Why are nips so much better at voice acting than pretty much any western person?

Why are nips so much better at voice acting than pretty much any western person?

It's impossible to watch a dubbed version of any anime without cringing at how awkward the actors sound when spouting out their lines, like they really don't want to do it. Somehow, literally all japanese VAs seem to do this flawlessly without making it feel too awkward.

Pic related and Patrick Seitz are the only good western VAs that I can think of.

Attached: laura-bailey-5.78.jpg (210x240, 11K)

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I assume it's because it's a cultural thing. The voice acting industry over there is different, you are literally a popstar over there.

English dub makes me cringe

>he thinks screaming is good voice acting
t. School Shooter cuck

I would love to smash Laura, she is amazing.
I also think Matt Mercer is pretty good too, Steve Blum, and the other usuals. Any voice actor whose name I don't recognize normally does a really shitty job lmao

anime VA is an actual job in Japan, while in the west it's a job for those who couldn't make it as real actors.

Big cultural differences. Most seiyuu are trained in the ways of moe voice and how to capture the spirit and personalities of anime characters. Westerners think it's creepy and shit, so they change or aren't into it.

Yuyu Hakusho's dub is fucking amazing
Onizuka's french dub is the perfect voice for this motherfucker
Ashlynn Johnson for Ellie

it's actually amazing how many VAs fuck up something as simple as screaming

I suspect it is because the people who do these jobs in Japan actually love what they're doing, whereas for a lot of those who do these jobs overseas don't give a fuck about the job itself, just the pay check.

It's because Japanese and their accent sounds much more pleasing than English.

Western VAs sound like "aaaaaaaaa" when they try to scream.

Guy who knows things here, let me try to explain it.

It's because you can understand English voice acting. Japanese voice acting and regular Japanese people talking sound completely different. Anime voice acting is as hammy and cringe to Japanese listeners as English dubs are to English listeners. So because you can't understand the language and you are reading along, you only get the (exaggerated) emotions that your brain adds to the subtitles, tricking you into thinking it is better.

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And nip VAs sound like aaaaaaa during all of their dialogue

What if I know Japanese and I still think Japanese voice acting is better?

Lmaaaaaoooo fucking this. Jap VAs are superstars while English VAs are pathetic losers who wish they could make it in Hollywood but live in their mom's basement and work for pennies to do the next shitty seasonal dub

This retarded argument only works on people who don't speak Japanese.

When it comes to women VA's, a lot of Japanese women have the soft "anime vibe" voice to them that Western women can't easily pull off. Mayushii's voice from Steins;Gate for instance, is not a voice you can easily mimic unless you're Asian.

you're just used to japanese voice acting
someone who's never heard the japanese version probably wouldn't think twice of it
example: you as a kid watching pokemon on cartoon network

Isn't Cowboy Bebop's dub superior to the original?

Why nip voice acting is better
>Seiyu are paid really well
>Are actual celebrities that have to put in the effort to appease their fans or risk having them turn on them
>Don’t have to rush their dialogue because to fit a scene because it’s animated for their language
>Tight market means that roles are super competitive so only the best get the best parts

EOPs don't get to have opinions on Japanese voice acting.

yea all those seiyuu who are also hired as singers are shit at sounding good

Attached: anon says something dumb.webm (1280x720, 642K)

Listen to the YuYu dub and be amazed at how good the screaming is. Especially the scene in which Yusuke absorbs Genkai's energy

Hell no, it's shit. The only reason you might've heard otherwise is that it was aired on TV in the US back when some of these people were kids, so they have a lot of nostalgia for it.

>English dub makes me cringe
Every fucking dub is a cringe. No matter if source is Japanese or burger. Dub target are kids or complete retards.

Because of numerous reasons.
>western dub directors literally could not give less of a shit
>due to union rules VAs cannot go for longer than four hours a day, directors will not re-record lines in order to jam as much as possible into those four hours
>in the west, dialogue "between" characters is actually just the VAs recording all of their lines by themselves at separate times and they just piece everything together, making it inherently stilted
>western VAs, partially them to being loudmouthed retards, are given absolutely no information about what they're actually voicing, so no research can be done into it
>because dialogue has to match the lips, it's going to be rushed/slow instead of delivered naturally

This. Otakufags actually believe that because VAs are screaming really loud during emotional scenes it’s better and more authentic, when I’m reslity no one supervening out that much over some petty bs. Maybe you should learn Japanese first basementfags

Nips take pride in their job, so they train and practice so that they can perform as the actual character, and that earns them recognition.
Western VAs are just thinking about how the job will help their career so they try and make their voice recognizable, which ends in a monotonous performance.


There's no such thing like dub superior than original. It's simply impossible.
Nah, not even on them.
It's retarded argument used by retarded close minded retards that want to defend their retardness.

English dubs don't sound hammy, they're just bad. Same monotone voice. Can't ding. Can't do different voices. In the past you had god tier voice actors like the guys behind Looney tunes that did 100 different voices. Now they can barely do one.


Trust me, if you spoke Japanese you'd recognise that English VAs are an infinite times better than Japanese VAs. You know how old movies have all this over the top slapstick and shlocky dialogue but we eventually moved past it? Japanese media is still in that stage. Give it time and they might become better than western-made media but not now.

Steve Blum is the voice of Spike Spiegel and you prove you're underage and spedwatched Bebop in 2015 or later subbed on kissanime with posts like this one, champ

t. stereotypical burger idiot

My jap is fine and jap VA is miles better than gaijin VA. Blame the script for the retarded moments, not the actors.

>Trust me, if you spoke Japanese you'd recognise that English VAs are an infinite times better than Japanese VAs.
Trolling doesn't make you smarter. It;s the opposite.

Watching nips screaming at each other instead of your own language will the be the only sense of “superiority” you will ever derive in your short life

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There are people here who think this? Jesus Christ.

I'm just not a burger, so I watched it with subtitles like everything else. Over here only kids' movies get dubs.

But I do know Japanese and you're wrong.

I could understand emotions from Japanese voices long before I actually learned Japanese.

Anyway, dub are always nothing but rash regardless of country origin.

Not an anime, but the english SFV dub is much better than the japanese one.

>watches dubs

Attached: 3.png (806x984, 433K)

I'll take the jap overracting to the shitty, corny voices that english VAs give
I'll believe you. Where you from user? And does that mean ya'll really only get Ghibli movies and shit dubbed?

Stop being deaf weebs you nipcock sucking faggots
Language barrier is a real thing and its what makes people think that the exotic original sound/language is good

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Japanese voice actors are well-paid celebrities, whereas in the US they're C-list actors who couldn't make it in Hollywood. Obviously, the former attracts more talent.

Seethe more pajeet

>not an anime
then take it to Yea Forums nerd

Laura isn't good at all.

Yeah. Burgers are pretty retarded. Dubs in my country are considered as something suitable only for children. When adults are consuming something dubbed they are unironically considered as retards.

They aren't, you're just a fucking weeb
Nips aren't good at much at all besides coping, not having sex, and being the most pathetic race on earth

no english VAs are
all the women just sound like 30 ear old tumblr users no matter what roll

Yeah, there are people who don’t like jp va cause they don’t want to read subtitles

>Japanese language has various ways to laugh and scream, all of which have their own nuances and different connotations
>they can even invent new onomatopoeia that sounds cute
>English has only 2-3 onomatopoeia that encompasses laughter and screaming
English is my main language but even I can see it's hella inferior here.

you don't need to confirm that dubfags are even worse than cartelfags.

Gotta get out of the basement ethan

>I'll believe you. Where you from user? And does that mean ya'll really only get Ghibli movies and shit dubbed?
Finland. Ghibli, Disney, whatever, if it's foreign and for children it'll have both a dubbed and subbed version available. If it's not for kids, it's original voices with subtitles. Honestly I think that's generally just better, I wouldn't want to watch an American movie dubbed in Finnish any more than I want to watch anime dubbed in English.

But those old "overacted" movies were way better than what hollywood shits out nowadays, and honestly for the last 30 years or so.

Yet another confirmation. All idiots that are using words like this (without even knowing what they mean) are as retarded as dub defenders. They are both in most cases.

>Pic related and Patrick Seitz are the only good western VAs that I can think of.
Chris Sabat?
Wendee Lee?
Cristina V?
Cherami Leigh?
Luci Christian?

Japanese voice acting is an actual industry where only the cream of the crop can ever make it
American voice acting is an amalgation of losers who couldn't make it in acting

It really is just a matter of effort and resources. Take Frieza in Dragon Ball for example, he went through like three different VAs throughout a decade that all amounted to "just pick up some granny sounding woman off the streets lmao"
When Kai came out they finally gave him a good voice actor who fits his character and gives kino line deliveries.

Watching any (non-original voice) dubbing of any kind is for
>illiterate idiots
>mentally retarded
>all of them
Always consume the media in their original states if possible.

