Shingeki no kyojin

why hasnt eren had sex with her

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Because he has good taste


It only took a change of haircut for her to go from a 8/10 to a 3/10. That and Eren is a faggot.

Where she's sort of the long-term "observer figure" to the main character, she's going to be one of the only survivors at the end, right?

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Because he doesn't have shit taste. Unlike you.

I needed this in my life. Thank you.

Ahh... I see you're a man of culture as well.

Eren is a gay boy

because she's like an annoying mother to him

I mean, for sure. She's literally the only character in the series whose survival I'm sure of. You don't even have to like her to see that as a possibility.

>Get in, user

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because he's too busy plowing the queen

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Order of the girls in this show I'd want to fuck :
1- Pieck would rather fuck her than earn $50K
2- Mikasa would rather fuck her than earn $50K
3- Annie would rather fuck her than earn $10K

He's not going to dilute his jew blood with that of a gook family. Titan pride world wide.

Eren kruger ova when?

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Because he only sees her as his sister.

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Eren is not into men

Eren has the big gay.

Nah mate have had bad experiences on buses that have to do with complex storylines and zombie like creatures

They chose a good panel