Prisma Illya

Is this appropriate attire for girls their age?

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Other urls found in this thread:!ndlXGI4C!Jqf5_-X9TPNa7ojXcFI5VqBBmu86wlGTAqmDpS1JK6Q!7lgCAS6S!lZ42wFJRut8gbUOZC_baGA


They don't need the bras.

Illya is 18.

Which one would you sample?

>girls their age
Those all love dicks, so sure.

Attached: 1558770263302.jpg (2077x1814, 1.26M)

Kuro, and only Kuro, because shes a sloot anyway

Because they are.

Attached: 1545130607327.jpg (2880x4097, 1.18M)

After the microbikinis, the wedding dresses that were only pieces of lingeries and that one when they are offering you alcohol while wearing wet shitts, this one feels pretty tame in comparation.

The only thing that would surprisme at this point of Kaleid promotional art would be penetration, and I wouldn't be that surprised, just moderately surprised

Not only is it appropriate.
It is recommended.

No stop,they are pure

Attached: 1562070156668.jpg (700x959, 218K)

>The only thing that would surprise at this point
You seriously lack imagination.

In the original fate/stay yes, this one definitely not.

are their boobs getting bigger

What more they can do?

Attached: 1562103331044.png (1536x2048, 2.49M)

Dress them like babies.

There is a JY illya already

Nah, this is.

Attached: 1534845747618.jpg (1272x1800, 789K)

If they aren't wearing diapers, we can still go further.

Wrong anime she's 12 in this universe

I never knew takeuchi drew lewd art for illya prisma

Same,but i like his style.

no, but this is

Attached: 1537132719300.jpg (5932x4089, 2.12M)

Wow. That show sure has some subtle pedophilic undertones.

ak tually
it's hebephilia



Attached: Fate.kaleid.liner.PRISMA.☆.ILLYA.full.1558654.jpg (5969x4097, 1.62M)

Yeah and is one of the best

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Attached: 1532534798602.webm (1920x1080, 928K)

Its appropiate to tempt onii chan

Shirou is a faggot either way

Shirou fucked rin so id say hes more masochist than faggot

No prysma illya shirou

They cant keep getting away with this lewding of the cups!
Someone needs to draw a line in the sand.

He should be helping provide mana.

Stay mad beta faggit

Why did Miyu join the other two whores? She's pure

Kuro is way too lewd

Attached: 1555934937130.png (716x1024, 1.29M)

But those are for Rin.

Attached: pantsu oneechan ilya.png (800x600, 733K)

Need to see her pantsu desu


Attached: 1547876619050.png (750x1061, 334K)

It's very cute and funny

You don't understand, i need to see It very bad.

Attached: 1545128962871.jpg (6060x9098, 3.57M)

Attached: 1522123083123.jpg (577x1000, 185K)

Ah oh god oh god ha

>School Girls dressed like schools Girls.
i don't see anything wrong

>School girls wearing SAMPLE clothes.

What are they reading?

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How do Yea Forums reacted to the ovas when they came out?

The wrong manual.

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Literally kek

>You can visibly see how Prismas have grown up
im happy for girls, but also afraid of it and selfishly against it.
wonder if this is what real parents feel

Attached: cute girls.jpg (1920x1080, 170K)

why user, don't you want them to drink something other than apple juice

Attached: 1561040367841.jpg (1356x1920, 203K)

Much more appropriate.

Attached: uniform.png (813x1245, 723K)

Cant see what isnt there.

I didn't know Kiritsugu had a side job as a BL model

>official art has hips
>fanart makes hips more narrow and makes characters younger

My sluttly daughter miyu is very cute

How big do you think their boobs will be when they grow up? Give your individual thoughts on the three

They're all gonna be fucking stacked and I'm going to marry my imoutowife Miyu

Illya or Kuro will have megamilkers depending on which one inherits their moms genetics while the other will be flat as a board. Miyu is normal size.

Both Shirous in Prism Ilya are pussy MC virgins; one is constantly getting beat up by the very same people who want to spread their legs for him because tsundere and the other passed up the chance to run away and bang his classmate so he could protect his little imouto.


