
Why do so many people waifu her? Is it just the wolf aesthetic?

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Talk shit about Holo again and see what happens.

I think people are innately attracted to dogs because as a human she is fugly as shit

Closet furries

Holo is demonstrably not furry.

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Decent story and lifitime companion. He's for Lawrence so the people that are waifuing her is just self-insertfags

>Hey, it's Kallen!
>And Lawrence is Lelouch.

To be fair dogs are very loyal and loving, not that dogs themselves are physically attractive

she is gorgeous

>Why do so many people waifu her?
Why would anyone desire a smart, cute, sexy, wise-ass?

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She's one of the rare girls with an actual personality that's neither mentally ill, defined by archetypes, or lazily written.

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So she's realistic? I thought Yea Forums hated 3DPD personalities.

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just read the LNs you dumb wojak poster.

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She's an abusive clingy bitch in the LN. Anime Holo is much sweeter.

The LN is free to download user. The anime is mediocre compared too the light novels.

>Yea Forums

most 3D girls are mentally ill though

If they made her like a clingy bitch in the anime the self insertfags won't watch it

Exactly. So the LN isn't worth reading for most anime fans. She's a crazy violent cunt in the LN.

I've read until half of chapter 18 and I've tolerated her personality. But violent is exaggerating. She's more like a clingy one.

Where to find ln?

I don't get why not desu
The anime is well received and afaik she's a top waifu in Japan as well. It just sounds like easy money

because she's one of the most well written characters not only from anime but of all medias as well.

Her dialogues really feel like she's a cute, passionate and genuine girl rather than le quirky generic kawaii desu ne UwU~ people try to force down our throats.

Holo is perfect.

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Because I like guns

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Now post a pic with the wolf and parchment ln

Kind of user to waifu Holo isn't some seasonal waifu shitter and will only have one waifu for life.

Smug and confident girls with the ability to back up their smug confidence are hot

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holo actually has a personality unlike 95% of animes


Because she was made by one of the few actors who isn't a virgin NEET incel and had actually interacted with real females.

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but that's the thing. nobody wants to interact with real females
3D is PD for a reason

Friendly reminder, Holo is old as shit and has fucked multiple men in her past.

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Stop, user, I can only get so erect.

that's why you're a pleb who waifu moeshit

Are you saying Holo is moeshit?

weak b8

>Yea Forums hates 3DPD

I really hope that isn’t the case. I always thought it was a meme, but I went to AX over the past weekend and the amount of people averse to real women took me by surprise.

>Sexy, wise goddess

Oh please, anons are incapable of keeping it in their pants around her.

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Why is she a wolf when she looks more like a fox?

She's a foxy wolf goddess.
I'd have expected Satan to be smarter.

Holo attacks Eve, starts slapping Lawrence instead of responding with banter, and slaps a child so hard that he bleeds.

>Imagine Lawrence fucks her in wolf form
Disgusting furry

She's unironically pretty well written, and feels like a girl with her own personality and wants. She's strong willed and cunning, which is exciting. Her constant teasing and banter is fun to listen to.
Also, S&W has a theme of loneliness that Lawrence and Holo bond over, and obviously that resonates with a lot of people here.
Also she's a dfc himecut with a fluffy tail.

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Ok, I rest my case because I forget which chapter is Holo slapping a child but I remember her slapping Lawrence.

Good companion

>slaps a child so hard that he bleed


This. Does anyone in Japan realize how fast the VR game made its required start up money? Imagine if they did that for another season or seasons for that matter since they have so much material to animate now

Closet furries


I like assertive shit stirrers.
She seems kind hearted and maternal.
Rocking bod.
Isn't a child or autistic.

What's there not to like?

She's a solid B+ cup

I actually just watched the anime last week. I gotta say, the arc with that shota stealing holo and her leaving lawrence over a fight when those two went through life and death together, that really got me mad. I wanted to quit watching but I wanted to see Lawrence upset the market. Holo got me good and Lawrence, she really did, it made me like her even more.

I really like her voice/banter in particular. Same with Shinobu

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An anime girl isn't worth making your waifu if she can't bring the bantz.

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In the anime, maybe.

