What is your favorite stand?
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Is Iggy vs Pet Shop the best Stand fight?
Stone Free
GER, aka “No.”
Iggy was useless
If it wasn't for Iggy, they wouldn't have found Dio's mansion in time.
weather reports stand is pretty OP
Unironically Dragon's Dream, D4C best design though
absolutely based, this and Catch the Rainbow are my favorites
Star Platinum!
For me it's Bad Company
>Catch the Rainbow
Severely underrated stand
All the stands have cool and different design it's hard to choose
King Crimson and Tusk Act IV are pretty baller
I'd like KQ more but the weird kilt that only exposes the groin puts me off.
stone free looks ridiculously better with the slots compared to when she has a visibly human face
Magician's Red is basic as fuck compared to any other stand looks and powers wise but I can't help but love it anyway. I wonder if Araki will ever make more stands with animal motifs rather than android looking stuff he gravitates towards.
Stabghost the best
[abilities] are gay
I have no friends.
Woah, based hairposter.
Grateful Dead 100%. Both the design and sound effects used for it are absolutely incredible and unique. Prosciutto is one of my favorite minor villains of any anime. Plus the fight itself was miles ahead of any other Part 5 fight.
Sticky fingers or Earth Wind and Fire
Weather report for sure. On top of being great all around, it's named after one of my favorite bands.
Also this
Part 3 is special due to how basic Stands were compared to later. It's like a series of storytelling experiments told as a Saturday Morning cartoon. Araki maintains a lot of the fundamentals he founded in Parts 1 and 2 while evolving into something not quite seen before. I don't think it gets enough credit for transforming the series and I think it holds together better because of its simplistic structure as Araki figured out how to make Stands work with his writing style rather than also try to develop a complex plot.
I like every Part but for some reason Heirophant Green is one of my all-time favorites.
Deadly Queen
Blue Power Ranger
design and ability wise
Probably the most underrated stand ever showcased.
Weather Report is the best character, has the best stand and one of the best music references yet, he's an easy pick.
only appeared once, but it had a amazing pressure
Not the most op but i love its ability, this and weather report
>ice powers
>chameleon motif
I don't understand.
Based. Diver Down compliments Annasui greatly for some reason.
that's because he wants to dive into jolyne
Soft n Wet is cool too
(Paisley is thicc, I like her too)
He saved Polnareff so that he can be in part 5.
People focus on giving it shit for its inconsistent abilities but I don't think a single stand matches the style and fashion level of Gold Experience, and I'm so glad the anime went with pink Giorno because he looks even fucking sexier with it. I also really like the theme of giving life to what it touches/defying fate (GER) and the significance of that to Giorno's story
It's the ugliest joestar stand you dunce. We all know stone free is the most stylish stand with its sunglasses and python shoulder plates
Star platinum remains my favorite after all this time, despite all the stands I've seen with amazing designs and really unique powers. Something about its design and the fact that it looks like some extraterrestrial aztec god just instantly captivated me.
Objectively trash opinion
You have no idea how many times I've fantasized having CD dorara'ing my personal items
This. Gold Experience or Crazy Diamond has to be my favorite, but Gold Experience wins just from the cool ability + appearance.
Crazy Diamond is my favourite based purely on ability, but Silver Chariot is my favourite stand when you consider the totality of ability, design, fighting style, etc
The abilitys of this stand is just meh, but his puzzle dessign is just magnificent when he appears for the first time
If Jonathan had a stand what do you think it would be?
It's pretty up there. If we divide stand battles into five tiers. It's Tier 2 battle.
Design wise, Black Sabbath
Ability wise, Gold Experience pre organ creation
Came to post this. It's the best, K.C. is a close second for me.
Jojo stand rankings in terms of appearance:
Gold Experience > Soft & Wet > Tusk Act 2 > Crazy Diamond > Star Platinum > Tusk Act 4 > Tusk Act 1 > Tusk Act 3 > Stone Free
in no particular order
>Hermit Purple
>The Hand
>Little Feet
>Purple Haze
>Highway Star
>Catch the Rainbow
>Beach Boy
>Sex Pistols
If Charles II of the house of hapsburg had a stand, what would it be and what would it do?
Ability wise I'd have to go with Rainy Days, Dream Away from Purple Haze Feedback. But since it doesn't really have an appearance, I'd have to go with pic related, which is a close second favorite ability wise.
>King Gizzard
>Can severely disfigure the organs of his opponents
>Difficult to control, it sometimes lashes out at the user
Iggy only guide them because he was salty for loosing his paw, otherwise he wouldn't have done shit
Crazy Diamond seems crazy useful in day-to-day life so that one would be my personal favorite
It's not like Iggy even wanted to be there lmao
The only Chad choice.
Stone Free might just be the ugliest main character stand so far, Gold Experience, Crazy Diamond, and Soft and Wet are just too sexy.
Shit taste, it's actually
Stone Free > Underworld > Sky High > Star Platinum > Soft and Wet > all the Tusks > Crazy Diamond > Bohemian Rhapsody >>>>>>>>>> dog shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gold experience
Best design Killer Queen
Best ability Sticky Fingers
This is a good start and that's actually a great idea for a stand ability that I could see getting implemented into the canon. Feel like it needs a particularly retarded side effect/weakness to go along with its user's personality. Guy was barely functional and according to historical accounts, always on the verge of deaths. Also, funny about the name you gave it. Apparently he couldn't sign his name right so he just signed "yo el rey" which translates to "me, the king". So maybe making the name "yo el rey molleja" (me, the king gizzard) would make it really fit.
*Casually murders your "chad" choice*
>In terms of ability
Scary Monsters
>In terms of design
Civil War
Jolyne deserves credit for having the one non-busted stand for a protagonist. Well her and Johnny but Johnny's eventually becomes Gold Experience tier.
Part 8 Killer Queen is probably my favorite in terms of abilities.
Imagine if part 8 Kira was our JoJo, or just not a flashback character. He's fucking great.
Dude I'd love to have a stand that just roots for me. I know that's lame but damn the positive reinforcement is nice.
my stand
Stand Name: The Irish Rover
Stand Ability: [Absolute Gambling](powerlisting.fandom.com
Power - B
Speed - C
Range - C
Durability - A
Precision - E
Potential - A
Description: The ability to gamble with, and for, anything. Absolute version of Enhanced Gambling. User can gamble with/for anything, including things like, power, love, youth, obedience, etc.
I think given that "doctors were baffled by his continued existence" he should have some kind of life drain ability because he needs it to keep going.
That's why Jolyne is the best Jojo. Her stand is literally just "make strings out of body", and its simple yet she can do tons of different shit with it
civil war is cool looking but wtf is with its ability?
if the user kills someone it just revives the victim because killing is a sin?
Definetely one of the most underrated stand
Fuck Araki
I guess to be fair it's still far and beyond better than Part 3 Star Platinum where Jotaro spent 90% of the story not knowing what his fucking stand does. Imagine if all the other protagonists just didn't know how to use their stand properly until the end.
The whole savage garden arc is fucking amazing. Definitely one of Araki's best arcs he has ever written.
Here's another underrated stand.
Sky High is probably the most unique stand in part 6
I love the fact that Vanila Ice is one of the strongest stand user while the real Vanlia Ice is a huge bitch. I like to think Araki watched Cold as Ice and he thught it was one of the best movies ever made.
