Dragon Ball Super

>A literal toy commercial promotional anime has better animation than anything this season
Literally how?

Attached: [RAW] Super Dragon Ball Heroes Episode 13 [1080p].webm (852x480, 2.96M)

Other urls found in this thread:


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haha liked bro, awesome

What is happening... I can feel all of reality shaking... It's as if space-time itself is threatening to crumble...
How can this be possible bros? What's happening... What force could possibly be strong enough to...to...
Oh shit...Oh, FUCK

Enter CHADren.

Attached: [all of reality starts trembling].jpg (859x1153, 88K)

hate that style

Enter Gowasu

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Because commercials pay a lot.

shit taste
go and hate on some crappy anime for retards like FMA

One (1) episode per month vs one (1) episode per week.
Toyopedros everyone.
That aside the episode had indeed very good choreography but I think the fight lacked actual impact, we mostly see Goku just jumping around shooting lasers and every time they actually got close it just got zoomed out to save animation on the bodies, most of the melee action is comprised of gifs and lots of plans are very low quality or just looped background (like for exemple the two background following Goku jumping at Hearts after enduring the ki blast barrage).
Excuse me for the long post but I grow restless not being able to face anyone but Broly toddlers.

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Shouneniggers are so stupid they don't even understand how animation is produced....so sad.

Enter DANCEza

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>Making sure his friends don’t feel bad over the gifts they got him
Why is Jiren so based?

I wonder how many people don't realize that most of that was taken from the goku black arc

>Toyopet damage control


that's what happens when people stop discerning among the anime they watch and just mass consume whatever the fuck they throw at you

Enter CHADgito.

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>has literally jobbed in every single appearance

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>t-t-they're throwing blasts s-so it's the same
OH no no NO no no NO NO NO

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Hi DB chads, what is your favourite movie?

Mystical Adventure is mine.

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Fucking Tracetaro

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Dragon Ball: The Path to Power

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Unironically Lord Slug. Terraforming the Earth was cool because it was a different kind of danger than just "Imma blow it up lol", and his different henchmen having actual unique powers was fun. Slug himself was meh as an antagonist, we'd already had Garlic Jr. with the immortality/eternal youth schtick and both Piccolo Daimaou and Majunior as Namekian antagonists, but the fights were cool, False Super Saiyan was hype as fuck at the time, and the way they end up beating him was funny.

SOUL of the blood rubies.

Attached: best db movie.png (253x372, 255K)

Which arc did Goku finally go complete sociopath?


Is this unironically the best animation to come from the DBS anime?

Toei finally gave Yamamuro a budget to work with and he's not working under a tight schedule.

I really enjoy Tree of Might.

Time for Shin.

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Holy fuck Jirenscholars are the chads of Yea Forums

shida being shida.

Never did, shitgetadog

Cope Gokek dog

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bros... what's going on here...

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Reusing poses/moves is something everyone does.

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See my other post

I won.

He was always like this; Movies like Path to Power and DBGT's Goku are the only good versions of the retard. It takes a lot to make him actually give a shit.

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>He won AGAIN

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Every time faggots, every FUCKING time.

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Reminder that last thread, angelspics were desperately trying to excuse Whis getting hurt by a SSB. KEK

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>retard pretending like Goku biting his opponent isn't a gag that's been used since OG
I guess anime-only Superspics like you wouldn't know that, though.

dumb post, there is jiji stuff there.



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9 days left

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Buu saga, probably. Hard to tell. For sure though, after the Flanderizer landed, he became "Super Goku". Full Retard achieved.

Attached: Enlightened Tien's third eye perceives the fated 2-0 - Vegeta is Nemesis Personified.jpg (943x456, 150K)

>only original move
sad. worse that most of what he steals are either shit or easy

Attached: goten finds out his dad jobs to their prince the same way he does to trunks - old Son family traditi (460x272, 689K)

No one cares.

>dude Abel to hold down Jiren and goku last episodes
>suddenly can't do shit powered up

Then again I shouldn't be surprised since Golden metal cooler beat that saiyan's ass pretty easily

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>G-Goku sama??? I KNEEL

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What does this mean?

Toriyama's been done with the series since Z, but he's been forced to keep it going so the investors can milk this dead cow of a series for as long as possible.

>SSB goku hurts whis
>Jiren disintegrates whis
Makes sense

>more disingenuous headcanon from the Shitrendog
I accept your concession, filthy and flea-ridden as it is.

It's just endless pathetic baits from them. You are a joke yourself if you still reply to the Shitrentards seriously.

>WAN PISS poached Super staff
>fucking Heroes is getting good animation
Dragon Ball Super 2 is fucking dead. Press D to dab on its grave.


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>horrid animation that's even outdone by Dragon Ball Heroes
>only decently-animated arc is the ToP
>"Buu sleeping" gag reused twice
>SSBKK asspull
>godawful Copy Vegeta arc
>SS Rose asspull
>Goku and Vegeta constantly go to the future, get BTFO by Zamasu, and run back to the past to train over and over
>SS Rage asspull
>Infinite Zamasu asspull, totally unexplained
>ToP arc is supposed to last 48 minutes, lasts 30+ episodes
>SSBE asspull
>Goku goes UI like three fucking times before he finally gets it down right
>Jiren is an emo lunatic
T-Toeibros...I-I can't deny it anymore...the anime is a c-complete piece of shit...

Attached: ToeiShit.jpg (1185x638, 90K)

cope gokeks


Actually applies to you too. You are pretty much ignored now anyways so it seems like a lot of people have reached the same decision too.

That's what you guys say every month and yet you always read it

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Only to laugh at the shitty filler arc

you forgot the comma. in the second sentence too

My sentences were perfect, cope.

Movies are more lucrative
Then you do care

The Moro arc is honestly better than any arc in Super, except maybe the Black arc. It's not a crappy movie adaptation or a boring tournament.

>Jobbing to base Frieza

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Learn the definition of jobbing retard

>Not that!
>Moro positioned for missionary
What did he meant by that?

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You just made me realize how majority of super is nothing but remakes and bad tournaments. Also yeah so far Moro arc has been enjoyable and better than previous stuff especially the shit manga her of the tournament. Which somehow exceeds in being worse than the anime one. I had hopes sadly for it.