I hope it's Illya. I'm not that attracted to Kuro. Besides, isn't Illya the most feminine of the three?

Attached: Time Travel Shoujo - 01 (1280x720 HEVC2 AAC).mp4_snapshot_00.51_[2019.07.09_01.08.01].png (1280x720, 1.31M)

>Is this appropriate attire for girls their age?
Oh dear. Is that time again?

Attached: 1553883309474.jpg (4242x1956, 1.24M)

too much clothes

Hopefully 2chan will deliver on non sample versions.

Attached: D_PSO_tVAAAzW9B.jpg (708x1000, 158K)


That's namonashi. Their doujins are mad good

>that tied-shirt shit is LITERALLY my biggest fetish

Attached: 1522284661548.png (439x452, 72K)

Jesus they look taller than most Asian woman

seriously, nobody is gonna translate this doujin?

I wouldn't say so, look at the tables behind them.

I love this series.

Attached: 1557287626668.jpg (2055x2300, 1.51M)

Ok then

How tiny would their scale be

>the only site I've EVER gotten popups from in the past decade, even with ublock origin
You'll want to contact a translator and beg for it. Doujins never get translated out of good will.

Explain 265918

She is 18 in cupyears.

lol no

They do occasionally, but yeah usually those who can translate will just read them in japanese and not bother, at least that's what I do. The translating part is pretty easy but I hate the editing part.

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When will that sort of measurement being done become canon?

no, they should take it off

These are posters or something?

Post the others edits pls

Attached: D-j1bSmUwAIYzRg.jpg orig.jpg (1920x1080, 160K)

They don't even look lolis anymore.

Good series. Anybody got a link to the movie though? No luck for me.

They do.
The more recent anything on this franchise, the less lolicious it is. Gotta fall in line with the anti lolicon trend.

They always looked like that

Attached: 1562070748622.png (1736x2456, 3.61M)

Fml they look like high school women
No loli no nut

Bad for you then

Attached: 1562089398607.jpg (1898x4207, 1.02M)

The first two anime seasons were alright, but after that, it was hard to enjoy.

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>closet pedo lying to himself

I'm pedo and those ain't lolis.

It's hard to tell because you don't have other people standing next to them.

The cups are like only 133cm.

Yes if you live in japan and your average "woman" is 1,20.

Oh fuck my dick is diamonds.

Those proportions are at least 160cm.

Is the correct choise.

Where is a Kuro version of this?
I need it!

Perfect height for having them rest on your shoulder as you carry them through a crowd like the chariot of a princess through the streets

The head # to body measurements is about right. Average 10-11 old child is 5-6.5 heads tall.

No. There's still too much clothes on Illya.

The cups just get sluttier and sluttier

Why are they wearing JK clothes? Little girls shouldn't be dabbling in enjokosai.

We need JS ENKOU of the cups

God I love that they just never stop with these girls.

Yeah looks like it, their birthday is coming up so they are doing an event where they give those out. That's why I said I hope 2chan will scan it like they usually do.

Attached: 2930196b8260ac1f8f7db258f42d762f.png (1457x1032, 1.49M)

That's i'm watching this series. I hope i'll find JC girls unknowingly doing lewd things.

Which one is for rape__
Not getting raped by, I know that would be Kuro

It's a super serious series full of extreme violence, manly macho action, explosions that would make Michael Bay look like a child playing with firecrackers, and a badass protagonist who doesn't give two shits about personal safety and would risk themselves to rescue their friends without second thought, even if it damned the world.

I sort of juiced up the details, but it's still spot on.

Attached: illya fixed.png (1153x1500, 2.14M)

The risk is worth taking.

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miyu with big tits looks very familiar

Attached: yaymouto.gif (400x225, 262K)

Unfortunately Miyu will probably have the biggest and most sensitive ass out of the three of them.

But thats what lolicons want,if not santa doujins would'nt be so popular.

Attached: 1562917806746.jpg (850x649, 67K)

Cups don't grow.

Only reason Illya didn't originally grow was because of all the magic surgery she went through.

