Studies have shown that only those capable of internal monologues pick Rei over Asuka

Studies have shown that only those capable of internal monologues pick Rei over Asuka.

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Back to Yea Forums with your shit meme

Threads like this are why Evafags are so hated on /m/

The vast majority of people are capable of internally monologuing. In fact, I think being able to stop your monologue, something I can't do, would be more impressive.

>meme about people lacking emotional responses
>primarily posted by autists
Like pottery

Teh Rei

Attached: 1562618568662.png (756x768, 507K)

post it

Asuka >>>>>> Rei. Go back to your tube, doll.

I didn't like Rei the first time I watched Evangelion but after rewatching and noticing all the little details I like her a lot more. It's a shame Anno made her to be hated on purpose.

Saved to trigger Asukafags later

Pick one and only one.

They're hated on Yea Forums too.

Dude I've got ADHD I have constant internal monologues, I'm still choosing Asuka.

Why are the mods and janitors so retarded?

You get the service you pay for.

/eva/ board when

Better to make a /cancer/ board where everything is contained for ease of avoiding a Chernobyl, where Ponyfuckers, 2hufags and assorted bullshit can all go to die together

But asuka is hot as fuck

Asuka > Rei
If you disagree you literally didn't get Eva. Congratulations!

your biggest mistake was assuming that all people like the same things which is something an NPC would believe

God I wish that could happen, but Hiro wouldn’t do it

Imagine a board where half the threads are waifu wars 24/7 and the other half is people pretending to understand something.

It's fairly simple once you realize that your internal monologue is just you. Just stop thinking. You have thoughts because you will yourself to have thoughts, so if you want to stop, just stop.