The biggest anime has the money to look better than manga panel shit? No way

>splitting hairs

>Then you do care
Just for shitposting purposes.
Why? Because the write of it has been shit. Moro is not a good villain by any metric, people jerk off to him because he is "fresh". He is actually garbage and so is his gimmick.

A better question is why this had better animation than Super itself. Even beam ToP didn't go all out like this.

He doesn't job he just never finishes off his opponent and always unfuse because they play too damn much and waste time.

Reminder to filter tripcodes that don’t belong to translators/artists/memers.

>write of
writing of it*

>no arguments
Just like that.

>argue with my tacocanon
I accept your concession.

Grow the fuck up.

H-he will do better next time... right Jobrenbros?

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Remember how fucking hyped everyone was when Super was first announced back in 2015? I remember losing my goddamn fucking balls. Not only had I just gone to see a fucking DRAGON BALL MOVIE (Revival of F) in a theater that was packed to the fucking brim with cosplayers, but HOLY FUCKING SHIT A NEW DRAGON BALL SERIES. I was so fucking hyped. I remember watching the first episode with a childlike sense of wonder. I couldn't fucking believe it. I couldn't fucking BELIEVE that after waiting SO LONG I was actually seeing the continuing story of my childhood heroes unfold before my VERY FUCKING EYES. I didn't even care that they were redoing the movies for the first two arcs. I didn't give a single fuck. "Well DUH, obviously they'll make it EVEN BETTER" my foolish youthful self reasoned.

Look at us now. Look at where we ended up. Look at what the series became. Look how elated everyone is to see it end. Look at all the memes, the pictures and gifs and webms of god-awful animation, off-model characters, atrocious choreography, and middle-school-tier art. This series has changed us, Yea Forums. It's molded us into wiser yet more embittered people. Never again will we experience that same sense of wonder and excitement at the prospect of new official Dragon Ball stories straight from Akira Toriyama's mystical mouth. Never again will we trust a new series to be anything other than a mess of pure filth. Never again will we go back to that most wonderful of times.

I wish I could go back, Yea Forums. I wish we could all go back.

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So, Anons...are you a Panfriend?

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>muh taste
Nice blog. Get out.

No wonder Moro hates the Kais so much, they keep molesting him.

>majority of super is nothing but remakes and bad tournaments.
Or the shitty Copy Vegeta arc. Honestly, the movies and the Black/Moro arcs are really the best parts of Super. All this Multiverse stuff has been total crap.

>the shit manga her of the tournament. Which somehow exceeds in being worse than the anime one.
I thought Jiren was better, but otherwise I agree, the ToP was kinda dull in the manga.

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Don't need to be told that from a Terriblerencuck

Oh shit. Forgot the poll


my mistake. you forgot three commas.

Argue with hard logic*

I'm a Panfoe. Pan is my enemy and I will do everything in my power to destroy her.

The news that they will redo the movies was the worst piece of news I have ever heard regarding the franchise.

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>ad hominem
Wait a second... Did I just fucking win? Again?

Nope. Cope

I remember. Though, Super did well with the SoL episodes in my opinion. Best parts of Super for me.

>this is what passes as a win to a Jobrendumb

better go back and edit the post oh wait hahaha


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>m-my headcanon is logical I swear
I accept your concession.

Why edit perfection?

Jiren was slightly better as a character in the manga but that's not saying much. Really the ToP manga started off fine with the gods fighting than just Buu and them fighting Jobber wolves. Had me interested especially seeing their worlds, clothes and how they had beef with Beerus. But nope as they start the arc it just got worse.

Broly movie is probably the only thing I would say was good all the way through. (Despite not liking nu Broly that much) also reminder dude nearly died despite goku saying he wasn't a bad person.

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Ane E-Celeb in?

Reminder to not give (You)’s to tripfags that aren’t artists/translators/memers and to filter their tripcode.

Out of all the chaddish words of tongue and pen, the chaddest are

Reminder to not give (You)’s to characterfags that aren’t Gokufags/Brolyfags/Lizardfags and to filter their images.

>Jiren was slightly better as a character in the manga but that's not saying much.
He's a little like Nu-Broly, IMO. Not a great character, but a solid one, which is a huge step-up from Anime Jiren and OG Broly.

>Really the ToP manga started off fine with the gods fighting than just Buu and them fighting Jobber wolves. Had me interested especially seeing their worlds, clothes and how they had beef with Beerus. But nope as they start the arc it just got worse.
Yeah, all nine GoDs turn out to be complete jobbers, despite the foreshadowing they got at the end of BoG. It's fucking ridiculous. Not to mention, Kale is the only one who gets any amount of KOs at all in the manga.

>Broly movie is probably the only thing I would say was good all the way through.

>(Despite not liking nu Broly that much)
I liked him, but I can see why people wouldn't. Despite a sad backstory, he's mostly just a big walking fight scene. Ditching the "crying infant" crap was a good idea though, and I liked his supporting cast (Paragus, Cheelai).

>dude nearly died despite goku saying he wasn't a bad person.
Gogeta doesn't fuck around, man.

Attached: GogetaBroly.jpg (1280x720, 216K)

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Broly movie is fucking garbage, good animation is what makes it bearable.

One wish, anons, and then the Dragon Balls return to their own dimension, never to be used again. What do you wish for?

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Honestly, after watching the android arch, Gero was a decent fighter.

Completely left Vegeta bewildered.

Gero is BASED.

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>psychopath tard
>weaker than zamasu dog tard
>literal comic relief 5cm
You = sad

Fuck off.

Also Super has a dozen examples that topple over this, retard. Maybe actually watch the anime next time, but then again you're likely shitposting.

Its not good good but its good as a db movie which felt like something Z movie would have in the past.

I don't see what makes it worse than any of the other DB movies, dude. Goku and Vegeta duke it out with a big bad villain. Not Shakespeare, but it's classic Dragon Ball.

Super dragon balls in front of me that I can use without help

>I'm a Panfoe. Pan is my enemy and I will do everything in my power to destroy her.

Scared about Pan and the future DBS concepts, are you?

Pan isn't going away and Pan is canon, user.

C O P E.

Attached: panpanpan_.jpg (224x225, 17K)

1% of Chadren's strength.