>Kuro such a slut she's spreading her navel out for it to be fucked

Don't fill your cups with alcohol

Attached: 1532828621635.png (1386x1079, 798K)

Why are the SAMPLEs on their crotch?

They're asking you to take a sample.

What else do I fill them with?

Of what?


Season 5 when?

Fuck that, more manga chapters when? Does this seriously have a random release schedule?

>Gudao and Tristan

Its monthly

Attached: 1545424150194.jpg (2048x1446, 328K)

No, not enough skin showing.

Attached: D_QsXxOVUAE8U5b.jpg large.jpg (800x1067, 150K)

Official art makes them too old.

I live in Argentina, you have no idea how slutty and curvy our 13 year olds get. The Prisma sluts got nothing.

I hate slutty lolis.

>Hiroyama's art exponentially improved in the transition to 3rei
>Anime's promo artstyle and animation budget plummet
It's like poetry, it rhymes

Attached: daki.png (2126x3000, 1.21M)

God I wish they'd drag me into a seedy back alley for some particularly sexual accosting.

So is there a reason the manga's pacing has become so awful besides "Hiroyama didn't plan ahead and had no idea how to write the plot back into motion after his Heaven's Feel fanfic"?

Attached: 1505494001538.jpg (1920x1080, 139K)

Got sick and never recovered I think?

What a shame

Attached: illyabutt.jpg (725x576, 223K)

Shit keeps happening to him, IIRC he had to get a major surgery a while back that he had to recover from and recently he got a particularly nasty infection from an insect that's known to carry parasites and shit.

More of Illya in this outfit.

Have this instead, it's the game.!ndlXGI4C!Jqf5_-X9TPNa7ojXcFI5VqBBmu86wlGTAqmDpS1JK6Q

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-12 マックスなハート.png (1000x750, 1022K)

Forgot to mention, just open "index.html" on the root folder.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-12 マックスなハート(1).png (1000x750, 981K)

OVA release when?

What you do in this game?

Graphic design kino

Does someone has the futaba magic mega link?

>yfw browsing cunny thread while at work
Oh boy I can't wait for PROMOTIONS

You buy them clothes and watch them try them out for you.

this is fun

Attached: capture.png (900x587, 654K)!7lgCAS6S!lZ42wFJRut8gbUOZC_baGA

Oh good best Game ever

Looks good

Enjoy your malware.

I love them

Took me 10 min.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-12 必然.png (1310x746, 1.51M)


Why does Kuro have two right feet and Miyu have two left?

Not really. The average Japanese adult woman height is close to 160cm, and 158-165cm is locally considered as the ideal height range among women.

Well I guess you'd have to be a foot fetishist to notice the feet.

What is she doing dressed like that in the Supermarket?

I want to RAPE Illya.

Attached: [SNSbu] Fate kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 2wei! - 06 (BD 1920x1080 h264 FLAC).mkv_snapshot_16.12_[201 (1920x1080, 156K)

Attached: 9.jpg (1276x1802, 763K)

Is this illya ultimate atack?

>The translating part is pretty easy but I hate the editing part.

If you want removal of all the tedious parts, then see the EHCOVE doujinshi group headquartered at the forums. They have their own subforum "Cove of Scanlators at:

EHCOVE is a group of people to combine the efforts of people who want to specialize in just one thing and not bother with all the other details. There are people who do redrawing, editing, translating, buying/acquiring, QC of translations, or take care of the infrastructure. There are people there who have spent $400 just to acquire a single doujinshi that is out of print because that's what happens when issues aren't even sold at consignment or used doujinshi shops such as those at akihabara, melon, or toranoana.

It's nice to have the tedium removed especially redrawing a color doujinshi to have the english fonts fit over the background seamlessly. The other side advantage is that as part of a team, you'll have access to the private file transfer sites for working files and private archive storage sites. As you get known, you may get invites from the other very private doujinshi collector sites whose works (raw scans, cosplay image collections, art sets, art books, private picture sets, translations) have never been uploaded anywhere else.

Attached: Fate kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei Herz.jpg (1920x1080, 165K)

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Yeah I have been considering something like that, although I probably should have said reading rather than translating as while I have no problem with understanding most things as the few things you don't know you can usually get from context, but that doesn't really work when translating, so I am not really confident in translating stuff yet.

