Kanojo, Okarishimasu

This fucking asshole made best girl cry. Dumping new raw chapter.

Attached: sumi cry.jpg (1115x1600, 460K)

Same as the last page of the previous chapter.

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>fairy Sumi

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Next page is the one in the OP

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Is this an acceptable situation for a man to cry? On a pretend date with a girl, about another girl's family situation?

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Chorizo a shit.

it isnt but he is a faggot who pays girls to go on dates with him so he cant really get more pathetic than that

I really hate this manga, but sunk cost fallacy keeps me here.

>Dumping new raw chapter.
Why though? There is a translated one already.

On it.
Commencing dump.

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Bring back one of the _good_ girls you hackette

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>Newfag wojackposter trying to fit in

>Newfag calling me a newfag

inb4 Sumi thinking that Kazuya's grandma is dying.

So if we are getting a chapter like this with Sumi, a chapter when Chorizo snaps and turns to Kazuya for consolation are now even lower.

>newfag doesn't understand archives
colour me surprised

Chorizo this, Chorizo that, I really want to see his belief in Chizuru to blow up in his face one day.

>Making a secret plan.
Please let it be Mami prepering something big for chapter 100

Hopefully it backfires and ends with Kazuya telling her to fuck off forever. All the main characters are garbage people but Mami really pisses me off.

>almost 1.5 weeks ago
>hurr hurr it got deleted hurr hurr

Instead of seething you could have linked to the archive.
But I suppose Bokufaggots aren't too bright...what with liking a shitty Nisekoi ripoff that isn't nearly as good as Nisekoi was.

Ruka is way worse than Mami.
At least Mami isn't annoying and there's been hints that she has an interesting backstory that is yet to be revealed.
We still don't know why exactly she got together with Kazuya, why she broke up with him and why she is still so obsessed with him.

Oh right I was thinking of ribbon slut. My bad. Mami is just a generic bitch ex.

>on a date with autismo goddess Sumi
>Whorizu this, Whorizu that

for fuck sake, just remove the rose colored glasses and go for any of the other earnest girls actually in love with you

>gets called out
yeah nah you can fuck off

Yakuza and Chorizo actually do love each other. This arc is about getting them to admit it.

Imagine paying for dates but also paying for stuff during the dates


Since it is just a pretend date, why not?
Also bitches love emotional men.

Can someone even find this irl Yea Forums, feels like Ive been searching forever and this kinda girl and intimate moment doesn't exist in anything other than 2D.

Attached: Komi-san sad.jpg (700x525, 190K)

What needs to happen for him to get over his Chorizo?