Have scans been abandoned?
Have scans been abandoned?
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Did serialization kill the series?
Aina is cute. CUTE!
Already got dumped.
Some still follow it, but yeah amazon pretty much killed it
Amazon? what happened?
I don't know why that user said Amazon had anything to do with it.
Kodansha decided to do an official US release and the people who were scanlating it got scared and dropped it.
Kodansha then proceeded to roll out chapters at a snail's pace, ensuring that it'd take a year or more to catch up to where the fan translations left off, and catching up with the raws is just flat out not a possibility.
I prefer the game though
oh is that all
well crunchy still translate it
And no one grabbed this month's scans, apparently
>july 4
Fuck it gets released earlier and earlier
last month was th 8th
Im kinda relieved that its just fan translations that are hard to find and not that something happened and the whole series was dropped, bad news is better than no news.
Fuck. Were these posted anywhere or do I gotta dig through the archive?
Katalina a shit
probably a mega folder somewhere
cakey is being set up to fail
will more idols appear?
She's a fail anyway.
maybe more make up would help?
A translated chapter was released last month
I wish Danke had a proper MEGA archive or something and kept it up to date.
Maybe there's one already and I don't know about it, but too much shit is missing from his zippyshare folder.
>too much shit is missing from his zippyshare folder
Don't even bother with it. Terrible. Missing scans, some of it in the wrong order and all and all rushed together.
Serializing this series was the nail in the coffin of an otherwise decent series.
I use it and it's alright if I want to get stuff that's been out ages ago but it's EXTREMELY slow when it comes to the new chapters. Not just Grand Blue but it's slow to update in general.
Speaking of Grand Blue, madokami still doesn't have chapter 53 for example.
Maybe there are better and more organized places for manga chapters but I'm a relative newfag to manga and searching for new chapters when you catch up with the series is super inconvenient (RAWs in particular) unlike anime where I can just go on nyaa and download an episode I want.
Sometimes I wonder whether the author will actually pair up Iori with Chisa.
The hint he put in the manga are pretty damn blatant.
In fact, it's too damn blatant that I think he will throw a curveball in the end.
I wish the author would focus more on the main cast instead of adding new characters. Assistant teacher or the foreigners were so outrageous it turned the manga into BakaTest.
It's a shame because the main cast has great chemistry.
I don't have anything against Aina but I don't like this romance thing she has going on.
If the author decides to dive deeper into the romance territory, I'd be very annoyed if Iori and Chisa don't end up together after all the toying around with NBR and stuff.
They. Are. Cousins.
Stop pushing this incest shit you faggots. Him and Cakey would be a cute couple.
Cousins fuck all the time and marry in most parts of the world. They even bothered to make it NBR for retards like you.
He should fuck his imouto.
BR cousins are already worthless, NBR just makes it all utterly pointless.
Sakurako is the best btw
go to bed Kouhei
Mizuki Nana's full version of the ED fucking WHERE?
The usual sources completely ignored this show.
>Asobi and Grand Blue were my favourite comedies of last year
>Both dead
end me
>Mizuki Nana's full version of the ED fucking WHERE?
It does not exist.
the last chapter was better than this one.
Could someone spoonfeed me on where to find the newer chapters? Im starved
Don't say that about my wife you fucking nigger
Scroll up the thread, links to 53-54 were posted earlier.
Where was Chisa?
>They. Are. Cousins.
In much of the world, it's socially acceptable to fuck cousins.
This arc is all about Ainawank.
probably why the threads are dead
I wish they'd rather focus on Palau or something instead of this.
Hard to see this arc ending well for the characters unless Aina somehow ends up falling for Kohei instead (which I can somewhat see happening).
It's such a waste
In much of the world, people have genetic deformities and disease inheritance that would have been bred out ages ago if humans bothered to breed for clean genes.
And I couldn't care less.
purging selection is key
From what I briefly saw online, and obviously not all comments were negative, Nips don't seem to like this Aina lovecomedy very much too.
Here's hoping it's gonna end in the next chapter or two and be forgotten forever.