There are good English VAs. Dubs are just too cheap to hire them.

Romania banned every dub. Foreign movies on TV are broadcasted with subs. That's pretty clever.

There are actually a lot of really good western VAs who are classically trained, but they don't do anime dubbing.

Yeah. retards won't notice it anyway.

t. burger
Shart in the mart you fat fucking mutt

And yet most dub VAs only do it as a side thing and have plenty of successful American shows and vidya on their resume

>Dubs are for kids
Nah, I just feel less like a weeb when I watch a dubbed version rather then when I watch the original one.
I'd honestly feel embarrassed if someone would see/hear that I watch something in japanese.

You forgot boomers.

he said literally the opposite that average burger joe would say

Where? High budget shit just hires live-action actors instead lel.

This. The problem lies in the dubbing industry, and how bad they are with casting. Notice how western cartoons never have a problem with all their VAs sounding completely wrong for the role they're playing, or just generally bad?

>I'd honestly feel embarrassed if someone would see/hear that I watch something in japanese.
Then you're a kid.

Voice actors for english dubs often lack the emotion and commitment that japanese VAs put into their work. This is for anime and videogames alike.

>This. The problem lies in the dubbing industry, and how bad they are with casting
Dubbing industry biggest problem is the fact that it even exist. It shouldn't be a thing for years.
Skilled actors should do their native games or animation voices. The rest should kill themselves.

Only mutts argue this "muh original version" shit because dubbing is a weird phenomenon for them that they only know from anime.

Tony Jay could out-act any jap VA alive.

EOP thread

>Chris Sabat
>"Holy cosmos, that's one whopper of a lizard!"

>"Don't consume products that way, do it the way I want you to!!" type of brainlet

It's not the voice acting that's bad, it's the dialogue more often than not. Western VAs are often better than their Japanese counterparts, but that rarely shines through when the writing sounds like a kindergartener wrote it.

I can't even tell if you're being serious.

I wonder if burgers in general watch foreign movies/drama/shows dubbed too? I feel like they're naturally mentally challenged or just allergic to anything not spoken in English.

if you are consuming anything dubbed, you can't even say that you watched the same thing.
It's not about forcing something on someone.
If you need dubbing, you're mentally retarded and that's all.

Give me a good example where this is the case. I've never heard a Western VA that sounds better than Japanese.

>dialogue more often than not
this is true
>Western VAs are often better than their Japanese counterpart
this is not

Western VAs are better doing their native media, Japanese are better at doing their native media. Anything else is nothing but fake.

Ironically, those same people tend to be anime-onlyfags.

Burgers don't watch anything foreign. They just make an american version.

don't say western when you mean the US
legit voice acting schools are practically non-existent in the US

Most anti-dubs people are simple minded weebs who never bothered to try it out something different due to some negative things they heard about it.

>I wonder if burgers in general watch foreign movies/drama/shows dubbed too?
Yes. They are often re-recording whole movies because they are allergic if they are watching foreign actors. Burgerland is a state of mind.

They don't need to, usually, since the majority of mainstream film are in English anyway. The ones the aren't likely wouldn't even get a dub.

Pretty much this, I wouldn't want a Japanese dub of Futurama either. You can't get it to sound natural when it's clearly written for a specific language and cultural context, even if you do localise it. Then there's the fact that English dubs of anime tend to be low budget and the people making them don't give a fuck, so of course you'll end up with something shit.

Outside of vidya you'd be hard pressed to find a good English VA that isn't in a union. There's also the fact that English voice acting wasn't taken account for when producing the show, which means there will always be a layer of dissonance with the lipsyncing and scene pacing.

Most of the time the only people defending dubs are underage burgers. Would you watch a French film with an English dub? No? Would you listen to a German song with an English cover? No? Then why would you watch a Japanese anime with an English dub? Are you retarded?

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>Travis Willingham (Roy Mustang)
>Chris Sabot (Literal chad in every shounen role not limited to one per series)
>Matthew Mercey (Levi)
>Michelle Ruff (Rukia, Yukari [Persona 3])
>Tara Platt (literally every role is kino)
>Yuri Lowenthal (Suzaku Kurururururgi)
You were saying, memefaggot?

>Most anti-dubs people are simple minded weebs

Just W O W
>using retarded words like weeb
>defending the dubs
>taking about being simple minded
Please stop that carousel of fun.

>Pic related and Patrick Seitz are the only good western VAs that I can think of.
Well, they're actual veteran voice actors that voiced variety of WESTERN projects like videogames and whatnot.
Like 99% of anime dubs are just a bunch of random SJW wannabe "voice actors" that never did anything besides anime or [trash for the most part] Japanese games.
Also shitty localizations that make already cringe dubs even cringier.

>Western VAs are shi-

Or maybe you just prefer to watch something in a language you understand rather than have subtitles on.

But I guess that concept's too complex for most simple-minded weeaboos to understand.

there is a reason they never work outside the anime industry bubble, they wouldn't make it outside of it

I don't have a problem with dubs, but come on, Yuri Lowenthal is an annoying nasally fuck and you know it.

Not anime, not a dub.

Oh and add Cherami Leigh and Jamie Marchi who are also both gorgeous IRL. Better than sameface kawaii nipthots.

>Nah, I just feel less like a weeb when I watch a dubbed version rather then when I watch the original one. I'd honestly feel embarrassed if someone would see/hear that I watch something in japanese.

And there you have it. The retarded mentality of ALL dubfags. Nothing more then retarded ironic weebs who suffer cognitive dissonance because they cannot express genuine joy in what they're interested in. They need to mask it with "irony". Do you even listen to yourself? If you wanna feel less like a "weeb", then how about you don't fucking watch Japanese media? They don't care that if you have any respect for any material, you know that you watch the original dub in its native language. Its just logical.

Holy shit you mutt in denial. I don't know where you live, but here, only children shows get dubs, most foreign media just get subtitles.

Well, yeah, real actors. Western voice acting is largely a joke because of a combination of little money being put into it and voice acting being a dumping ground for people who couldn't actually act.
Look at shit like this.
>Voice actors just sit there and do voices
>Mark Hamill is on his feet emoting as he reads his lines


or just burgers. Majority of them are't really clever.
And I can confirm this. When I need to work in IT team where there's a lot of burgers, it's always a horror. They need to be guided on everything like 5yuo children. They can't do any creative work alone. Burgerism is a state of mind.

>Would you watch a French film with an English dub
Replace French with German and I've seen people here saying they actually do this.

If you truly wanted to experience anime in its original format, you would learn Japanese and not rely on subtitles

>just prefer to watch something in a language you understand
>too complex for most simple-minded weeaboos

Because you don't understand Japanese so you can't tell.

The only correct answer.

>Western VAs are better doing their native media, Japanese are better at doing their native media.
Fair enough, the dialogue written in anime accounts for Japanese inflection and humor, and usually doesn't translate well to English.

where are the english VAs that sing?
wouldn't they be popular in the anime bubble too?

Because Rob Paulsen doesn't need to scrape the bottom of the barrel with his resume.

Watch cartoons lol

perhaps i'm just watching anime for being entertained, not because it is something "that i'm interested in and should express genuine joy for".
god, you "muh original version" people are pathetic. that's why i don't want to be labelled as a weeb.

>Nothing more then retarded ironic weebs
the truth has been spoken
I don't like German language. I hated it when I was forced to learn it as a third language in my highschool ( I couldn't pick anything else instead).
But no, if I wanted to watch German movie, I would watch it with original voices.

>Outside of vidya you'd be hard pressed to find a good English VA that isn't in a union.
What does this have to do with anything?

>perhaps i'm just watching anime for being entertained, not because it is something "that i'm interested in and should express genuine joy for".
To typical shithead. Glad too see that you are aware of it at least.

Fuck you, German is a wonderful language, it's all the others that are the problem.

Dubs tend to avoid hiring union actors because they're more expensive (which is where the majority of the actually good ones are)

Do you know how modern American unions operate?

>it's all the others that are the problem
you know what to do

Bceause the japanese pay their voice actors more money, so it attracts more talented people

dubs are usually cheap so they end up with low quality actors

Defend this dubfags

You're right, sorry, I forgot the majority of Burgers are illiterate thanks to that steaming pile of shit that is your education system.

The reality is that people who say dubs are better are talking out of their ass, children, and don't even watch proper anime. Most anime don't even have a dub, it's only a select few which are popular, and not even all of them from the list that are popular.

>he doesn't know about the threads where people talk about learning Japanese and not enjoying it due to it being weird odd so they have to trick themselves by using subs

Pretty much this.
Too many retarded wapanese faggots with no self-awareness on this thread.

Defend what? It sounds perfectly fine to me

it's no different than any other dub, really.
Watching anime with anything but original voices has literally no sense.
Watching anything with non original voice track has no sense at all.
It's they highest state of close mindedness/.

