Hey Yea Forums, watch this!
Hey Yea Forums, watch this!
i just wanna feel something
i am dead inside
The ultimate combo.
heh nothing personnel, shitaly
This is even worse than the finger one
this kills the pastanigger
Where's the magic part?
You monster
That better be a broth you're making there.
I don't get the autism about italians and not cutting the pasta. It's not like they're using ketchup instead of tomato sauce, it's just so it fits better in the pot
What's the real problem about it?
Mafioso here. Go jump on a dildo.
Far shorter pasta, which is balls for eating with a fork, and it will get gradually softer and more malleable as it cooks anyway so you have no reason to break it in the first place
oh maro'.. Giuseppe e Maria... abbi pietà ..
It ruins the point of spaghetti, you may as well just use some other, shorter type of pasta if you're going to break it like that.
There's long pasta and short pasta. Long pasta is supposed to be long. Broken long pasta isn't long.
They actually do use ketchup in Japan
They call it 'Neapolitan' for some reason
You sir are genius.
The magic was the meal we made along the way
Hey Yea Forums, do you want a gift?
>Rin-chan will never whisper umai in your ear sensually while you fuck her
It's them saying:
The best tomato sauce in Naples is just ketchup to us.
They're not wrong.
It's a problem if you're planning on eating it dry, as mentioned. It's not really a super-big /ck/ taboo even in Italy, though; "pastina" like that is perfectly acceptable in most soups and broths, since the pasta is mostly just there for consistency and trying to eat soggy, full-length spaghetti in such a dish is an equally big hassle.
Someone once did this with my pencil
Dutch guy here. I'm gonna trigger you fags even more. I not only break the spaghetti. But i also cut it up with a knife and fork so i can eat it with a spoon. Pic related. It basically looks like this after i am done with it. Only i eat it from a plate with ketchup
Dunno, but I found out that there are a ton of italians on this board.
That's nothing. Watch this!
> Pasta la vista
Thank you, that will make it so much easier to eat.
Well too bad!
Fuck you, I can still eat it.
I don't get it, I do this every time I make spaghetti. How else am I going to fit the noodles in the pot?
You should just blend everything you eat, clearly you don't care what it is.
*stomps on them*
Food is just fuel, you autist.
bleep bloop
I'll stomp on you for wasting perfectly good food!
How the fuck are you supposed to eat spaghetti stubs?
you just break your spork in half and wa la
Good lord almighty
So well meme'd you can't call it wrong.
Not a single broken straw excellent form.
I once put milk, eggs, bread, Onions, and salami in a blender and baked and scrambled the resulting blend of nutrients so i could eat it easily with a spoon and mayo
this is probably the real autism ngl
With a spoon
>this is probably the real autism ngl
It's just more efficient that way. I only bother to bake it because drinking it raw is disgusting i tried So i bake it. Mayo is for flavour since it's a little dry.
What'd it taste like?
>It's just more efficient that way
the calling card of a basket case
I got that reference.
Someone did that "trick" of holding the pencil across their fingers and slaping the table to break it. Fucking asshole.
A blend of onion flavour with salami. But the soggy bread and raw egg ruin it. So in the pan it goes.
Finally! You can fix it!
oh my god
Japanese girl cooking spaghetti?
>Welcome to the future, old man...
WTF is with japanese people and microwaves?!
There's literally nothing wrong with snapping pasta in half.
What's wrong with those?
Since were on the subject of dried noodles, is it okay to eat rice ramen dry?
I was really hungry and that's all I had in my room, couldn't risk leaving it with the hours of screaming going on outside of my room.
I put some arby's sauce on it so it wouldn't taste so bad.
because i'm a /ck/fag and watching people ruin food in a microwave instead of properly cooking it on the stovetop or in an oven really puts me in autismo mode.
...is there even a set length for pasta?
they rarely have stoves
they have hotplates though so no excuse
meant for
I can't imagine living without a stove or oven to cook good meals and only living off a microwave like some fucktard in college for the rest of my life.
Do you also reheat leftovers on stove?
Not him but I always reheat my leftovers in either my oven or on my stove. Pretty much only use my microwave for frozen vegetables and nothing else.
is that supposed to be inspiring or show how unenlightened that uniformed guy is? or what?
>reheated food tastes the same as when you first cooked it...
For the most part, yes. My exceptions are canned vegetables, popcorn and (once in a while) a tv dinner if I'm feeling lazy.
I mean, I don't always (rarely in fact) but I like to when I can.
you can get by with an induction hotplate and a convection microwave but yeah unless you have enough space for a kitchen thats what you've got to cook with in Japan
sure is plebbit in here
>induction hotplate
Fuck that, I'd buy a gas burner.
yes I can really taste the difference when I apply heat to my food with one tool compared to another one. All the flavor is in the heat you see
That wasn't very Golden Experience of you
mein gott
the butane cookers suck, you need propane and you might as well just turn your flat into a small kitchen with a bedroom in the corner at that point
Yes. Long.
How long?
This long.
>user is sarcastic but is too ignorant to realize how important that actually is
I'd never live somewhere that a 4 burner stove/oven isn't standard.
At least try to photoshop it here
Also here
Why not just throw it in a blender then you fucking mong
Why is it laughing?
I have applied heat to my food in many ways and they are all pretty similar. I am not a pretentious foodie cunt though so that may be my issue
It's finally free
You can't cook.
a pretentious foodie cunt disapproves of what I eat, I'm crushed. How can I go on living knowing some twinkle toes queer doesn't like my food?
I don't care about you or what you eat. I'm just stating a fact, which is that you cannot cook.
That's strange, since I am eating something I cooked right now.
Poorly, I'm sure.
Nah, it's great.
ammazzati porcodio
so this is Yea Forums humor
If you don't like it, you're always welcome to go back to wherever you came from.
Here is another ver
I can't see the difference but i'll scream anyways AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
The pseudo-laziness of the original makes it even better, I feel like, but good job nonetheless.
Who's uninformed?
I'd let her rip my spaghetti in half, if you know what I mean.
why not just use something like penne
Aki is my wife
t. Tourist
she's right though unironically, most government food agencies consider raw meat and fish unsafe to eat.
unless you leave real close to water, its probably a better idea not to gamble with raw fish. a few days of food poisoning is really not fun to live through, speaking from experience here
remind spaghetti is overrated
inb4 hurr durr you just haven't had """real""" spaghetti
This better be worth it
Good job
I would love to try legit katsuo tataki one day.
There is literally nothing wrong with cooking pasta in a microwave.
wow you piece of shit you made kaos-senpai cry I hope you are real happy with yourself
God is dead
I hate retards LARPing as Italians, but you made me chuckle.
>and it will get gradually softer and more malleable as it cooks anyway so you have no reason to break it in the first place
Fuck no, the part that was cooking longer than the part sticking out of the pot will be overcooked and much softer, the whole thing will be cooked unevenly.
All in all it's just another excuse to have an outrage about random shit on the internet.
What in the actual fuck.
Bend them with a spoon for like a minute just after they are in.
This kills the italian
Italian "men" love putting long, floppy and thin objects into their mouths
what the FUCK
With a spork like a real human would