Who is the best girl of this season?

Who is the best girl of this season?

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My waifu is best girl every season

A season featuring Chris means every other girl is simply competing for 2nd place.

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It's still Torhu Honda!


For now.

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Either Hibiki or baka magician.

Definitely not that retarded, drooling, gagged, unimportant pet which you posted.

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one of the girls from Do You Even Lift? Is best, but I haven't watched enough to say which one it is. Probably Hibiki, but they're all top tier. 5th best is Suika from Dr. Stone, whenever she shows up

Whats this from good sir

Cop Craft

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Yep I'm thinking it's thighs. I mean Milaarc.

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This. The contest was over before it began.

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she could have been if they had gone for the demon struggling with her humanity and against her bloodthirst route

Instead we got cute but boring mascot
Which is a terrible waste because her character design is the best of the year

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best girl every season

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Omoshire onna.

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but she is struggling.
she sleeps for weeks at a time to avoid the bloodlust.
Its not over the top existential crisis WHAT HAVE I BEEECCCCCCCCOOOOOOOOME kind of struggling but struggling nonetheless.

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This right here.

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she is from the previous season.

you should post a better pic

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but we barely get to see any of it. Besides, she's not much of a character for now, I wish they could have kept her intelligence intact atleast