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Yea Forums utterly hates girls who can bring the bants and tease her love interest. Just look at the hate Rin gets here compared to Sakura (while it's the other way around for normies on Reddit)

Then why are banterous qts like Holo and Kurisu so overwhelmingly popular and enduring?

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Not on Yea Forums. Yea Forums only likes submissive moe girls

Holo and Kurisu are top tier though for sure.

>Yea Forums only likes submissive moe girls


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That is just wrong. Yea Forums adores smart, witty, independent women. Especially those two.

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I assume Reddit's entirely seasonalfags.
Once you filter out seasonal anime, Holo still gets threads on Yea Forums and her show ended like ten fucking years ago.

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Rin is somewhat malicious. There is a line between playful teasing and hurting people, and Rin doesn't walk it carefully enough.
Sakura has sub human levels of assertion.

Holo and Kurisu are the perfect girls. I fucking love them.

They also tend to love alcohol

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Because she's intelligent

Of course you do. You are a man of refined and elevated tastes.

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>pick up Spice and Wolf for Ami Koshimizu
>end up getting this voicelet instead of a real semen demon like Ryuuko

Because she's a very realistic portrayal of a person, despite the fantasy bits.
I think she's an excellent character, but wouldn't waifu her. She's petty and dishonest.

Can someone tell me why there's an explicit content warning on the localization? They don't even so much as kiss until well after that volume

Maybe it's the nipples that are in the firrst volume?

Even if the content is "safe" Holo's still going to make the reader horny.

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I can't say anything about that volume in particular but when isn't Holo getting naked?

there's something special about adult characters, both male and female. i've always liked them more than the school-aged characters. kinda wish more anime focused on the adults desu

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I wholly blame Misato for Shinji. She was such a terrible guardian.

She's a companion to the self-insert main character. The companionship is what makes her special. It's the progression of Lawrence (the self insert) learning to understand and appreciate her company, and then eventually falling in love with her. I think it's the same thing for a couple of characters. I should know, I waifu Saber from FSN pretty goddamn hard and it's for very similar reasons. I could have very easily had Horo as my waifu if I didn't meet Saber soon after meeting her.

Horo is fucking cute AND dependable, it's what makes certain waifus so delightful.

Still Gendos fault, he could have chosen literally anyone else for him to stay with or even arranged for Shinji to have is own apartment like Rei.

Besides, Misato wasn't so bad. She just got more screentime than anyone else on the NERV staff so we are more aware of her dirty laundry and character shortfalls.

Rin doesn't treat Shirou that badly, she just teases him a lot as his pupil in magic. I never got the vibe that she was mean spirited to him.

>dirty laundry
I'd kill to sniff her panties after a long day of working at NERV

I know, right? She didn't even fuck the awkwardness out of him

You can't fix autism though

This. Even if it was obvious they were going to end up together by the end, they clearly built up their relationship over the course of the series. That's what makes the payoff so great.

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back to biz with your biz wojak you wage cuck

There's comfort to us knowing that them getting together is inevitable. Numerous things almost tear them apart but they stick together through it all and the inevitability allows us to stomach their struggle.


I always felt Lawrence tread that fine line between being relatable enough to function as a self-insert while keeping enough goals and flaws to remain interesting as his own character.

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Aren't good protagonists supposed to be relatable?

The best insert characters all do. Shirou from FSN is just interesting enough to make me root for him and just lucky enough to make me want to be him.

Who are you trying to impress? Just accept that this is all escapism and call a spade a spade

Are you retarded? Just because you want to insert your ass to them doesn't make them self insert characters. By your logic then 90% MCs are self-insert.

Grow up chuunibyou kid

Her daughter has more chances of getting an anime nowadays

Yes, 90% of anime leads are self-inserts. That's just the kind of medium anime is.

>By your logic then 90% MCs are self-insert.
But they are retard. Most people self insert as some character in their stories even in western media. The extent to which they do it varies from person to person, but don't pretend that you wouldn't want to be in Lawrence's shoes.


Holo isn't even that physically attractive compared to other anime girls and I still rate her as my #1 pick for best girl. It's all in how she carries herself and interacts with the rest of the cast.

>By your logic then 90% MCs are self-insert.
Actually, by that logic practically every MC in ANY medium is a self insert. It's stupid.