Design wise king nothing
Power wise enigma
I like this idea. It would be absolutely comical if the life drain was stupidly inefficient, doing something like allowing him to drain a person only to the point where it makes the person only slightly tired while giving him life force to keep going but getting him winded and sweating in the process.
thats because vanilla ice and cream are named after the BAND creme and specificaly the song white room. then araki just made it into a nip "pun" "vanilla ice cream"
Daily reminder that one of Araki's favorite movies is Shrek
Fuck I wanna say the hand but your post makes me wanna say the fool.
based and onionpilled
Just D’arby senior on crack
Seriously am i the only one that likes Heavens Door?
heaven's door is only a manlet because rohan has a huge man crush on koichi
I still wish I could get a shrekmono
Nothing wrong with liking it, but a lot of people (like myself) find it kind of boring since it doesn't get utilized much in series and its powers are just broken in a kind of boring sense.
I also like how it looked before, but the change in appearance symbolizing F.F becoming her own person is something I enjoyed.
Man of good taste
That's actually a pretty cool stand.
Here's mine
Stand Name: Another Brick in The Wall
Stand Ability: [Play Well] Can deconstruct anything into small building bricks and (re)construct anything from small building bricks.
Power - B
Speed - A
Range - C
Durability - D
Precision - C
Potential - C
Description: Using a system of building bricks, The Wall can construct whatever the user desires. It can use anything from surrounding material to body parts as a source of building bricks. If hit, it will shatter into individual bricks depending on the damage, but can reassemble itself with ease, this goes for the user as well. The user and stand can also disassemble themselves at will, using this to sneak through narrow passages or hide. The wall can use bricks to heal wounds, build contraptions, and build defenses. When The Wall hits an object, it will turn into usable bricks. The Wall must build manually but can do so at a lightning fast pace. The bigger the build, the more bricks and time it requires to build. Pic related is its default appearance, although it can rebuild itself to whatever the user envisions or desires.
If we're going by which Stand I personally would want, then definitely Harvest, it would be like achieving NEET god status. It's like
>"Where I'd put the remote again?"
>Harvest sweeps the house, within seconds locating which pile of laundry and beer bottles contains the remote
>"Man I'm hungry..."
>Harvest scours the neighborhood, collecting every half eaten dorito and lost potato chip
>"Ah, I want a girlfriend..."
>Harvest swarms the countryside, bringing in every pair of panties in a ten mile radius
Plus you could swarm attack people from long range while taking minimal damage.
These aren't in any particular order
>King Crimson
>Heaven's Door
>Hermit Purple
>Killer Queen
>Horus/White Album
Nah, i like it too.
Tusk act 4 is a perfect example of how to do an over powered ability correctly. While it is an unstoppable ability, it has a shit ton of stipulations in order to use it. The user must be on a horse, the user must know how to use the spin, the user must locate a golden rectangle, the user has to know how to channel the horse's energy, and it has to be trained in order to get. Even then the ability itself is weird and interesting. It's not unstoppable because the user's really buff, or has a lot of energy, or can use a forbidden technique passed down for generations, it uses the Fibonacci Sequence to spin your finger nails in a way that manipulates gravity to bypass dimensions in such a way that causes whoever got hit by it to have their cells start spinning forever until they die.
He also looks cool
thats exactly what I said. dude cant kill anyone because he will feel guilty and revive anyone he kills. plus his other ability is countered by fucking WATER. dude got the short straw when it comes to stand abilities.
So is this just becoming an OC stand thread? Guess I'll post something i came up with.
Stand Name: Seven Fishes (youtube.com
Stand Ability: Dehydration
Power - C
Speed - A
Range - A
Persistence - A
Precision - E
Potential - E
Description: The stand is actually a group of seven small fish-like beings resembling fish lures about two or three inches long (see pic related). Each fish has a slightly different design and each fish can hook into a different person. The fish are extremely fast and their range is very large, but aren't precise if the user cannot see where they are, and it is hard to control them all at once. Once the fish is able to hook into another persons skin, they start dehydrating at an extremely fast rate. Their bladder will empty, their body will metabolize fluids quickly, and they will start feeling extremely thirsty. This stand can kill by making a person dehydrate to the point their body stops working. The only drawback is that this stand allows the victim to breathe underwater, but the user can also give himself this ability if he hooks himself (at the cost of also experiencing the same effects)
i fucking told you
these fucking trees
Highway Star, In a Silent Way and Catch the Rainbow are all top tier
What's up with the tree? I guess I'm out of the loop on this theory.
But he can only die if he kills the person that killed him. If you think about it, Civil War is one of the only stands where you have to lose in order to win.
Stone free is definitely my favourite main character stand.
Versatile ability that can be used in heaps of interesting ways without being too op like gold experience.
Because of how part 3's stands are in general, its funny comparing The World to other Jojo antagonist's stands.
>Bites the Dust can rewind time if someone finds out the identity of the user
>King Crimson skips time by reading the future
>Made in Heaven speeds up time until the universe resets, where everyone remembers parts of the previous universe
>D4C can transport between dimensions by sandwiching himself between two objects, and if something meets with their alternate self them collide and both get removed from existance
>The World stops time
I like Sex Pistols, even if they have kind of an annoying voice in the anime
Stand Design: In a Silent Way
Stand Ability: Civil War
>can take people's memories/Stands in the form of discs that can be carried around or created at whim, even insert these memory/Stand discs in other people
>can read and alter memories of others and essentially mind control them
>can generate blank disks that Pucci can use to command others even to do tasks they shouldn't be able to
>does most of the things Heaven's Door does except it's not limited by eyesight and the user doesn't have to write or draw anything
>can use normal CDs and turn someone into a human CD player
>can create acid jizz dungeons that melt people
>can create incredibly realistic disguises and hallucinations that are indistinguishable from the real thing
>Pucci used it once to remove his own sight implying it can just remove what it wants like Soft & Wet
>powerful punchghost that can punch through multiple people at once and has also very long range for a punchghost
>cool, semi-autonomous personality
>can upgrade to two even more powerful Stands, one of whom makes you into God, while still presumably retaining it's abilities
Whitesnake is just the absolute no-brainer as far as "Stand I'd pick for myself if possible", discounting shit like GER or The World Over Heaven
its also a strong punchy ghost. probably could out punch all the other antag stands. DIO is also a vampire so damage to him/his stand isnt gonna matter much.
which of the other antags would figure out DIO needs to be put in sunlight to kill him and then actually get him downed long enough or tricked into the light?
Ah, I thought you were thinking that was all the stand did, rather than just pointing out a flaw. Yeah, the user can't kill anybody but if you get trapped in the "guilt membrane" you 1. Can't get any water to counter Civil War and 2. Will be flattened and disabled by the stand, see pic related. So you can still win fights, you just can't murder someone. The ideal user of this stand would be a sort of sociopath that feels no guilt.
the trick is, in order to get a stand like that you have to NOT desire power or anything and just be chill and believe in gravity n stuff
It's kind of a boring answer but his canon Stand is Hermit Purple, and really, I think that suits him just fine.
Jonathan wouldn't need a crazy powerful punchghost, he does that shit on his own as good as any of them, and he wouldn't need some complex, versatile power either. If he had a Stand I'd have to be an extension of his already powerful strength and Hamon, and something to help him help others, and Hermit does that just fine.
From what I read Jorge Joestar gives him a Stand called The Passion which allows the user to look into the lives of every single person connected by blood to the user, even across universes, and Dio steals it to constantly outfox the Joestars throughout the book. I think this is a power Jonathan would want, a power to help his bloodline.
I think Eyes of Heaven missed an opportunity to show Jonathan duking it out with Stands, either wrapped in Hermit Purple or with his own original Stand.
No love for 13?
DIO and The World are pretty cool, I just wish there was more to his stand ability. Some sort of explanation to stopping time.
>just be chill and believe in gravity n stuff
Pucci wasn't like that when he got his Stand tho. He got his Stand because he wanted to preserve his sister's memory (which makes all the shit he'd use Whitesnake for all the more vile)
Purple haze and Killer Queen do things for me.
that's what I was thinking earlier, it's like a lost 90s Saturday morning cartoon show. in an alternate reality you can buy Dark Blue Moon and Silver Chariot action figures at Toys R Us.
