Final Hibike Euphonium movie at 7 PM

7 PM US nationwide. Only time the sub will be played in theaters.

I missed it, but you fags don't have to.

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Sadly I'll have to miss this, but I'll make sure to see the dub on Tuesday. Not ideal, but I may as well not have to wait for BDs.

May as well not even go see this hetshit garbage

For finding a theater near you:

You need to be mentally retarded if you're unironically watching anything dubbed.

Naively hoping for a camrip from some user

That's what I think too, but I don't wanna miss out on a new film for a series I loved while it's in theaters. I'll just rewatch the BD's subbed.


Hetshitters are actually more homosexual than gays. They can't appreciate pure love between girls because there is no penis involved. They are obsessed with cocks, even more than actual fags.

Toughest thing about life on this board is living with these goddamned s/u/bversives.

To the trash you go.

Watching this really makes me wish we just got another season.
"Liz and the Blue Bird" was pretty cool. That oboe solo is incredible. I feel like I should watch that movie now.
I'm somewhat disappointed with the end result, mainly because we just didn't get enough time to flesh out character development. I was hoping Yuuko would get more attention, but she and the seniors didn't even get a proper sendoff.

>yurifags btfo within 5 mins

Just left the theater, it was better than S2 but not as good as S1. That's about all I have to say about it

Done with my screening. First 20 minutes were unbearable because the dude a few seats over kept laughing, farting, and making lip popping/smacking sounds. Movie was enjoyable once I moved to a different row in the empty ass room and could no longer hear him sharting himself.

>dude a few seats over kept laughing, farting, and making lip popping/smacking sounds
So your typical hetcuck.

Shit, wish I knew about this earlier.

All we have is dub screenings left. Monday, check the dates.

I enjoyed it. I liked that they played Liz and the Blue Bird for the concert.

exactly my thoughts. Not enough time for character development to have a relationship as interesting as Kumiko/Reina and Kumiko/Asuka.

I'm hoping the next movie gives us a proper senior sendoff and Kumiko being voted band pres scene.

I just got back from my showing and I'm fucking pissed off.

>that fucking bizarre cutting with the cell phone camera video
>Shuichi gets fucking cucked, again
>Liz and the Blue Bird, haha, by the way Mizore and Nozomi have no lines
>kouhai is a complete unbearable cunt
>edgelord-kun disappears completely in the second half of the movie after being hyped in the start, literally reduced to Sapphire's sex slave
>that fucking atrocious marching band costume
>holy shit the men look like they're cross dressing, what the fuck
>tall-chan's drama is retarded
>CG in the main performance, what the fuck Kyoani
>"hehe the real victory was the friends we made along the way"
>Kumiko's last line is "are you mad?"


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I hope people boo'd whenever that shoefaggot was on the screen.



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>Kumiko being voted band pres scene.
Wait, they didn't include that scene? That would have been a great ending.

Movie ends with buses leaving Kansai, then aftercredit scene where annoying eupho kohai greets Kumiko as president. So it shows she's president, just no scene where she founds out that she got chosen.

Holy shit there's one nearby 40 minutes away but it's airing at in 30 minutes

Fuck I didn't even know it was possible to watch weebshit in my area.

Why would Kyoani do that when it would be good?

Sadly in the end it's only yuribait.

>the state of angry delusional yurifags.

It was good, but it really just felt like a Season 3 condensed into a 2 hour runtime. Still definitely good, but the faster pacing came at the detriment to the drama and emotional 'slow burn' that made the series catch my attention in the first place.

Liked the moral of the story though - it was a good send off .

But marching band outfits were actually good

It's fine for the girls, except that the dudes' uniforms were the same from the hips up. I didn't really care to see the fatty trumpet player's jelly rolls.

Had a retard at my theatre but overall was pretty good

Are you guys me?

Grow up.

Just look at these double standards. If that fat guy didn't exist you'd be more than ok with the male outfits. I think I might buy myself one of those outfits for later use. .

Why would Nozomi and Mizore have any lines? The way they had it just being the performance was perfect

Feels good to live somewhere urban enough that local theaters get these movies but where the populace couldn't care at all. Only 10 people at my showing and it was very pleasant. Definitely had the major flaw of trying to fit a whole year of in show time into a movie format. Not enough time to develop the new characters and make the drama hit home and have fulfilling resolutions but I understood where they were at least headed with it.

Seen it. Despite the forced het bit, Reina and Kumiko's relationship still reigns supreme.

This movie was a setup for when they actually go to Nationals and win in their 3rd year. Please look forward to it.

>not in the US
>movies take a stupid amount of time to come out on BD
>it'll probably be at least december before I can see it
fuck offfff

But user, that's kinda gay

You think I don't know that?

>>not in the US
It was in theaters today in the USA

Got back from the screening at the local place. Almost nobody was there, went about as good as it could possibly go. Damn glad I didn't miss out on it and hell I would see it again if I had the chance. Not sure why there's a dubbed version when the TV series hasn't even been dubbed and I'm not sure why you would see this film if you haven't already seen the first two seasons and have a connection with the characters. Oh well, good for the dubfags I guess.

Man this was really good. Only thing I wish is for a story focused on Yuuko and Natsuki. My heart really broke for Yuuko in this movie. Also that Liz performance was so good. It reminded me of why I love the spin off so much

Theater was awful. Started 20 minutes late and wouldn't turn the lights off. One guy had to literally go get the manager because they forgot about the showing. Only had like 8 people in the theater so I guess that's why.

Movie was pretty good though, outside of the spelling errors in the subs. Wish I'd stayed for the post credit scene.

Nigga it was showing in a lot of theatres. Only for 2 days. Today is the sub release.