Holo is a close second for the same reasons that Kurisu is mai waifu. Except Kurisu is the cutest and smartest.

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Why do you think they only made a VR game? (((Kadokawa))) has the rights to the other media types and they dont think this cow is worth milking anymore.
Just accept it, Myuri has more sex appeal than Horo with that giant fucking ass she has

Calling the VR game S3 is retarded. It's just another move to make some extra money on the IP. Nips commercialize the hell out of everything. Have you not seen Holo's exercise video?

>Holo isn't even that physically attractive
Oddly this is what allows the waifufags to respect her character even more. Most people waifu a dumb big titted bombshell or something. It takes a real deep connection to waifu a petite but not loli girl like Horo.

I can't take women with big breasts seriously at all.

>tfw Kurisu would never like you because Okabe is literally the only one in the universe who could ever keep up with and tame her
Feels bad man

The novels are still ongoing

>by that logic practically every MC in ANY medium is a self insert.

You don't think faggots self-insert as Batman and Superman and Geralt and all those other dudes who are 12000x manlier than the assholes who play play/watch/read them? Seriously? It's a male power fantasy, there's nothing wrong with self-inserting and being ashamed/embarassed by it is fucking stupid.

Fuck off chuunifags. You don't even know what the differences between a relatable MC and a self insert MC are.

They didn't choose to make it a VR game to experience Lawrence as a character in the third person. He's a self-insert character that sometimes works well as a standalone character.

The game was pushed and made by the author and a random doujin group that happened to like S&W tho.

They made it a VR game so that we could pretend to headpat Holo and molest her beautiful tail. Anything further was just padding.

>what the differences between a relatable MC and a self insert MC are.
The difference is that a relatable character would be one that is in a situation that I wouldn't care to be in/would hate to be in. A self-insert is the opposite of that. I'd chop off my left nut if it meant I could spend my days travelling with a cute wolf girl. God you sound like an awkward dude. There is nothing wrong with a little wish fulfillment stop being such a little bitch and own up to it. We all want to be with Holo and Lawrence lets us feel like we are, just admit it. Who are you trying to impress?

If this is how you view characters in a creative medium, you have my pity.

Not all of them retard. Just anime mostly.

>Holo isn't even that physically attractive compared to other anime girls
Speak for yourselves homosexuals, Holo is extremely sexy.

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She's realistically attractive. Basically I'm just saying she doesn't have big tiddies and that makes her a way better character.

Idk but this post is just so pathetic it made me pity. Sounds like you have a sad life dude.

>Yea Forums hates girls like this

Are you high or something.

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I'm fucking happy as fuck actually. I have a wife, a career, education, I live somewhere beautiful, I'm slightly high and listening to some banging fucking music. I just don't understand how you can be reacting so vehemently to this notion. What are you trying to prove? You've barely put forth any argument on the contrary btw

I've found that most of the time, Holofags love Kurisu and Kurisufags love Holo.

An excellent display of taste user.

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the girl on the left always seemed like a cunt to me. The other three are great but none of them other than Holo really get underneath the skin of their partner. CC is just kind of aloof and Kurisu is just smarter than Okabe. Horo really sticks it to Lawrence when he lets his gaurd down.

>I have a wife, a career, education, I live somewhere beautiful, I'm slightly high and listening to some banging fucking music
Wake up kid. Finish your homework and do your chores

That's just because Hiro is too beta to keep up.

Still no arguments even though I am patiently refreshing the thread to hear whatever you can come up with. I'll wait take your time, I find this really interesting.

4 and 5 or go home

Why did Holo travel with Lawrence in the first place? I don't remember.

For the lulz

She was sort of forgotten by the village that she resided over iirc. I think there was some sort of bartering between the two but that was only for show. I think she really wanted to go back to the north. I haven't read anything beyond volume 2 accept watching the anime

Just like your mom, but I still fuck her

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Oh shit, you're right. She did say she wanted to go back north.

*teleports behind you*
you know the rest

She's more of a C.C. desu

What arguments? You are literally saying you can insert your ass into any character you want, i can't change your personal opnions. But calling a character self insert just because you can is wrong.

I bet you've inserted into Anakin as well faggot. His annoying personality fits you.