All better and stronger than Jobren

>Broly weaker than Zamasu

Attached: BrolyBeerusPower.jpg (480x262, 25K)

A devious wish, user.

That...is beyond my power...

commalets. when will they learn?

how is toyo this alpha?youtube.com/watch?v=-txpfzQA67Y
toei even used toyo's work in their ToP trailer, such cucks

>Appeal to ignorance

the other DB movies were never advertised as anything other than a dumb summer flick about Dragon Ball with the exception of maybe 2-3 of them.
Broly tried to be this deep and story heavy shit with heavy themes and shit, guess what? The whole Broly is a poor doggy who needs friends completely falls flat the moment he lands on Earth. The character who is implied to be "Broly but fixed" is bigger piece of shit than the previous incarnation who at least didn't pretend to be more than a one note villain in a dumb summer flick. Nu Broly just has people talk for him and decide for him.
Not to mention its an official continuation of the DB Super series, not something in a what if scenario. Tried to so hard to have a cool story that it ended up being the most shallow uninspired piece of turd of all time, Toriyama must've been smoking the whole time.

You forgot to capitalize your words :)

yamamuro did this
e celebs btfo

>Broly tried to be this deep and story heavy shit with heavy themes and shit
nice headcanon

>posts debunked bait
Don't you get bored.

The thumbnail looked like resurrection F arc
I thought this was going to be a funny shitpost but you're serious

Based base Broly Based Based Based!

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Where's the ignorance factor you stupid brainlet?

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Pan and Bra will become the strongest warriors in the Dragon Ball multiverse. If you look at the series as a whole, every new generation born is stronger than the one before it. Take a look at Kid Goku. He was pretty strong, but a total weakling compared to the modern cast. He’s just as lame as a normal human and it took him forever to learn to fly. Take a look at his son Gohan. He was so powerful that he could have easily killed Kid Goku when he was 5. The dude was buff as hell and became a Super Saiyan as a child. He was also so chadly that he was able to beat Perfect Cell. But now let’s go forward in time and take a look at Goten and Trunks. They reached the level of Super Saiyan without really trying. Yeah, they trained, but it was far less intense than what Goku and Gohan did. They far surpassed where their parents were at that age with relatively little effort. And of course, there’s Pan. She’s a baby, but she can fly without needing to be taught. She’s gone to the edges of the planet while effortlessly carrying several people. Her strength is near impossible. She’s even been shown to hurt Vegeta and Future Trunks. And of course she was able to make Goku a god before being born. Basically, Pan is the most powerful person in Dragon Ball history at her age. If this trend is to continue, Bra will somehow be even more powerful. It’s only a matter of time before this butterball gets older and kicks everyone’s asses. She has no limits. There is only infinite potential.

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Tu quoque

He got bluffed pretty hard.

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have you even seen how much money the DB mobile games make?

you cuck

>Where's the ignorance factor you stupid brainlet?
Use proper grammar you mongrel.
Suggesting that MONgrelren can do anything but masturbate Whis's feminine penis and swallow his semen, complete ignorance from someone who has no idea of what he is talking about.

>the other DB movies were never advertised as anything other than a dumb summer flick about Dragon Ball with the exception of maybe 2-3 of them.
When was DBS: Broly advertised as something profound and intellectual? All the buzz I heard about it online was just people talking about how great the animation was.

>Broly tried to be this deep and story heavy shit with heavy themes and shit, guess what?
When? It's just another DB adventure, with a little extra backstory on the Saiyans.

>The character who is implied to be "Broly but fixed" is bigger piece of shit than the previous incarnation who at least didn't pretend to be more than a one note villain in a dumb summer flick. Nu Broly just has people talk for him and decide for him.
That's the point. He's like the Incredible Hulk or Tarzan. A savage, animalistic character who just wants to be left alone.


>literally the only reliable information on this dude's power level relative to errybody else's

Meanwhile in U11...

Attached: 1559678359289.png (622x471, 264K)

Holy shit you actually have no fucking clue what Argument from ignorance actually means. HAHAHAHAH

What the fuck is this, bros... I feel like time itself is trembling... Reality is unraveling, coming undone... All of space-time is falling to tatters...
What the hell kind of monstrous titan could cause such an anomaly? It transcends reality itself... Who the fuck...
Oh...oh, shit... Oh, FUCK

Attached: Witness the ultimate battle, between the greatest of warriors, in all the worlds, time is running ou (640x360, 2.92M)

kek basado

It never advertises it self as anything g above intellectual. Just only that its a new take on Broly and truing to be different than the past one.
Jiren I agree but Old Broly wasn't that bad. His only problem was that they had a sorry excuse for his weird kakarot boner. Otherwise he was just an insane character when transformed. Nu broly's only improvement is not having the kakacock motivation and instead being pitied

>knowing Beerus full power
End your life.

>Argument from ignorance

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Begone, ESL-kun.



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Dragonball has been around since 1984, so 35 years give or take.
It's going to take at least 70 years before a SHITrentard posts a statement like this regarding SHITren.

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Fused Zamasu was literally so based, nobody could defeat him but Zeno.

He is one of the few DBS/Z villains that nobody in the main cast could defeat.

Where are the Zamasufags, bros?

I liked OG Broly's design, but he was basically just another giant walking powerlevel, except with some decent one-liners. He also had the problem of starring in some of the worst DB movies, like Second Coming and Bio-Broly.

If they'd gotten rid of the baby backstory and KAKAROOOOT bullshit and portrayed him as more like the Kurgan from Highlander, I'd have liked him much better.

As for Nu-Broly, I hope he's portrayed with a little more nobility in his next outing. Victim characters get old quickly, especially if the "victim" is supposed to be one of the baddest dudes in the universe.

Attached: Broly_OG_SS1.png (1280x720, 1.07M)

>when was dbs broly advertised
pic related, and pretty much every interview about the movie, paints it as something out of hollywood.
No. Hes none of that. He has dumb characters like Cheelai saying he doesn't like to fight when clearly likes to fight. When Goku visits him in Vampa she does the talking while he doesn't even say a single line. Hes the most characterless character DB has come up in the last 30 years.

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I was deeply concerned when it was announced. More than any other series I can think of, Dragon Ball struggles with the "escalation of power" trope most of all, the announcement came out of fucking nowhere, and it's clear with BOG and ROF that Toriyama was just doing things on a whim, even more than usual. There was no way they were gonna make a satisfying sequel. And lo and behold, I was right to be concerned.