It would be good for practice but I don't think I would be good enough for an official group like that.

Attached: 3cb2191c9cdfb1a75075575c6203af6a.jpg (1254x1770, 533K)

>Sir its for research

Oh no

I want to take a cervix sample from this girls.

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i-is it safe, bros?

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You saying that like someone is going to lock you for liking 12 year olds

Where?, I can't find them, care to help an user to find the "pedophili undertones"?

Attached: Medealily5.png (350x495, 324K)

>2019 and people still dont know what a VM is

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Kuro is such a slut

Called it

Attached: topical.png (720x1280, 933K)

>it's the game.
Calling it a game is being pretty generous

Hey, if you interact with and get enjoyment out of it I think it qualifies.

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>the anime straight up brings it up

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>It would be good for practice but I don't think I would be good enough for an official group like that.

Send a message to Red Piotrus using forum mail. See what advice he has. Or look for easier translations via the site Bounty System.

Translation can be simply a text script of which the format is described at the EHCOVE subforum. EHCOVE has a post about what translators do:

But you can also "practice" and still have usefulness to EHCOVE. For example, find examples of past EHCOVE translated projects. Then look at the corresponding RAW japanese version. If the Raw has untranslated author commentary pages, you might pre-translate to verify difficulty. If you can do it easily, then message Red Piotrus if they want to update their translated gallery item with the translated author commentary page. There are lots of NON-ehcove translated doujin galleries that are missing pages such as author rants, author commentary, or author credit pages because those weren't translated because the editor or uploader didn't want to pay the translator extra money for those pages. And some translators charge a lot for a wall of text such as $13 paypal net. With translation costs like that, it's no wonder so many translated doujin galleries at e-hentai are missing pages. Someone like you can then come by and do "completion tasks" like that for EHCOVE. This way, you aren't committing to an entire doujinshi, but just a few pages although they might be long wall of texts.

The e-hentai also has untranslated illustrated novels too. One example is Love Core #2 at:
and its abridged version has more images at:

Attached: [Libertyworks (jilnel,flypaper)] Love Core #2.jpg (1519x1075, 725K)

Do their sweat smell good?

Attached: 15280635247932.jpg (1200x900, 200K)

I don't know but I want a bottle of Miyu's sweat.


Attached: 1525223205598.png (290x290, 173K)

How much do they charge?

depends on which one you want.

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I need a comparation price

I need a comparison price



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He is right its need to go full pedo

>I need a comparation price
Then go to Sad Panda and search for the "prostitution" tag for the prisma illya series characters in various doujinshi adventures. You'll see what they charge then.

Attached: Kuro older as archer.png (650x909, 488K)

These threads are always the same.
I want the OVA already to get some new things to post about.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Fate Kaleid Liner PRISMA ILYA 2wei! - 04 [720p].mkv - 0001.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

So is life

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pedoism isn't even real

Honestly, were people even that surprised any more? Ever since the Kuro kiss way back when, everything else has just kind of been par for the course. Sure, it's gotten even more scandalous and lewd, but the difference between what to expect of the series before this webm and after is significant. Now everything is just "well obviously that's what the show is." Not that it wasn't lewd before hand.

That said, I'm just a filthy, what are even on now? quintary? Just someone who doesn't even follow the actual Illya stuff, just shit posted to Yea Forums. So I don't know the exact order of the early Kuro scenes.

Attached: 1446691343287.webm (720x404, 2.88M)

>These threads are always the same.
The threads still have worth even if it isn't new to you. And it's not just for people that are new to visiting Yea Forums Yea Forums. The Fate Prisma manga, novel, game, and anime series is new to many other people who have limited time and only browse a few threads superficially before they leave.

Prisma Illya cosplay:

>pedoism isn't even real
It's just a social construct as said in the lingo of the liberals.

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Attached: suspicious.png (887x887, 760K)

Is this webm run in 60fps?

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flashbacks to white vans all over again...

Is this lad even for real

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Literally rape

Still no proper scans of this one?

What is she measuring?