I thought people mostly waifu'd her because most illustrations from her are from Koume Keito, who draws lots of porn featuring cute girls doing cute sex with other cute girls and handsome guys.

so did holo and lawrence canonically fuck?

That's retarded, they are way more fuckable anime grills who are shit tier waifus.

Even lewder. They got married and had a cute daughter.

Yeah, but those girls are shitty in bed. Holo would be a feisty and active partner.

She is literally described through all the novels as an exceptional beauty that turns heads wherever she walks in towns.

Making me incredibly aroused is only part of why I like Holo.

>they are way more fuckable anime grills
You are utterly tasteless.

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I'll jerk to her but sometimes it feels wrong to do so. I can't imagine anything but vanilla consensual stuff with her.

user thinks a girl needs huge ass and tits to be attractive

Why would it ever feel wrong to fap to Holo?

Suffice it to say my usual fetishes involve a fair bit of mindbreak and/or general borderline abusive dom stuff. Just doesn't feel right with her.

>rin is hated more than sakura
either lurkmoar or go back to that shithole

user, she's happily married.


Not him, but imagine jerking it to someone else's wife.

>(while it's the other way around for normies on Reddit)
jesus christ this place has completely gone to shit

Sure has

Horo is:

She's the kind of girl that can be your best friend, business partner, AND wife, all at once without skipping a beat. She's the perfect compete package. It's really no wonder so many people love her.

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Truly top tier waifu.

She is tsundereish in a right dosage.

It's not like Lawrence will appear in your dream to kick you for that.

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Yeah, but if Holo was the kind of girl who'd be willing to cuck Lawrence she wouldn't be waifu material. Ruins my immersion/10.

Imagine yourself as Lawrence then.

I don't think I've ever come across a waifu thread on Yea Forums that was this sincere.

There used to be a bunch of Saber threads that were comfy af
But then again, the kinds of guys who'd be into these girls tend to be older and wiser

This user knows his stuff.

Other girls get civil, fluffy threads too. This one is very nice though.

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They really like apples

>honey, pizza, dr pepper, apples

Fateshit is so gay, I have no idea how people get into it unironically.

The girls unironically

Sakura may not lay down ice burns as much as Rin, but she has her moments. Like when she tells Shirou he has a failing grade in magic in the same conversation where she tells him why she loves him. Or teasing him about not knowing why she enjoys being around him. It's just that she isn't seen throwing her weight around often that she is seen as timid. You have plenty of examples of her bluntness. And then Hollow comes about and she has one really good scene where she pretty much turns Shirou into spaghetti.

I watched both series of the anime just a few days ago, and I'm a Holo fan, mostly for the same reasons as everyone else, but there are a few things I haven't seen mentioned, so here's a few random thoughts.


>She's loyal.
The first thing we learn about her is that she made a bargain with a village to look after their harvests and stuck to it for centuries despite being gradually despised/forgotten. She only flees after they've completely abandoned her. The same in her relationship with Lawrence: they encounter many men who could be considered a 'better catch', but she never looks at any of them. If you didn't trust her fidelity 100% you might want to have sex with her but you wouldn't want to marry her.

>Goldilocks Zone.
She's right in the sweet spot between young/innocent/needy and old/cynical/independent. She's lived a LONG time so she knows a lot about some things (e.g. male-female relations) but she's been in a little rural backwater for centuries so she's ignorant of many things (contemporary politics, the state of the Church, pickled peaches). She can make it on her own but can get lonely. She isn't clingy but she likes to be tucked up in bed at night.

Lazy writers often have super-hot, super-intelligent female characters with absurdly low self-esteem - convenient because all a man has to do is not treat her like total crap and she falls at his feet. This is good for self-insertion/wish-fulfillment but bad for believability. Holo has a strong sense of her own worth (but she's not conceited - she IS worth a lot). That means it's harder for L. to win her over but more satisfying and more believable when he does.

People who don't think she's hot - I don't know what to say. Plus, looking at it dispassionately, she's an excellent choice for gene propagation because your children are going to be awesome. And maybe immortal.