Not him, but you're on an anonymous imageboard discussing anime with enthusiasm bordering on zealotry. Who exactly are you trying to impress?

I'm not well-versed, no. Do you mind explaining?

>We live in a world where a fucking one-shot original production like Afro Samurai landed the talent of motherfucking Samuel L. Chadson, Mark Hamill, Lucy Liu, Kelly Hu and the Wu Tang Clan for the OST
>b-but muh dubs inferior, no emotion, no passion

>It sounds perfectly fine to me
Here we go.

Not an argument

The standards for Japanese voice actors and for English DUB actors are completely different. There's also a difference between dub actors and the VAs that work in Western cartoons/original animated productions.

That has nothing to do with the relative skills of Western and non-Western VAs.

Ssshh, you're talking to the simple-minded weebs, they wouldn't understand.

No matter who would be hired for dub it will always be nothing but imitation. Is it that hard to understand for you burgers?

What if I told you its possible to watch and perhaps even *GASP* - enjoy both!

western anime voice actors are low budget and poorly done. IIRC japanese voice actors get together and do scenes together while western ones do their lines seperately and they are combined together for the episode.

If you look at high budget western dubbing like the ones used for the resident evil or final fantasy games, they dont sound cringey.

Correct, it was an inquiry.


Live actions dubs are even worse than anime dubs what the fuck are you talking about

>Jamie Marchi
I have lost respect over this lady after Vic scandal blew up.

Neither was yours, fuckhead.

Zealotry? So stating that dubs are scarce and the voice actors are mediocre is zealotry? I think coming here and claiming that dubs are better and calling us weebs is not only shitting on every on this board, but also zealotry.

>Talking about being simple minded and using buzzwords like weeb. Defending the dubs on the top of it
That's what you call being proud american?
Because it's like literal definition of retarded americans in Europe.

>I-imitation bad!! O-o-original always better!!

Attached: oldboy-header.jpg (450x296, 21K)

>enjoy both!
Nothing. You're just a normalfag.

The dubs I like:

1. Please Teacher

2. Please Twins

3. La Portrait de Petite Cossette

4. Kannazuki no Miko

5. Girls Bravo

6. Gun X Sword

7. Burn Up Scramble

Actually you just proved your zealotry for "muh Nippon" because in the case of Afro Samurai, the English voice over came first as it was intended to be a project of Bob Takahashi to draw in urban young adult male viewership during its 6 episode run on Spike TV. Japanese, in this case, was the subsequent dub.

because if we dont dub it how can we change the context to be about feminism?


Anime is animated to follow a pre-recorded dialogue. Dubs are somehow supposed to speak in the exact same timing as anime that's already been animated while trying to convey the same emotion

Dubs aren't easy. Especially to make believable ones, that's where it becomes really hard

This is why English voice actors tend to sound better in English made animation. They didn't have to follow pre-recorded animation

Guys, I think this is bait.

So uh... Any dub actors who haven't taken the woke pill yet?

This user is right. If you think he's wrong, listen again to the difference between normal English and the English voice acting used in anime. It's the exact same difference as the one between normal Japanese and the Japanese voice acting used in anime.

Vic Mignogna

Like clockwork
>Look at me! I'm not lile all those normalfags! I'm a super special based and redpilled abnormal fag!!
Inb4 Seethe, cope, bluecringed, go back, reddit, tumblr etc.

>the English voice over came first
Which makes your initial post meaningless.

Just fuck off retard. You're not even worth wasting my keyboard switches.

>because in the case of Afro Samurai, the English voice over came first
Wow, so fucking clever of you. I didn't even watch it and I never said that Japanese is always better. All I said is ORIGINAL is always better, so learn hot fucking read and understand.

Because if you are any good at voice acting in America you'll typically be doing work for Disney, or other domestic animation companies before you do any work dubbing Japanese Cartoons.
People doing Anime Dubs are either huge fans of anime or the bottom of the barrel of Western Voice acting.

Then you have to factor in the language barrier, which filters out the problems with Japanese voice acting but doesn't English voice acting because you speak English of course.

Based answer.
Mostly everyone else here are brainwashed otakus.

>there are people in this thread that think that grannies voicing adult men is the best this industry has to offer
I know that burger voice acting is bad, but do you guys seriously believe that nip voice acting is any better?

its because u dont understand japanese. remember when you were five years old and didn't know what bad acting sounded like?

And why it should be used as argument? It's like comparing theatrical acting and complaining that it's not how people talks in real life. Open your fucking mind burger.

I miss Dan Green.


>this thread
The invasion is complete and was a massive success.

>japs talking normally sound different from anime
you don't fucking say. completely irrelevant

kill yourself

>Backpedaling this fucking hard
Concession accepted. Now commit seppuku as you have brought dishonor upon framiry, Nipnigger.

original voice acting is always better 100% of the time. any foreign dubbing is nothing but fake, imitation. if you watch dubbing of any kind, you're legitimately retarded.

This thread reeks of EOPs

Most of Watanabe's works have better dubs than subs. Contrarians will disagree but they are lying to themselves.


>normal Japanese
Did you ever hear it? It's one of the most disgusting spoken languages on earth on par with German, the fact seiyuu salvage this garbage into something people actually want to listen is a miracle in itself.

the yu yu hakusho dub fucking sucks.
i cant stand kuwabaras goddamn voice.

He got fired for not being woke

>its because u dont understand japanese
I understand and you're the one who is blindy retarded.

Anyway. What happened with this place. Of course, dubfags were always here, but I don't remember so much of this bullshit without counteraction. Sasuga 4channel.

No they are not, not alt all. How the fuck can you even justify that?

>thinking that what you said applies to anything that isn't live action
Do the nips pay you to be this retarded?

>remember when you were five years old and didn't know what bad acting sounded like?
Nope. I'm a dumb irrational weeb and everything good has to come from Japan, anything else is burger incel material xd.

Absolute slander. The German language is not disgusting, you're disgusting.

sad to be you
words of the truth
I know many EOPs that aren't so much retarded for defending the dubs. Maybe because they aren't burger EOPs.

>he thinks that casa blanca, the somnambulist, and gone with the wind are bad films because they're old
slow down there zoomer

>I understand and you're the one who is blindy retarded.
if your first language isn't japanese then you don't understand.
jlpt n1 or whatever metric you want to use means nothing

its because you don't understand it

People who claim to prefer dubs are either and or both
1) EOPs
2) Ironic weebs
And we have a mighty good bunch of both in this thread who need to go back to where they came from.

I love how Laura voices Jaina

I know we like getting on Funimation's case for seemingly "politicizing" the scripts of their dubs, and believe me I find that shit annoying too, but I feel like with Funi dubs it's less trying to be specifically political and more trying to be topical and "hip," which is due in part that Funimation is clearly ran by people who don't really care for anime as a medium, ironic weeb types, if you will. Their DanganRonpa dub comes to mind

>Dubfags are actually posting and lurking in defense of cringe western dubs

>if your first language isn't japanese then you don't understand.
please go being retarded somewhere else

afro samurai was never dubbed into japanese, it's an english original production
not an argument

There's not being woke and then there's "I personally contacted CLAMP to ensure that a character I dubbed in one of their shows was totally and 100% not gay." He's obnoxious too

that's what i thought.

Internet Refugees
Hirosimoot opened the borders to reddit, negogaf, tumblr, restera, facebook and just about everyone else

Attached: Fuck.png (858x377, 24K)

They're bureaucracies that control who gets what jobs and rewards seniority over talent or ability. There was a big strike in the US dubbing scene a few years ago over some dumb shit that the union dragged out to try and squeeze more concessions, and the result was that companies started to hire random people off the street, which is why you don't see nearly as many recognizable names in anime dubs as you would 10 years ago.

watch Spongebob in English
watch Boys Before Flower in Korean
watch Shutter in Thai
watch Battle Royale in Japanese
and so on

Feeling you are intellectually superior to people because you watch your cartoons and merry symphonies with subtitles is a really bad case of Dunning-Krueger. The majority of anime is dumb as hell regardless.

I knew that dubfags are retarded regardless of media type long before I started watching th anime.
And it's even worse with anime, because now I'm able to read comments of real retarded burger EOPs. It's even worse that I initially thought.

hochdeutsch is disgusting but swiss german is nice

They are literally just born with the anime-voice gene which Western people don't have.

you either watch anime in dubs or raw. subtitles are faggots

>Laura Bailey
Too bad, video game dub pays much better. Other than PreCure and some role reprising she rarely does anime anymore.

Justifying your lack of taste with reddit terminology is a bad case of needing to go back where you came from.
>a-anime is dumb anyway
Nice sour grapes

>10 posts saying the exact same thing
the wapanese brainwashing is real.

yeah it's impossible to speak more than one language
i'd know, i can barely speak english!

