1-Nen A-gumi No Monster:

Chapter 16 is out lads.
I expected to drop this past chapter 5
thinking it's moe trash, but holy shit. How can other Teacher MCucks compete?

Attached: Jimi.png (1114x1600, 630K)

Oh this still exists huh

Yeah, and shit's still pretty good, ain't gonna lie.

Cutest Momo smashing that other pos teacher was gold

True, but Jimi puking after Momo kissed him was fucking GOLD.

The quotes ruin the cliffhanger.

I know he was supposed to turn her down, obviously, it's not a part of the teacher's work, but isn't this overdoing it a bit?

want to walk home gently

She's an ugly bitch, that's a given.

Momo isn't ugly
She does deserve to get slapped though

>" "
>reveals to be hate
>in the same chapter
>in the same couple of pages
Odd choice. Possibility of puns in Japanese or something?

So what is going to happen now that they have a potential murderer among the students?

Which cliffhanger? Just some panels later it spoils the beans.

I dunno, but reading through it was exciting. Like the brainlet I am I seriously thought at first Jimi said "Love" (since there's the whole triangle thing between Banri, Jimi & Momo, Momo being shocked after Jimi confessing too would've made sense). For him to be a hoe-slayer though? Appreciated, though unexpected.

The last page is a cliffhanger.

It's not a cliffhanger if the word in quotes gets revealed 1 panel later user

Obviously that's not what I'm talking about.


Attached: H31.png (1114x1600, 730K)

Why does it feel so much like the Mangaka just wants us to think that these characters are bitches? Love it.

What are the odds of Jimi eventually going full blown Lessons of Evil?

Attached: B32.png (1114x1600, 637K)

Because they are bitches

I posted this in a different thread and I'm posting it again: the response "That's because I hate you" is grammatically wrong and/or makes little sense in this context.
>B:I like you, Jimi-sensei[...]
>JS: Those words were what I've been waiting for.
>I heard you loud and clear.
>Banri-san. That's because I hate you.
Unless you're supposed to believe that Jimi is giving Banri his undivided attention because his feelings of hate for her makes it impossible to do otherwise I think the translator fucked up.
Tl;dr the last part of the translated conversation is wrong.

If you don't know what you're talking about you shut your mouth

Why does Momo speaks in 3rd person? Who is she, Bob Dole?

The wording is definetely a bit weird, but I guess it's that way for dramatic purposes. Also on your suggestion, I think that's exactly why Jimi hates her: He always has to give that bitch the attention she needs in order for her to not try to kill herself... stupid bitch.

I think it's supposed to be an ego thing or I'm just Yea Forumsilled, but as an example the wrestler "The Rock" also always used to talk of himself in 3rd person. It intensifies the themes of you being something outer worldly (a god) rather than human.

> "The only thing THE ROCK wants is that Heavyweight Championship about THE ROCK's waist and that's why it-IT-IT- DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY TO THE ROCK"

Same for momo, since she's an idol.

Read more manga.

Wasnt a thing in japan that girls do it to look cute?

Every time Momo refers to herself as super cute I want to punch her in the fucking face


Don't we all?