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There kids and this is wrong... how can you support shit like this? They can't even consent...


Kuro sure looks like she's consenting.

Kuro what are you doing?

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It's just me or his left leg looks all fucked up

Why is she crying?

she is doiing what everyone would want to do

Why is Illya strawberry and not vanilla?

Pink is her main color

Attached: a8a9b5834662a4f38695cedf1f6ff905-horz.jpg (5220x3000, 1.89M)

On the contrary, everyone their age should look like this.

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How can I have a gf like Kuro? I don't want to date her or have a relationship, I just want her for the hot, exotic sex.

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thats why youre alone ojisan
kuro likes good boys like me

Go to japan and ask out a girl like kuro

Just look at Miyu there. Acting innocent but she knows what she's doing. Her mind is dirtier than the other two combined.

How did we go from this TO THIS?

>white shirt
>black bra

My favourite

The cups are getting pretty desperate for mana

It's all Rin's influence.

Kuro is so lucky.
She has literally billions of eager volunteers lining up to offer their life energy to sustain her existence, imagine...

Attached: 1541189508472.png (1200x1659, 1019K)

Imagine the 100 man creampie JAVs she stars in.

Microbikinis magical Girls when?

>Illya is the only one wearing black thighhighs
>Kuro has a scrunchie bracelet and those weird belts gyarus wear
>Miyu wears a tie

What did they mean by this?

They look too old here, I don't like it.

It's the black bras and the "JK" look. The illusion of them suddenly feeling like slutty highschoolers is what makes them look old.

Are they JS or just JC?

Attached: 478081 sample bb_(fate_extra_ccc) bikini cosplay fate_grand_order fate_stay_night garter_be (1474x1200, 416K)


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If Illya taste like strawberry, what does Kuro and Miyu taste like?

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Kuro, mocha
Miyu, blueberry

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Attached: 97.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)


Cuffy Punny

I want to confess my love to Illya.

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What is she poking there for?

Attached: 106.webm (1920x1080, 2.88M)

She's doing a checkup of her mana tank for leakage. It's an important procedure for cup maintenance

big girls

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maintaining proper mana levels is important too.

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Fat booty


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I want a Cat like this

>>watch Gil brutally kills cute loli
>>holy shit, update
>>watch a pedophile show
>>fuck, go back

Attached: 54249052_p0.jpg (750x1000, 308K)

Jesus, Illya, calm down, anons being in love with you is nothing new


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I want Illya to arrest me.

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Illya in space

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At this point i am pretty much sure we all accepted were full blown lolicons at this point.

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Is there a pixiv or twitter for this artist?

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Prysma illya JS enkou kaleid when?

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Go to sleep

Attached: 1546137560582.jpg (1280x720, 79K)

I would love to sleep with illya and kuro.

You can have Illya, user. (Kuro and Miyu come later)

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I hate how this series constantly sexualizes its child characters but barely even throws a bone to fans of the ones with boobs

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How do you expect me to sleep when all I wanna do it fap to the cups?

Well is a Loli series.


I have an inkling that they'll release a teaser for that during their birthday.

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I appreciate the subtle themes Prisma Illya portrays

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Will Hiroyama ever release his stash of Ilya lewds?

loli tummy is the best.

>these are middle-school girls
god i love japan

You can not tell me not to sexualize that! They're fucking begging for it!.

Superior version of that scene. I do not get why silver link cut out 99% of the pantyshots but then makes the mana transfers lewder.

Attached: 6.jpg (963x1407, 420K)

little girls should TOTALLY be dabbling in enjokosai

I want them to stay the same, I dont want this loli-loving part of Yea Forums to disappear

They look like whores.

their natural state

c96 can't come soon enough. I want to see these girls pregnant and giving painful birth.

how is it even legal to be this lewd

Attached: 4f97b113a5c80a56f425763dd144da45.jpg (1400x1008, 1.01M)

Next season when?
The movie was trash.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Fate Kaleid Liner PRISMA ILYA 2wei Herz! - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.33_[2015.08.08_1 (1280x720, 104K)

nice rear

There's tons of other big breasts in Fate, so I wouldn't say it's a huge problem

Luvia is nice too

Attached: 1420645697765.jpg (3076x4436, 2.74M)

