Two more episodes until firefags realise they're watching trash.
Fire force
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more like 2 more days until unparalleled outcry against a lack of decency gives this kusoanime even more attention. I unironically like the manga though. It is a kusomanga though
>shounen "humour"
Given that Baizou prudishness has begun infiltrating the Japanese media industry, expect this gag to be cut entirely.
Little fanservice doesn't kill you incel.
this is insulting honestly
Tamaki's in the OP, she's not getting cut. inb4 there's more to Tamaki than the gag.
its poking fun at fanservice retards.
I realized it halfway through the first episode.
>i'm only shitposting ironically
> not liking fanservice
why is Yea Forums becoming gay?
Picked the fuck up.
>i watched ten whole anime
It's not Yea Forums, it's some assblasted user wh has gone on a personal crusade against this series. His go to tactic is to bitch about the fan service and he's even posted it on reddit and then made a post here gloating about it.
Fujoshits , normies and disgusting trannies.
Fanservice is enjoyable when done well. Lazy or overdone fanservice can ruin the quality of a series. I think I stopped reading Fairytail because the fanservice started getting in the way of shit that could have actually lead to an interesting scenario. or maybe I'm just gay?
So I decided to read this and I cant stop jerking of Hibana calling people gravel.
>Little fanservice doesn't kill you incel.
Is that all she's known for or does she get an arc and character development also?
For the most part. Early on she gets a bit of an arc where the guy she admired totally fucks her over. Much later, she gets another arc tied into a training arc for her.
>weeb typing japanese words in english.
I really doubt it’s going to recieve the same level of criticism and attention that Goblin Slayer did, though it’s for sure going to piss a ton of people off
Crossboarders are 100 years to early to understand Okubo's genius.
>fanservice looks stupid
>so the only way to do fanservice
>is to make it as stupid as possible
Also every one of Okubo's manga is about sex.
There's literally nothing wrong with fanservice. Unless your'e a landwhale and 2D girls being naked unironically bothers you.
>all this tamaki hate
Making fun of a little girl following her dreams, what a bunch of spineless faggots
I thoroughly dislike it when kids do not act anything like kids in anime
This, it really looks like it's supposed to be satirical of the impossible situations you see in To-Love-ru and Yuragi-sou.
Meanwhile trigger is ripping it off
here's the real one, genius
if its fanservice done right like kill la kill i dont mind but if its just put there to make your cock hard then its just stupid and i rather watch hentai
>all that CG
What happened to Trigger bros?
No your not. The fan service in fairy tial got tiresome and too constant. Lucy with all her development and new powers goes back yo being a damsel for most of the last arc and being meat service.
Criticism still stands
Whatever though it’s just a silly manga.
How? Children want to be animals all the time. They told Tamaki that she looked like a slut because of her pigtails, it's not something she thought of herself. You were just set to hate this from the start you dumb crossposter, fuck off.
Oh thank God someone agrees with me. Thought I was really becoming gay there for a moment.
OK.... but how? Seriously... HOW?!
It just works
If I’m the crossboarder then who’s flying the plane?
Nah. You were right how fan service done right can be enjoyable but if its constant and done poorly things go south quick. I think the only time I laughed at cat girl's gag was when she fought that one dude who failed multiple times agaisnt her. His bonus chapter trainingnto beat her was great.
is there context to this or do her clothes just fly off for no apparent reason? even if it's a joke i don't really get it.
Ah yes everything has to be colors.
They fly off for no reason. She has this weird thing where her clothes just come off randomly. Once it helped against an enemy who coupdnt handle that type of shit and so her and the nun beat him. Also she's a jobber until her first training arc.
sounds stupid as fuck and not in a funny way.
Oh well the mangaka peaked with Soul Eater anyways
Just because you're not a horny teen who jerks off 24 hours a day doesn't mean you're gay
It pretty much is. One of my gripes about the series. The one time I stopped reading for a while was the MC and brother fight. They spent multiple chapters just to explain how the dudes powers worked
Guess hes the designated autist that plagues each show.
If you set out to fail and succeed, you're still a failure.