So what was Satsuki’s issue? Was hers just lumped in with Mirei?


Watched this in theater today without watching any of the previous seasons. #youonlyYOLOonce


I feel like I got lucky. I live in a nowheresville state but the screening started right on time and everything went off without a hitch. No autists making noise during the movie either. Was basically perfect. If I felt like wasting the money, gas, and had the masochistic urge I would go see the dubbed screening; at least I'd get to see the movie again even if it would just be another stilted Bang Zoom dub job.

>senpai without hyphens

i meant i'm not in the US so i have no way of seeing it

What was the post credits scene? Should i an hero myself?

Season 3 teaser

Technically the truth

I was also mildly surprised that the subs were basically in the Crunchyroll format, Trebuchet MS font and everything. For some reason I was expecting something different, but the subs didn't look bad or anything. The "X senpai" thing was kind of awkward, though. Either go with "X-senpai" or "X Senpai" or awkwardly translate it to something.

There was also some aliasing but nothing too bad. All in all, it was a good presentation.

Kumiko's disciple running through the school shown in zoomed out shots and greeting Kumiko in the practice room as the president.

just a short scene showing that kumiko is the new buucho

Kumiko doing a JAV shoot.

Subs called her "captain" and that threw me off. Now that I think about it, I think Yuuko was called "captain" earlier in the film so I should have made that connection. Oh well.

fuck i guess it's over lads

lol. Same here.

Why the fuck was the ending theme not translated?

Should've paid 20 bucks

I really love Kanade. She is so lovable. Also color me surprised. I actually like the shukumi moments.

>he can’t read Japanese
Your own fault. Really the funniest part was how they name dropped a few people in the credits, when there’s hundreds of names rolling down.

Hey. I could make out like 40% of it. But I can't read that fast in jap yet. But still, if I paid 14 USD for it, I would have at least expected it to be translated.

Agreed on both points, I loved all the character dynamics going on.

I barely paid attention to the Mirei angst climax scene. When Bolero started playing I immediately started having LoGH flashbacks.

movie was great and theater was great : )
wish they made an anime season for it instead because it felt quite fast paced
went with my brother who hadnt seen the anime and he liked it a lot as well (glad they had the recap, otherwise he wouldve been pretty confused)
the subs had a few typos, saw "living" as "liviing"
not a big deal but wouldve thought that wouldve been fixed but oh well

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>: )
kill yourself.

I feel like the small little character arc with Meira(?) would've benefited the most from an actual season. As it is, I feel like they could've moved her screen time to solidify the other parts of the movie.

Most bulliable

Based user BTFOing the KyoAni shitters

Exactly how I felt

Dude honestly just wait if thats what you have to do.

Kek I liked that too.

I was recording it and had a pretty good angle but my phone died halfway through.

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Citizen Scoops prevailed

Are you mad?

Whats the point of autistic yuriniggers coming all their way from /u/ just to seethe here!? Why won't they just stay in their containment board patting each others back!?

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Said dub defender. How ironic.

Santa Anita?

I almost want to see it again in dubfag-friendly format just to see if the audience would be any different/bigger compared to the subbed showing, but I don't know if I could justify the drive and the expense just to satisfy my curiosity and I'm not particularly crazy about seeing another generic California dub.

There was an old dude that sat in our showing with a huge bucket of popcorn and a huge drink. He had to have been 60-70 years old. Definitely the oldest Kumiko fan I've seen.

Her issue is that she isn't good. Not being mean, I thought she was cute, but for all intents and purposes she's Hazuki 2. In relation to the plot she doesn't really have one, it's just that for the aforementioned reasons it kicks off Mirei's issues of her own

They fulfill similar roles in a lot of ways, but I ended up liking her way more than Asuka. Was really surprised that I liked her and Kumiko's dynamic so much, in fact I didn't mind Reina getting shafted so hard because Kanabe's screentime made up for it

There was a few older people at the theater I went to. By looking at other threads it seems like a lot of older people came out to see it.

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I enjoyed it. S3 soon

There was a girl with her grandma at the screening I went to. Girl was 20s something and had tattoos so not like she needed an escort. They left before the post credits scene

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They were so happy when Shuuichi and Kumiko broke up, even when they specifically said they would get back together. And then they acted shocked that they get back together for good.


It's obvious they'll win gold at nationals in third year, but I'll always be bitter that none of Kumiko's senpai's will get to be there. Especially the third years from s1/2.

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fuck I miss Buchou as Buchou

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The absolute state of shoecucks.

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I miss Asuka. Damn she's gorgeous.

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The nearest sub showing to me is 3 hours by bus or a $40 uber one way, I dunno if I can swing it.

Sub was yesterday, son. Only thing left is the dub on the 15th.

The only comment Ultimatemegax made on leddit after the Chikai is on KumiRei. Who would have thought.

Ah sorry I meant in Canada, our showings are next week.

Oh, cool. Hope you can make it, I thought it was well worth it.

Nah. Oregon for me.

I went to a nice theater in fly-over territory and everything was great. Sorry you had a bad experience at the theater but at least you had the chance to see it.

No boos but people cheered when Reina got a headshot on that pathetic male self-insert character.

ahhh the ways of the yurishitters

>tfw recognized the concert hall at the end as ROM Theater in Kyoto at Okazaki park

Felt proud of myself.

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Citizen Scoops

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Thanks for trying



My movie started out as dub right after the 10 minute recap and then someone had to go tell them to fix it to the sub. The dub was awful. It was a typical case of American VAs all sounding the exact same. Kumiko, Yuuko, and Reina are the first three female characters to speak and they all are attempting the same high pitched voice and inflection.