His design is weird but I like the sheer utility of Underworld. It was also great when the Versauce pushed 3 kids into the hole when he knew he only needed to push in 2.
It's because it's his "world" and no one can move while time is stopped.
Alright user. Tell me your Jojo antagonist stand idea.
yeah which is why his stand also creates memory discs. the stand discs and his ability to STEAL other peoples powers is paradoxical to his disinterest in using those powers for himself.
underworld is just a better moody brues
I think EoH missed a LOT of opportunities and just did Jonathan dirty. Jotaro is my favorite jojo, but I couldn't stand that the game basically dickrides him and makes the other joestars useless (ESPECIALLY Jonathan) while making him the one to kill over heaven Dio purely with the same type of stand shit. Did Jonathan even get a line during the over heaven Dio fight?
easy, they dont have one
Does Harvest have a range? Because I could become a millionaire overnight if they could smuggle coins out of the water where I work and put them in my car for coinstarring
>I just wish there was more to his stand ability. Some sort of explanation to stopping time.
What do you mean?
Do you want an explanation as in, if there's a process as to how DIO stops time the way other villains have, or as in, why did DIO get this power specifically?
>which of the other antags would figure out DIO needs to be put in sunlight to kill him
I think pretty much all of them would eventually
>and then actually get him downed long enough or tricked into the light?
Valentine could do it easy as long as he could just bring another DIO (not sure if Diego would do the job here)
Kira would fucking die
Diavolo might if King Crimson manages to destroy The World the way Star Platinum did
And Kars would somehow have to bypass The World to do it, but he should know how to handle vampires, since he created the fuckers in the first place
Versace was the most Dio like of all his sons desu
ok here goes...
ability: basic punch ghost that also creates evil versions of other stands. these nega-stands will seek out and attack the stand user they are copies of and if they defeat the original stand. they take its place. from then on the original stand user is enthralled to black betty and its user.
still working out the method by which the stand does all this. maybe an oily black substance that melts stands like acid into a similar oily liquid. then that is used as a sample and gestates inside black betty for a time. basically like white snake and baby face combined.
This bleeds into Yea Forums territory but how do you guys feel about the stand designs in that Jojo fangame called The 7th stand user?
There's something about the bizarre quasi centaur look of Made in Heaven I love. There's nothing quite like it.
If Jonathan's stand is Hermit Purple then how did Jotaro get the same kind of stand as Dio did?
....your stand.....its the same.....type......
I want to suck the horse dick.
But anyways, Superfly is unironically my favorite stand. The Book is second place.
See, I don't take issue with the idea of Jotaro being the one who ultimately takes Heaven DIO over Jonathan. Jotaro had to carry the burden of the Joestar family for much longer than any other Jojo, he suffered a lot due to DIO's bullshit to the point he considers DIO his arch-enemy long after he's dead (and it's not the other way around for DIO), and he never stopped fighting. Popularity bullshit aside, Jotaro earned the right to put the final page on DIO, and I speak as someone whose favorite Jojo is Jonathan. Jonathan would prioritize protecting his family and freeing them, and their friends, from danger rather than settling a score with DIO, and that's what I think could have been focused on: him rising up to once again match DIO's supreme villainy with his undying heart of justice and protecting his bloodline from DIO, while Jotaro does what he does best, which is to cave DIO's stupid face in.
The way it was done, however, was bullshit, and it could have been a lot better than just rehashing "same type of Stand" again. The problem with making big crossover storylines is that only a couple of characters only get anything to do, and all the others get their personalities shafted and just have to go through the motions of the story. It's a particular problem when you are doing a Jojo crossover and every character in the game has these big personalities and dedicated fanbases.
>Did Jonathan even get a line during the over heaven Dio fight?
Not really. They might have had him say a "Dio..." here and there but nothing that sticks out. The best part Jonathan plays in the EOH story mode is when he gets together with Johnny, and I really, really wish we got to see these two interact properly.
Is Superfly the biggest stand? Or would that be Strength?
how big was The Sun?
>I just wish there was more to his stand ability. Some sort of explanation to stopping time
I'm exactly the opposite of you. I think there's beauty in simplicity, and stopping time is simple yet elegant. In my opinion, the antagonist's Stands rank in this order:
The World ≥ King Crimson > Made in Heaven > D4C > Killer Queen
Now, let me explain. The World is possibly the most elegant Stand that Araki could create. "It stops time." Three simple words, three simple syllables, which combine to make an ability that is universally recognizable as "power." King Crimson is also at this level, but "erases time" is orders of magnitude more difficult conceptually than stopping time is. Nonetheless, King Crimson is on par with The World, not necessarily for power level, but for power design.
Next comes Made in Heaven, which I describe, and what I believe most accurately depicts it, as "accelerates bodies." More verbosely, it doesn't speed up time as a whole, but only for a target (which may be made the whole, but is not necessarily so). However, Made in Heaven, and the other antagonist Stands, are at a different tier from the indiscriminate power of the previous two mentioned *because they are targeted.* The reason why The World and King Crimson are so elegantly designed, in my mind, is because they don't – can't – pick their targets.
After MiH we have D4C, which is interesting because it messes with the fabric of the universe in a completely different way. However, it again is a more specific power than either The World or KC, not just in terms of those affected but also with respect to its power description. (1/2)
Finally, Killer Queen. Killer Queen is horribly inelegant, primarily because its abilities are so different (like Echoes, which is a different discussion). Let's look at it: Killer Queen turns things into bombs. Fine, that's an acceptably evil power. Killer Queen's Sheer Heart Attack is an indestructible homing missile. Again, fine, suitably evil, but really a forgettable Stand. But then we get Killer Queen Bites the Dust. Bites the Dust is miserable from the point of view of "what does it do?" Keep in mind that ALL of the other Stands could be summed up in a sentence. Not so with Killer Queen, and not even with Bites the Dust on its own.
So, what does Bites the Dust do? It hides in the eye of a target T, and if T reveals information about the Stand User S some victim V, then V becomes marked by Bites the Dust at the current time t and time resets to some prior point. Only T and S have memory of the reset, and at time t, V disintegrates due to Killer Queen detonating V from a distance. Only one person may be marked by Bites the Dust at a given time, but anyone previously marked will be detonated at their time t. This can be dispelled by S, but if dispelled after Bites the Dust detonates then the person remains dead after the time loop ends. That is way too much to reasonably use to describe the Stand, especially given that the other Stands only need a few words, a sentence at most. Except for the "It Just Works" meme, King Crimson is actually easier to explain than Killer Queen.
It rewinds time but fate stays the same
doesnt it go against your point examining killer queen, sheer heart attack and bite the dust as a single entity but only reviewing made in heaven instead of tackling the multiple unrelated abilities white snake pulls out of his ass at any given moment?
Surprisingly well-designed as far as fan stands go. They don't feel at all like Part 3 Stands, they are more Part 4-ish, but overall most of them could pretty easily become canon Stands in terms of design.
Part of what I like about Stardust Crusaders is that I think it plays a little more with genre experimentation than other parts, and a big appeal of Jojo for me is how it's constantly shifting and how it's format allows Araki to only be limited by his imagination as far as the stories and abilities he wants to tell.
In just the initial episodes, Stardust Crusaders already goes through a dozen different classical scenarios: Monster in airplane. Haunted ship. Swordfighting duel. Invasion of body snatchers. Western tale of revenge. Psychological horror. And so on and so forth. It doesn't do all of these spectacularly but it's constantly experimenting, and I imagine this is part of why Part 3 became so goddamn popular back then (and why it suffers a little more now since audiences are far more accostumed to these scenarios and crazy powers in fiction).