He also fired mods/jannies who tried banning anons for wrongthink and told them to step off when they tried to ban on-topic discussions they didn't like.

>What happened with this place
Yea Forums and shounenshit, I don't really have anything against shounen but the fanbases that they carry with them tend to be the lowest common denominator. I can guarantee everyone defending dubs ITT and using tired nonarguments like "you don't know japanese" have watched

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>another buzzwords
xenophobia is real

Modern American Unions are really quite weak due to the Conservative Party's hatred of worker's rights. Because of this in fields that have a strong Union still they fight tooth and nail to maintain influence.

This means that in the Voice Acting field the Unions have a strong lock-down on what Companies can have workers do. This is fine for Domestic work because that makes money, there's barely any money in Dubbing Jap media most of the time so the Companies hire shitty non-Union workers to act.

More successful anime like DBZ get better actors and it shows.

You burgers are the only ones not okay with anything that's not in your native language, retard.

Reminder: Latin Dub > Original Audio > Literally everythinjg else > Shit > Eng Dub
If you actually want an answer is because Voice Acting isn't an actual job in burgerland, why it sounds so bad? Because they pick whoever is walking by close to voice whatever is need at the moment, have seen any Pixar/Disney movies? They hire ACTUAL actors to make those voices which is the reason it sounds "right", but when it comes to anime you don't have any actor for that, you get whoever the nephew of the one in charge knows, simply put, Voice Acting isn't a job in english speaking countries. Being a Voice Actor IT IS a job in Latin America for example, not sure about in Europe, but you can actually make a career voicing characters and not acting at all in spanish speaking countries so you have actual "professionals" on the matter there.

Attached: Sakura heard you talking shit about the superior latin dub.jpg (960x720, 93K)

And culture.
Foreign games are butchered and culturized mainly because retarded burgers.

>english only bad!! japanese only good!!
lol, the irony

your definition of "understand" is retarded if you don't know 3000 kanji fluently and 40k vocab. if you can't give a college level speech and write college level papers you don't understand shit.

you're a otaku loser who did remembering the kanji and thinks he can hear the subtleties of a language he doesn't understand.

>perhaps i'm just watching anime for being entertained, not because it is something "that i'm interested in and should express genuine joy for".
>god, you "muh original version" people are pathetic. that's why i don't want to be labelled as a weeb.

He says this while posting on Yea Forums the anime board of Yea Forums an anime website

Or just shut the fuck up.

I don't like the way they roll their r's

Most japs can't even remember most middle school kanji.

>english only bad!!
If you don't know a second language you're actually smooth brained.

Is this a dubs thread? Roll.

i hardly know a word of japanese but im not a monolingual american retard
what the swiss? i dont notice it

EOP room temperature IQ strikes again


Avatar the Last Airbender has better voice acting than pretty much any Anime out there, by a lot.
Disney and Dreamworks productions have better voice acting than pretty much any Anime out there as well.
Many to most French productions have better voice acting than the average anime as well.

Understanding the language has nothing to do with understanding emotions. Understanding emotions from voice tone is your primal instinct. You're born with this ability.
Don't even try to deny it, because you'll make an even bigger retard from yourself.

Holy shit just noticed I was on /a, thought I must have been in a Yea Forums thread due to the ammount of dubfags
wtf is going on?

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>E-English dub bad

I'll never understand why Americans are so adamantly opposed to paying their workers reasonable wages.

I watched dub Shaolin Soccer. Even Shephen Chow voices his own character in English himself it really sounds weird.

You just think they’re better because you don’t speak Japanese this can’t tell if they suck or not


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Spoken German is absolutely disgusting mate and even most Germans agree on that because 4 out of 5 big accents are fucking gibberish, what you like is sterile version of the language and this is exactly the same as Japanese in anime.

Holy fuck. Like clockwork.

I don't prefer dubs, but people that like them don't really bother me

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>Most japs can't even remember most middle school kanji.
by most, do you mean the uneducated and retarded?

There are two shounenshit anime this season.

Based and dubpilled.

Every single high budget Western animated film has exceptional voice acting. Original Disney was probably the best there has ever been. People who dub anime are talentless failures who don't get paid anything, because the only people that watch dubs are poor brainlets who literally find reading too difficult.

I swear, dubfags are like bots.

is there any dubfags that aren't an american? anyone? I swear all dubfags are literal monolingual retards.

I agree, I thought we got rid of all of these unironic weebs and wapanese a decade ago. They just keep coming back.

>Understanding emotions from voice tone is your primal instinct.
you used to think barney/teletubbies/insert kids show here was real because you didnt understand english enough.

your primal instinct can identify what emotion is attempted at being conveyed, but your HUMAN instinct and understand if it is being conveyed well or poorly.


Burgeland was a mistake

Is this done by the same guy?

Yea Forums needs a split. Regular Yea Forums and a seasonshit version for tourists.

german speakers are to a degree incomprehensibly worse than americans
every single piece of media is dubbed into german and it's all atrocious

And people who only listen to japanese dubs are retarded weeaboos who stopped denying how pathetic they are.

the companies would rather mass import slave labor brown people and oversaturate the market than pay reasonable wages.
OH WAIT don't know this!

It's actually because the rich hate the poor!

keep going, I need more screenshots confirmation that monolingual people are literally a zombies

For the same reason Japanese dubs for western shit are also trash, dumbass

now that's a man who needs to be a voice actor

Voice acting can be pretty stellar in video games, though, to the point where I prefer it to any other language dub. Anime dubs just makes less money, ergo, less quality dubs.

Any person that started watching anime before the 2000 is a dubfag though, stop trying to fit in so hard.

Not to worry, the weak will always be the first to die.

The younger folks tend to watch the originals.

i read daily. jlpt n1 with 19k vocab, mature rtk, weekly lessons, speak in discords with japanese. you're a faggot otaku who loves anime so much that EVERYONE associated with anime must be perfect to you. it CANNOT BE SO that there exists A SINGLE DEFECT with anime to you.

>people who watch things in the original source language, in a country where voice acting is a full industry are retarded!
Nobody said they're watching English-original media in the Japanese dub, but nice attempt at reaching

The Jacobins had the right idea

Friendly reminder: the i-only-read-manga-fags are racist because they don't want to listen to japanese voices plus they need a static image to read properly

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You don't need to understand a language to be able to tell the difference between someone actually emoting and someone just reading their script aloud

>i read daily. jlpt n1 with 19k vocab, mature rtk, weekly lessons, speak in discords with japanese
I'm sure you do, burger.

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Dubbing video games is easier and pay much better though.

>i read daily. jlpt n1 with 19k vocab, mature rtk, weekly lessons, speak in discords with japanese.
that's literally impossible to know the language and using/defending foreign dubs for media of that language. Stop lying, brainlet-kun

>O-O-Original always better!!
Just give it up already

and it's exactly as retarded as dubbing anything else

Exactly. That's where the standout actors go, because they're better paid.

Although it's probably not easier. Some video games require thousands of recorded lines compared to 100s (at most) for 12 episode anime.

im defending the use of EITHER dubs OR raws.
to prove this to be true i'm asserting that people who use SUBTITLES are FAGGOTS and RETARDED.

Sad to be a person who is actually questioning the facts.

Not an argument

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Because no matter how good the dub voices are they'll never have a voice like Jouji Nakata.

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>people who use SUBTITLES are FAGGOTS and RETARDED.
I swear, burgers are mental

human emotions transcend language

that a dub can't be better than the original is simply not true, pic relatiert

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This is a retarded argument, as if I wouldn't fucking notice if I watched something like a Bertolucci film dubbed in the shitty german dubs that another user described in this thread instead of the original Italian or that I couldn't discern quality of delivery despite knowing how to speak neither of the languages. God I fucking hate Americunts.

I assume that you're using dubbed books too.

>thinking you are intellectual just because you read 10 words per page

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Dubfags are only to be ignored and spit on, don't reply to them

Anime voice actors in the west don't even get paid enough to make a living.
They have to finance their lives by selling signatures during conventions. Which works because people who watch dubs are retarded.

Actual autism, holy shit.

Laura Bailey is overrated as all fuck, she sucked voicing jap characters and is only decent for western garbage.

Cassandra Morris is the only western VA I recognize as capable of doing decent anime voices.

>to prove this to be true i'm asserting that people who use SUBTITLES are FAGGOTS and RETARDED.
you're right, user

it's a fact

no i get pissed off if theres any furigana
okay then you don't understand emotion, let alone language
you can't KNOW with absolute precision if it's bad/good without understanding the language

Yeah, such a ridiculous thing to say. It's only better about 98% of the time. Take that!
Aren't those people really mean for making you feel insecure like that, user? Bullying you just because you can't properly read.

Before I learned English and started reading burger boards I thought that Murica meme is nothing but stereotype. I can't believe how fucking unaware I was.