Lazy writers often have super-hot, super-intelligent female characters with absurdly low self-esteem - convenient because all a man has to do is not treat her like total crap and she falls at his feet. This is good for self-insertion/wish-fulfillment but bad for believability.
Hot, smart girls have self esteem issues all the time. It's why "the nice guy" is such a threatening concept to so many people. it's the same asshole trying to punch above his weight by taking advantage of you, with an extra layer of conceit. So the author often has to add some caveat as to why something like this hasn't already happened yet.

Lemme tell you, I love Komi San. But it toes the fuckin line with that shit.

>better catch
Excuse me?

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whoops, meant to
>Lazy writers often have super-hot, super-intelligent female characters with absurdly low self-esteem - convenient because all a man has to do is not treat her like total crap and she falls at his feet. This is good for self-insertion/wish-fulfillment but bad for believability.

I assume he's not talking about the well-written smart hotties that have low self esteem for compelling reasons.

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Pure luck. Lawrence just happened to be carrying a large bundle of wheat she could sneak her body into and escape the village's fields. But she also wanted to travel with a companion, after so many centuries being alone.

post your home address

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>sexual experience is a bad thing
Why do people think like this? You want to have fun in bed don't you?

I'd rather be the one to teach her than have her think of another man due to her experience

Was the novel specific about whether holo a virgin or not?

lets be honestly here
most guys love her because they watch the anime when they were 13-16 old and she spend most of the anime naked.
also they think the anime is deep because they find the most overcomplicated way to say something simple.

>and she spend most of the anime naked

So you didn't even watch it or attend any basic English lessons?

>Are you high or something.
Quite the contrary, I'm not high enough.

I found her and Lawrence's journey endearing. I hope I find my Holo one day. T_T

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Replace 02 with Shinobu and we are good.

You little fucker. You better apologize to me right now and get up and kneel to me now and I'll spare you on the night of the 28th.

Well yeah she’s a dog not a cat

mangy, filthy carrion eaters.

Yea Forums, what kind of men would be Holo's next lover&husband in the next century after Lawrence pass away ? Is it going to be a merchant

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She will remain heartbroken and celibate for a century after he dies. Then she will find someone as different from him as possible.

Holo is best wolf.

She'll find a way to die with him and be together forever T_T

I don't know how far the LN series goes, but it could be a good, poignant scenario with him aging and her not, and him feeling he is dragging her down, so looking for some way to die when he's still not too old.

Reminds me a bit of "The Tale of the Adopted Daughter" in "Time Enough for Love" by R.A.Heinlein, except that there it's the other way around. The hero is a man who's more-or-less immortal, and he meets a young girl, waits for her to get old enough, marries her, then has to watch her age and die.

Since her daughter is an hybrid.
How long is her lifespan ?
Horo might mourn Lawrence for a very long time but at least the daughter they had will be there.
If Lawrence happens to be the most important man in Horo's life, she might want to seek someone similar in an attempt to relive her times with him


Waifu is noun not verb, you fucking retard.

Not true. I can waifu an anime character as a verb.

Most nouns can be verbed, if you have any creativity at all.

As, for example, in the sentence "Stop faggotting up the thread with your stupid pedantry".

I agree when it comes to the daughter, at least Holo won't be alone anymore, even after Lawrence's death. Assuming hybrids also have a long life span.

I just hope Miyuri's half human nature doesn't make her as fragile as us. Just imagine how heartbroken Holo would be if she loses both

Poor holo T_T

Why does it hurt so much to think about her?

Because we’ll never see her again

What makes you say that?

Can't let this thread die!

Because she’ll never get another anime ever again

She makes life interesting. She's her own person and while she clearly loves Lawrence, she still makes him work for it.

As a wolf she knows how fun the chase can be.

>She's one of the rare girls with an actual personality that's neither mentally ill, defined by archetypes, or lazily written.
>So she's realistic?
No, it means she's an ideal. Actual females are fucking retards

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she's perfect

My wife Holo is eternal best girl

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Blessed post.

Humans marrying demigods like Horo is a mistake. He'll become old and decrepit and she'll stay young. He'll die and she'll live on and his image and memory will fade until it loses all color or feeling and becomes as blurry as a dream. Its a tragedy masquerading as comedy. She may find another man who will fill the void or she may wander the plains and forests until she too expires with the saccharine and sanguine time with Lawrence only as a punctuation in her long desolate life.