Kids reading SJ back in 1989 must have had a blast waiting for the next part of Jojo when the heroes would enter a new setting, with some new despicable and odd villain to beat, some new bizarre power to be revealed, and some new costume for the story.
Sure, White Snake poses some problems, but White Snake is distinct from C-Moon is distinct from Made in Heaven, as compared with Killer Queen, Sheer Heart Attack (a part of Killer Queen), and Bites the Dust (which is the whole Stand but with extra stupid stuff).
Then why can the target and the Stand User change fate?
The World is more interesting in how it relates to DIO's character than what it actually does, but even then I think it's most fitting that The World isn't really complicated in what it does, and that it doesn't have to go through a process in manipulating time the way other villain Stands do.
It's a very physical power, hence the imagery of The World clogging the gears of time. It's not him slipping through the timestream, or creating a space where time doesn't exist and he can slip through. It's DIO commanding time itself to stop for him, and his Stand doing just that because it can.
Which stand was that?
Why are Jojo threads so much better this late in the night?
Past the kiddies bed time.
Nice, I just randomly generated mine. You guys actually have brains
The World: Is a short range power type that stops time
King Crimson: Short range power type that works best as an assasin rather than a fighter that is able to see ten seconds into the future in which fate cannot be changed and people are forced into the actions they have been forceen by Epitaph. Furthermore, KC is able to choose up to ten seconds of that prediction and make the world forget they ever happen while making objects intangible to some degree making it uncapable to deal damange during the erased time.
White Snake: Long range remote stand with some resemblence of independency since it talks to pucci. Is able to create ilusions using white goop, also is able to control dreams with said goop. Its also able to remove the memories and stands of people and give them to others via DISCS. Also is capable to give comands to people through said DISCS, and is also capable of taking his own eye-sight and use other people's eye-sight through these DISCS.
C-MOON: Medium range power stand that creates centers of gravity
Made in Heaven: Short range power stand capable to accelerate both the user and any non-living thing. The whole universe reset is more of a side effect of this ability
Killer Queen: Short range non-combat focus stand that can turn one object into a contact or remote controled bomb which can either implode or explode. It has a heat seeking exploding bomb automatic substand that acts independently. It can also rewind time one hour if the identity of Kira Yoshikage is treatened, but leaves their fate's unaltered so their death happen even if the cause is no longer there
The only way fate can be changed is if the stand is called off, besides that they're both railroaded into the path of fate. This one stipulation is way less complicated than the other antagonist stands.
but bite the dust is clearly an evolution same as C-moon and the requiems. It has abilities of their own and is distinct from their previous forms, is just that we didnt get a Killer Queen redisign because araki loves drawing killer queen
Post bruh moments in Jojo
It’s a punchy ghost that lets the use go back in time a certain amount of time, with the maximum range it can go back to being the sunrise of the current day.
The user can just keep going back in time short periods and fixing their own mistakes, like a person pressing control-z on a keyboard.
He was fated to say it
he didnt have a choise in the matter, he said it once before the loop, he was fated to do so again after the loop. It wasnt his fault, Hayato knew the rules of the game and exploited the system
It's a very cool design but on it's own pretty generic. Feels like the kind of thing you'd find in some other anime. And it's power isn't terribly original either.
But the execution of Death 13 is great, from the lengthy and elaborate dream world down to it's ridiculously creepy torture methods and how it's affected by the fact the user is a fucking baby, and it's voice in the anime. It's what I like a lot about Part 3, Araki taking a lot of pop culture concepts for a spin in the Jojo world, and really, if you are going to have a dream-attacking entity in your setting, it's pretty hard to top "Grim Reaper carnival clown that takes you to a theme park where he murders dogs, gives you ice cream, and then cries eyeball spiders into your mouth so you don't scream and wake up".
Are you ill? It's barely above average for Part 3 fights, and below average if you look at all fights. It's standard shonen shit.
Best fight nominees would have only one or two Part 3 fight and that's Daniel D'Arby and Vanilla Ice.
jesus tree
The volume title is The Wonder of You. Any chance this is the name of the Head Doctor's or Tooru's Stand?
How's this? Planning on playing it in a JoJo tabletop campaign in the near future, as a supporting role to two of my friends playing more traditional punchghosts.
Stand Name: Hybrid Theory
Stand Ability: Remix. When the stand touches two things, one with each hand, it is able to combine them into a single thing with properties of both. This effect lasts for one hour, or ends when Hybrid theory moves more then 50m away or chooses to end the effect. When the effect ends, the two objects will split and be flung away from one another in opposite directions. The user is able to exert some control over what the merged thing will be, but the more complex the things being merged, the less control over the outcome they have.
This ability can (eventually) be used on stands to create something similar to requiem stands, but the fact two users will temporarily be controlling a single stand in tandem means both the form and effectiveness of the resulting remixed stand is highly dependent on how well their personalities complement one another.
Power - D
Speed - C
Range - D
Durability - D
Precision - B
Potential - A
Post Trish
Discount Za Hando
My oc stand would the speed or veloxity of something and transfer it into something else. Like you can make a car come to a halt and use its speed to go as fast as the car was to cover distance. Or you can also put the speed into something else. It would look like a Kamen Rider
I didn't read your stand but what system so you use?
I wanted to use 5e because my groups brains have been calcified but it's not really suited for it.
What is its name?
>inb4 Star of the Circuit
I don't really know, been trying to find a good speed name from bands I like.
Pretty much the same, our group mostly plays 5e and a lot of the other players are, well slack cunts, so we don't want to force everyone to learn a new and more complicated system. DM and I are in the process of homebrewing rules, a stand user class, and so on to make it work better with Jojo.
So one thing that was kinda brought up a few times early in Part 3 was the idea of Stands being the person's guardian spirit, and in particular you have Enya talking to DIO about how The World has been around for his whole life (which in itself is a callback to Wang Chan saying that Dio "had the Devil's Luck on his side").
Which makes me wonder if this means spirits shot with arrows could become Stands. We saw a ghost with a Stand in the series, Yoshihiro, but what if you shot a spirit with an arrow? Say, what if they shot Reimi?
Killer Queen for its design, the best poses and amazing abilities. I just really like explosions.
there was so much potential
Can you post it in/5egh/?
That's the 5e Homebrew general in /tg/ because I'm having massive troubles trying to figure out how stands work in 5e.
SpeedHoven - Edguy
Also try some other Edguy songs because they all exude the kind of speed that only Orchestral Speed Metal can exude.
I posted like this as some random Jap exchange student took a picture of me at a party. The pic got like 2k view / likes whatever the hell on his instagram. My goofy hair didn't help.
It showed up at the end of the hospital arc. No one really knows what it does and it only showed up in one panel. Signs are pointing to it being Tooru's stand because of the design, but it could also have to do with the head doctor
Somehow the shades manage to not look totally ridiculous like they do on MitM. But a stand having shades always look like peak aesthetics
Nope sorry, because we're still just in the stages of throwing ideas around and seeing what sticks, and don't have anything written in stone at the moment.
If you ever get anything nailed down could you post it?
I'm running Strahd for a couple months and stewing over the ideas until then.
The antagonist doesn't have a stand ability or even any fighting capability to speak of. In fact, he is completely paralyzed and has to use his eye tracker to communicate. However, he has created an online cult dedicated to simply causing chaos.
Never read any jojo part, but my favorite stand is Diver Down.
Stone Free only looks good in this singular panel. Prove me otherwise.
Heaven's Door. Never watched part 5 and further tho.
King Crimson.
Easy to exploit it in bitmex with 100x margin to become a big boi with a big stack.
In fact, you can pretty much remove the whole time cut thing, that 10 seconds look into the future is so overpowered in and out of combat.
