So I get Nasu said that Saber was a great king. But how was she a great king? What was her tax policy like...

So I get Nasu said that Saber was a great king. But how was she a great king? What was her tax policy like? How did she maintain supply lines? Did she run her government based on fuedalism? How did she promote trade between other factions?

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read the vn (or garden of avalon)

she killed her enemies with overwhelming force

she kicks Saxon's ass and has a group of badasses including a freaking wizard support her. I bet Merlin dealed 90% of political shit for her. Through all the franchise she talks more about muh knight and muh honor than muh Im a king.
The kings in Nasuverse only talk about cool things like fighting. They never talk about some shit like "we need to build a wall" or Obamacare. Make sense since at their time people were always under the threat of invasion or natural phenomenon so winning the war against them is the best trait to be a good king

My King

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>Through all the franchise she talks more about muh knight and muh honor than muh Im a king.
If you read the VN you'd know you're right; the reason she was a bad king wasn't because she had shitty policies, but because she was so aloof the people didn't believe in her, and why she was ultimately betrayed

Nasu never thought about that. She was a "great king" and that was that

Blue umu a shit

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>Lancelot kills her family members
>She doesn't just straight up fucking execute him for being a foreign element into her country.
This is why you never let foreigners into your country. They'll kill your family, fuck your wife and then run away to avoid retribution.

>implying the retarded natives don't do that anyway

You don't let them do it either. The core issue is that Saber's entire thing was protecting her country from outside influences and yet she let a foreigner into her country like it was nothing.

She was a selfless ruler and used her power for the common good rather than personal gain.

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She did everything she needed to do more or less perfectly. Defeated her enemies, protected her people. She was devoid of corruption and had no openings. All her policies prioritized fairness and necessity above all else. She was, a perfect (machine-like) king who did everything she could for her people.

But that in itself was a problem. She took on everything on her own, and since she couldn't solve all of Camelot's problems no matter how hard she tried, she was a convenient scapegoat. The land was dying and Saber couldn't completely solve that, so famine was still an issue. The invaders continued to try to invade, and all Saber could do was drive them away; she couldn't stop them from trying to invade period. The people believed that once the true king appeared, all their problems would be solved, but Saber was really just life support. There was constant conspiracy and nobles were constantly trying to undermine her.

The knights were growing dissatisfied for their own reasons. Some of them couldn't accept this inhuman king who kept piling everything onto herself and ran away because they couldn't stomach it anymore. Kay was an example of this: he couldn't handle the stress of seeing his sister sacrifice herself day in and day out, and the straw that broke the camel's back was learning that she was even dedicating her dreams to her education and training. Every single second of Saber's life, whether it be waking or sleeping, was dedicated to being a king. Lancelot was also starting to resent her for this. Eventually, when the matter of Guinevere broke out and Lancelot slaughtered several knights, including members of the Round Table, to save her, things were past the point of no return. When Saber refused to punish them, distrust in her spiraled beyond control. And then finally, when the stress mounted to the peak, Mordred destroyed everything with her own hands.

Read Garden of Avalon. Or just listen to the poorly translated audio-drama.

>speed reader
It wasn't that the people didn't believe in her, its that they put faith in her to do things she simply had no control of. If you at least listen to GoA you'd know that at the time Britain was suffering from food shortages because Britian was (still is) a rainy sad little rock in the sea. There was fuck all she could do about that. The best she could do was to stop the saxon invasion and tell Rome to fuck off, Which she did. But then Mordred came and cocked it all up for her because her mom was a fucking lunatic.

If you haven't read GoA and FSN you simply have no idea what you are talking about. Also Zero is barely canon, Nasu said so himself that it was some sort of alternate universe timeline bullshit.

This. Her having flaws as a King wasn't introduced until Urobutcher hacked up her past to shit on chivalry. The concept of Lancelot wasn't introduced at all until Zero, just like how Lancelot wasn't introduced into the actual legend until much much later on in history. The moral of the Legend of King Arthur originally was that no matter how perfect a king he was the people would always scorn their ruler. Nasu basically said "she was the ideal king, but that wasn't good enough" and that's really it.

Only Zeroniggers think Saber was anything less than a perfect king.

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Also, the Round Table was composed of a bunch of idiots. Galahad seemed like he'd be an okay kid but then it turns out he's not much better.

>Only Zeroniggers think Saber was anything less than a perfect king.
And Saber, in F/SN. It's her entire backstory and motivation. Remember what she wants the grail for, again?

What if the Camelot Lostbelt is one where Saber actually got the Holy Grail and changed the timeline?

Actually, thinking about it, this might be a little too similar to the Camelot Singularity, only it's Saber in Bedivere's shoes.

The year when LB6 became a different timeline from Panhistory is 500 AD tho

She's a great king because she's cute and therefore everyone supports her

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Would the Knights of the Round Table accept Shirou as their queen?

He'd be the head chef of the castle.

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Come to think of it, wasn't Saber basically Rayshifting?


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She probably only wanted to do that as a last ditch attempt at Making Britain Great Again. She was thinking her changing of the sword of selection was an extension of her duty as a king. She's a self destructive altruist like Shirou. That's the point.

It's not like she can actually beat Lancelot in a fight

I see what you did here. Not sure anyone else has..

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Saber was a shit king who's closest knights rebelled against her, her kingdom burned, and countless future chunnis were lead astray by her stupid ideology.

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You let your wife die and your memory is a curse on all your loved ones.

>implying people don't know the "what is his tax policy" meme
We know, we just don't care.

He would have to duel with Gawain for that position

>We know, we just don't care.
I think that's a rather rude reply. I feel it's more we know the meme but spamming a thread with off topic GoT memes is unnecessary

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>C96 orangemaru is all about royal asses
my dick is ready

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There's a GoT meme in this thread? Where and what retarded faggot posted it? I can't fucking stand that series and the cringy normal faggots who watch it.

Was it OP? It would make sense Because OP is always a faggot

kek'd hard to that pic

>you'd know that at the time Britain was suffering from food shortages because Britian was (still is) a rainy sad little rock in the sea.
What a load of crap. One of the reasons Vikings invaded Britain was its fertile soil.

According to Garden of Avalon, Britain was the last last place to transition from the Age of the Gods to the Age of Man. This transitional period was really rough on the land, so the soil was less fertile as a result.

Her tax policy was better than Aragorn's.

>What should I do
Do it.

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so a night time battle then?

>I bet Merlin dealed 90% of political shit for her.
No, Agravain did officially, he ran the kingdom and it went to shit when Lancelot killed him. Merlin was busy dicking around.

>The VN
A lot has been retconned since then. The one who actually administrated Britain was Agravain, who was her super competent duper secretary even though everyone hated and mistrusted him. He idealized her though.

>According to Garden of Avalon, Britain was the last last place to transition from the Age of the Gods to the Age of Man
Wrong, Britain was on the Ages of Fairies, some age only happened there, not Ages of Gods. It was still mystery but not like the Ages of Gods.

The place that was last transitioned (but then we found out it was still unstable anyway) was Murrica. The Ages of Gods continued until the conquest.

>royal asses

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I Thought Agravain just ran most of the round table being the secretary and all but all admit that might overlap with running the kingdom as well.
Also iirc Kay might of ran the remaining 10% since he was still appointed as seneschal in the fate version which depending on how you interpret it, means being in charge of domestic arrangements and the administration of servants just in the castle of Camelot and its surrounding land, or a good chunk of the kingdoms holdings