I don't know, she's not super beautiful but she has this wife material look and approach.

no real girls are like user
no real girl is going to tease you like that because its a fucking anime and not real life
they dont shit, they dont fucking periods, they dont have bad days, they dont smell, they dont have other stuff other than teasing and being with you, you are not the most important person in the world to them, they have jobs, friends, coworkers families, you have families and other stuff

Holo is the few anime waifus that is actually not a fucking pond, not blushing at the slightest touch, not some damsel in distress with lust for MC's cock
she's got depth and actually banter equally with MC without blushing into oblivion thinking of the massive dong that's about to be inserted because their vaginas are as shallow as their personality

>lawrence becomes a successful merchant
>creates a business empire with huge investment into research
>holo helps him in this endeavor because she heard stories of philosopher stone
>lawrence dies before she could find the stone
>but science advances, people no longer need her
>legend becomes myth
>sad that she feels like her time have passed
>mourns as the whole world seemed to have left her
>reminisce of the time they spent together, travelling from town to town
>lying beside lawrence's grave, she consumes poison and dies besides her only happiness in a long time
>transform into a decrepit fox
>local grave digger saw this and swipe her away without a second thought

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Not Yea Forums but I just wanted anons to see her in VR form.

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If only I could drop crazy money on a VR set.

Not quite interesting that she's not necessarily communicating with you at all
i imagine in the future someone will create a game with complete story, VA and scripted scenes interpolated from the source.
So you can spent hours just sitting on the wagon with her head on your shoulders.
just imagine bois

Holo is always Yea Forums and I'll cut anyone who says otherwise.

>Yea Forums hates smug girls who banter
Nani the fuck?

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You have to be a literal retard or a hardcore NTR fetishist to like this stupid bitch. The whole show is a brainlet filter. If you didn't feel depressed after watching it, you didn't get it.

Check out Shinobu Project. It's one autist's very in-depth waifu sim, with hundreds of animations to simulate daily life with a vampire loli. The TECHNOLOGY is crazy; you can take a photo of her pantsu and show it to her, and then she'll get mad and rip it up. It's full of shit like this. You can also customize outfits and give her baths.
He's currently rebranding as "Viva Project". In the future you'll be able to import custom models and voices. Virtual Holo daily life soon.

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are you into cuck shit? do you enjoy being cucked on an existential level?

I feel like if you just reskin it might lose some of the charm, as the "personalities" would all be the same.

Oh god yes, soon we will be together Illya

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>lets 50 wolves fuck her when she could easily fight them off
>not mentally ill

Nipples are sexually explicit, OK
Good grief, I go into my local bookstore and the Spice and Wolf manga are all shrinkwrapped, but the book right next to it has two nude women scissoring each other on the cover, to say nothing of the contents I can freely page through. There is no justice in this world.

NTR? How so?

>this degenerate Jap meme from 2006 is STILL making rounds

Attached: just say no.png (816x433, 228K)

>fucks an entire wolfpack
>constantly teases lawrence about how she has had many men and will have many more
>the entire premise of their interaction is that while it means a lot to lawrence, he is just a fleeting distraction to her, only to die and be forgotten

Ignore the degenerates that feel the need to project NTR into everything they see. Post cute Holo

Attached: apple.jpg (400x600, 28K)


How much?

Attached: Holo burg.png (800x600, 356K)

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I have lots.

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Why is she always naked?

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user, please don't tell me you wear clothes in the bath.

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it makes it easier to jerk off to her

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So do I

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What if S&W was in a school setting?

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Holo beating up the boys and taking their lunch money, but also teasing Lawrence a lot.

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Attached: 1513143063018.png (1131x870, 1.01M)

>tfw no delinquent Holo to bully you

Attached: 1519135544163.jpg (524x744, 406K)

Attached: holo flowers.png (960x960, 810K)

Oh man, that image reminds me of that time when Yea Forums had those music threads where the music was embedded into the images.

Shame retards had to start embedding CP in them and get it shut down.