>Wet shitts
Laughed harder then I should have.


theyre developing pubescent girls so its not pedo

Attached: 08e3493cb21be7b062cdae933fd420c5.jpg (2864x4099, 1.3M)

Premium jailbait

Attached: F63CD5C3-F328-43B9-90D2-A4B9494CE9F0.jpg (1652x3423, 819K)

of all the semen demons in the world, Kuro is the semen demonest

Attached: 8ce2f34ca6f4d255aa1b51a326a8df8f.jpg (500x800, 143K)

Dunno why, but none of the other two don’t do anything for me like Kuro does

Attached: D241DAC7-6F63-44E3-946D-63B773B30CBE.jpg (454x1843, 207K)

i know, sure Illya and Miyu are extremely lewd in their own right, but something about Kuro far surpasses them

Attached: fa8c3967185513c2880b6c54e6060ff7.jpg (1400x729, 408K)

The other two aren't cum-crazy whores.

Attached: 1561640268422.jpg (503x810, 360K)

>implying Illya and Miyu arent equally thirsty for onii-chan

Attached: 75b34488f33112626e6c4dce5a7803bc.jpg (2881x2043, 1.57M)

Damnit Kuro, I don’t wanna commit a terrible crime

Attached: 73AA9DAF-4DA1-4B90-80AF-832CAC3B8E7F.jpg (571x1435, 208K)

i would commit ALL the crimes for her

Attached: f4c407f2e4b1073c495243674863da52.jpg (900x1200, 416K)

Someone needs to edit off her outfit asap.

see you'd think so, but her thin camisole there is actually INCREASING her sexiness


Why is she so horny?

Attached: 1563021800733.jpg (912x700, 78K)

Attached: 72838362_p0.jpg (720x1080, 430K)

But the outfit is the best part.

Attached: 72855003_p0.png (720x1080, 455K)

Attached: 72875562_p0.png (720x1080, 575K)

>enjoyed medea lily in her singularity
>can't ever post about her because cunnyposting will follow
feels bad man.

Attached: 72878760_p0.jpg (1017x1428, 1.08M)

We wouldn't like it if it didn't have them.

Attached: 73698875_p0.jpg (1000x715, 282K)

how do i start this ? there isn't any icon that i can click on it

What the fuck were they thinking with some of the outfits in Grand Order?

Attached: 1533039852555.jpg (1263x1113, 293K)

With their dicks

Double click index.html on the root folder

Attached: 74268841_p0.jpg (1500x1818, 224K)

it's just an image

Attached: 74247579_p0.jpg (1500x1421, 1.23M)

Attached: 74399225_p0.jpg (1416x1500, 1.43M)

Most of the outlandish outfit designs are in special seasonal craft essence illustrations, not actually anywhere else in the game, so it doesn't really matter.

Attached: 74319936_p0.png (1200x1046, 1.13M)

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Attached: 75213616_p1.jpg (976x1300, 372K)

Attached: 1413535539102.jpg (2439x810, 297K)

How did this series branch from having occasional sex with rule 69 historical figures to lolicon wankfodder?

Illya never got a proper route so this is divine retribution.

Illya eaten too many pies.

OVA where?

When it became good.

>tfw Illya dakis are absurdly expensive

Attached: 1525992638660.png (580x720, 515K)

My 11-year-old sister Kuro is also my wife FYI.

Only 80k yen, what are you poor?

I want to protect Miyu's smile and make her happy for the rest of my life

Assuming you're talking about the doujin artist ones like santa then yeah, they unfortunately are, but you can find quite a few decent ones at more normal prices.

Can also get custom ones, there are high enough quality scans of some official art to make one.

I've had these two for a while now, with the Illya being the custom one.

Attached: IMG_0358.jpg (4032x3024, 2.07M)

Why illya does this?

Attached: 1560821342637.jpg (492x438, 57K)

Because Kuro is into it.

She's hoping a friendly passerby will tickle her, obviously.