>You can't call original dubs bad cause you don't understand the language
>If you prefer Japanese voices when watching a Japanese work you're nothing but a weeb
>I want to see what's happening on the screen

What other dumb arguments am I missing that EOP dubfags usually go for?

b-b-but i love japan desu, if i watch the original dub then it'll help me learn japanese, right??

People probably just say that because they watched the dub on television when they were young and got used to it.
>Contrarians will disagree but they are lying to themselves.

ill post my IQ results (130= very superior)
assuming a standard population is what Yea Forums constitutes (it's probably lower lots of retard pinoys here) I have a 98.3% of being smarter than you.
admit that im superior and youre inferior
im strong youre weak

Regarding the idea of "getting the dialogue the way the writer intended", is there much difference between watching a dub or reading subs? You are still getting the translator's interpretation of the work rather than your own.
Obviously, this doesn't go for the anons who speak Japanese.

For most cases i think and are spot on. In the italian case that i know well, we have a dubbing school that track back to Fascism times, when they decided to ban movie with subtitles and start dubbing everything for nationalists reason. Me may have been the first country to do that on a maximun scale.
Thanks to that, while i agree the original Japanese voices are normally superior, voice acting in Italy is considered a prestigious job and mostly do a good job, and anime dubbing too.
Here the weeaboo purists didnt brad that much about the voices themselves, but rather the translations: until a decade ago for religious reasons often eccesive cursing, sexy scene and dialogues with too much "japanese spirituality" were often drammatically changed. I suppose the problem was that many famous anime were dubbed by the TV cable owned by Berlusconi, whose party was supported by god fearing housewives and pre-Yea Forums right wingers boomers

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ok, this is bait

>you can't KNOW with absolute precision if it's bad/good without understanding the language
I can't hear you talking, but I can still tell that you're retarded. If that isn't proof enough then I don't know what is.

death note english dub is objectively better than the jap version

I don't know, they are just simply retarded.
I'm curious how would they call me if i said that I'm watching American movies with American voices. Or French with French voices. Or 〇〇 with 〇〇 voices.
Fucking simple minded brainlets.


>t-the original better!
What other dumb "arguments" am I missing that weebs usually go for?

What do ironic weebs like you even go for with this same strawman slant? Are you guys just so insecure as to not be able to like what you like without any posturing and pretention?

>Actual answers are posted and no one comments on them.

then why was my VHS collection subtitled

J. Michael Tatum tends to be pretty good at what he dies, IMO. His Okabe was astounding.

Because your're a faggot weeb

>All these people that convinced themselves they truly enjoy English ""voice acting"" lashing out at others and outing themselves as tourists in the process

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Roll! That critical! (Critical)
Roll! That critical! (Critical)
Roll! That critical! (Vox Machina! Vox!)
Roll! That critical! (Machina! Vox!)
Roll! That critical! (Mighty Nein)
Roll! That critical! (Mighty, Mighty Nein)
Roll! That critical! (Roll the dice)
Roll! That critical! (Roll the dice)

The adventure begins
They were always beside you
Your nerdy best friends
And the DM to guide you
And they rise from flames for the battles ahead
Villains beware 'cause you're 'bout to be dead!

They got magic and flair
They got falchions and cunning
They don't see over there
There's a monster incoming
Inspiration is waiting
Rise up, don't think twice
Put your fate in your hands
Take a chance, roll the dice

Role! Critical! (Roll the dice)
Role! Critical! (Roll the dice)
Role! Critical! (Roll the dice)
Role! Critical! (Roll the dice)

Can you answer the call?
Dig in deep in your soul
As the legend unfolds
Now it's your turn (your turn)
To roll!

>if i watch the original dub then it'll help me learn japanese
So delusional that he's questioning the fact that listening the language that you're learning won't help you with your lessons.
Give me a fucking break.
No wonder why idiotic buzzwords like "weeaboo" originated from burgerland.

it's channeling your personality and amplifying parts of it that you know are offputting and people won't like.
and the cowboy bebop dub is better

>>All these people that convinced themselves they truly enjoy Japanese ""voice acting"" lashing out at others and outing themselves as weebs in the process

>death note english dub is objectively better than the jap version
not possible, sorry

I don't kid when I say its better to be an unironic weeaboo than the sort of scumsucking ironic weeb that thinks they're in any way superior by pretending like some facets of the hobby they seem to dislike so much are beneath them somehow.

>I learned japanese from watching Naruto dattebayo!!!!
You're not even trying, otaku.

You can still infer some of the meaning from the actors' tone and delivery, especially if you know even a little bit of Japanese.
Reading translated manga is for faggots, though.

Heres my stats
My iq is 400

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you've been resorting to 'no u' for the past couple posts bud

Subs are way closer to the original script because any localisations they make tend to be minor things like leaving out honorifics. Dubs rewrite the script to fit the language and cultural context, and a large amount of information is always lost or changed in the process. Then there's the fact that even if your Japanese (or whatever language the original work is in) isn't fluent, you can still understand a word here or there and pick up nuances based on inflections.

Trolling doesn't make you smart. It's the opposite.


>I don't kid when I say its better to be a pathetic weeaboo loser who's aware of his flaws and has stopped trying to get rid of them
God, you're embarrassing.

Most media in Spain is dubbed. This is embarrassing to admit, but I tend to give dubs a chance because I need to practice my English on a daily basis and combining it with anime is one of the best ways to do it. I have standards and will turn to the subs when the dub doesn't meet my expectations, though. My subs are in English regardless, but the extra listening is always welcome.

Dubfag is saying something about being embarrassing. Wow.

>Enjoying something is a flaw
Honk honk

Oh great, now we're even losing "otaku" to the same language relativity crowd that doesn't fucking understand what words really mean. Kind of makes me wonder what you guys are actually meaning when you use "weeb"

>especially if you know even a little bit of Japanese.
you still don't know enough to be certain it's worse or better though.
You're an overconfident fool who, with no structured justification, asserts that he/she KNOWS that the disparity exists. After you become more aware (educated) you'll be able to have a more trustworthy opinion, but for now you are relegated to the "otaku retard" dumpster

He's still right though

There is a reason why when Disney makes big budget animated movies they hire actual actors

Anime voices have a certain cadence and characteristics that are unnatural within the English language. Various verbal tics, pauses, emphasis on certain words/syllables, etc mark large differences in how Japanese is spoken versus English. Dubs often try to mimic the Japanese voices as much as possible, leading to copying these traits, which sound unnatural in English. Additionally, they often have to work with lip flaps, further shortening lines and making them sound odd to us.

This is why voice actors who sound like shit in anime dubs often sound fine in western produced video games and cartoons, because they're not trying to adapt the idiosyncrasies of another language into our own. Likewise, dubs that adapt lines into ways that are more in line with how English is actually spoken fair better. Baccano comes to mind as an example, even if it isn't perfect.

Who are you quoting?

you're gonna end up with a weird english accent that sounds like a badly acted childrens cartoon

Lurk more you fucking tourist

See my post

While i think Japanese dub is still superior for anime, Italian voice actors still pretty much do a very good job in most cases. At least better than most eng dub anime stuff i watched out of curiosity

while death note's dub is better than most, you are still objectively wrong

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Does english dubbed media sound better to you than Spanish dubbed media?

Heres a (You) for answering OP's question in less then 100 post.

>"Weeaboos!" he cries, on the Anime and Manga board for the 100th time

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>Obsessing over a piece of fiction isn't a flaw.
Like I said, embarrassing.

Nessuna recalcitranza

Well, I'll have to be content being a faggot because I like manga but don't speak Japanese.

But waifu= girl and fanservice = nudity, don't you know.

Where the fuck do you think you are newfag?

This, what kind of pleb comes to an anime board on an anime website and then complains about "muh weebs"

shut up ESL i can barely understand you writing in english i can't imagine how badly you comprehend subbed anime LOL

I can't wait for the day the US balkanizes and descends into civil war.

>less than 2 hours
>350 posts
You niggers are animals.

Why is localization a thing? I understand some things, for example, the memes in Steins;Gate; substituting 2chan memes for western memes wasn't that tacky and made sense; memes without context mean jackshit. But when it's about traditional Japanese expressions, customs and such I don't know why alter the dialogue for any other reason than lipsinking. I don't mind a cultural reference going over my head if it isn't crucial to the story, honestly.

Is this what Hell is like?

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>western dub directors literally could not give less of a shit
look at this retard

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subfags are anxious that they haven't learned the language yet and can watch it raw

holy fuck i cant believe this thread is still u
i thought the mods were better than this

Isn't that you? People with actual taste are just disgusted seeing brainlets who aren't passionate about their hobbies.
Personally I don't trust people who have no hobbies and passions. They are usually pathetic jealous close minded people who are complaining and bithcing about anything which is not approved by general public. You're one of them, go fuck yourself.

dubs aren't scarce though? Most anime that isn't slice of life dog shit gets a dub nowadays. The most popular anime get dubs the day the subs are out on crunchyroll.