>the saddest of faces

Attached: holo look3.jpg (3500x3500, 1.11M)

Why does she always look so smug. Someone needs to rape her to put her in her place

Smug wolf best wolf

Attached: holo umbrella.png (2030x1479, 744K)

God I want to make her howl

Well, it's already completely out of character for Shinobu so it already feels like a reskin.

>unironically believing this

It's her 印象

Then it needs more content to have distinct personalities.

It's still mid-development. Maybe later on he'll add a function to alter personality traits or tastes.

Kurisu and Holo are truly top tier taste.

Why is she so smug?

Attached: smugholo2.jpg (453x418, 115K)

Because she is still relevant 10 years later.

Attached: 74369316_p0.jpg (849x1200, 964K)

>I waifu Saber from FSN

Reminder that this slut had fucked countless wolves and had given birth to many cubs before she met Lawrence.

Even hotter


korbo is love korbo is life

Attached: korbokart.jpg (730x1024, 134K)

The only time stuff like this becomes realistic is when AI is online, and it can speedwatch the source material to create a Whoro clone for you to play with in your "going into games" machine.

Convincing human interaction is something that just straight up isn't possible with human direction. It'd take decades for someone to make a game set in a single room where you can do anything you say anything you want to static model and have it react appropriately. Only AI acting can bring characters to life, because then all the responses are just generated by a computer ad-libbing dialogue.

The kind of AI needed isn't happening fast enough, and it's the only way to make it happen.

I mean, realistic ai isn't that hard to do
I easily could program an ai that reads, but doesn't respond to your text messages.
answers the phone only to find out it's you, says they're busy, then doesnt call you back.
reports you to the police if you keep calling them after they hang up.
could even program them to talk shit about 'this weird guy' on social media without specifically mentioning your name.

The hard part is making an unrealistic ai seem realistic

Attached: roombaknife.jpg (960x640, 37K)

Or, you know, and AI that doesn't use being anti-social and hating its users as an excuse not to tackle hard problems.


Attached: xkcd task complexity.png (267x448, 29K)

I'm not interested in entertainment AI that does zero things I find entertaining in the name of being realistic now. Business AI is what's going to sustain research until the types of entertainment AI we want become feasible.

Attached: holo look.jpg (541x767, 66K)

Today AI development is very dependent on GPU quality. GPUs are, well, GPUs and they got a huge boost from gamers wanting the last model. So thank gamers for the looming singularity.

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Google and other companies are already using custom chip architectures for running neural networks, like the TPU.

Historically realistic &erotically saying, what's going to happen to girls like Elsa and Holo with body like this ?
If some powerful noble lord wants to make them his wives& mistress and bare children for him ,could Elsa and Holo refuse by saying they are a priest and a widow with a a young daughter ?

Attached: __elsa_schtingheim_and_holo_spice_and_wolf_drawn_by_koume_keito__sample-4addddb7a77a5b6b4d7c37b8f1f7 (850x1338, 223K)

For all the good reasons posted in that thread, also: because she reminds me of my oneitis.

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Anyone else surprised by seeing so many people compare Holo to Kurisu? If anyone should be considered similiar to Holo then it should obviously be CC.

- are smug as fuck
- have supernatural abilities
- are immortal
- are wise and very lonely due to their immortality.
- are insanely hot

It's such a shame though that CC didn't get half the screen time she deserves and that code geass is a garbage show.

Attached: CC&Holo.jpg (4425x3600, 3.32M)

I'm pretty sure CC could've been my waifu before Horo if only CG wasn't that trash of a show.

What a waste of a good character.

yes, especially when you consider holo can just fuck off into the grain, or just straight up eat the dude.

elsa might have some more trouble but the church itself is fairly powerful and no god fearing noble of that time would wish to cause problems with the church, not that there weren't cases of similar things happening for pretty nuns.

despite how its always portrayed, nobles didnt just stomp their feet like children until they got what they wanted, they were businessmen, they made deals. They'd have to make a deal with the church shes under and put pressure on them, something that the church could see as beneficial that they couldn't easily do on their own.

so if she's worth building a couple orphanages for, sure, probably

So there is no danger or change at all for both girls to get raped and bare children ?
Didn't people love to portray this time period as very danger for pretty girls in fictions

raping a nun or priest is a 1 way ticket to hell
attempting to rape a literal giant wolf is a 1 way ticket to flavour town

Silence, fool.
She's a courageous Wise Wolf who took fat rockets for her beloved, a sacrifice few women can pull out.