>Yea Forums - Pedos

Attached: MSPaintTranslation.jpg (1263x1113, 398K)

Attached: cupbirthday.png (1080x639, 1.31M)

You mean this smile?

Attached: 0037632.jpg (413x401, 61K)

Attached: 1546893084867.png (677x601, 651K)

Extremely lewd smile.

Please go to the top user.
You know what happens if you don't.

She's beautiful

Is that Nanashi?

Would Miyu be a good mother?

What did she mean by this?

She's 11

We'll try very hard
Please send us kind thoughts

That doesn't answer the question

She means 'I'd be willing to let you do things to me than even Kuro wouldn't'.

What kind of things? I can't think of anything.

Attached: 1552980560427.png (1001x1400, 744K)

24 hour anal only marathon.

That's just because Kuro has a much more busy schedule.

Attached: 1551352733368.jpg (595x835, 296K)

Attached: 1555524397397.gif (710x520, 3.95M)

Doujins about this when santa?

Attached: 1545619542470.png (1413x2000, 3.02M)

How many people do you think were turned into lolicons because of Prisma Illya? Hundreds of thousand, perhaps millions?
It should be declared a public health hazard.

Attached: 1542182183906.png (1413x2000, 3.22M)

Please continue.

there isn't anymore that I am aware of.

There is not enough words to describe gratitude to Aki, for realizing this scenario that I suggested to him.

are you kidding, it continues, but its too NSFW to post here

It will continue, but this time Aki will probably go already own way, still I trying to to persuade him to include Kuro x Miyu kiss too.


Why 9

Attached: 1543238612020.png (800x1200, 385K)


Bless you.

hmm didn't realize the next image was a continuation considering the first two are night and third is day.

Only shame that my best Prisma idea, so far Aki is refusing to do. But I will persevere, so hopefully he change opinion eventually.

She needs mana from Shirou.

Attached: 75155457_p0.jpg (706x1000, 423K)

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Attached: 73012840_p0.png (2508x3541, 3.53M)

Attached: 72153105_p0.jpg (850x1191, 493K)

These little girls have a bunda muito grande

Young girls (and cups) need to be impregnated as soon as possible

Attached: 850d194758870e80f153ab9f9ddd1d45.jpg (1540x2148, 620K)

Tomaru is that you?

Attached: 73188754_p0.png (2083x2688, 2.63M)

Attached: 72a7b7c472459fb371e4e281e0899399.jpg (880x1600, 129K)

>no light bar
fucking saved.

Attached: 1558300954153.jpg (600x796, 174K)

we need more art of Miyu in elegant but lewd dresses

Attached: f3a37529f98d5dc7cec70b9d046a0da0.jpg (1920x2166, 1.45M)

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Attached: 1474063462697.jpg (2193x3015, 1.89M)

That's a pretty good thumbnail swap.

Attached: HorribleSubs_Fate_Kaleid_Liner_PRISMA_ILYA_2wei_Herz_-_09_720p.mkv_snapshot_21.42_2015.09.18_20.12.0 (1278x1171, 232K)

It was rape?


Attached: 1438137410935.jpg (800x8242, 1.6M)

Miyu was just acting. She got off on it super hard.

Attached: 1321154384311.jpg (1920x1080, 165K)

Hey that pretty hot.

Thanks faggots now I need to fap

She is not pure for his onii-chan anymore.

Attached: 1503279859619.jpg (1500x1794, 1.45M)

3 days without fap and you will able to cum like those guys in a hentai.

How do they got away with this?

miyu's always been a slut.

Attached: 1537456420437.jpg (1290x1821, 1.27M)

Cups come cheap these days

Angelica is best Prisma.

Attached: 1558129634696.jpg (1000x1412, 206K)

Why is santa so based?

Attached: Illyasviel.von.Einzbern.full.1797052.jpg (3184x4464, 2.75M)

He need to make a gangbang for the final chapter

fucking gay-ass mods deleting that other loli thread

Attached: 2f12276ca3146560869a01eb1a8d6530.jpg (800x767, 95K)

You mean the obvious bait thread?