>shut up ESL
At least he know more languages then his own Mr. Simple Minded EOP.

I already speak English; I have a certified C1 level, which makes me qualified for teaching. I do have a native Spanish accent, but without living abroad there's little I can do to fix that. My English does have a certain American feel to it because those were my primary sources. Also, can acting really affect someone's speech? That doesn't make all that sense.

>he thinks hes japanese because he has japanese audio
>can't read or speak japanese
>has to concentrate on reading the english so he doesnt even hear the voices audiologically
>thinks the voices sound good even though he doesnt focus on them

Lol this thread is full of subhumans.

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Because of . If you don't do it, it sounds like ass regardless of who's delivering the lines. So the only option if you want something approaching natural sounding dialogue is to rewrite the script. And then you get the obvious issues we're talking about here, where a large amount of information is lost in translation. In the end, dubbing is always a lose-lose situation.

I really like some of my countries VAs at least as much as the originals most of the time.

I actually prefer to watch the english dub of trigun for vashs voice actor alone.

Burgerland. Look what happened with Xenoblade 2 in the west. It's complete rewrite. Literally complete rewrite. Culturized shit approved by retarded burgers and EOPs.

My question is how you can be passionate with this hobby and NOT be a subfag? So many great shows don't even have foreign dubs and of the ones that do only a few are passable.

It's no use saying that here. Weebs will do anything to stay adhered to their beliefs.

Fucking this. The more I learn moon the more cringy anime sounds to me. I'm actually not sure if I should keep going or not.

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So it is good then.

i watch it in raws and read the japanese subtitles for studying purposes. english subs are retarded

>SOL is dogshit
Kind of alarming how y'all fit the stereotype perfectly every single time

You can't. Dubfags are normies who don't watch any anime past the most mainstream shit or trolls.

>imagine writing this shit unironically

I like certain dubs because they sound like english in that they use slang and swearing like in a trollsub/abridged version. Don't think its superior but I think the most superior way would be just to watch raws and know japanese so but I still watch subs most of the time

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So what you're telling us is
You have ADHD?

Definitely. I think that my ability to tolerate English dubs even when they are mediocre stems from the fact that the words sound foreign enough not to get an audible uncanny valley, if that makes sense. When I debate myself whether to watch a dub or a sub, the dub is always English. I've only made exceptions when watching shows with my friends or family, as they are not that purist and can put up with the acting. Spanish dubs are a mixed bag; I don't know that many but, for instance, I gave a chance to Steins;Gate and by God, I understood why some people are so adamantly against dubs in that moment. However, Death Note has an amazing dub and whenever I rewatch the series I always do it in Spanish. I've heard that "Monster"'s dub is also fantastic, but I've never watched it.
>TLDR: Generally speaking, English dubs sound better than Spanish dubs, albeit with few exceptions.

>he more I learn moon the more cringy anime sounds to me
You don't even know the kana right?

>he thinks he's making an argument
>can't make a point so he has to make up a strawman for greentext
>has to concentrate on misusing words like audiologically
>thinks he's being smug but really just proving himself retarded

As a spanish speaker i like to listen the original audio. Anime, northamerican movies and series, etc.

A perfect example of how failure to adapt idiosyncrasies can absolutely kill a script is the original Resident Evil. Native English speakers, but the lines sound so awkward and terrible because the writers were Japanese directly translating the script into English without regard for how English is actually spoken. Sure, the VAs were clear amateurs, but it didn't help that they were being directed from a Japanese language perspective and the lines were direct translations.

Seeing as how you guys are all apparently experts on Japan, how do I tell somebody to "have sex" in Japanese?

i fansub and put frames of gay porn on the top of the screen for subbers like you, and i never get complaints, because you only focus on hte bottom of the screens

I liked Brina Palencia as Holo

if this is true, then why the fuck does western shows sound okay to me?
because my virgin brain is adding emotions to words i fucking understood?
just admit ur industry is shit

>put frames of gay porn on the top of the screen

Attached: debiru.gif (540x304, 1.86M)

Native Japanese haven't figured that one out yet.

The most ironic fact is that Resident Evil was written and voiced originally in English from the scratch,


I want off your magical realm DM, quit projecting your gay fantasies.

>Your a normal fag if you enjoy things that I don't.
What does that mean you esl nigger? Explain yourself.

Keep in mind I'm only talking about Spain's dubs; I haven't watched any in Latino so I can't judge. Latin America has a wider audience for anime, for obvious reasons, so I don't disregard the possibility that they are outright better.


Who the fuck is this 3dpd and why are you posting her on my board.


The problem is with voice acting in America. Its not a high paying job like to what acting is. In Japan they have schools to help train people in order to become a voice actor and its a legitimate profession without being mocked at. While in America its hard to find new talent with dubbing anime, and that's why you always hear the same voice actor in dubbed anime.

what the hell, that was Bryan Cranston as MC of Macross Plus. I never realized this, always thought he did a great job.

Also he doesn't even remember doing it.

Did they have actual native English speakers on the writing staff? Originally the script was written in Japanese, and then translated. It was produced by Japanese.

Kazuma is the only one who sounds weak to me; the original seiyuu is too damn good. Well, and Aqua too, but the bar was set pretty high for her too. Everyone else does a good enough job not to guarantee complains. You can still complain, sure, but only if you are more exigent.

Why are there no subs yet for Mine Fujiko's Lie?

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Will Right Stuff have the audacity to dub SZS? It was one of very few anime I considered completely undubable.

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No it wasn't. Exactly like Bayonetta, Devil My Cry and games from Metal Gear universe.

Don't know. My guess is either or that animation is traditionally made by drawing everything AFTER voices have been recorded. Take a manga adapted to an anime, for example. The directors would first focus on the voice actors emoting the lines as properly and accurately as you'd imagine the static scene drawn out in the manga. Then, the frames are drawn such that they not only reflect the manga's art, but capture the very specific nuances and timing of the jap voice acting itself. This has the benefit of a before/after benefit, in that before the recording is created the studio puts lots of emphasis on getting the voices right, then after the recording the animators do a good job of making the art match the voices more naturally.

Dubs, on the other hand, don't have the same direction philosophy. While you might imagine that the only thing they worry about is voice acting and so they should hit the nail on the head, the fact of the matter is that the animation is complete and won't be tailored to the nuances and timing of the dubbed voices as they were for the original jap VAs. Combine this with the fact that dub VAs try to imitate the emotion and timing of the Japanese VAs as opposed to focusing on emoting the source material (manga) first, and you already introduce orders of removal that would result in a very fake sounding impression.

It works both ways, too. Imagine a dreamworks or Pixar movie, which are made off of storyboards and with English in mind, first. Ignoring lip sync issues that can't be corrected in 3D animation, the dubs produced for other countries (like Japan) will sound off, in a similar way that anime dubs sound off for us compared to the subs.

That's my guess, at least.

Sekkusu suru koto ga dekimasu

They could localize it and change a shitton of the jokes and references. It wouldn't really be the same experience though.

Wait, you don't listen to the voices? What kind of dumbass are you? I don't speak a word of Japanese, hell, the English subs I read are my second language, and I can still appreciate the actors' performance. You might just be dumb. Knowingly tuning out the voices; for fuck's sake.

With every dub you watch the funny parts and jokes are different so if you really love a show you should give the english and native/second language dub a try because if it's not too bad ( or expecially bad) you'll have more fun rewatching it in those slightly altered versions.

>It wouldn't really be the same experience though.
like literally any other dub

You're a weeb. At least in burger standards.

I think the problem for SZS is less of a dubbing issue and more that the references are largely incomprehensible for people who aren't Japanese. It would be like watching Deadpool as someone who's unfamiliar with American culture.

I hope this thread is a joke and pure shitposting if it's not i would be VERY VERY sad

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Ocean did Gintama and Funi just did Nichijou. If there is market for it any anime shows are dub-able.

It's a real pity. But then, we shouldn't blame the actors for their performances; anyone with a minimum understanding of the medium, such as you, would know that they are limited by what they have to work with. Even then, while I wouldn't be so bold as to claim that dubs can surpass the original, they can at times match it even if only on certain areas. Some of my best experiences with anime have been watching dubs; I guess those are the lucky ones.

The influx of shonenfags has given Yea Forums a case of terminal cancer. Fuck you, Moot.

Well I definitely remember enjoying the dub outtakes for Texhnolyze since the cast seemed to enjoy themselves a lot in those, not to mention the dub for Texh is pretty alright too. Still though, I don't get why that should be an argument for becoming a dub purist like what a lot of people here are arguing for; I can enjoy a dub but most of the time I'd still prefer the original.

I like Ashly.

Pretty much what this guy said.

Western dub actors are bottom of the barrel trash compared to typical Western voice actors. Dubs go for non-union.

