How will this shit be? Warner bros seem capable but how far will they tweak it?

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Nothing will be worse than that 2015 live action movie

Eren is a gay nigger

what the actual FUCK were they thinking with that shit, im not a harsh critic of films but they botched fucking everything, the only kino was the colossal titan shit was crispy af

From outer space?

>Warner bros seem capable
They're literally trying to get the director to do a Flash movie instead. Either this project is dead or they'll get a cheaper director later

>warner bros goes out it's own way to acquire rights to one of the most popular animes of the decade just to drop

Some interesting 5d chess to somehow begin the inevitable monopolization of anime by hollywood studios

Well they've already acquired right to a bunch of anime already. So did Universal.


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That's a good sign, the IT movie was really great, still it IS a live action anime adaptation but hopefully they end up getting better

I don't think we see it soon, if anything Muschietti is currently re-writing the script for the Flash's movie. The project could easily sit decades like the Akira movie.


One think for sure there will be no 'Nazi' propaganda in this one.

I hope they never Finnish it. Snk would never work as a movie.
And changing everything in the story for a movie is pointless (even though that's most likely what they're going to do).

As long as it has bertholdt and zeke in it I woudn't mind

>Warner bros

>Alita already came out
Will anime adaptations start battling capeshit for box office money?

Anime will become mainstream pretty soon so yeah

Eldians will be changed for niggers, Marleyans will be white, problem actually solved, oh shit, get ready for *smack lips* Eren and some BMAF action since Mikasa will be pretty much asian.

characters that are going to be ruined y this movie
>the manlet
>zeke, if they end up getting to his part of the story

>this becomes adapted

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They are testing waters, Hollywood and similars are out of ideas and once capeshit stop giving them money they will go for anime.

>Cowboy Bebop
>One Piece
What's next Yea Forums?

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It's directed by the guy that made the IT remake right?
I can't say this is going to be good but I'm definitely interested then

If they do a movie the best possible ending is the end of the shiganshina battle between the warriors and survey corps, they'd have to cut out a shit ton of content however


Hunter X Hunter

Vinland Saga maybe if the anime does well on Amazon.


>shinji busting a nut in 4k live action with realistic semen movement

God I love hollywood

As long as they get rid of Titan Shifting mecha bullshit.

>implying Shinji won't be a proud black woman

It's shit. The only way to properly adapt a script this big is a series.

>black people suddenly all over paradis despite it absolutely destroying the central premise of the world

I just can't bring myself to care.

Black people can be eldians too. Because eldians used other races for breeding.

Death Note

Mikasa will inevitably be a negro.
Bert and Ernie will be butt buddies.
No more uniforms because they evoke nazi imagery.



Homos like you is what make the snk fanbase cancerous

Nah user. Erin will be a nigger, and they'll whitewash Mikasa. You wouldn't want a STRONG BLACK WOMAN being submissive to a white man after all.

>jumping to the conclusion I'm a fujoshi/shipper

Comprehension user, what I meant was as long as THIS movie has both respective characters as the last live action SnK didnt have either Zeke or Bertholdt, 2 interesting characters that I see as key characters not butt buddies

>You wouldn't want a STRONG BLACK WOMAN being submissive to a white man after all
You are giving them way to much credit. The objetive is too add as much diversity as possible, to actually represent them in a good light is an afterthought.


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>reiner is burger


We wuz titans n sheit

That or you get an early Magath.

>Bertholdt "Big Ounce" Hoover
>Annie Leoquisha
>Reiner LeBraun
>Demetrious Galliard
>Zeke "That Nigga" Yegar
>Eren Yeagar :)

Seems about alright

>you mad m*Rley boy
I can see it now

Steins gate

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rent free

It already is.

It will be the new Hunger Games.

This is actually a Yea Forums rule

Code Geass

It's a Global Rule.
>3. You will not post any of the following outside of Yea Forums:
>Troll posts
>Anthropomorphic ("furry") pornography
>Grotesque ("guro") images
>Loli/shota pornography
>Dubs or GET posts, including 'Roll for X' images

Youre not very bright are you

>I was only pretending to be retarded!
Keep backpedaling.

Learn to accept your mistakes instead of lashing out

Not an argument.

>Warner bros

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This is so easy to adapt if they just ignore the fanbase and their headcanons, most of them related to LGTBdklgifwbsi-shit and PC fuckery.

The only PC fuckery around here appears to be /pol/'s inability to cope with anything they don't like.

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>/pol/'s inability to cope with anything they don't like.
Such as?

Starring Idris Elba

Stay mad

Naruto movie with Mads Mikkelsen as Sasuke when?

Why does the nazi have a jewish nose?

>Mikasa is rewritten as a "strong independent womyn who don't need no man"
>Constantly telling Eren off and being the straight (wo)man to his antics with zero romantic feelings for him
>In a "hilarious" moment she double dropkicks Reinah and Bortorto in the dick so hard they go "WOWZERS! RIGHT IN THE COORDINATES!"
>Hackneyed moral where The Wall needs to be broken down and humans and Titans need to live in peace because Drumpf
Oh boy, this is gonna be great

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Stay irrelevant.

All americans need to be castrated.

Mikasa already is a strong, independent woman who babysits Eren. You bloody idiot. Your crossboarder status is so obvious. Stop wasting oxygen.

It most likely wont happen, many anime adaptations heave been anounced to just never happen.
If it did happen it would be full of niggers and jews in the cast were they dont belong, and the whole story and themes would be butchered
I'm sure the effects would be terrible aswell

I want a good live action anime film so bad, i just know (((hollywood))) doesnt have the talent or care to do it

That's the joke, you dip.

First, there is a huge % of fans totally obsessed with gender and sexual orientation of the characters to the point of making those traits the most important flags for them. Manlet, Hange, Ymir, Historia, Armin, Reiner, take the worst when the characters themselves don’t fucking care about feeling florasexuals or making a statement about yeah women rock and fight like men!
Then you have a bunch of idiots on internet yelling much Jew, muh Nazis! When this could be an example of how everybody is victim and victimizer. But no, idiots just love to argue about who is better or who killed less.
Pretty much if they ignore the fanbase and SJW this could actually be a trilogy that makes people talk about serious topics about responsibility and forgiveness, and not a contest about which type of gayness is better.

You mean around 20 years ago

how many times do we have to be right?
If this movie was full of jew shit you wouldnt change, and you would say the same thing about the next piece of media, or move the goal post

>in a movie
Impossible without an extreme budget which it'd never get. The best western level adaption would just be to redo it in like a 'graphic novel' style. More visceral gore and a unique art style.

People actually have the need to watch these? There's a market for these? Wtf.

Probably the same market as the people who watch every Marvel and DC movie.

Imo these movies shouldn't exist. The general idea that these movies send is that adaptations from manga to anime is not enough, and normie critics are right that anime is cringe and so they need some show instead of anime.

This isn't just /pol/ fuckery, pic related. According to them, if there's any encouragement to look past any kind of brainwashing imprinted in history (The purported genocidal atrocities of Great Titan War at the hands of Eldians draw parallels to WWII's Holocaust for instance), and to fight for your freedom, then it's Nazi fascist propaganda.

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Eva, Berserk or One Punch Man.

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You rectal bacterial insist everything is laced with Jewish propaganda, and then you freak out when someone says it might have undertones from your side? Especially considering Japan never really came to terms with its actions in WWII? Are you insane or stupid?

Why don't American studios do what they did with the Grudge remake and import a Japanese director who worked on the series?
Drop a bunch of money in Araki's hand and bring him over.

S;G would work just fine as a cheap TV series, I'm surprised the nips haven't made one already.

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