Best Goku

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you need to read up on logical fallacies, user

>ESLren Fernando Manuel whimpering
Seethe down dog and cope

Nu-Broly is ass.

Dragonball Heroes is for fucking faggots.

Right here, brah. Zamasu is easily my favorite character from Super. Has an actual motive, evil to the core, and sperged out hard enough to get a whole universe blown to shit.

What a majestic lunatic.

Attached: Zamasu15.jpg (500x500, 149K)

>Remember how fucking hyped everyone was when Super was first announced back in 2015
yeah, until it was discovered that the first two arcs were gonna be retellings.

Shida is a fucking god.


>the announcement came out of fucking nowhere
I had predicted it and I'm sure a lot of people did too.

nice pasta

This is actually how I feel about Broly overall.
Old Broly had the better design and is cool but his Kakarot motivation holds him back as a character. Nu- Broly doesn't and is fine but has that pity back story that holds him back since its so constant now and days.

Nu Broly has a chance to change. Though I'm also concerned about his power and him being in the series. It took a fusion to kick his ass after he kept powering up. How the hell will they compete or anyone except maybe Jiren?

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Sure you did faggot

this is how I feel about the 2016 election

Low IQ post, more juice and less veiled seething.


Did you not watch the Broly movie? It made me glad Toriyama is still alive, it felt like Z. But yeah the prospect of new anime won't be exciting unl3ss they ditch Super and go for a more mature tone.

Dumb guy with no vision SEETHING. Kai was wrapping up and a new sequel wasn't off a lot people's minds, including me, cope.


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They wont do anything remotely interesting with nu broly, they even placed him far far away so they can avoid him at all costs. Nu Broly manages to be worse than old broly.

Why couldn’t we have this Goku instead of WAKU WAKU?

>Did you not watch the Broly movie? It made me glad Toriyama is still alive
Why? Anyone could've copied Broly from the old movies with some changes

Imagine being Ginyu, changing bodies with your gf and then giving her a blowjob.


>It made me glad Toriyama is still alive
The Broly movie was generic as hell, even for Toriyama standards. It was literally RoF in terms of story telling but prettier in terms of art and animation.

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That's the Goku from our childhoods, literally Canon. Nu Goku from Super is a different entity.

He's saying that it ties in with the history of the Saiyans and Frieza. When he says "large-scale and dramatic", what he's referring to is the backstory of the characters.

>Hes the most characterless character DB has come up in the last 30 years.
He's loyal to his father, savage and animalistic, but is generally a peaceful and decent guy. He also has trouble controlling his anger, as we see in the scene where he nearly kills the dude who sexually harasses Cheelai. He doesn't need to spout a whole lot of dialogue to convey his character traits, and him being quiet is a part of his character. He's shy.

Attached: broly_and_cheelai_render_by_godzilla2000jr_dd0mwr3-fullview.png (1280x1360, 1.07M)

>minus shit
>muh sad vampa boy daddy hurt his doggo
>arrives on earth becomes old broly but this time without any lines
sakuga is the only thing going for that movie and broly.

S-Shitrenbros...C-Copelycamels...G-Gogetards...J-JOBRUSFURRIES...W-W-WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS

Attached: [Desu] Super Dragon Ball Heroes - Prison Planet Arc (Episodes 1-6) (1080p).mkv_snapshot_30.19_[2019. (1920x1080, 248K)

Kek, sad brainlet

no, they clearly attempted to sell it as a big story with lots of grandeur, deep and emotional.

Number 4

The realistic answer is because the toy commercial animation was literally a minute-long segment of a series of shorts, while the other 10 or so serial shorts it belongs to looked like garbage. Also, every dime Toei and Shuueisha spents on Dragon Ball is a guaranteed surplus investment, since the franchise is now yielding profits on the Billion+ dollars a year. It's literally not on the same league as seasonal crap.

I wish this was his design or they had kept the Whis costumes. His design in Heroes is basically whis costume with remnants of he old gi hich I wished was also used.

Attached: D4w18XlUUAASqRb.png (600x800, 671K)

That artist is pretty based, but I forgot their twitter handle.

Jobrenbros where's our scan or tweet that proves that our boi Jobren is stronger than Roshi!?

Now the emotional and granduer part is true since all they did was showed the bardock moment. Also they shows them all being born at the same time like it meant something(despite Vegeta already being older than goku) but its never brought up again.

who the fuck cares faggot.


>Nu- Broly doesn't and is fine but has that pity back story that holds him back since its so constant now and days.
Well, Paragus is dead and he's made a few friends, so I'm guessing he'll be moving forward from his tragic past.

>Though I'm also concerned about his power and him being in the series. It took a fusion to kick his ass after he kept powering up. How the hell will they compete or anyone except maybe Jiren?
You never know with DB. I personally never expected Frieza to return, but four months' training later he's GoD-tier. Moro used to be only Buu-tier, but his energy absorption is making him a dire threat. There are definitely ways to have powerful bad guys become even more powerful. Just look at Turles in the Tree of Might.

>They wont do anything remotely interesting with nu broly, they even placed him far far away so they can avoid him at all costs.
Why would they give him an entire movie and supporting cast, and have him become Goku's training partner, just to never have him appear again?

Here ya go

thanks user.

It was refute, he isn't.

the Whis costumes suck


Attached: DxWzw_BUwAE8xxA.jpg (430x680, 66K)

Shit taste.

because that's the bait to trick people into believing we would get a nice story in this movie and we ended up with nothing.

that's how Dragon Ball does things. They never go back.


I already knew it wouldn't. I mean db movies never been known for great stories.

>Why couldn’t we have this Goku instead of WAKU WAKU?
Every protagonist has to be a dork or moron now, it's really annoying. Can't we watch something about a dude who actually seems noble?

You'd think so, but Freeza's back now, and Cooler and OG Broly each returned for a sequel or two. I'm guessing Nu-Broly'll show up again sometime.

>Can't we watch something about a dude who actually seems noble?

Attached: 1547767620696.jpg (1280x1725, 155K)

I bet you're missing us, aren't you??

