>an average boy discovers his mother is a sexy space pirate >she is also an elementary schooler inside a sexy robot body >also she is at war with her hermaphrodite brother/sister/husband for the throne to the universe >suddenly the son is a hermaphrodite with superpowers, grows boobs, and becomes queen of the universe
Its weird. It also has a mean girl who has a crush on the main character when he's a boy decide to turn into a lesbian so she can still fuck him
Aiden Rodriguez
you should make like the times when it was made and not give a fuck then.
Justin Sanders
is it really lesbian if it's a futa
Evan Rivera
An existential question
Charles Carter
I am just curious why they are putting progressive values into anime
Andrew King
it's not "progressive values" it's "futanari fetish" totally different things, because one is about vitrue signaling and the other is about jacking off
futa fans make a distinction between futa and herms
Carson Allen
no, user there's a difference between futa/herm and newhalf if it has a pussy it's a futa
Adam Garcia
i just saw it and no one will talk about old anime on here unless it's a bait thread
Owen Anderson
Your line of thinking is why Yea Forums is complete trash compared to 10 years ago
David Robinson
I wish it didn't have to be this way user but it do
Chase Sanchez
This may unironically be the most high IQ post I’ve ever seen on Yea Forums
Elijah Martin
>Intellectual masterbation vs physical masterbation
Elijah Jackson
>'are putting' It's a bait thread, but just so you know Japan got away with exploration of these themes because they know how to keep it low key. Everyone here still doesn't give two fucks about such things once 30 minutes are over unless you are autistic about it/ relevant to you. In other words, 'progressive' is hardly the word you should use for it, more like badgering others to accept 'world views' that are like a frog in a well. There are more important things for the majority of people to spend their energy on than making a small bunch of people feel better about themselves. Issues like this is worth more of my time honestly.
Jaxon Bennett
Are you sure about that? It seems like there's an awful lot of boys becoming girls in anime like this
Hudson Hall
they're high enough IQ to separate their entertainment from reality i don't think the west meets that standard anymore