Do you listen to music when you read manga?

Do you listen to music when you read manga?

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It depends.

This going to be an interesting thread



No, i cant focus and forget what i read when I've tried

No. I can't fucking listen to anything while reading. Not manga, not when studying, not browsing Yea Forums. I wish I were deaf. Life would be more enjoyable.

Nothing more cathartic than finding the perfect ost for a scene

depends on the manga. i will usually throw on some music without lyrics, whether thats an ost or just some classical shit

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no, I'm worried it would meddle in with the atmosphere of the manga and deliver a distorted perception.

Yes. I put together my own soundtrack for most manga I read. They're usually a mish-mash of OPs and EDs from anime, but I slip in some other stuff. I'm reading Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer and the soundtrack's all shoegaze and some Pillows tracks.

I play Gintama's 13th OP during pivotal moments

Reading a manga/light-novel while listening to it's adaptation's OST is usually very enjoyable

no, I just wait for the anime adaptation

Sometimes the ost or something else without vocals if it suits the atmosphere.

No it's distracting. I like the peace and quiet.

>play ED12 at the end of every volume I read

yes, i just put on music that doesn't have any lyrics so it doesn't distract me

yes also I like listening to ASMR or podcast while reading because my adhd demands multiple shit going on at once. Just trying to focus on a single thing is hell.

depends desu

Is it normal to vocalize the sound effects and explosions in manga? Like saying
under your breath?

w-who does that lmao

no, are you retarded. The point is to be immersed and appreciate the manga. Fuck you and die

I do that.

Music can only add to a manga's immersion if properly chosen. They aren't normal books.

no, i walk along the beach until i find a rock that overlooks the sea and then i sit there reading while the waves crash under me. it's very relaxing.

The only times when I'm not listening to music is on the way to and from a concert.

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A bunch of no radio 90s alt stuff.

I Michael Winslow the shit out of the sound effects.
Feels good to be a human parrot.


no, my focus will be distracted

Sometimes I do. I try to avoid music with lyrics and I also like to listen to something that's fitting for whatever I'm reading if I can.

listened to the album yume no manimani while reading lucifer and the biscuit hammer for the first time. it uh. fucked me up.