Zack Snyder... Wait, What?!?

>Zack Snyder is turning his attention to television. The prolific writer-director-producer, whose credits include Justice League and Aquaman, is teaming with Netflix for an anime series set in the world of Norse mythology.

>Snyder co-created the series alongside frequent collaborator Jay Oliva, with whom he worked on live-action features such as Justice League, Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, 300: Rise of an Empire and Man of Steel. Snyder will exec produce the series alongside Oliva, who will also serve as showrunner and director. Snyder's wife, Deborah Snyder, and Wesley Coller will also produce the series, which hails from Stone Quarry Animation, the production company's newest venture with Oliva.

>"Zack Snyder's innovation in visual storytelling has pushed the industry forward and established him as one of the most distinctive filmmakers of his generation. We are beyond excited to partner with him and his exceptional team to bring the iconic characters and stories of Norse mythology to life in his inimitable style," said John Derderian, head of anime programming at Netflix.

>No additional information about the Norse series was available, including a logline, episode count or premiere-date time frame.

>The series expands Snyder's relationship with Netflix, for whom he's currently writing, directing and producing zombie feature film Army of the Dead. Oliva is in production on the Manila-set Netflix original anime series Trese.

>The Norse anime series is Snyder's first-ever TV project. He was previously in preliminary discussions to adapt his Watchmen feature (based on Alan Moore's beloved comics) for HBO. The drama would ultimately be developed and picked up to series with Damon Lindelof at its helm (and without Snyder's involvement).

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>anime series set in the world of Norse mythology
Can't wait for Norse mythology to get raped to death like in Thor and God of War.

>western """"""anime""""""

Are they just throwing the term anime for everything animated?

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People call every sparkling wine champagne too, regardless of where it was made.

Anime is popular so they're trying to attach themselves to the term to gain viewers.

Incoming gaykino


This isn't actually Yea Forums. Report and ignore

I doubt they'd call it anime if they didn't have a nip studio animating it.

If he finds somebody else to write it, it might be good.

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Never heard of that guy.

The guy from the Dawn of the dead remake

Literally who?

oh boy! I can't wait for blackā„¢ vikings

>Zack Snyder presents Oh My Goddess


Its illegal to selling sparkling wine as "champagne," though. Japan should apply for the same protection for international usage of the term "anime."

i reckon its just gonna be so generic capeshit its not even gonna remotely take off

>I doubt they'd call it anime if they didn't have a nip studio animating it.
Which studio?

If he did that they'd tell him to come here instead.

Meh, he's just producing it. This is the guy who'll work on the whole thing.

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Snyder's Randian-lite objectivism is incompatible with Japan's culture, so it's good that his "Anime" isn't set in Japan at all.

Why is it always Norse or Greek? Did other mythologies drop dead?


Zack Snyder is... A STAPLER!!!!!

ready for the new age of anime?

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>Japan should apply for the same protection for international usage of the term "anime."
Too late for that now, I think. They've long begun selling "local manga", and "anime style" is a common phrase that is used even on Yea Forums sometimes.

it's anime, it belongs to Yea Forums, you can't just send things you don't like to Yea Forums, grow up and deal with it

inb4 norse mythology with niggers

We don't know that yet.

/pol/ fuck off

Snyder kino is back on the menu boys

The guy who got fired for terrible Batman movies

DO I SMELL Berserk mah niggas?

They'll likely give it to one of those awful nip 3DCG studios hence anime. It's just a dishonest use of the term. All the creative decisions made in the west, the rest of the work outsourced to a sweatshop. As expected of Netflix.

Castlevania was labelled as an anime just because.


Fuck, a greater edgelord. How is that possible?

I cant wait to see gay black vikings attacking regressive saxon christian scumbags
Based netflix

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Leave and never be back.

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Oh no

>black vikings
>black vi kings
>black kings
oh shit, it's true!

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>Anime for Gamers
Fucking disgusting

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We're actually going to have to go back to using "japanimation" because of this shit.