Man this is creepy, I love it
From the perspective of someone who has just finished part 7, I’d say it goes something like this
Favourite design:
1. Killer Queen
2. Black Sabbath
3. In a Silent Way
4. Highway Star
5. The Grateful Dead
6. Tusk act 3
7. The World
8. Hanged Man
9. C-Moon
10. Star Platinum
Favourite ability:
1. The World
2. The Hand
3. Scary Monsters
4. Killer Queen
5. Pearl Jam
6. Crazy Diamond
7. Anubis
8. Mandom
9. D4C
10. Enigma
>man dressed as a cow
>stand doesn't control cows
The Hand
Crazy Diamond
Gold Experience
Gold Experience Reqiuem
Killer Queen
Heaven's Door
Spice Girl
Black Sabbath
Catch the Rainbow
Soft and Wer
That emblem on his right side jacket is probably the Demiurge.
I only have one DONUT STEEL stand.
It visually manifests as 7 glowing orbs of light, kind of like disco balls, that slowly rotate around the user in an erratic pattern.
It's power is the ability to fire a single beam of light, and anybody struck by the beam has all of their senses re-arranged. They suffer intense synesthesia, where sound becomes pain, or vision becomes taste, so their sensory organs are rewiring to different parts of the brain. This would disorient them, but can also be used offensively as the user can select some senses to swap. Say if you swapped sight and pain, and you shone a floodlight in the enemy's eyes and he passed out from the pain.
It has a second form.
In this form the orbs rotate so fast around the user that he appears to be one large orb of swirling light.
This upgrade allows the user to inflict the sensory scrambling synesthesia, but also adds on top highly increased movement speed, so that enemies may become disoriented and seriously harm themselves stumbling around at super speed.
This power can be used on the user, as well. He can give himself super speed, but he has to suffer the sensory scrambling. The upside for him is that he has practice and can select a preferred setting for his senses that he has adapted to.
Physically it has minor to moderate attack power, the balls have a physical presence and can be used to pummel opponents like a flurry of fists, but they're not exceptionally strong.
Based & redpilled. Part 3 cucks BTFO.
>we never got to see white Gold Experience
>we never got to see blue King Crimson
Fuuarrrrkkk I wish they payed homage to volume covers more often like the BIG gang pose in the opening
Cringe & redditpilled
Very shit taste in both categories.
Never watched Jojo, even though I should. However Dirty deeds done dirt cheap is an amazingly hilarious name, always cracks me up
Copies the power of the person it fights untill it choses to switch to someone else's power but it's the peak form of the stand whose power is being stolen
Jailhouse Rock
help me find a name for it
Here comes the shitposting
I'm really digging S&W
Someones motivation for doing something useful doesn't invalidate the fact that what they did was useful.
It's technically the oposite
>What is your favorite stand?
almost every stand looks cool and has a fucking broken ability but on an odd level harvest would be the most useful given that it steals shit
who wouldn't want a small army of 500 small fuckos to go out and steal shit for them
>stand ability
I love Metallica. I love the stealth abilities, I love the damage it can do, I love the use, I love everything about it. Metallica is probably my favorite stand overall
>stand design
Araki has been on a fucking roll with jojolion stand designs. From S&Ws sleek and modern look to Ozone Baby’s LEGO White House, but king nothing is one of the coolest and most visually appealing stands I think he’s ever made. The thing just oozes style
Oasis is the best part 5 stand
>You touch my hand and I’m a king.
Applies to both Tooru and the Higashikatas that line. Could be either Tooru’s Stand or Tsurugi’s new ability.
The power to bring bad luck to any attacker or something like that would be totally araki stile
South side of the sky
So did Araki just stop giving a shit later on in part 3 through 5? It really felt like he just got bored with the story so said "okay I want to end this now".
I remember him expressing how he wanted part 7 to be a different series because he was tired of JoJo.
He never said that, in fact he said the opposite. He felt like he peaked at Part 6 and that it was the right place to end it but he still wanted to do JoJo and refused to accept that he peaked, so he did a reboot ie Part 7.
Same here.
Don't project your bad taste on the author
Steel Ball Run wasn't going to be JoJo originally and he shoehorned in the relation to the series later on. It was not originally intended to be Part 7. He's also stated that he felt that the series should've ended naturally with Stardust Crusaders, which he's said multiple times in various interviews.
You're probably confused thinking of Diamond is Unbreakable, which Araki said he was apprehensive about doing and it's likely that either his editor or Jump pushed him into doing it as they're well known for keeping their authors on the ball to milk a series dry.
>The Wonder of You
Araki’s on a real Elvia bender in Part 8. I wonder if Dolomite with Blue Hawaii and whoever ‘The Wonder of You’ belongs to are connected somehow because of the Elvis references? If you look on the Morioh map at the beginning of every volume you can see that the shrine Dolomite lives at is right next door to the hospital, which makes sense since someone was watching him and Josuke speak which is how they learned of the New Rokakaka and they 100% would have kept tabs on a Rock Humsn who is unaffiliated with them and who Damo tried to recruit.
Not a single word in this post is true.
>Steel Ball Run wasn't going to be JoJo originally and he shoehorned in the relation to the series later on.
Diego Brando is in the first chapter
>"Although JoJo was a story that ended naturally after Part 3, I asked myself: 'should I draw a 4th part? There shouldn't be anymore Jojo!'"
Hirohiko Araki Lecture Part 3: Questions and Answers with Araki-Sensei
Go dilate, faggot.
Jokes aside, Killer Queen really speaks to the 5 year old in me. The power to turn anything into a bomb would be pretty neat
Other way round user, in the bunkos for Part 6 he explains that Steel Ball Run was intended to be JoJo Part 7 from the start, and he even calls it Part 7 ‘in substance’ in the first volume of SBR. The title change to Part 7 happened when he finally got the transfer to Ultra Jump, something he had to push for himself. And if he wanted to end JoJo at 3 he could, he actually owns the series via Luckyland Communications unlike most WSJ authors. He listens to his editor’s advice but at the end of the day he can do what he likes with JoJo. He’s said that Part 3 would have been a natural end point but not that he wanted it to end there.
add tp that the cool as fuck design
>There shouldn't be anymore Jojo!
>didn't say he wanted it to end there
Well he clearly did think it should continue and Part 4 is his personal favorite. So you somehow still manage to be wrong.
>clearly states it shouldn't continue
You know Jump did the same exact thing with every single one of their other long-running series. Despite their authors all saying how great it is in their interviews it's clearly just Jump pushing for them to not start a new series. Look at Dragon Ball, Bleach, One Piss, literally any of their series.
Araki owns Jojo through Lucky Lands communications, so you're just making assumptions at this point. Jojo isn't even anywhere near as big as those, it's usually last in popularity polls, especially later on. It's the anime and video games that propel it's popularity.
I'm genuinely amazed at how you read all these interviews and still get basic things wrong.
>I wrapped up Dio's story but I'm thinking of continuing.. Hm should I? It feels complete but I could do more...
Stop bringing that up like it matters, most major mangaka own their own studios and manga but are still influenced through their publishers. I'm genuinely amazed you have no concept of how the manga industry in Japan works despite reading all their crap.
He was a great user, should have been a capo.
>most major mangaka own their own studios and manga but are still influenced through their publishers.
Stop bringing that up like it matters
You're the one bringing it up, twat.
Are you sure there's no Jojo today? I might kill myself...
I'm not you, dumbass.
Do a flip
>leave GER to me
>Araki owns Jojo through Lucky Lands communications
He's published through Jump, he is influenced by his publishers and their provided editors just like every other major mangaka in Jump. You have the reading comprehension of a five year-old or Redditor, it's no wonder you don't know jack shit.
Are they delaying the final episode so the part 6 trailer will be ready?
you're really adamant about believing this delusion that he was forced into continuing based on assumptions about how a publishing industry in another country works, huh? well if it helps you feel better.