It's not a problem of anime dubbing. It's not even a problem of dubbing Japanese media.
It's a general problem of dubbing regardless of country origin. Dubs literally shouldn't even exist/ The whole idea behind the dubs is so fucking illogical and simple minded that I can't even find proper words to describe how.

It's an inherent problem of dubbing, but in English anime dubs the problem is exacerbated by low budget and low effort performances.

What's the difference between dub actors and voice actors?

I wish we could just go back to when we actually knew what people meant when they used words like weeb, otaku, waifu, etc. Time and again people keep proving to me that getting your hobbies popular just lowers the standard of quality in discourse (and sometimes of the hobby itself) for everyone. We need to stop vilifying elitism imo.

That would just be Shin Chan 2.0 except without the novelty of putting adult jokes in a children's show.
The Gintama dub was meh. They tried carrying the puns over to mixed success. Gintoki's voice wasn't deadpan enough.

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Yu Yu Haskusho

I don't think that most dubfags think that dubs are superior to subs, just that they are not as despicable as subfags say. That's my take on it; I could be wrong.

>The whole idea behind the dubs is so fucking illogical and simple minded
yeah fuck visually impaired people

Actual voice actors like Billy West or John DiMaggio, as opposed to the rotating cast of literally whos in anime dubs. The literally whos who are worth a shit occasionally graduate to become real voice actors.

Its just to let kids enjoy media that aren't yet able to read fast enough to follow subtitles.

>Time and again people keep proving to me that getting your hobbies popular just lowers the standard of quality
Of course. I always said that getting normalfags into anime is the worst idea ever.

Technically they're the same profession, but the kinds of quality VAs that do cartoons and western games, they're all union. Dub companies are typically stingy as all hell.

True. Sometimes you get some real passion among the staff, though; when the people behind the dub are enthusiastic it really shows. J. Michael Tatum is my favorite example to bring up.

You didn't disprove my point you inbred nigger.

Dubfags are lost; you're not on reddit. Nobody likes your failed actors that cant even read line to save their lives.

How the fuck you gon be watching anime if youre blind you stupid nigga

Or understand that there are other cultures then their own.
The problem is, burgers are still so fucking simple minded even if they are getting older.
It's exactly like this:
So no wonder if they are defending the lowest possible tier of media consumption.

you do realize there's more types of blindness besides "everything is literally black", right

>That would just be Shin Chan 2.0 except without the novelty of putting adult jokes in a children's show.
When people mention this I get curious. Shin-Chan was a fairly popular show in my native Spain; I wonder if its dub was altered or if it stuck to the original source. I remember getting a very Spanish vibe from it, like the kind of delivery and humor that sounded very natural for a Spanish speaker. They might have tweaked it like they did in the US.

>trusting a fan subber group instead of a paid funimation translation expert
I'll stick to dubs

>We need to stop vilifying elitism imo.
Are you saying that in general? Because there's not a single board that glorifies elitism more than Yea Forums.

Cowboy Bebop. I remember hearing that the nips liked it better

In Italy dubs were godtier in the 90's and early 2000.
Tried to listen something recently dubbed and the quality went to shit.
Mainly because they now hire nonames when before they used to hire the same VAs that dub movies (for example the guy that dubbed Frodo in LOTR dubbed Naota in FLCL)
It's all about the money

I can't wrap my head around why American dubs did shit like turning rice balls into what was it, donuts? Where I'm from they were rice balls; people just correctly assumed that that is a normal dish for the Japanese and went on with it.

Yeah in general discourse all throughout media discussion on the internet and in communities.

It's not an argument for becoming a purist of any kind, just my reason for watching dub from time to time and being happy it exists. Another strong point are the kiddy kino openings you grow up with and end up loving way too much as well as the possibility of finding openings in all kinds of other languages of which some are really great.

It's shit.

>I remember hearing that the nips liked it better
No one ever posted the source of this bullshit though.

I exclusively watch dubbed anime just to piss off fat, seething weebs like yourself. If I wanted to READ anime, I'd buy the fucking MANGA, you subhuman cuck. You'll never be j*panese. Deal with it.

Now eat my shit, you moldy cuntflap. :)

The belief that children are stupid and will get confused if a food they don't know is talked about.

>3DPD in the OP
At least spoiler that shit.

The Funimation dub threw out the Japanese script entirely. They added cursing and American pop culture references for an adult rating. It's hilarious but some of the jokes are dated.
>Oh no they killed reincarnated Hitler!
>Just when he was turning over a new leaf

>(for example the guy that dubbed Frodo in LOTR dubbed Naota in FLCL)
That's pretty cool. Death Note in Spanish had Simba as Light Yagami and Monster had Tom Cruise as Johan Liebert.

Actually that's an unfounded rumour, Watanabe never said anything to the effect of "Bebop dub's better". If I remember correctly someone misinterpreted something he said in an interview and it became a myth through memetic mutation and gossip. In fact when he screened Bebop for a foreign audience in a festival once he used JP audio.

Alright, good. Just making sure we're on the same page.

I guess can't compare jap va to eng va if the english va are handicapped this much.

So clever. IQ200.

Most americans didnt even know who japan was at that time
everything asian got labled as chinese hence the term "chinese cartoons"

Watanabe's shows are blessed with fantastic dubs all around.

I remember one anime or video game that had pretty good voice acting because they just hired theatre actors to do the voice work instead of cheap actual vas, anyone know which anime or game that was?

LOL no.

Why are you on Yea Forums?

Americans are so retarded thet they even localized already English book. Harry potter is using different terms in burgerland. So fucking embarrassing.

>Why are nips so much better at voice acting than pretty much any western person?
They're not, it's just that anime dubbing is the lowest of the low. They're like a subhuman caste.


Dub groups hire cheap, local actors for cents on the dollar. They don't have proper voice directors and they don't have access to the writing staff or producers. You have a group of people who can't act with nobody telling them how to act. Of course they sound like shit.

Actual actors, like the kind that work for real networks are far better. Big budget affairs, like films, have the best of the best.

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>not being pozzed to fuck is a bad thing
Go dilate.

In germany the guy who dubbed johnny debb also dubbed a lot of characters in anime and tv.

You'd think that the US of all countries wouldn't forget about Japan.

Don't post until you're 18



Nobody can keep track of all those dropped things so far from home, I don't blame them.

That "argument" has been debunked time and time again though.

I'm still right, and I'm not your bud.

Because it's their culture. Try to watch American programming dubbed in Japanese. You'll be surprised.

I bet you not a single Japanese dub of a western show sounds good.

That's pretty obvious. Every dub is a trash.

>sweaty fat fuck weebs have no argument

they use the same cliche role voices for characters which aren't fitting at all. forcefully masculine or unnaturally graspy to the point where it's distracting. watch the 24 dub in japanese it's horrible
it proves that dubs > subs

>paid funimation translation expert
Dubfags everyone.

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Actually, they use the same VAs that they use for anime and games to do their dubs, unlike the west.

Although, I'm not qualified to say if it's any good.

>ignoring fuckton of arguments
Twitter is this way.

Why do most dub VAs whisper their lines?

>I'm not qualified to say if it's any good.
it's bad when it's not anime.

It's surprisingly close.

Recording studios used to not have soundproof booths.

>You just like the Japanese because you can't tell whether it's bad
>You just know that the English is bad

What is your point?

>dub apologists believe this

lmao you dont have any arguments you dumb wapanese shithead.

Now go the fuck to bed, David-Kun. LULZ!!!

Your mom know that you're posting on 18+ board?

dubfags are worse than cremes and must be genocided

Maybe reddit's more your speed?

>Guy who knows things here
wow, this guy must know what he's talking about

>reads subtitles

This can't be anything but blatant falseflagging right? If this was typed out unironically then I'm pretty disappointed with how this board's turning out.

>hUrR DuRr uR uNdEr 18!!!!!!
I accept your concession.

Its more it just sounds awkward for English speakers acting out translated lines that was still taken from Japanese speech patterns and trends.

Why d0nt y0U!!!! go back!@222@!!!!!!!
REddit SHIT!!!!1!!

>I accept your concession.
Fine, Now go to your mom and show off that you won

Yeah. even Sugita in Endgame was pretty bad.
dubbing of any kind is just trash.
original voice > everything

I don't understand why you manime faggots don't just watch shit from the past decades to get your fix, there's no shortage of stuff that appeals to you guys from then. Nor do I understand the vitriol for moe and sol, is it really that you want for anime to homogenize into nothing but toonamibait?

>he thinks everyone here lives with their mom
Nice cope mechanism.

The board became too friendly to tourists, It's already been dead for years.
I only stick around out of habit, but it never stops being a sad sight.

Do you seriously think a dub actor was in any position to contact the original mangakas you retard?

