The worst trend in anime. I'd take 20 harem isekai web novel adaptations a season if it meant getting rid of this.
The worst trend in anime. I'd take 20 harem isekai web novel adaptations a season if it meant getting rid of this
I'd take 20 harem isekai web novel adaptations a season if they all had that
Always thought they looked like cold sores
Good ol' fleshtooth
>hot fang bad
>boring shonenshit/isekaishit good
fuck off OP
i do think its getting overused tho, only cute characters should have fangs
Good thing your shit taste doesn't give you the power do to anything
Flesh fangs are cuter than actual tooth fangs.
Why are you posting a character who looks better with a normal fang to suggest skin fang is good?
When a character has a tooth fang and the show never shows any of their other teeth, it gives me the impression that they're some freak with only one tooth coming out of their gums.
And somehow a flesh fang doesn't make you think of Rocky Balboa?
Flesh fangs are an abomination. Only true fangs should exist.
Imagine relentlessly plowing this brat so hard she'd be screaming from pleasure non-stop. God... what would it even feel like?
What's worse? Flesh fang or sidemouth?
I vote sidemouth.
Depends on how bad the sidemouth is but I think in general flesh fangs are worse
Side mouth is okay, side mouth with lips that doesn't move is not okay
this jesus christ its like looking at a PPG frame error on Yea Forums
Hands up, you have been apprehended for the possession of illegal fangs.
I wonder what the first documented instance of the fang is and who the retard is that got away with it.
whats that?
You have a flesh fang instead of a real one?
how pathetic
Probably an episode of Sazae-san.
Flesh fang isn’t that bad.
This is the only kind of fangs that should be allowed.
motherfucker season 2 athanasia is finally out
but only one chapter came out. I was expecting a 5 chapter binge right away
Absolute shit taste. Awful, in every way, shape, and form, extending out to every possible connotation of the word. I can't even begin to comprehend the mental state you must be in to have such horrendous, ill-conceived, and disgusting opinions. I'm so sorry that the events in your life led you to become such a mockery of a man; one so convinced that not only are his asinine, sub-zero IQ opinions are true, but he also feels the need to spew his vile ramblings in public. I should feel contempt, but I have nothing but pity for you. Please seriously consider suicide, you absolute sub-human.
It's great seeing another newfag detector after side mouths and shiny skin.
>boring shonenshit/isekaishit good
fleshfangfags confirmed retarded.
Fleshfang a shit. Realfang or bust. This is irrefutable.
Who is fang of the season and why is it Milaarc?
here you go user
My unpopular opinion: I will take over 20 fangs to get rid of just one Isekai.That's how unironically cancerous Isekai is.
I hope some studio has the balls to animate a fleshfang flopping about because it's a piece of loose lip flesh