Coercion isn't the same as force you brain-dead illiterate.
『Common People』
It's an automatic Stand that operates as something akin to a malicious alter-ego to the user. It bears the ability to latch onto the energies of non-Stand users and forcibly reshape their potential for such into a thrall like form that serves its needs. This is a double edged sword however as the process can end up awakening the victim's actual Stand in the process.
You're still wrong
No I'm not and I win forever the end. Guess your contradiction play with no substance didn't work out in the end.
I hope you have a nice day
You'd have a better argument saying he was coerced just because Jojo is his job and he needs to eat, not from Jump wanting more. He's never said anything of the sort and he was complained about his editors in the past, albeit backhandedly.
>literally had the same idea for my oc
[Houses in Motion]
Yellow Temperance anyone? That stand was pretty fucking busted
Kys Redditvermin
Nope, Man in the Mirror is objectively the best.
>worse hanged man
Strength was like a large Yacht right? Might not be as tall as Superfly but definitely several times larger in floor space
Stand Name: Genesis
Stand Ability: [Temporal Transcendence](powerlisting.fandom.com
Power - A
Speed - C
Range - E
Durability - D
Precision - D
Potential - B
Description: The power to exist beyond the concept of time. Sub-power of Spatial-Temporal Transcendence. Advanced version of Temporal Lock The user exists beyond the concept of time, which makes them absolutely immune to its effects and all that is caused by it time and temporal phenomena/powers. They are ageless and untouchable to anything that happens in time. As their body exists beyond time, they do not expend any energy, and neither need to eat nor sleep or get fatigued, any diseases do not...
>Autowin if any human being walks in front of your mirror
>Worse than shitty part 3 stand
>user is so retarded he loses with autowin stand
>good fight
>Goalpost moving
Man in the Mirror is objectively stronger than every main villain Stand in JoJo. In fact, there is no Stand that can beat it - only Vampires and Stone Men could.
I prefer hamon
No chance.
polenarff could of one shot dio if he discovered requiem stands in pt 3 due to the sun always being behind your skull
Isn't that the actual SCR? It's not a sun
If Polnareff discovered Requiem stands back then he would have a different Chariot Requiem
litterally the same but better
You'd only have a point if Jump didn't have a long standing history of this kind of shit. Where do you normalfag tumblr retards come from, do you have even a minute idea of how Japanese society and business culture works? Of course he isn't going to fucking complain about his editors you stupid dribbling dipshit. Actually think about what you're saying for even a second.
maybe you're right but I like the idea of it one shotting dio
what do you think it'd be?
Crazy Diamond. Because it is incredibly useful in real life and I want it.
I guess this is the dumbest answer itt thread.
Jojo friday, hour left guys!
oh no!
not him but why? It has a cool design, and a pretty strong power
Not her, but it looks like shit compared to other main villain Stands and its abilities are inconsistent.
It's a Gary Stu Stand.
>not defaulting to female gender in JoJo generals
Anusai's Driver Down
>can read people's minds
>somehow dumbest answer
You're thinking of King Crimson, pal.
What’s the problem, sister?
Arts and Crafts. So much stupid shit you can pull off with it.
this, whitesnake is more like gold experience since it keeps pulling new abilities out of its ass
You can still wake up no?
posts charts
>Weird Science
>Punchyghost that can change the chemical makeup of whatever it touches
Part 4 is Araki's favorite part and Josuke is his favorite jojo. Just because part 3 gave end to the Dio arc doesn't mean he didn't want to draw more
Ok, even Killer Queen is the same, so it certainly isn't unique.
Yeah if you happen to be in a crashing plane, not even wounding yourself in the dream (wounds wich will appear on your body) will wake you up
not really. We see SHA in his second fight, simply because using it against shigechi wouldn't have been smart
We also see the command discs in Whitesnake's second fight.
and then he uses a person as a cd player, then he uses white goop to disguise himself as weather report and then he removes his eyesight as a disc
I wonder what kind of Stands were in these discs.
maybe those belonging to pt 3 jobbers? they retired afterall
>uses a person as a cd player
it's a gag, who cares
>then he uses white goop to disguise himself
it was a hallucination like the one used in his first fight
>then he removes his eyesight as a disc
this one was bad, maybe if he commanded himself to not be able to see or remove his memory to see it would make sense
>it was a hallucination like the one used in his first fight
yeah, but there it required people to be asleep and covered in the goop, here he just uses mist and everyones awake.
In terms of design I've always thought pic related is such a hallmark of Araki's creativity, I love it
Haven't been caught up with Jojolion since the Damo arc but thought it was a shame Yotsuyu wasn't expounded on more
Same. One thing is that it's an overpowered punching machine, but I just really love how human and heroic it looks.
>tfw only few episodes with Diavolo
I need more with his beauty
How close is part 8 to being over?
Ruined by liking overratedlion so much.
17 volumes left.
Great taste
too much work
>A. phex brothers
You're an enemy stand user. You're about to beat the main character, and then youtu.be
Plays. Post yfw
>when it's the part most people don't care about because it's not finished and it's not animated
If you don’t like part 8, you’re an underage animeonly and I sincerely wish extreme discomfort on you
not reallyno
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Punch ghost that is able to rewind time but keep the result. For example, he punches somebody and knocks out a tooth, but then rewinds time. The guy who got punched feels like he got punched and sees the tooth in his hand, but doesn't know who punched him, or even experienced it in the first place.
Iggy saved Jotaro/Joseph/Polnareff from being poisoned by Oingo/Boingo.
For how basic it was, Magician's Red was strong as fuck
As someone with a gambling addiction, this sounds perfect.
Here's my Stand idea:
Name: Tiny Glowing Screens
Ability: Hypnosis. Like the song, it has three parts. Part 1 can only manifest itself on digital screens (monitors, phones, etc.) in the form of a stylized eye. Making eye contact with the stand will induce instant drowsiness, and outright put the victim to sleep if they stare for more than a few seconds. As TGS Pt. 2, the stand gains a small physical form, like a floating whisp with the eye on it. Same ability, but no longer bound to screens. As Pt. 3, it becomes a full punch ghost that hits INSANELY hard but is almost comically slow and lethargic. Needs to put people to sleep before it donuts them.
Imagine how fucked that would be
He would probably be one of the most powerful stands in existence
It doesn't matter how fast you are, or if you can skip time, or if you can stop time.
If millions of cows attack you all at once your a fucking goner.
Also do you have any idea how strong a cow is? A single enraged cow could probably defeat many different stand users
Honestly, this is pretty cool Desu.
Good job, was expecting cringe but this is surprisingly heterosexual
Gently weeps is easily the coolest ability.
Water niggas are always cool
you forgot
>can use a gun
yes you do!
shut up fag
yatsuyo was underutilized and the jobs
Friends are too good for me.
I love this song it's a natural hype generator
Part 5 is cool as fuck but it wasn't the OG "you're fucked" theme
is this guy autistic or schizophrenic? every fucking single jojo thread i swear
>every fucking single jojo
there was quite a long time i remember when he didn't post them in threads. but he's haired basedposter, so i dont mind him being here
Name: Cat Scratch Fever
Ability: If scratched by the stands right hand it will releases a neurotoxin. The poison ts similar to Cyanide and will kill the victim in around 3-5 minutes depending on the severity of the wound. The stands left hand can be used to cure the toxin.
Metallica is the absolute best and most unique stands.
So, no episode today?
I know there are a lot of ESLs on Yea Forums, but I've never seen somebody spell Sky High like that.
>Sky High
not funny
Thanks user! You’re a big help
metallica would be a sick stand to have but I have no idea how I would use it in my daily life to any positive effect unless I wanted to just explode people's blood
>black risotto
That's redskin Risotto.