Attached: 1532038877697.jpg (736x337, 345K)

Post images that would be considered from a fever dream 10 years ago

Attached: 1550901817034.png (1280x720, 679K)


by you not watching anything good. how shit can your taste be exactly?

Yeah, but we want a protagonist that also has good taste in women.

Attached: MV5BZWI3NDRjZmEtNjc4ZC00ZGQ4LThiYzktYzYyZDNhYTdjYzc0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTc5MzIxMDk@._V1_.jpg (1600x900, 183K)

One with a personality too

Attached: 1546572988224.jpg (640x360, 19K)

It's always weird seeing someone repost a webm that I made.

This is 100 pancent based.

Also, it just goes to show, that an exciting future awaits the DB series.

This will leave anons waiting in anticipation, with extreme impatience.

He was blank so you could self-insert, DUH!
Also so jap males could relate, DUH!

thanks fella. gonna delete your post and try again?

But will she be Mary Sue? Is she already Mary Sue?

Attached: F3DA1E58-773C-4E3D-8066-A140D653B531.png (640x386, 183K)

How would this Goku job to Vegeta differently from this one? Would it be done more gracefully?

Attached: hfw about to job to his prince again.jpg (1500x1125, 119K)

Nice transformations except the green part.

Attached: Vegeta.webm (840x472, 2.9M)


Attached: 1561606490187.gif (329x302, 7K)

Attached: Hayley_Smith.png (187x414, 60K)

okay Jobrentardo

Not my fault he jobs a lot.

Attached: 1558133584306.gif (444x669, 3.78M)

Rent free in Vegeta's head even as he dies, holy shit.

>DB has the potential to become a magical girl show
That's kinda funny. I doubt it'll happen since no one loves Goku more than the nips.

Attached: 1532059907799.jpg (444x460, 49K)


Attached: 1555908066113.png (800x600, 258K)

In GT she wasnt a Sue as her best feats were destroying the weakest member of Riildo squad and help Goku against the weakest Shadow Dragons.

>loves Goku more than the nips.
do you even know how the nips treat goku?

>Freeza's son is Kuriza
>Freeza's brother is Cooler
>Freeza fucked his own brother


Attached: Cell Dorado.png (618x387, 313K)

>Incomprehensible spic babble

Attached: pickle realizing he only ever lost to goku in fights - vegeta is the superior rival.jpg (599x600, 83K)

These are the ESLtards we have to deal with

what if Piccolo could use the makankosappo with both hands?

stop reading DBM

see canon:

Attached: sbc.png (948x1317, 2.4M)

could a beam that huge even pierce the enemy?

It's over for us Brolybros......

it's been awhile soonfag

Who says he can't?

Dat fast forward editing style definitely looks like Shida

it is the shida cut

>4 fingers

Do you happen to have the fusion result?

when he gave cell a senzu bean

Clearly it can.


Attached: Carrot and Radish get Pickled.jpg (500x500, 48K)

Not anymore.

Attached: 48888785a7d89b6ba0ff0e3bd3b17fca.jpg (1199x864, 192K)

will they be the first gay pairing in DB?

>not anymore
What are Earth are you mumbling about?

I'm talking about Piccolo's fingers.

>What are Earth are you mumbling about?
>What are Earth
SHITrenbro this is getting exhausting.

Yes, and?

Sorry, but I don't have the patience to deal with you. You are too fucking stupid.

Indeed. Much like giving the reminders, but one does what one must.

Attached: vegeta - today i will remind them v1.jpg (377x312, 43K)

>I give up
I sure hope you're not just another Gokek hiding behind other characters again. It sure sounds that way with this mentality. Going to cry for mercy like he was going to prior to spotting the full moon by chance?

What style? Animation or art? At least it has a style unlike the shitty anime.

>the mongoloid with bad reading comprehension is the retarded Jobgetafag
well, everything makes sense now

Attached: 1434415417920.gif (500x281, 1.21M)

goku is the one the doc canonically penetrated.

I ain't Asian. Not even some Proto-Asian mix like the spics.


Attached: the doctor is in - code blue - up the dosage.png (645x754, 563K)

>posts a buu form that lost to getting some people pods plucked as he pleaded for his continued existence
jobber buu not welcome. post kid who can only be defeated with magic

Wow, this is real

Champa Champa

Attached: 63C1097F-D204-4876-B25C-92B4296B2D14.gif (569x320, 1.87M)

Can anyone translate this shit, another SHITrentard maybe?

I'm going to get brain cancer from reading all of this techno spic babble.

not a shitrencuck but can i try?

Go for it and be careful.


Attached: Chad Buu and his harem.jpg (850x615, 168K)

How is Moro garbage?


Why is he so fat?

I'll try to translate it to your language
>ay caramba dios mio, Bills sama por que no besas mi esposa Chichi?


Attached: 1553115988402.webm (542x304, 2.85M)

Buu arc Goku is actually excessively concerned about peoples' feelings, forward planning, and protecting the Earth. It's a good thing that Super premiered 20 years after DBZ ended, because it would be extremely bizarre going from "I won't always be around to defend the Earth, so I'll have to act as a wise stealth mentor to the next generation to prepare them" to "Beerus will kill everyone! Man, I've never felt so excited!" the very next week.

>You are not expecting bamboo. Only children can win only magic
Thanks google translate

kek based, I think that my screenshot/crop

>Buu Saga Goku
And then...just moments later. But it isn't like he was doing well before this gaffe.

>believing Goku's lies
Good Lord. He was just running away with a little brown boy. No more, no less. Fled his promises for thrills. He was way too weak to face Gohan and just jobs to Vegeta regardless of PL, so he did what he could for an exciting fight he had a chance with.

Attached: gokek stands around like a retard while vegeta saves the earth.jpg (451x435, 75K)

Well scouted

Attached: doc reminds the prince - time for another dose of the undefeated streak - goku is ready to job for 3 (640x480, 96K)

beerus vs goku and vegeta rematch is going to be the final fight of super, why can't people see that

Unironically looks like shit

By the time we reach the end of Super, nobody will give a shit about Beerus anymore.


Attached: tardku.png (645x729, 74K)


Attached: 2.jpg (1906x866, 113K)

Based, seething fatty BTFO

>Good Lord. He was just running away with a little brown boy. No more, no less. Fled his promises for thrills
I was talking about his behavior early in the arc you fucking retard. He passed on having a long and satisfying fight with Buu, the most powerful being in the universe, in favor of training Gotenks for the role.