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BTFO poltards, alt-righter, nazi, liberal, SJW or what ever politic groupe you'r from .
You are on an anime board if you wanna talk about politic go on /pol/ or /lgbt/ or where the fuck you usually lurk because we don't give a shit of what you think

If an anime doesn't correspond to your political opinion we don't care so stop shitting up the thread
Stop briging your shitty meme and your pepe on this board they are not welcome
"kek hitler gaz the gike death to tranny i'm so based " That's great you underage edgy little fuck but we didn"t ask , we are not offended, we are not impressed we just don't give a single, not of even a tiny fuck so please shut the fuck up
The yojo senki thread is not a /pol/ thread on Yea Forums keep away your shitty meme from it

Stop getting trigger and reply you little shit, this is the internet you wont change his mind and we wont applaud your faggy rethoric, when your reply you only help the destruction of the thread so whatever the reason do it get cancer
We don't give a fuck about how jap are from your point of wiew sexist or tradisionalist or whatever word you describe what you not agree with we are here to talk about ANIME not social equality you gigantic pussy
NO (insert anime girl) is not marry sue go read the fucking def: a mary sue have nothing to do with being a realistic or not and even less reflecting your opinion on women you absolute retard

Where here to talk about anime and stricly anime.
If you have something to say about an anime political message or whatever you say it elsewhere
If someone post about politic you report and you ignore

Black STRONK Valkyrie as protagonist, white silly white man Loki is the antagonist, also chinese people for some reason.
And Christianity is bad, can't forget about that.

lmao bottom text

>Zach Snyder
Literally who?

It'd literally be worth it just to hear /pol/ ree.

this is just a cartoon

alright quick tell me which manga or LN with Norse setting so Mr. Jack can rape it via adaptation. Obviously not farmland saga since it's fucking airing right now

>let's have /pol/ spam Yea Forums, just for fun


Snyder's capeshit movies were basically the opposite of this (at least the first 2 DC ones)

>Norse mythology
Can't wait for it to be inexplicably filled to the brim with black people. Just watch Vinland Saga.

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Will die out in obscurity like that "anime" Will Smith's son made

and that "anime" was banned from Yea Forums

fuck you, toblerone was good

The asswipes do it already. Why not spam them back.

Zack Snyder is... a carrot!

/pol/ is one of the big boards now, while Yea Forums has been shrinking. We are no longer in the top 3. Not even close.
If /pol/ actually wanted to raid us, we'd be helpless.

desu Berserk Series adapted by Zack would be KINO

>Butthurt C&Tfag

No thanks

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Zack Snyder won't be only big time director doing anime projects. They will be more great directors involved with anime in the forseeable future.

Christ, it's so ugly


Other mythologies weren't as important to anglo culture.

At this point, I'm surprised they're not calling those shitty Disney remakes anime.

>Yea Forums denizen makes a comment that is not PC
>"OH LOOK! it's /pol/, /pol/ is here everybody! fuck /pol/, let's raid /pol/! why can't /pol/ stop shitposting our beautiful Yea Forums!?"
this is the truth about the /pol/ boogeyman

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Anime is a french are you on about?

>whaaaaa my fiction is fictional in different way

Anime is animation created in Japan for Japanese audiences. These things are anime.

>anglo culture
anglo biggest mytho is King Arthur which is written by Frenchies and raped by Japs

If you lurked Yea Forums for a bit, you'd know that Yea Forums is not PC at all. When people call you out on some shit you posted, it's because that shit really does not belong.

how do americans manage to ruin everything they touch

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wait what kotor II is misunderstood? where? who?

Anime ja Nai

>doubting based Snyder
sasuga neo-Yea Forums

its still Yea Forums shit

Don't equate California and America. That's like blaming Spain for shit that happens in Gibraltar.

King Arthur is Welsh
Also Britain was under Roman rule for as long as europeans have been in America. And Germanic rule for even longer.

Purposfully I suspect.

>Yea Forums is the only place on the internet where anime is discussed
>If not, Yea Forums is where the majority of people discuss anime
>if not, Yea Forums is the only place that matters because I say so
While the last one is completely fine, and actually the correct mindset, you're a fucking idiot if you think the first two are even remotely true.

hes fucking trash
just like every other american media made in the last decade

>Yea Forums is totally hip and not PC but you just took it too far and that's why you're /pol/
>I'm not the newfag, you're the newfag l-lurk moar lol
God if you were talking out of your ass any harder, there'd be diarrhea coming out. You're grasping at straws to justify you're irrational hatred of the /pol/ boogeyman. The post that started this referenced the blackwashing that Netflix has been known to do (see The Witcher for example) and you and your tranny buddies flew off the handle. I mean sure, you can keep living in your delusional fantasy world but it doesn't change that you're either willfully ignorant or plain retarded.

he may be Welsh but his myth was written by Frenchies

Read the posted article; there's nothing written within about the new series being made in Japan.