I quite like Filthy Acts at a Reasonable Price
The gunshot sound he makes from just fucking punching someone really hard makes me wet.
This is the best stand, you can't argue this.
I think Chocolate Disco is neat. I also like Catch the Rainbow
Metallica shits on Harvest hard. With Harvest you can gather trash, with Metallica you can steal bags of cash.
Redskin Risotto hot, black Risotto not so much
What about 'you can't argue this' didn't you understand?
>With Harvest you can gather trash,
you can gather ANYTHING, unlike metalica with its shit tier range
Yall forgetting the best design baka
the chad tusk act IV vs the virgin filthy acts at a reasonable price
>picking shit over good stands
definitely reddit
*stops time*
>psssh nothin personnel kid
What an ugly The World
>situational as fuck
Surely you jest
>invisibility is situational
Great design but shit character imo, how could he leave Narancia after witnessing how strong/ridculous King Crimsons ability is, shit friend acting like he has anything better to do
>not good
Metallica is great but denying that Harvest isn't good is a poor hill to die on user.
>Metallica is great but denying that Harvest isn't good
I am not denying that Harvest isn't good at all. Harvest definitely isn't good.
Why do you think that? Sure it's less fit for combat than Metallica probably, but you can still apply Harvest in useful ways as seen in part 4.
>hasn't read part 6
>did read part 7 and 8
I am fucking retarded and posted the one from the other thread
You can have the life Kira I always wanted. With zero risks.
Strength is a large freighter. Those things are massive. It's definitely the largest stand.
>favorite stand
No such thing, hamon is better
>nihil personalem, puer
don't get a-head of yourself
Gee, I sure hope nobody gives me the arrow!
Good thing only super cool people give arrows to me, though, and Bucciarati would never be cool enough to do something like give me the arrow.
Yeah, there's no way Bucciarati could prove me wrong and show me just how much of a cool guy he is.
it will never measure up to the beauty of base Dio
You've seem to hit rock bottom
And a beauty he was.
i will never forgive Araki for doing what he did to him, it was criminal.
He still lives on in our hearts.
Diego was a beauty
Now that I think about it, Diego should've been the MC of part 7
*blocks your path*
Tumblr has this thing where they arbitrarily make characters black for no fucking reason. $10 bucks those same people would have a conniption fit over whitewashing.
Can Diego's horse move in stopped time?
What the fuck did they do to Josuke
Diego's horse goes beyond science and gravity, so yes she can.
wtf would king crimson requiem even be?
>so damage to him/his stand isnt gonna matter much
DIO's biggest weakness, besides the Sun, is that his Stand is less durable than he is. That's why he got blown the fuck out by Star Platinum punching The World in the leg. The World has low durability and the damage transferred to DIO, which would've been much less of an issue if he had gotten punched himself. His Stand is literally a walking weak point.
Why in God's name do you have this image saved?
Aaaaggg all the tusk Jonny shit is crap, he received probably the most powerful and broken stand, and lose to Diego
Bohemian Rhapsody > Gold experience > Stone Free > Tusk ACT 4 > Star Purachina > Soft N Wet > Tusk 1 = Tusk 2 > Crazy Diamond > Underworld > hermit Purple > Tusk act 3 > Sky High.
What kind of stand would Kars get if he was pierced by an arrow?
AU Jotaro but more chill.
My favorite what?
Something related to nature.
Skips the whole fucking part.
she's also not a mary sue, like josuke or giorno
the first half of part 6 is pretty slow but the second half is the peak of the series imo
Stand Ability: Can turn non-stand users into stands and use them for 6 minutes. The stand ability reflects the non-stand users' personality.
Nyo-ho that's a big ass no.
He can erases actions that happened and that won't effect him in any form, even GER "Fuck you"
Stands: Useless
>those queer poses...
Part skipper....
What the fuck does it actually even do? Is it just no-clip or what?
New to JoJo?
Predict voices for SO
Technically speaking, all stands can no-clip through physical objects if we go by Part 3 rules, but Diver Down's abilities include
>storing an "impact" within an object's surface and then releasing it in the form of Diver Down attacking from that point
>can be sent inside of an object and rearrange the object's structure
>can enter an object and take any damage done to it, leaving the object unscathed
>can take out or put things inside of other objects
It's a pretty versatile stand.
>gambling stand
>E in Precision
>C in speed
>C in range
i feel sorry for you having such terrible stand stats, but your ability is quite strong.
Nah just funny to look at.
Takehito Koyasu as Dio.
Yoko Ono for Jolyne ???
I would like to hear the voices from the ads
It's weird, Hermes is supposed to be hispanic mexican but they always make her a charcoal black african
Also the blue eyes lol
non exhaustive list of stand designs i like
>stone free
>civil war
>killer queen
>grateful dead
>kraft work
>made in heaven
>blue hawaii
>Kars' Stand is just a thin, durable, invisible membrane that always covers his body that allows him to interact with Stands
Kars is already perfect. Making his own body the Stand would put him above the majority of Stands easily.
>Joseph and Suzy are white
>Jotaro, Kakyoin and Jolyne are japanese
>Hermes is hispanic
>Avdol is egyptian
Literally only Polnareff stayed the same, and even then what's with all the fucking freckles?
But can Kars move in frozen time?
Mexicans aren’t black enough
The ultimate life form is capable of doing everything that other living beings can do
No need. Giving yourself all of the extra time in the world won't save you from him. All you can do is run.
Dio is literally food to Kars how could he win?
Users who already have some sort of supernatural skill or bordering on it tend to get Stands that compliment said power (see: Joseph with Hermit Purple, Gyro with Ball Breaker, Dragon's Dream), so it's likely the Pillar Men would follow suit.
Since Kars's main ability are arm blades that manipulate light, maybe he'd get a power related to further manipulating light or perception of light, or manipulating the shadows he casts. Kars isn't the fighting type, he's a chessmaster who uses dishonorable tricks, so maybe it could be something like making people no longer able to perceive their own Stands, or blinding them to his Light Mode attacks, or turning people's shadows against them, and so on. Something a little more complicated than that but not too much.
Ultimate Kars would be a fucking nightmare. Like Jorge Joestar but arguably worse. Even if he wasn't able to replicate the Arrow's virus due to it's alien origin, the fact that organisms on Earth can be born with Stands, and Kars combines every lifeform into himself, there would be nothing stopping him from just up and creating a Stand for himself, maybe several if he decides to split himself apart into Standless organisms who then gain Stands. And if he was able to become the world's strongest Ripple user within mere seconds of learning how to use it, and he knows enough about altering brain chemistry that he was able to turn humans into vampires through acupuncture, imagine what kind of Stand this fucker could create for himself.
Based Hey Ya bro
If Jorge Joestar is to be believed, his Ultimate Lifeform status give him the ability to steal other people's stands to use. IIRC, he also Requiem'd a few too.
Jotaro is literally food to DIO how could he win?
..Kars’ favorite?
Don’t get smug with me user
And since I did Kars, fuck it might as well do the rest of the Pillar Men
I could see that being Santana's Stand. He's a more primitive type whose attacks are purely physical. He’d probably have a stand like White Album or Oasis, one that made him able to interact with Stands and possibly amped up his physical stats. Maybe give him the ability to absorb and digest any material he comes in contact with, not just living creatures.
Esidisi is a tactician who outsmarts enemies and uses fire-based tactics with his boiling blood and veins, and was able to possess someone with his brain. Maybe his Stand would be an extension of that ability, but without him needing to be reduced to a brain for it to work. Maybe he would be able to break his body down to bloody pieces and regroup, like Doctor Wu, or maybe he'd be able to manipulate the steam caused by boiling blood (not just his own) as an entity, like Aqua Necklace.