This is pretty neat. Are there .gifs like this for any other scenes?

>thot pic for attention

Attached: 1538176140704.jpg (800x1200, 168K)

based CHADjin.

Attached: buuhanchad.jpg (514x388, 28K)

Wait why magic girls?

why not?

Attached: cute couple.png (680x480, 155K)

T-thanks Jirenbro...I know that he c-could never b-beat Broly-sama in canon, b-but this shitty fan animation makes it h-hurt less...

Attached: JirenFeel.jpg (225x225, 9K)

No problem Jirenfriend, we can cope together!

Attached: chinkren.png (682x409, 278K)


Attached: joblyinthetop.webm (800x450, 1.7M)

I admire Jiren so much...he embodies Samurai spirit, just like me...

...Samurai can be 400 pounds, right?

Attached: fat-nerd.jpg (1280x720, 80K)

Oh man fellow Jirenbro, that was so great I shit my Pride Troopers adult diaper. I'd better get my mom to change me after she brings me tendies.

>I can satisfy your needs
>is that all?
Why is Hearts so gay?

I-i hope so, b-but won't bringing weapons to a battlefield a cowardly move...?

Attached: b7b37cda5c281edafbae1b27f9a7e9221226724121_full.jpg (380x340, 15K)

He just kind of is.

Attached: 76FC6910-24C2-47AF-9E62-7EB7291D8A79.jpg (535x720, 83K)

That's how it's meant to be used, the only reason he used one is because he had no other choice

Attached: Teen_Trunks_and_Goten.png (1136x640, 960K)

Trunks already has Mai.

Too late.

Attached: EB61C6AA-FCFA-4C4A-9BD7-2031118B821C.jpg (1000x978, 148K)

Tori already debunked that.

He can have both

This was the first entry in the DBS Heroes series with some decent animation. I hope it keeps going like this and even improves, finally one chapter I could enjoy.

Saiyans are monogamous.

>seriously watching Heroes and expecting to enjoy it
It's literally a toy commercial.

See? This is why Goku rarely goes red. He just jumps from ssj to blue because shit like this happens.

>7 seconds apart



Attached: CHADren's Castle.jpg (1450x1088, 482K)

Tell me one thread that even comes close to the level of quality these threads have on average, ONE!

you know if i had the power of gravity, I wouldnt always add more, I would take away some to fuck with fighters muscle memory and throw him off.

And no one samefagged those 2 posts all day...


Enter CHADza.

Attached: Emperor of the Universe.png (800x440, 280K)

>wake up
>see thread
>Hours and hours of the Copely schizo babbling to himself about his hatred of CHADren

Attached: 1559269163888.jpg (1561x835, 126K)

Kefla is GoD tier

Attached: vejobber dance.gif (421x237, 2.36M)

CHAdsed as CHADuck

>Chased like a cuck
what did he meant by this?


Attached: 1558552877877.png (1280x720, 563K)


why did this happen?i havent seen super but watched the movie.

Attached: 1543802234607.png (800x600, 591K)

>retards fear the streak
3-0, when?

Why vegetafags are obsessed with gokufags? Everytime a user says something about someone without saying who they are talking about those fags come talking about them. Do gokufags live rent free in the head of vegetafags in the same way goku is rent free in vegeta's head?

Vegetafags can't cope with their favorite character always being second fiddle to Chadku. So they try to make the manlet look better by using shitty half-truths even though it's actually just making Vegeta look even more pathetic.

I swear if is they are not posting lews of her, they are shipping her with and adult. Are all Panfags pedos?

Attached: 2e1a6214215366e824477574490aec4c.jpg (1000x1719, 810K)

Are they retarded? They can both fly

Yea Forumsedditcore characters


Attached: unnamed.gif (563x261, 97K)

>never going to be in dbfz
>never going to be relevant enough to warrant fighting or growing as a character
I love him and it makes me mad

Attached: supreme kai.jpg (358x272, 19K)

Attached: 1536070340966.jpg (640x480, 119K)

No one cares faggot

>Tfw no crowds chanting JOBren's name


Attached: 1559058536345.jpg (750x544, 209K)

He’s shit.

This is the coolest move in the entirety of dragon ball

Attached: ecw.gif (500x375, 257K)



Attached: WHIRRRRRRRRRR.gif (640x360, 2.77M)

Jiren never jobbed

What makes Freezer the greatest and most memorable anime villain of all time?


Attached: frz.png (674x379, 387K)

Frieza is the fucking man. Best part of the whole ToP.

dragon ball ball threads on Yea Forums are my favorite
No matter what character you shitpost for, I think we can all agree it feels good to be a Dragon Ball CHAD.

Attached: gokuvsbuu.gif (500x250, 1.26M)

Would have liked him to be involved in the Zamasu plot a little more, in some way, since it revolved around a supreme kai.

Attached: smug kai.jpg (640x480, 48K)

true, he got destroyed

He only lost psychologically, as a fighter he was never surpassed

think it could work on vados if she was off guard?

>Tfw such a CHAD a popular jap metal band makes a song about you, Toriyama hears it and likes it so much he brings you back and makes a movie about you


Attached: 1554066153921.jpg (1280x720, 96K)

and a loss is a loss, 1000 years of training and gitchin and evildoer is still rent free inside his head apparently

This is actual coping

Theres no evidence for any type of upper limit for the technique.
Theoretically, the move can defeat anyone no matter the powergap. Its just that you're going to pay for it with your life afterwards if they're too strong.

>literally comedic relief

Attached: joke character.jpg (1766x1800, 2.13M)

He lied down exhausted and begged Goku to take him out. In the manga, he and Goku were pushed off by Freeza, and he was outnumbered by Goku, Vegeta, Freeza, and #17.

Attached: 1550457465134.png (450x736, 362K)

damn you think she would panic?

>spend entirety of the ToP wailing on opponents
>Blanco Goku runs out of energy before Jiren can be knocked off
>Goku and Frieza have to suicide to push him out
He was never surpassed.

Everyone else that gets caught in it shits themselves in fear, so I'm going to say yes.

Attached: the gods fear the ningen.jpg (1280x720, 88K)

This can't be happening... Goku was supposed to win!

