Please save my manga, Shigaraki!
Boku no Hero Academia
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I fucking hate Decuck so much bros
Spoilers when? I need to see the gigantoapocalypse.
We got the entirety of the chapter, translations just aren't out, it's all Shiggy flashback.
So did AfO just give him the disint quirk by wifi or some shit? No way he doesnt have a hand in this somehow. Shiggy cartoonishly touching each of his family members now sounds weird.
I never thought I'd see the day where I prefer the villains over the heroes but Izuku did it for me
Will Giga job to ReDestro so Shiggy can beat ReDestro with wishing energy? Or will we get a Giga flashback that powers him up enough to beat ReDestro?
No Shiggy really is retarded.
Ujiko was his doctor too, more than likely.
Giga bodies Redestro and Shiggy uses wishing energy to beat Giga.
How can Hori fix BNHA? Hardmode: no changing/removing Deku
Anyone else notice that Shiggy's dad looks like Kira after he got Bites The Dust?
Woah, i just realised that i never, not once, felt scared of the cast dying. This is fairy tail all over again
Reminder Eri is the worst written character "I smile after years of torture all thanks to a concert!"
Izuku IS whats wrong with the series
>Reminder Eri is the worst written character
user that's giving her a bit to much credit. She's a plot device and nothing more.
And ReDestro cranking up to 100% stress level.
She's a plot device whose torture has been given too much focus. Yet here she is, smiling and shit.
God, Hori sucks so bad.
Literally my first thought
That man has probably the best single power in the world, and he knows how to best maximize.
>Shiggy cartoonishly touching each of his family members now sounds weird.
Dog crumbles. Shiggy run for help, finds Hana, grabs her to pull her to show her what's happening to dog.
Hana crumbles, Shiggy is now screaming hysterically, runs to Mom and grandparents. They grab him to find out what's wrong, he grabs back.
Grandparents and Mom are now decaying, Shiggy has no idea what's going on, in absolute terror runs for father.
Father figures things out, perhaps based on his own quirk, strikes out at son to try to stop him, gives him those scars on lip and eye. Shiggy grabs fist coming at him to try to stop the beating. This time, does. Horribly.
Nothing cartoonish about what's coming, I fear.
Pick the pace back up to pre kamino levels
Go back to the previous thread, user. And stay there, archived, forever.
Deku gets shot by the dequirking bullet and loses 5 of the Quirks. Only superstrength remains.
Deku remains as a mc, but isn't the sole mc. The other kids all get at least one arc as a mc.
Overhaui heals himself and the Liberation Army isn't destroyed this arc. These three factions form a recurring gallery of foes with their own agendas.
The current arc is boring as fuck. Probably the most boring this series has ever been.
Keep justifying shit writing, user. Keep swallowing that up.
>Hardmode: no changing/removing Deku
Alright, having Bakugou finally realize he's been a fucking asshole and the exact opposite of what a hero should be like and apologizes to Deku, which in turn prompts Deku to acknowledge he's been a fucking crybaby bitch since he was 4 years old, and both of them promising to work to better themselves.
There, I didn't actually change anything.
Dekuk selfinserter or Tranny that wants Deku's asspussy?
Let Deku to become a police instead
Link to last thread
>Shiggy is now screaming hysterically, runs to Mom and grandparents. They grab him to find out what's wrong, he grabs back.
This part seems iffy at best.
>Deku being haunted by a cute ghost!
Why is Deku x ghost girl even a thing
In one of the light novels she's stalking him
Is she *actually* stalking him or is it another self inserter's stretch?
she is actually stalking him, but it's because she's suspicious of his quirk. But because of her Autismo mannerisms her classmates thinks she's got a crush on him.
Hori can't do long form storytelling for shit.
And then during the girl talk about boys where she was present Hori forgot to draw her and she didn't even think about deku. The novels are noncanon shit.
Right, I forgot to mention that it was non-canon. Thanks for that.
It is even funnier because it isn't even consistent within its own canon.
Why do we need an even more tragic backstory for Shigaraki though? I feel like him accidentally killing his own dad and then rotting on a street while neither heroes nor civillians gave a crap abouth him was enough
How much of a slut is Deku's dad?
Is he the Tomaru Sawagoe of the HeroAca universe?
It's possible he's twins. Triplets. Several sets of identical quads.
>Worse than Yakuza
>Worse than Gentle
>How can Hori fix BNHA? Hardmode: no changing/removing Deku
1. Shiragaki doesn't become a villain but an anti-hero/rouge group
2. People have powers that represent things in society such as godzilla and his foes. Each one being massively powerful
3. Shiragaki's group breaks in to AfO's prison after remembering everything and kills him. Make it cause a quirk explosion or other quirks to be returned that he stole.
4. A new focus with a group behind those super powered quirk people
Also no more Nomu's unless incorporating them into a living person
Only spoonfeeding you because I should have posted it in the OP.