever.
Things you've seen enough of to rate.
Characters: 2/5
Anime: 1/6
(Not counting the LoGH pic as a specific character)
I need help with the middle and the right row
The night is short; walk on girl
I see. I thought you had a way of automatically extracting panels from grids
With how different grids can look, that's pretty much impossible. I guess that in most cases you could work with a simple edge detection algoritm to determine the boundaries of panels on a semi-regular basis. But I'm not sure automating that would be worth it.
No you don't. Don't lie to me.
Yea that's why i was so interested in how/why you did it
>back to clearing shows off PTW for me then
Start with the bears.
You haven't posted in a while. I thought maybe you'd quit.
I've been playing a lot of Super Famicom RPGs. I just beat Dragon Quest 5, and now I'm playing Star Ocean.
>boogiepop 2018
i like you, no homo i swear!
i like you, no homo i swear!
its okay user, i think you're neat too!
Please rate others.
>190475470r+(5), 190481613+(8), 190508318+(8), 190479657+(4), 190482171+(8), 190485514+(5), 190477338+(6), 190486709+(8), 190481159+(7)
my really lame manga chart. it is not in any particular order.
nice besides one pass
Please rate others.
Please rate others.
i did dimwit, i'm this user
How am I supposed to know that?
And another update right away:
>190475470r+(5), 190481613+(8), 190509998+(1), 190479657+(4), 190482171+(8), 190485514+(5), 190477338+(6), 190486709+(8), 190481159+(7)
Seems the top-right spot is quite a contested one today!
I've done this for the last few threads as well. Well ... those that got a large enough at least.
I simply had an algoritm pick nine grids, and one panel from each of those to get a random sample of Yea Forums's taste. I find the results rather interesting.