Attached: jobku.png (750x1334, 722K)

that would be weird

Attached: kvbb.jpg (1280x720, 116K)


who's the best joke character, toppo or frieza?

Frieza has a personality actually developed enough to have more than one role. Something the cardboard cutout known as Jiren sorely lacks. For example, he goes from a few humorous moments to happily murdering Paragus in cold blood and then genociding a helpless planet at the end credits.

Attached: 1558211746774.jpg (1920x1080, 253K)


Yeah you would have to be retarded to write the lizard off as "comedic relief". Toriyama seems intent on him still being a complete villain that will stick around for more than one arc without being redeemed like bejita or picorro.

>happily murdering Paragus in cold blood and then genociding a helpless planet at the end credits.
These were both completely played for comedy.

Jirenfags: Spends their day worshiping big alien cock, gayest posters at the moment.

Brolyfags: Pretty much dead at this point, couldn't handle literal homos picking on them.

Vegetafags: Spends their day trying to come up with ridiculous mental gymnastics to deny their jobber status.

Gokubros: Completely content with their favorite character, their mere presence makes other posters completely lose their composure.

Attached: 1535408806401.png (443x451, 162K)

And he still lost
Cope harder

>Wins the tournament of power for his universe alongside the main character

>First scene in Broly movie is Vegeta being worried about Frieza being alive and how he could keep getting stronger

>Lasts an hour against an enemy the two saiyans had to flee from in SSJ Blue


Attached: 1543031695643.jpg (842x470, 149K)

what would she say

>Completely content with their favorite character, their mere presence makes other posters completely lose their composure.
The same is true of Panfriends!

Attached: 08_01.gif (400x300, 3.15M)

>broly movie base goku is stronger than UI omen ToP Goku
>broly movie SSB Goku had to RUN AWAY from SS1 Broly
>Golden Frieza lasted 1 hour against SS1 Broly

oh no no no jirenbros.......

They definitley were not. Broly was screaming in grief right afterward, and the end scene had no comedic tone at all and portrayed Frieza as menacing.

Don't forget also the intro going into Frieza's background and him being the entire cause of the movie. Freiza is a driving force in Dragonball for the foreseeable future with him setting up the next movie at the end.


Attached: lizardlet.png (844x1482, 862K)

don't forget
>Jiren couldn't even last one minute against base goku and frieza combo
>CHADly lasted an hour against frieza

That intro was pure kino desu, the way Vegeta greets king cold like a friendly visitor then Frieza gives him one look and he immediatley realizes the easy times are over now


Attached: ec0db15~01.png (556x676, 371K)

king cold seemed like a chill dude eheh

>still no series where these two go on adventures and broly slowly learns how to control his LSSJ powers
and pumps his cute alien with saiyan seed every day

Attached: evult6xxfgk21.jpg (679x1019, 136K)

>frieza is just a wholesale ripoff of Commander Red
OGchads win yet again
Ginyu force cameo was cool, but it makes me wonder how old they were since they haven't aged since Bejita's childhood
He did, sux that we barely got anything with him, he didn't even get to show Trunks his final form

Attached: red and black.jpg (1024x714, 49K)

As aliens the Ginyu's might age more slowly. Also it said in some background info that Frieza was a child in that scene, so he is around the same age as Vegeta if not a few years older.

>the bottom caption here refers to Freeza from the opening flashback as a "child" (子供時代のフリーザ).

Attached: Frieza book entry.jpg (575x1024, 116K)

I would call it more of a cheeky wink to original dragonball fans, but Frieza is the real deal as a Tyrant where commander red was just a powerless manlet who relied on his minions for anything at all.

> Chads of Yea Forums
> Chads of Internet
It's official.

God... We're handsome.

I got the impression the little blue woman was Frieza's nanny/mother figure and raised him while king Cold did his business. That's why she can get away with saying things no one else could.

Attached: Beriblu_art.png (311x456, 115K)


Enter Moro.

Attached: 1562276184602.webm (540x540, 1.04M)

toppofag no no no

Attached: toppothedoormat101033.jpg (4000x2250, 1.44M)

Yes yes, Jiren is my favorite character.

Attached: 1562693391820.jpg (1357x960, 103K)

What the FUCK is that thing ? It's horrifying

The worst thing isn't that he goes with these "homages" and reused panels all the time. It's that when he copies from Toriyama, it's that his "homages" are so much worse than the original.

is that related to morso?

TF2Chad here (from /vg/)

Is the movie available in Blu-ray?

Attached: O9VWDgP.jpg (540x390, 39K)

What the HELL is that ? It's fucking horrifying


Whut? They're still here, they just spend half their time false-flagging as Jirenfags and the other half toyposting.

Agreed. They also kisspost a lot.

Oh come on. You guys have bitchfights with Vegetafags every other thread.

Attached: GeroPosting.webm (800x480, 2.87M)

El Cabrone....

Attached: El Cabrone.jpg (602x458, 73K)


Chadchad the Chad.

Attached: 1560211040296.jpg (1024x576, 86K)

>Whut? They're still here, they just spend half their time false-flagging as Jirenfags and the other half toyposting.

It's literally two people.

Toriyama sez he really likes Cheelai and Lemo, so there's definitely hope.

Attached: broly_and_cheelai_by_kell0x_dcyjk81-fullview.jpg (600x697, 77K)

Lizard chads: Make informative and reasoned posts, well liked by all but Bejita and Jiren jobbers

Attached: 1502220676505.jpg (1280x720, 442K)

La Cabron.

> $20

Damn, I'll sell some hats for this. Thanks lad

Attached: lrvy6608vz531.jpg (1920x1080, 85K)

>Lizardcucks: Suck up and hide behind Gokuchads and Brolyfags

More than that, or maybe they're teaming up with others. I know its generally Gokufags/Brolyfags/Lizardfags vs. Jirenfags/Vegetafags.

>S-stop hiding behind other characters! Two to z-zero!


Attached: 1562053969731.gif (240x190, 195K)

enter CHADmasu

Attached: zamasu.png (503x1587, 309K)

Just boils down to if the animators are in the mood.

This entire thread is literally just two people. It's just you and me, user.

Cute couple

the queen

Attached: wi4z49u3ifl21.jpg (2480x3508, 426K)

B-but goku chad, I...I thought we were bros...

