Berserk will never be completed

>berserk will never be completed

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>you will live long enough to see more idol master waterspots content than berserk

I too fear this
I don't have the guts to carry on if it gets cancelled

Berserk went to shit about 100 chapters in

I idea of Guts not getting his revenge against Griffith is too much to bear. I can't even fucking imagine Griffith gets to live his perfect little life in Falconia after what he did.

I think guts will use the treebranch network to get to Midland, so the climax can happen a lot more quickly than you realize

don't worry, put your grasses on and nothing will be wong

>tfw your previous love for the series turns into grim resolve, then hopeless depression, then finally unalloyed rage

basef miura, giving the fans their own personal black swordsman arc

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I think this also but I just don't see how Guts in his current state can kill Griffith let alone the other God Hand. They just seem so untouchable.

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If you've been reading, he's about to get an army of super powerful wizards on his side, he'll get buffed

i just read this and pretend guts got isekai'd into a good end for all the shit he endured.

FUCK we're never gonna see the end of berserk bros, WHY? why did casca finally saying 'i was merely pretending' turn into griffiths gay fairy tale story.

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Pretty sure they aren't going to lift a finger to help. The only mage that will accompany them is Morda and she's just a trainee.

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there literally isnt an asspull strong enough for guts to defeat even one member of the godhand, let alone all of them, let alone the demon legion and host of falcon knights

the only way i can even plausibly see this ending is griffith declaring war on the godhand, sacrificing falconia to achieve heart of evil tier fuckery, and guts and crew basically attack during the mayhem

but none of thats gonna happen because like 4 chapters will come out in the next decade

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>after 20 years we finally see have one of the most sought after developments in the story
>haha fuck you guys here's Griffith doing bullshit you don't care about for a year

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don't forget Rickert's group

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Berserk started so good but I don't think the author has any endgame in mind for it. He also wasted so much time on meaningless apostle battles that he could've spent on worldbuilding, and now he's too old and tired to put out more than one chapter a month, once every few months. I expect maybe 30 chapters more from him, tops.

There was so much time wasted in chapters 100-300. Who's the skull horseman dude? How did the other godhands get their power? How does the Manifestation of Evil that Griffith met play into all of this? Don't worry, though, because we got 30 chapters on fucking mermaids.

True they will be a big help. Hopefully they take out Rakshas.

True they can delete pretty much the entire boat arc and no one would notice a difference. I secretly think Miura is dead and they are desperately trying to train someone new to pick up the story.

What i don't understand is how the publisher hasn't dropped the series yet. I can't imagine it's making them any money at this point.

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Dont need an asspull, you have those magic spirits that mages draw power from. Four of them, four god hand. One guts, one griffith.

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He'll beat them the way he won every battle since the conviction arc started: by using "sheer willpower" and ungodly plot armor to power his way through, while the berserker armor vaguely damages him in a way that's completely invisible to the story. Wow, what an amazing story, guys.

If guts was given the ability to absorb powers and buff his armor with them, he could take them all singlehandedly

The berserker armor always seemed like such an asspull. It always gives him enough strength to power through his battle, its basically a way to hand-wave away as much as Miura needs to for Guts to win

>we got 30 chapters on fucking mermaids.

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If you don't think this was one of the best scenes in the manga you should get your test levels checked user. The idea of a mere human killing a god with his sheer anger and willpower is the most badass shit.

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Everytime I re-read Berserk I skip over the entire boat part. There's literally no reason to have it in.

I’m not going to bother with the rest of this post but
>vaguely damaging
Guts looks like Swiss cheese from what I can remember, and I recall him struggling outside of the armor on the boat, around the time Casca dropped into the ocean

the berserker armor is one of the best things about the later manga

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This was fine, but of course he actually failed miserably at killing Griffith - as he should, Griffith could probably murder him in one attack. This was also back from much earlier in the manga, back when Miura still gave a fuck.

There is a fine line between "sheer anger/willpower" and the regular asspulls every shounen does when the main character needs to summon strength to win a fight. Berserk very quickly went from one of the darkest seinens to a shounen with occasional nudity.

