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>Girls will start attempting to rape him and just say it was his reward now as an excuse
I like where this is going.

His reward was pretty shit for what he had to go through

>Do not cross
And it was neko Ritsu

>trolldere tomboy giantess next chapter

Fuck yeah.


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Use Google, Luke

I'm not a fan of harem endings but I hope this gets one purely because of her.

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Is she forced to kiss him?

She was at first but I think this one was voluntary

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Best girl

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Will she see his dick again?

Would be bullshit no harem ending because human population is fucked due to these monsters making places in the human world untouchable unless you want to be killed.

Is paizuri about to happen?

Thank you for enlightening me as to this manga.

This series is so much better than the fucking mess that was Akame ga Kill.

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It just needs a Leone expy to be perfect.


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AgK was pretty decent at first. It lost the plot somewhere around the Wyld Hunt arc.

This us why you listen when someone is trying to tell you something.

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I like the main girl fine but this dark haired slut does amazing things for my cock

Gods yes

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a time will come when all he wants to do is give the girl a hug and it'll be nice

>Leone expy
Kill yourself.

>going from Akame ga Kill TO THIS
I'm not even mad

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Well, I feel better that I wasn't the only one who got hard on a drawn kisses.


do what sells baby!

We're here with you, brother


oh didn't notice that this was a snipe
the normal group just uploaded theirs

I wish Nightmare Funk didnt had to die for this shit

man, if the usual group is right, the blackcats release is really terrible on the TL, like barely even google TL tier
it seemed strange on first reading but there's some really huge disparity

I hope so

>decent at first
I think it all went to hell after the anime ended

yes of course, this is totally just the reward kicking in. I'm sure.

You and me both

Takahiro's writing gets worse the more he writes, how does he do it?
I'm fucking baffled.

cute girls fix everything

Not really, those are everywhere.

We need more of this kind of reward.

It looks like their translation really is that bad.

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I want to fuck all the girls

is it consensual?

It's double non-consensual

It's actually the opposite of the consent meme.

>I don't consent
>I don't consent

>Some unknown godly power: I consent

Don't know why but I want him to have his way with both girls but not end up together with either of them, I want him to sacrifice himself and die in the last chapter for humanity as a hero ala Kamina that'd be neat.

I'm convinced this one was 100% not part of the reward she was just really getting into it too

I love the way the 5 seconds time stop was countered. I know it's kind of a retarded comparison but this is miles better than the way Dio was defeated by just having Jotaro time-stopping too by instead forming a strategy that doesn't involve sudden powerups.

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Nigga just went full Ragna on the bitch

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She is a big girl.

The best.

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Dio's power had the advantage of being able to activate anime time during the 5 seconds, effectively lengthening the timestop to several minutes easily.

Thing is even if you didn't factor the timestop, Dio was extremely fast and powerful, unlike the big sis over there.

How is she able to keep doing her pose when in the middle of getting blown away?

The slave was holding back.

>one girl to step on his dick
>one girl to sit on his face
>one girl to sloppily make out with
What's onee-chan gonna do when she kidnaps her little bro

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>>one girl to sit on his face
>>one girl to sloppily make out with

Giant Yotsuba!

Kissus are the greatest

Maybe the second girl is a ghost.

>I readily admit to not speaking any Japanese
Then your opinion is absolutely invalid
>Despite not knowing any Japanese, I think I have a plan that I think will work
Unless the language uses idioms, which Japanese does.

so is this shaping up to be a generic battle harem or is takahiro going to spring a surprise agk edgefest on us

I would prefer the OG too but let's not be too greedy.

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For you.

Anyone else think Yachiyo is very cute and kind and that her sister should move back in with her?