lolis are pretty hot
Lolis are pretty hot
then they should get air conditioning
Is this some sort of mod posted global 3 bait?
Yeah, not happening.
Your last thread was deleted, user. Stay deleted for good.
lolis are not allowed you are about to get removed
Is this some joke? since when anons here became massive fags?
There literally new loli anime shows you retards
At least one of those is Juju
That has nothing to do with this thread, if you want to talk about an specific showd then talk about it in their proper threads.
Lolifags are the real homo fags. Little girls have the same body as little boys.
Can you stop baiting? it's not a porn board. sfw lolis are allowed like. Thick girls porn is not allowed as well
You ruined this board
It's a very simple, user. You made this exact same thread before and it got deleted for some reason. That means you are doing something wrong and therefore you should stop doing it, easy.
I'm not the same user, retard
It doesn't matter, the point is still the same.
And you should stop acting like some higher priority user you faggot janny
i miss the comfy loli threads from 2015
my local fbi agent also agrees with this op
I'm just helping you understand your mistake. I'm not a jany btw.
I miss the comfy loli threads from last week.
This thread is just cursed.
Lolis get me pretty hot
OK juju ''basics'' you fucking cocksucking cunt
Good, you understand the rules now. I guess your diseased dead brain revived by some miracle, yay~
Yes officer this post right here
a shota is fine too
Hi Juju.
Third posts isn't mine, but hi.
Why are creatures so verboten?