To be honest, it started pretty badly and it was already delving into 3D.

even if it was obvious bait, we were still having a nice discussion

Imagine illlya making a eromanga.

imagine illya making an eromanga
starring herself

Attached: 265691faf22f522eb2aed8377aa8e15a.jpg (1964x1239, 1.65M)

Attached: 1562882222408.png (1263x919, 549K)

What do you even discuss in a loli thread? Here at least there's some occasional fateposting.


Attached: 73027021_p0.jpg (4093x2894, 899K)

Her butt is basically melting

cup butts are something else

Attached: 1541211833106.png (828x1169, 728K)

What would be like?


Attached: 1532546343021.png (925x1280, 1.92M)

Attached: 1503242568610.jpg (2868x2042, 680K)

the spacial distortion that occurs when a large object enters a confined space

Attached: 1558795928724.jpg (2580x3642, 625K)

Attached: 75220270_p1.png (2272x1864, 3.42M)

why does kuro do these things

Attached: 1555630216725.jpg (4075x5943, 1.66M)

Attached: 73781403_p0.jpg (1200x1307, 539K)

Sex with Ilya is better after you get her riled up.

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Thing has some great taste.

You lost me.

Attached: 95cb0c09c0b72211f5d270dd1c1faed4.png (1920x1280, 1.52M)

How can I get girlfriends like these??

i haven't watched/read this series but was that official

Attached: 98cd4c21d3e5bdc9f5bc5f269747bf8c.jpg (1280x1433, 231K)


Leave illya to me

Attached: 1563061089267.jpg (1280x1808, 334K)

They're children.

Shit. I hadn't noticed. This changes everything.

Damn, now I want to fuck them

As it should. This is morally wrong and deeply concerning for many reasons.

that's the best part.

Attached: nadeko.gif (960x540, 145K)

God bless cups butts

Attached: 1563062696710.jpg (460x325, 16K)

Oh well

Attached: 1563063437841.jpg (6190x4373, 944K)

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>they are pure
Pure sluts

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Attached: DyW1crsV4AEYuLf.jpg orig.jpg (1228x2000, 257K)

Wait a second, this isn't Illya

Attached: Fate_Kaleid_Liner_PRISMA_ILYA_2wei_Herz_-_08_1.jpg (1261x1317, 223K)

Cute Shinobu.

Attached: lolibooru 171788 chloe_von_einzbern emphasis_lines fate_kaleid_liner_prisma_illya feet_out_of_frame (2500x1407, 2.53M)

Attached: Miyu_Edelfelt's_Kimono_Stitched_Cap_(Fate_Kaleid_3rei_Ep_12).jpg (819x1200, 109K)

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Attached: mWiZJxO.jpg (1750x2480, 795K)

Attached: Illya3rei_12_1.jpg (1280x720, 416K)

I don't want this thread to die.

Attached: PrismaIllyaHerz-Episode1-39.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

Imagine they using that atack against you

Attached: prisma-illya-2wei-3-24.jpg (1440x810, 174K)

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Attached: Di60VEtUwAANZ_B.jpg orig.jpg (1030x644, 83K)

Good night sexy cups

Attached: DFo_XUYXUAExkzO.jpg orig.jpg (2480x3508, 772K)

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why Illya is cock?

Attached: 267422 areola fate_kaleid_liner_prisma_illya fate_stay_night hiroyama_hiroshi illyasviel_vo (1152x1600, 436K)

Attached: 299201 ass bikini cameltoe fate_kaleid_liner_prisma_illya fate_stay_night illyasviel_von_ei (4086x5898, 2M)

Attached: 403983 ass bra cleavage fate_kaleid_liner_prisma_illya fate_stay_night furuya_rie illyasvie (6073x9042, 3.25M)

Attached: 272319 cameltoe fate_kaleid_liner_prisma_illya fate_stay_night hiroyama_hiroshi loli miyu_e (1401x1861, 569K)

Waiting for a new season and a new santa doujin

Attached: prisma-llya-2wei-4-7.jpg (1440x810, 83K)

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Attached: Chloe.von.Einzbern.full.1948060.jpg (1920x1080, 885K)

Sleep well, Illya and Miyu.

Kuro, you are on duty tonight.


goodnight cups

Double false flag.