How can Akkun prefer the boring sister over Nana?
How can Akkun prefer the boring sister over Nana?
gentle /ss/ > teasing /ss/
Akkun has good taste, that's all
I like both but really Nana has a better personality.
I prefer the loli.
because she's better
Because Nana is probably a slut that's fucked other shotas along with her friends.
Nah Nana is pure and would rather be playing video game than looking for boys with her friends. Her friends a pure sluts though.
Mate. Nana is too busy playing vidya in arcades.
It's her friends that drag shotas into the photo booths for a quick fuck.
Because she's for ((me))
Am I insane for thinking that fucking shotas doesn't make a girl a slut?
No because /ss/ is the purest form of love after all.
No, that's /u/.
but /u/ are all sluts
Can't be a slut if penis isn't involved
Prove it.
Oh, wait. You can't.
I see you've never met any lesbians
Season 2 never
Akkun isn't a slut and won't forgo his first love until there's no hope at all.
>boring sister
Ayaka is a perfect goddess.
best girl
Why choose if he can harem?