Reference sheet of Major in a swimsuit

How does she look?

Attached: B152E2D3-C9D9-44A9-B847-32E205925FEC.jpg (1200x1200, 99K)

Like a tranny

is that lapis from steven universe?

where are the joints?

She’s Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell, SAC (Stand Alone Complex) to be specific.

Would salt water affect cyborgs negatively?

the only good ghost in the shell anything is the 95 movie


not cute at all

Looks like shes meant to crush your head between her thighs like a watermelon.

cant swim

is this a reference book? where can i find more?

Not canonically.

Her hobby was scuba diving in one of the GitS movies.

Like incredible math, but does she even surf?

No, not that we know of, cyborgs are pretty well insulated I guess.

Though I think in the GitS movie the major says that the main danger is that if their flotation devices malfunction a cyborg body will sink like a stone.

why did they cover her ass?


Skirts on swimsuits are inexplicably sexy.

You clearly haven't watched SAC

Fuck you. You're a troll.

She will literally sink if not for her scuba gear