Attached: 1561022855702.png (704x1135, 762K)

>It's literally two people.
I feel that way about most characterfags, honestly. There's that one Jiren dude with the copypastas, and the other one who goes "NEXT" all the time. Vegeta has two kissposters I know of, and then there's the two Brolyfags and the one Lizardfag.

Seriously, it boggles me that there are apparently 96 posters in this thread.

>Jirenfags can't meme


I know right!

Attached: nekoPan.png (640x480, 316K)

goku/bulma unironically would have made a better endgame. Bulma would surely insist hard on education for their children, but unlike chi chi she wouldn't be bothered by Goku's savage lifestyle, lack of a job, or lack of romantic interest. all he has to do is be nice enough and a good lay, and Bulma already thinks he's good-looking.

Attached: 2.jpg (739x342, 117K)

Weaker than raditz.

what about them

when is the dbs anime comming back? i thought it was supposed to pick back up after the broly movie.

Ops, wrong picture. Sorry. Here is the right one of the queen.

Attached: dbm___hanasia__mother_of_kakarot_and_raditz_by_anapauladbz_dd1k5db-pre.jpg (668x1197, 82K)

It's not suppose. Putting camera's in peoples house is illegal. We have literally policies over this stuff.

How many babies will they make? How they'll be like?

not with ssb


/int/ gave us some insights
I for one am German and one of the pasta cooks (haven't made any recently)
At least one other pastacook exists but probably even more, nationality I don't know, could be any of these
"Ji fucking Ren" poster is French
The Jirenchad that also likes Toppo is a Britbong
The Jirenchad that does a lot of different CAPSLOCKren names and posts the CRIMSONren image a lot is Canadian (haven't seen him in a while)
That's just the ones I've seen on /int/
There is also the Swede Jirenchad from /int/, who I've never recognized in these threads (by the filenames), but I know he must lurk at least because he entered the thread after it was posted here

As for the Copelyfags the two MAIN shitposters are a Moortugal queer (biggest and most obsessed one) and some US mutt, that's literally it. Anyone else is an arab camelfucker but they don't post frequently enough to be unique.

Attached: jiren meditating.jpg (750x616, 134K)

>jobrens are invading othe boards
It's like cancer.

>The Jirenchad that does a lot of different CAPSLOCKren names and posts the CRIMSONren image a lot is Canadian (haven't seen him in a while)
Is that the "NEXT" guy?

Are you on crack?


Not even close.

I want a Brolybro in my bed right now.

Attached: D98Gx6GX4AI70QL.jpg (1200x800, 85K)

He helped cause the mess. He finally contacts them and even uses his day to fight. Vegeta offers 2-0, so Goku jobs Buu out of the egg. Fucks around thinking he was able to do shit, kids fail and he needs help unfucking things. All this before EoZ fuckery.

>kiddie thinks he's in with Touhou
they belong to chadly

2-0? W-what is this Gokekbros?

Pan has been surrounded by Kid Gokus for all of her life!

Attached: PansLife.png (640x1428, 1.41M)

But, seriously. When?

Do tell. 2-0 was AT's will. What part of Vegeta being undefeated against Goku isn't entirely the case? Feelings? Thoughts? Come now.

Got a problem with canon facts?

Now he needs to learn UI.

Don't forget your friendly reminder poster (me). 3-0 is going to concuss the waku waku out of Goku.

Attached: lmao.png (2484x1394, 1.8M)


I think the idea of Frieza wanting to get taller wasn't supposed to rip off Commander Red.

It was just a homage paid to classic Dragon Ball, and besides it's stated in the movie Frieza doesn't want immortality anymore, so obviously he would want to use the Dragon Balls to make himself more Emperor-like.

Ok baldy


Seethe more

Kneel, fucking disgusting dog.

have sex

Suck my dick standing you gray manlet


Go back in your kennel, FOR ONCE.


>nearly died
Nice headcanon.
CHADly was tanking all of Jobgeta's hits even when he went SSB.

Which makes sense, he IS EGP tier after all.

Based as fuck.

Attached: IMG_20181218_112055.jpg (720x829, 174K)

That's your job, and it's full time.

Attached: jiren the kneeling gray.png (736x396, 283K)


Cope with what? You're the one on your knees.

Canon soon

Attached: hermano.jpg (1280x720, 102K)


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There is no weight, it is way too fast

Trunks stay away from Uub's wife, or else he'll rip you a new asshole

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>toeijuans suddenly know the difference between tracing and similar composition know that the tracer would be whoever drew that from Toei's team
Imagine my shock

shit franchise, drop it

thats not the FMA thread
oh wait there isn't one because it's a dead shit

Enter GROIDgeta.

Attached: tumblr_p523pfEQGZ1ur1kgoo1_1280.jpg (720x960, 121K)

This one
>Vegeta with his android arc armor
>with a weird symbol on his chest
>with a ginger haired form with pupils
>fighting a goat in planet Namek

Attached: 1557855010623.png (964x1400, 1.08M)

>drop it
This is DB, not your seasonal isekai loli harem garbage.

>This is DB
a shit franchise that attracts bib wearers.

Chads of Yea Forums.
Kneel, cope, have sex and cry.

t. bib wearer

Was Goku using hakai an asspull?

No, but it doesn't fit his character.

You have to be all kinds of sad to associate with a character after all.

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>pedo waifucuck

The irony.

I'll take the pedo Panposters over Broly vs Jiren #712

Seasonal moeshitter BTFO

Would have been better if Vegeta used hakai?

Yes. Goku with the Mafuba and Vegeta with Hakai would be pretty neat.

I would kill for some drawfag to make a version of pan with a tail with the beginning stages of becoming a great ape.

With the beserk eyes and stuff

Goku - angel path - UI
Vegeta - GoD path - hakai
Gohan - kaioshin path - healing, portals, gravitational power

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I think I have a picture like that but I can't find it right now.

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Gohan isn't relevant anymore, user.

If you do find it please post it!



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I am surprised Ran Fuan is in there.

>still no nude edit of this pic

>those fingers

Reminder that GT Bra is 9 years old

And that's a good thing.

She's 8 actually. Pan is 9.

Attached: 1552988196529.jpg (200x375, 16K)

Pan is shit.