How does Yea Forums feel about this series?

How does Yea Forums feel about this series?

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How often do the female characters get raped by giant insects or is the cover just bait?

RIP best slut
Amazing that she had the most dignified death out of anyone in series. Wasn't raped or gratuitously gored.

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I still hope she will be asspulled to life

And then raped.

Got bored of it since it’s kinda one note throughout.

Not enough gratuitous insect-driven ""murder"" for my personal, gore-schlock tastes. Kinda boring overall.

Like every 7 chapters

Picked up.

Wasn't there an OVA on the way?

She's 100% not dead, she'll come back and kick ass again

Came out in Japan already. Just hasn't been uploaded online.

I hope there'll be a lot of ryona

It'll be censored and watered down to hell and back.

Insects are one of the few fetishes I personally don't enjoy

It got really stupid once they left actually the island and now the insects are on the other islands hinting at a mainland invasion. It could have ended like one of those 50s sci fi horror films

name of manga?

Island of giant insects
Basically the plots of a /d/ hentai merged with a 50s monster movie.

I Hate Summer: The Story of user and his love of dicks
It's easily searchable

So this is one of those "kill em all" stories, right? Bunch of dead cute girls and stuff?

Lots of tits and violent deaths too.

Not enough bug rape.

>Sexy teacher
>The only time you see her breasts is when they're sliced off with her limbs

Is this as gory and trashy as Trash or Murcielago? I love ryona.



there's less gore than in those 2, but overall it has the same edgy tone

series needs less gore and more impregnation.

Read chiba tetsutaro doujins.

Looks familiar, and probably inferior.

Attached: Brain_Eater3_001.jpg (1254x1771, 2.03M)

I already have read them all,
he really needs to go back to giant insects + girls.

The first two were good for ryona, then the third and fourth went too body horror.

It's grind house horror with giant bugs. I hated it but kept coming back but losing RED ICE was too much.

Not enough bug rape.

Only the fourth and onward started getting into proper body horror. Brain Eater 3 is still same old same old.

Either way, I wish he kept to the original formula of fanservice mixed with gore. The second was amazing, especially the scene where that swimming class is attacked.

Giant insects are pretty meh, why couldnt it have been an island full of tentacle monsters instead?

Too bad the anime cut out all the sex scenes.

They added 2 new sluts in exchange, but is still not the same, she was the only thing making this manga interesting, hopefully is right.

it was fun until I realized it was just gonna be the same thing over and over:
>main character knows solution to problem
>nobody believes her, does dumb things as f they are actively trying to get themselves killed, seemingly mostly in order to spite the main character
>people fucking die, main character uses solution to save the day
>people now believe her
>new group of people comes along
>main character knows solution to problem
>new characters don't believe her and are actively trying to get themselves killed seemingly mostly out of spite for the main character
it got fucking boring

Everybody loves MC now.
Thats new.

it is just gonna go back to the same shit
there will be a new group of people who outnumber and outpower their current group, these people will have a fucking deathwish and will do everything in their power to get themselves and everybody around them killed solely for the sake of spite, and we'll be back to square one.

The new group seems to also love MC

how escape that troupe?
mc gets kidnapped? amnesia? time travel? mutants? army? politics? dream? mc from future? mc dies? mangaka dies? writer dies?

we had it all user...

Natural selection seems to have finally killed off most of the stupid people.

Is that the same artist that does Solo Leveling?