There is literally no way Guts can win against this without some next level ass pulls. I'm gonna assume it's gonna have something to do with the Moonlight child. Then again wasn't that just a "guide" for the elf queen so they can get to the island? I don't even know anymore. None of it matters anyway the story won't end.

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Well yea Berserk armor will do that since you feel no pain. Guts not feeling pain or limitations is scary. The downside being he's becoming blind and losing his sense.

Guts looked almost completely normal during the latest chapters that we saw him. Every time, the witch just has a harder time "pulling him out" of his insanity, or delusions, or whatever they call it. It's not a real cost. From a storytelling perspective, it's a very cheap play.

There aren’t many asspulls I think, it’s just because Guts has people around him that make doing things easier, like Shierke and Zodd with Ganishga and the Sea God. It’s not “coming from nowhere”

Maybe I’m thinking of those burns he got right before he got on the boat. It is pretty cheap if that’s the case

You hear the no pain/limitation stuff all the time, it's practically a meme in battle shounen. Every time, it feels like an asspull

To me it seems like Guts has gotten weaker ever since stepping foot on the boat. Visually he's gotten smaller and his wounds don't heal as fast. He also has dimmed eyes suggesting partial blindness and he couldn't taste the wine/soup on elf island.

He'll probably recover before leaving elf island. I'm sure they have some crazy healing stuff

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guts is losing his senses and getting older fast lol another bad session in the amor and hell start looking like skull knight

his more healthy appearance is probably from being on elf island

>born in 1998
>now legal drinking age
>Berserk has been going since before I was born and still isn't finished
Jesus christ

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>tfw I still remember the boat hiatus times

Genuinely made me hate Miura

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Give me 3 years and I’ll be in your position bud

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I remember hearing somewhere that Miura said that part was just to be some sort of “side quest” since a lot of story stuff had been going on

Seems fun at the time more action y’know but looking back, if they just got to elfhelm sooner it would’ve been for the better

I still have no idea why Guts and only Guts has pointy ears.

I want Morda to step on me

Skull knight will literally btfo the four other godhand one by one.
Griffith is in a normal body now, he isn't really femto anymore, he is still extremely powerful, BUT I'm sure those nerds at the fairy island will give guts a little magic benefit to get him suited up to kill Griffith, if only to defend themselves from his demon army using that fast travel system.
Were near endgame now, trust me.

Berserk is still extremely popular, that's why animal house advertise when new chapters comes out, I'd imagine it makes them a shit tonne of money still

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Think about all those people that have died waiting for Miura to finish berserk, its just sad.

That's fine. But if I just got one more volume after 40...

I'm going to fuck that in a dark magic ritual.

A lot of the pages of my copy of deluxe volume 2 were stuck together anyone else have this problem?

Ehh maybe like 5 instances max wasn’t counting really, but it wasn’t that bad I had no issue separating them

Series like this and NANA are why I rarely bother picking up ongoing manga anymore. I wish I had never read either of them since they'll never be finished.

>like Bastard
>like Berserk
>like HxH
>like D. Gray-man
>like Vagabond
>absolutely love REAL like it was a big tiddy goth gf

Fortunately I decided not to read the HxH manga after watching the anime since it ended at a good spot and I knew the manga would be in hiatus hell forever.

But the new arc is so good though. When it's finished you should read it.
Haha. "When it's finished" he says.

I personally don't think it'll be guts fighting the godhand. There has to be a final confrontation between griffith and guts of course, but other than that who really knows. All i'll say is it would be really fucking weird and out of character for guts to just start killing everyone with RESOLVE like a shounen protagonist. The story has done a good job of avoiding that from the beginning. Miura doesn't give a fuck about completing the story apparently, so who knows what will happen.

Christ im sharing this board with actual children

This, Guts killing a 100 men to protect Caska was subverting and deconstructing the shounen genre masterfully.

I’m past rage at this point. I don’t even give a fuck anymore and it’s a god damn travesty that a work so culturally significant is actually going to die when shit like GoT has a higher chance of finishing with a motherfucker who looks like Santa Claus could actually complete his opus.

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Why would we want that?

We want it to continue as long as possible.