>Yea Forums is not PC at all
>lurk moar!

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>>Yea Forums is totally hip
Don't put words into my mouth, scum.
Your problem is probably that you don't understand what the words you are using mean. (in this case, PC)

>tumblr gif
Sasuga PC roastie

I'm not even /pol/tard and can't stand pushing tolerance down my throat anymore. I liked black actors in comedy and Will Smith but now it's just literal whos without talent that get hired because of skin color.

I'm not even the guy you were talking to, I just had to reply because you were being retarded.

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The later additions of Lancelot and Galahad were added by frogniggers who wanted to stuff their Mary Sues into everything during that time period. The actual Arthurian legend comes from Wales.

I dislike niggers and wont watch it if it has any.
But if it had vampire lolis... Well, America isnt at that level of cinema anymore.

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Last time I checked Gibraltar belongs to the UK while California is still US land

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Then my response applies to you much the same.

>Germanic rule
You mean the Franks? Who birthed the Holy German Empire ? Sounds a lot like France to me.
Cope harder, english and England are the bastard offsprings of french and european culture.

>PC only means the very specific thing that I decide it means so you're wrong

I think he was referring to Scandinavians first, and then French Scandinavians second.

Norse mythology is boring anyway

California is culturally, economically, politically, and demographically removed from the US in the same way that Switzerland is removed from Italy.

The fact that we keep calling each other niggers and faggots should tell you something.
Discussion of politics does not belong here, and neither do the newest memes of how to call your political enemies. But other than that, what exactly are you missing?

You either don't know much about Switzerland or you are just making shit up.

Who is this "we"? The guy wasn't talking about about politics in any case. He only mentioned that since it is about Norse Mythology, half of the Norse gods would probably be made black for no real reason. That's an observation based on Netflix's previous track record. You and your buddies were the ones who started bitching about /pol/ and derailed the thread. What exactly are (You) missing?


>You and your buddies
But keep pointing fingers and evading any responses to your claims.

I'm saying that it's a moral and ethical imperative that the US does away with California. It is a tumor on not just America, but all of western civilization and must be removed if said civilization expects to survive.

Same to you.

>burger education in a nutshell

>I mean Thor, really?
Cuck Snyder years before being disgraced by Thor Ragnarok when he was direction the JUSTice League.

What exactly am I avoiding?
Do you wish me to ask you what's you meant when you questioned the "we"? Are you trying to lure me into an argument on how you didn't actually say nigger at all? That Nigga is something completely different and completely PC, because you can't say nigger on Yea Forums without getting banned?
Express yourself, because I can't keep up with your non-arguments.

You're avoiding the fact that the post that started this argument wasn't talking about politics in the first place, but rather Netflix's track record. It's the replies bitching about /pol/ that derailed this thread into a political shitfest. As the guy you were arguing with said
>Yea Forums denizen makes a comment that is not PC
>"OH LOOK! it's /pol/, /pol/ is here everybody! fuck /pol/, let's raid /pol/! why can't /pol/ stop shitposting our beautiful Yea Forums!?"
and you just keep proving it right

>anime for gamers
the absolute state of huge corpos

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Cool story. Noone cares.

>the guy you were arguing with
I wasn't arguing with him. I was merely pointing out that /pol/ is larger than Yea Forums.
And then I rejected the idea that Yea Forums is PC, an idea that is abhorrent to you but in response to which you have brought up lots of steam and not a single argument.
>you just keep proving it right
How so?
Whom have I called /pol/? The most I have done is said that some stuff does not belong on Yea Forums, and that you need to lurk more if you think that nothing belongs here.
In the end, this post of yours is just more hot air.

This isn't anime

Who's Noone and where do I find him?

Complaining about race is politics. It's a dog-whistle meant to call /pol/acks and Yea Forumstards to action using the boogeyman of "diversity", as if it's inherently a negative. You know what you're doing, and we know it too, so cut that shit out.

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How can Yea Forums be PC when its mostly pedophiles who hate women

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Why should Norse dieties be anything other than white Scandinavians? It's like having Martin Luther King Jr. being played by a white person. Also dilate because your post reeks of being a tranny.

Calling us PC is a justification for spamming us with political garbage.

because in japan is PC to fuck children