Honestly this.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

please say "manga artist" or "author of the comic" you otaku EOP. stop butchering words

For the last time it isn't better. You don't understand niponese. You hear cool foreign sounds and assume it's good because you can't comprehend the nuances of the language.

You're a faggot weeaboo

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Sure smells like Yea Forums in here

>doesn't know that moe exist in anime and Japanese popculture probably way longer than he lives on this planet
Moe haters are as retarded as dubfags and cartelfags.

Problem, nigger????

After the old x-men cartoon dub they wanted to stay away from screaming for a while.

>Thread of weebrage and dub defenders going back and forth reaches bump limit


I invite you to read the thread where we've been talking about that dumb point for hours

I find it hard to read and still pay attention to what's happening. I tired watching subs but I read a line and totally miss what's happening. Dubs are good for anime because I can understand the language

I watched YYH, Slam Dunk, DB and DBZ in English and it was okay.

>look at me I'm so mature, not like all these weebs. I need to invade "weeb" board ans call them a weebs because I'm so mature of course
Stop it. You're just pathetic.

Yes, it does. Now go back, you AIDS-infested tranny.

There's no shortage of stuff that appeals to them now. This idea that moe and sol have dominated all anime is nothing more than a delusion they have.

thanks for the input Chad Centrist

Holy fuck. Like clockwork.


It's like dubfags are robots primed and ready to respond this whenever the topic comes up, I hate to use this word but it really seems like a coping mechanism.

Even toonamibait is better than moe garbage sol. Only the most mentally ill people watch that stuff and actually try to argue that it's better than even the most bottom of the barrel shonenshit. The only sol that are good are cromartie and nichibros.

>The board became too friendly to tourists
That's just fucking wrong. This place never got any less harsh. There's simply too many Yea Forums retards. As many we tell to fuck off, more surge in.


>like they really don't want to do it.

They don't.

>S E E T H I N G
another twitterfag spotted. Fo fuck yourself.

>Yea Forums pretends they have better taste than Yea Forums
>They're all dubfags
It never gets old

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>cromartie and nichibros.
ewwwwwwww it's retarded.
once you finish puberty you'll enjoy sol more than shoushit

Honestly if that's your actual experience then I cant really fault you for dubfagging. Don't you think you'd get used to it overtime or that your reading speed would improve? I personally feel like watching something altered so heavily as to replace all of the actors gives you a very different experience.

I did after I made my post and everyone on my side curbstomed the weeb copers. We keep using the same argument because you can never debunk it.

Last season was almost nothing but isekaishit and moeshit.

>imagine unironically believing in this crap

Your strawman doesn't even argue against our point that the dub fucking sucks. You're just saying "Well, the jap audio probably sucks too. You don't know, weeb".

Actual actors sound good when they do an english dub. They have to be good actors first though.

steve blum is good. cowboy bebop was good

>the retarded weeaboo NPC keeps spouting false assumptions in an attempt to COPE
Stay mad. :)

How could you even hate on those two? Then again, I'm talking to someone who actually sat down and watched garbage like non non biyori. You're mentally ill.

You wonder why every other board mocks you? This is why.

Except for most of the side characters, who range from decent to bad, but we don't talk about that part of the Bebop dub.

Faggot weeb

Yeah Bebop had a phenomenal dub, I just have a problem with the underaged dubfags who are so insecure with what they like that they have to denigrate the original japanese dub as if it wasn't of the same or arguably better quality.

>We keep using the same argument because you can never debunk it.
It was "debunked" literally hundreds of times in this thread alone. If you're saying this shit unironically, it means that your brain is completely dead already and there's no hep for you.

You'll understand why SOL series are actually the essence/pinnacle of anime when you grow up.

Have we ever had actual actors in an anime dub?

Watch the Feng Shui episode dubbed and subbed and tell me that the dub's better

Asshole, I speak English. It's the reverse of why you think I can't tell jap voices are bad.

user please. Kill yourself.

Nah, just in certain game dubs.

>than pretty much any western person
That isn't true though. There are a ton of amazing western voice actors, they just don't do anime dubs.

Reminder that this man hasn't watched Bebop all the way through.

>episode with jecht and the girl with the bad voice actor
you win this one

I'm 29. I've been told this well over a decade ago and my opinion hasn't changed. I realised the people who like that trashy genre are people who are lifeless, ironically.


I like comparing Blum's take on both Spike and Mugen. They are pretty much polar opposites, but he is convincing with in either role.

You need to grow up mentally, user.

Dubfags are the ones doing mental gymnastics trying to view something that's inferior for a multitude of reasons already stated in this thread, there's nothing to "debunk" from your side.
>You can't understand it! It's just foreign sounds!
Emotion and vocal qualities are something universally understood, even if you don't understand Japanese, which I do because I'm not a crossboarding EOP.
Also even if that were the case, since I do understand English I have the authority to say that English dubs (not English original content) are garbage.

It's not, I was baiting for an angry reaction but thank you for being so positive.

You seem to be more familiar with that neck of the woods than me, user

>something universally understood
but they aren't universally conveyed. you don't understand japanese so you don't understand it lines being conveyed

>Dubfags are the ones doing mental gymnastics trying to view something that's inferior for a multitude of reasons already stated in this thread
Honestly, this. There's no point in further arguing.

It's the most egregious example, but there are quite a few moments that expose how inconsistent the dub's quality is. The faults usually get overshadowed by the main performances though.

>go listen to this bad dub
>it proves that dubs are good
are you retarded?

I was convinced subfags have no argument after witnessing them circlejerk of the the nip dub on Danganronpa V3. Many of the English voices were actually great. Subfags simply want to seem "cultured" or as if they're part of some secret club while the "evil normies" watch their inferior dubs. It's childish.

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El Hazard's director considers the dub superior.

the convo about the dog whistle and how it works in one of the first few episodes was also really fucking bad. i remember that one sticking out to me

They can't all be winners. Besides, that episode is the weakest in the series.

>that episode is the weakest in the series.
>literally a testing ground for what would become samurai champloo

Vash was voiced by a power ranger. If that counts as an actor.

Thank God Samurai Champloo was much better. Even then, SC was kind of inconsistent in the quality of its episodes.

Some dubs add a whole new level to characters or even the entire show:

Shut the fuck up nigger, you are literally replying to a shitposter, the fuck do you expect to happen? Just report and ignore the faggot.

What are dubfags like irl? They don't really exist in my country.

You can tell emotions from a voice without understanding the words, unless you're autistic.

>dubfag uses Yea Forums memes

You don't convey emotion the same way in every language, brainlet retard

This is really really ironic considering where we are. I can't believe you went and posted that considering this fact.

Sasuga EOP.

>unless you're autistic


I think Laura Bailey is very cute.

The first thing that shocked me when I started consuming foreign content is the fact that regardless of culture and language people are stating their emotions in the same fucking way. I was double shocked when I started learning English and then Japanese. That's fucking amazing and beautiful.
You need to be really autistic if you aren't capable of reading the emotions.

>considering where we are
Yea Forums isn't Yea Forums, now get back.

I'm surprised at the amount of replies this thread got considering the topic has been discussed to death at this point.

they're not exactly the same. so you therefore can't know with absolute certainty which one is better or not.
subfags BTFO once again

It's still a place filled with manchildren, so your post is very ironic.

Yea Forumsermin should be gassed at sight, shitty subhumans running rampant and shitting on every board they can.

Ironic indeed since you are here at this very moment, manchild-kun.

Everyone is a "manchildren". Some people (normafags) are just trying to hide it.

yeah, fuck off already

okay autist-kun

*snickers nefariously*

At least I'm not low enough to watch moe sol garbage.

>moe sol garbage
sad to be you

>This entire fucking thread
I needed this today.

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This is what I call "Yea Forums's Quality of Posting".

At least I'm not low enough to come from a board which defends its title as worst board on Yea Forums with everything they can.

I can't remember a bad japanese dub of a more popular cartoon. But other language do just as well.

I've made some precious screenshots. Thank you all dubfags for enriching my collection of pure brain cancer.

enjoy your forced meme shit screenshots of retards pissing in a sea of dogshit piss. nobody here is serious

Children in the US are protected from having to see foreign foods while children around the world happily listen to Wakko teaching them the names of the us presidents, states and capitals.

Another point that also get brings up usually is how the original is always better, thanks for bringing that up.

Mexican dubs from the 90s are on par with Japanese

>Children in the US are forced to fight and die for Israel

>nobody here is serious
Indeed, you can't make a point with shitposters since they never have their brains on.


am i retarded lads, why the fuck i click on a thread just to be mad? i know it would be just a bunch of people praising english dub as the best.

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I can't believe that we still have threads like this (I mean dubfags) in 2019. Fucking simple minded brainlets.

because you keep giving it a response

Not so much anime, but I like to watch cartoons in latino or japanese sometimes.

I thought it was more an /int/ dub kind of thread.

So can we make a /dub/ board already or what?