I thought I'd pick up Berserk when it ended, but I started and finished it in these past few months. I'm glad i waited this long, but I wasn't able to wait longer.

Cute, got any more zingers for us?

If it gets completed the ending will be disappointing.

Being called "the struggler" and going up against insurmountable odds, his body kept moving by sheer will until he gets the magical armor, is in stark contrast to the usual shounen story beats where the heroes win by their resolve.

There's plenty of people that have pointy ears in the series. It's just his style of drawing ears sometimes

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>whore princess of the uterine sea

still one of the best lines ever said

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>no Slaan gf
This silence offends Slaanesh.

>Series like this and NANA are why I rarely bother picking up ongoing manga anymore

Same. The only ongoing manga I'm bothering with at all is Pumpkin Scissors.

I finished the animated version before touching the manga and that was when I starting high school.

He has a body yes but that's just it, he's still Femto. At no point do we see anything to suggest he's any weaker than he was back within the astral realm.

Also Skull Knight couldn't even help gut's square up with Slan's guts body they just escaped.

Did Guts actually wound her at all here? I'm going with no but I wonder if the world was more like it is now all intertwined with the astral world would driving that sword through her actually end it?

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It's a shame that it is too long for most vidya name fields.

Schierke gonna be pissed

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She made a body out of guts (heh) so no, he didn't harm her at all. He just gave her an orgasm.

Nah she just sleeping in her tiddy butt tunnel.

Miura has so many good characters he could focus on. I would love to know more about the members of the Godhand and how they came to be.

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Literally it'll be some bullshit involving the fact that femto still has that human part of him that longs for guts and casca (demon baby reincarnation) making him weak or indecisive about landing a killing blow as well as guts getting a mystical powerup that makes it possible to land the final strike while Griffith turns his back, hell casca might actually be the one to kill him while he focuses on guts.
SK will get the same, but it'll be through eating the behelits that give him some kinda special armor so he can stand against the godhand as well.

Femto did fail to kill guts plenty of times. Now that could either be because he thinks so lowly of him that he doesn't even need to try and can just brush him off or that something in him prevents him from doing it still. It's been foreshadowed that way and acted upon so I can totally see it going this route which honestly is fine with me. The guy needs a weakness.

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I really hope Muria doesn't take that kind of cheap Shounen cop out, but hey I guess anything can happen.

Of course there's still the issue of causality, the behelits are all made to go to someone in particular, and even SK using a sword made from em was just a calculated event. It's extremely unlikely that weird blood egg armor is going to be one of the few things no one in the god hand saw coming.

Does he need a weakness though? I'd like to think that Femto being a goal gut's will never reach would be more in line with the theme of the struggler.

I understand where your coming from, but the fact guts has overcome exceedingly impossible odds everytime in battles makes me think no.
He wouldn't be guts if he didn't go for the monsters that literally everyone will tell him he cant kill and will die fighting.
Think about how many times guts has been micro seconds away from death and he pulls it back.
Plus miura said he would like to give berserk a somewhat happy ending.
I reckon guts might eventually die, but not before banging casca and having a kid again and then die killing Griffith, but thats just me.

I guess he doesn't really need a weakness but I do think that Guts should be the one who actually kills Femto. I don't want to see an end where it doesn't happen. Even if Guts has to die in the process. The idea that a mere human defies the sacrifice ceremony to this day and spits on the idea of fate, causality and gods is what it's all about for me.

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I will tell you what will happen and screencap this so we can all aggree that i Anonymous am the smartest here:

>Guts gets to fight Griffith
>Griffith is literally Jesus + Buddah
>If he kills him the world will be swallowed
>Guts doesnt care about the humans etc
>He somehow kills him
>World is now shit for 1000 years
>He dies

Cringe and bluepilled

There doesn't need to be an asspull. It has been there from the beginning. It keeps being said that the godhand can't be killed or that fate can't change changed. Causality and all that. Yet Guts continues living and defying all odds. He will kill Griffith one way or another.

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Does she like him or something?

Yep, if you read the manga its pretty clear

of course. he's her first crush

It hurts to laugh.

The rest was just moderately funny but this gets me.