Houseki no Kuni

Whyn does suffering end and healing start?

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What do the words "end" and "healing" mean?

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no bully I'm dyslexic

This is Ichikawa's wild ride, it never ends.

How long till the 25?


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I've not been keeping track very well, why did we not get a chapter last month? was it a holiday or a hiatus or something?

Ichikawa died.

I think the magazine didn't come out. It runs in the same mag as Vinland Saga, right? That didn't get a chapter last month either

Ichikawa took a months break to work on Volume 10.

anyone else think the new pokemon villian looks like Ichikawa's handiwork

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Where do you think you are?

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Professor in her wild years.

isn't she in the credits?

So this is the professor. No wonder Sensei was obsessed with her.

only in death can suffering truly be over

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after SEA arc

She was for the pokemon designs in sun and moon, most likely the elegant femme white genderless bug pokemon

Wich one? I'm not into pokemon things.

Not that user, but I assume they're talking about Pheromosa. I've also seen speculation that she designed Nihilego.

Ichikawa lost her house in minecraft

When Phos gets his prayer borgar

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Makes sense

I am gay. Gay for gem butt.

Poor man's Steven Universe.

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Yes, this one, Pheromosa I forgot its name

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25th I know she wont let us done. Back to the fields

steven universe is a poor man's nothing. a silent lament of an excuse tossed to the wind.
Houseki no Kuni is a literal condensed strand of life, seamlessly intertwined in the reality of the human experience and one in the same immeasurable worth of humanity itself.

Don't feed the retard it's against the zoo rules

Too early for a thread. Wait another 2 weeks.

Anyone watched Labyrinth recently?
My boi Aechmea did a good job playing the role of Goblin King.

;_; still too soon

S2 where?

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only when we stop asking

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>Ghost just standing right there

so this is the true suffering...

Does this confirm S2 where we get a flashback to the library scene with Ghost

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>Aechmea paired with with dark gem
>asymmetrical eyes phos
>androgyny throughout
>space theme
what are the actual odds ichikawa had some crush on bowie and all this depression in the manga is tangentially related to him being dead?
probably none, right?

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and i mean really just layering the fuck on with the suffering. from like 0 to 60 in nothing then warp speed on a dime suffering.

i apologize for my autism btw.

I think it makes sense for her to design Nihilego with her preference to marine biology.

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You're just confirming a theory I said around 2017 that Ichikawa as a teen had a massive crush on Bowie.
Bowie is also notorious for popping inexperienced girls cherries, this alludes to his interactions with CheeseHorn.
Assuming she has a bleeding heart for Bowie how should her David Bowie mineral fanfic end?

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makes me sad i missed your post, then. bowie's music got me through withdrawal after 6 years of alcoholism, among dozens of other milestones in my life.
I want phos to get a happy ending.

Don't reply to bait

That and Dark Crystal are kino.
Love the Jim Henson/Brian Froud aesthetic.

S2 confirmed 2239

What happened to the gem server?
Would be nice to play with gemfriends.

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Any news on that phos figma?

I read A 25-Hour Vacation yesterday, as well as the other stories from the same manga.
Seems like Ichikawa's fascination for body horror and weird lifeforms is really deep rooted.
>tfw you'll never stick you hand in your nee-san's leg

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I like where this is going.

Phos dies (or the closest a gem can get to what humans consider death) and a new gem takes Pho’s place as the baby of the group. Phos gets the bad end but there are glimmers of hope in this newborn gem. The cycle continues or maybe it’s finally broken. Similar to the lyrics of Blackstar

“Something happened on the day he died
Spirit rose a metre then stepped aside
Somebody else took his place, and bravely cried
(I'm a blackstar, I'm a blackstar)

How many times does an angel fall?
How many people lie instead of talking tall?
He trod on sacred ground, he cried loud into the crowd
(I'm a blackstar, I'm a blackstar, I'm not a gangster)”

Go to bed Ichikawa-senpai.
Stop messing with the foolish Yea Forumsnons