Attached: NTR & Wolf_3.webm (640x360, 1.88M)

You just know.

Finishing up the main series right now, and I find quite funny how little time Holo and Lawrence spend actually traveling together, just between 5 and 6 months

Their relationship is so strong that I always assumed there were long time skips between the towns

It really shows how lonely and needed of love was Holo

>if only CG wasn't that trash of a show.
it wasn't

5-6 months is not that short when you spend more or less 24 hours a day together.
I guess it's really short for Holo but for Lawrence it's quite a long time.

Is this the opposite day? Yea Forums always overrates girls with quirks/bants because according to ADHD fucks here that's the only personality a girl can have.

Yea Forums likes big titty moe gfs

Based and holopilled.


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[x] upgrade

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Does she NTR MC too?

Horo did humiliating things but nothing lewd.

>black wolf pack gangbang NTR
I mean

t. ridefag

You just outed yourself as a newfag by thinking Rin didn't have massive popularity on Yea Forums.
There's merely been a recent swap in popularity between the two as they are starting to notice that Rin tends to be a bit of a psychotic bitch.

i've never seen anything positive said about sakura only that rin has a tight anus

>smart hotties that have low self esteem for compelling reasons.

Attached: 1536604251657.jpg (1676x943, 627K)

Is this furry cuck cope thread?

>Rin's anus
Pick one and only one.

that's fair, I haven't really paid attention to either for years and it's likely heavily worn out by now from all those old men.

I don't think I've ever seen a positive Sakura post around here. Always with the "wormslut" and "used goods" posting.

Because the bar is incredibly low so any character with decent writing instantly becomes waifu of the century material

No, she desperately wants the MC dick

Does he have dense nip MC syndrome?

All women are whores, after all.

No. He just sees her as family and has no romantic interest (so far)
Also he's a christfag

It's pretty well written, could pass for an actual fantasy novel

>he just sees her as family and has no romantic interest

Attached: 1543581754665.jpg (230x577, 55K)

I like her, a HO-LOT

I can't imagine he'll be able to resist for too long. Being adorable runs in the family.

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Looks like he already lost, desu

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Look at the size of that thing, it could just outrun you, bite you and rip limb by limb by limb... Jesus

is this from Overlord? image search didnt really help

I don't understand what ridefag means but code geass was definitely a good show.
Hating on it will not make you special at all.

How did you arrive at this conclusion?
It's toilet komoru manga adaptation.

It always seemed weird to me that this wasn't ever referenced again, I thought Holo'd give more importance to meet someone from her kind

this is what i got

Attached: search result.jpg (674x475, 88K)

Congratulations you found my other post with that pic.

Attached: 1540801291462.gif (640x360, 3.31M)

how would've a non-cuck, madman MC overcome this situation? Personally, I would play on my human strenghts, that is, crafting and science, and the fact that wolves have a strong sense of smell, so the solution is preparing some kind of smell bombs or even mustard gas bombs. I think Lawrence could get his hands on some gunpowder and do wonders.

you're fucking retarded thinking you can do anything in that short amount of time.

Of course, that implies he speculated on being attacked and thus prepared himself.

Calm down, I forgot to add Lawrence fucked up by being unprepared to animal attacks of this sort.

>imagine she was bended on all 4 by the wolf minions while the chad wolf god was pounding her pussy from behind

No seriously are there any other LNs that are as good as spicy wolf

I'm not even memeing at this point, but isuna hasekura genuinely seems to be the only LN author who can actually write real characters

i dont wanna be a spoonfeedfag, but im not finding this, tried looking on sukebei nyaa, exhentai, other doujin sites, im not finding this specific work from this artist

God the cheese

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>Crashed the stock marker for his waifu
Well, got a life goal now. Guess I'll go study economics now.

thanks m8

>100 wolves, maybe more

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I'm gonna make you my girlfriend

I wouldn't mind.

Attached: 1550848844479.png (1564x1930, 1007K)

Gee, because I judge shitty anime to feel special. CG suck complete ass and is only liked by braindead retards and memelords. Cope.