Whammu is crazy strong on his own without Stands and he wouldn't need a Stand to help him fight, and probably wouldn't want one for that purpose anyway. His pitfall is his sense of honor not shared by the people he fights, so maybe he'd get a Stand that allows him to circumvent that. Maybe something that puts the Stand of whoever he challenges on lockdown so he can take them on even ground, or, if fighting ordinary humans is too much below the great Whammu, then something that disables misdirection while active. A huge lie detector that forces everyone, including Whammu, to be unable to lie or commit actions undetected by their opponent.
How would Dio react to Kars and the existence of the Pillermen?
The power to... bring Bruno's father back to life, and reunite him with his mother. Maybe... There's only one way to find out, Right?
This stand could create so many cute and funny possibilities.
Kars was beaten partially because space froze his flesh solid, and Dio's got big freezing powers he can use. Plus, Kars got his ass kicked and his light blades shattered in a straight fight just by Joseph chopping them with Hamon, while Jonathan had his already massive power doubled by Zeppeli's, to the point he was able to outmatch Tarkus (guy who destroyed a cliff with a single sword swing) in strength, and he STILL needed to light his hands on fire to be able to get through Dio's freezing defense.
Assuming Dio had The World and had his body fully functional, he could stop time, tear Kars to pieces, and then freeze those pieces until the sun came up. Dio could beat normal Kars if he had his Stand, and maaaybe even without it (wouldn't be the least bit easy but it wouldn't be completely impossible if he bullshitted right)
Ultimate Kars fucks everybody up though, and Dio wouldn't have a chance even with The World unless he had a ticket to space nearby.
Johnathon has a stand seen in part 3. Check the wikia or whatever
A shame it didn’t touch Joseph, but I guess Araki doesn’t do cliches
Did bohemian rhapsody even have a design?
Can fuck with the enthalpy in all matter within 6 inches of its hands, allowing it to ionize air, vaporize liquids, melt solids, recombine plasma, etc. etc.
Gay experience
Requiem is the best design
I think Eyes of Heaven had it right in terms of how they'd interact: Dio would just see them as another challenge to overcome. He wouldn't really give a damn about the fact they created the Stone Mask which is the whole reason why he's not rotting in a jailcell like his old man, or the fact that he's a vampire and these guys eat vampires for breakfest, because he's Dio, and thus, he's better than anything else that exists, even things that are supposedly higher on the food chain than he is.
Dio just has this unshakeable confidence in himself to the point, even if the Pillar Men throughly kicked his ass and showed themselves as truly superior beings, and he somehow survived, he'd just bide his time and try again some time later, maybe even go after the same power they are looking for.
Dio's freezing powers come from sapping body heat. Pillar men can just heat themselves up.
Could Dio become an ultimate being like Kars?
No. Only pillar men brains had that potential
>Pillar men can just heat themselves up.
Indeed they can, but putting aside whether or not they'd be able to heat up enough to stop Dio's freezing, if Dio was able to freeze Kars or his pieces while in frozen time, there'd be nothing Kars could do to react to it.
Not really.
Kars explained that they need the Super Aja so it powers up the mask to the point it can penetrate their brains deeper, which the ordinary masks can't do. Additionally, while Pillar Men are weak to the sun, it does not kill them. On itself, it simply turns them into stone. The Ripple is only effective against them when it's able to fry them from the inside.
Seeing as the Super Aja is the ultimate sun concentrator, Dio trying to use the mask with it would be basically the equivalent of him shooting himself in the face with a sun laser.
At the very least I think he'd probably get someone like Vanilla Ice or Nukesaku to try it out for him if he got his hands on it.
So even if Dio some how got a Pillar Man body, the red stone and the stone mask, he wouldn't be able to become the ultimate being because of his brain?
Also a pillar man with the power of a stand is...intriguing.
>Nukesaku becomes the ultimate being
Dio was born a human and became a vampire so, even if he transplanted himself to a Pillar Men's body (which would consume him if he did try), it wouldn't work.
And on top of all that, it can make frogs explode.
I love pucci
I don't, I tracked it down. Took a bit of digging.
killer queen
Sticky Fingers, it takes an oddball, low-powered ability and runs with it in a creative, interesting way
is there literally ANY stand that can defeat him?
I just want to say that I got powerlisting.fandom.com
Why is kars sitting in a room by himself with floating cards?
>In fact, there is no Stand that can beat it
Nigger are you dumb. Hanged man exist only inside the mirror world he could easily butt fuck fag in the mirror
Other then Tusk 4? None that come to mind
>Hanged man exist only inside the mirror world
Hanged man is just a reflection and not inside any mirror world. It's a stand made out of light and can only attack a person's reflection. Something Illusio doesn't have when inside the actual mirror world.
pearl jam
once in a lifetime
Forces antagonist to make the best desicions to reach the most ideal outcome,the only way to kill him is to push him into a corner where even if he makes the best desicion available he will still die
There are some scenes in the anime where it sounds like he's choking on the words and it's fucking hilarious
Sandman had such a fucking dope design. His mission was really noble too. I was sad when he left the story
I didn't like stands until Dio's World. They felt like clunky ghost Pokemon and the villain of the work format just wore down on my patience. Hamon was a great power type, but it was indeed quite limited
>Mirror World, what are you a fucking retard
>Anyways, Imma slitter my stand up someone's asshole
Yeah, Soundman was a shitty replacement.
baka means cow in at least one language
Is that brainlet crimson?
>Incidentally, I think that Frankenstein, the Wolf Man, and the Mummy are the three most important designs from the horror world. Just look at the Mummy's wrappings. Why is he all wrapped up so meticulously? It's so charming, and I sense a type of romance when I see it. Her son J. Geil's Stand, Hanged Man, is based on the Mummy with a little Merman essence mixed in. They're both straight out of the world of horror.
Out of curiosity's sake, has Araki ever referenced Frankenstein or the Wolf Man in the series?
He's done a lot of different horror references but I can't think of anything he's done with those two concepts
Scary Monsters seems to be Araki's take on were-wolfs (or were-raptors), i don't know about Frankenstein though.
>Wolf Man
probably inspired Annasui's transformation during Bohemian Rhapsody
Now I realize it's basically the exact same power as Heaven's Door, where orders can bypass physics as well.
Yo-Yo Ma's design kinda resembles Frankenstein superficially
Paisley Park
Achtung Baby
Not even Tusk Act 4 can
"I'll shot my OHKO infinite rotation attack!"
"No you didn't, you don't want to do it anymore and now you are dying forever"
I would fuck Paisley Park with a paper pag on her head
>Thinking setting things to zero can bypass the INFINITE ROTATION
No power can stop the infinite rotation. The entire point of Tusk Act 4 is that it can overcome all barriers. While you can dodge the shots, or chop of the body part that got hit like Diego, once you get hit, there's nothing you can do to get it to stop.
I can gamble for an A in everything.
I can just gamble that poison out of me though, can’t I...
If he resets Johnny BEFORE he gets infinite, then yeah, sure. But once he reaches golden ratio then theres nothing GRR can do. Can't reset the action cause infinite, can't reset the shot cause it's infinite. Only way is to dodge that shit
>just listened to goodbye nostalgia
Wtf man
This exists and is pretty cool. I'm not sure 5e would work well for pure JoJo without some significant bending, though i've gotten away with stealing Stand powers for custom spells in B/X.
Soft and Wet
Crazy Diamond
>I just think they're neat
Sex Pistols
Black Sabbath
came here to post this tbqh
>Crazy Diamond
Gold Experience is better in every way. You can't even heal yourself with Mad Gem.
I don't want an overpowered stand. Might as well play with cheat codes. Though it would be cool to turn the entire floor into ants and watch a guy get crippled as he can't avoid stepping on them.