It's his style. Everything he writes is over the top sexual and contains layers upon layers of innuendo, both trivial and complex.
>getting upset over a parody character
What’s the point of writing a parody, or should I say, “satirical” character into a non satirical manga though? It seems like in every other regard this manga takes itself seriously enough for a shounen. So why include such a useless character? Dude I don’t even give two shits if you want to include fanservice into your story for 12 year olds, but you’ve got to call it what you see. There’s nothing intellectual or thought provoking about the sexual blunders this cat girl winds up in. It’s not some deep hidden message about the manga industry or anything, it’s just ecchi catgirl naked gag exdee
You can convey complicated motifs with very simple elements. You can have both fanservice and a deep story.
If you think Okubo is just fanservice then you either don't understand it or you didn't read it.
>It's his style.
And it leads to bad characters and dumb scenes.
Is it really that deep or complicated of a story? You’re right I’m a filthy secondary
And I’m not saying that you can’t combine the two, just that this character doesn’t seem all that of a deep satirizing-of-modern-shounen character that people make her out to be, from what I’ve seen. Seems just like a normal ecchi character for ecchi’s sake, just with a few more interesting elements thrown in. I really don’t think she’s supposed to be a parody of anything.
I've seen gags like this in seinen manga too.
Did souleaterfags forget that Ookubo likes fanservice cat girls?
> it’s for sure going to piss a ton of people off
Why? Anime has never been for sjw faggots and never will be. It's the last bastion that will never change if a sjw mob hates it.
soul eater brotherhood when?
Cute post
>It seems like in every other regard this manga takes itself seriously enough for a shounen.
Not really. There's a lot of ridiculous characters and insane dream logic going that are unironically the best parts of the series. Like a guy whose power is proportional to how convincingly he's deluded himself in believing he's King Arthur. Or an uber-serious edgelord assassin being clowned on by Tamaki and her fanservice and trying to train to defeat her by reading porn.
It's at its worst when it is trying to be straight-laced, honestly.
It's not really satire or a parody, but it's well used.
Tamaki is based and she will be voiced by Aoi Yuuki. It' be nice to hear her moaning
I've nothing against fanservice. HoTD was some good shit. But just cramming it in wherever it doesn't fit, taking 5 and putting on a boobie intermission, that's not good. And all of these gags they use as pretenses are tired as fuck. Just make a character dress skimpy and be done with it.
wow, just like every fucking thing else for the past 20 years
It isn't supposed to be intellectual. All the fan service is mostly condensed down to one parody character that is actually popular because of the tropes she is poking fun at. It isn't really more complex than that. Also I don't think Arthur takes himself seriously. So all your points are all over the place.
SE fans are too busy freaking out over Fire Force to remember what SE was like.
do Japanese people know what fat is?
Okay, so let’s say she is supposed to be a parody character. Ookubo is making fun of a specific demographic through the lens of this character. But does cramming a bunch of cliches and tropes into this one character so that you can simultaneously pander to that demographic slyly equal clever writing?
How can she be poking fun at an entire writing device when that very writing device embodies her character as a whole and is used for the exact purposes you say it’s parodying? I mean props to Ookubo if that’s what he was going for I guess but the execution just seems sloppily done and you can’t really call it smart or clever or unique. It just seems sort of on the nose and careless. If you want to make a unique parody character/story you’ve got to put a little more umph and passion into it.
I think I’m going to actually go read the manga so that I’ve got a more clear outlook on this though
Imagine this scene done by Shaft exactly like they did fanservice in monogatari.
She's getting more developed currently so your point is moot.
I've read both SE and this, and Soul Eater really only had heavy fan service early on, then it gose down significantly later, maybe l8ke 5 chapters in. What people are bitching about with the fanservice in fire force is that it's stupidly done, and she gets groped.
also, SE the manga literally ending on "breasts"
Don’t expect the retards here to understand nuance.
The context in that chapter is that she's been working out too much and so her arms are getting bigger and bigger much to her family's dismay. Not sure why it's translated as "fat". That aside fat in Japan is very different form what is considered fat in western countries. In America where the average person is usually some degree of chubby, they'd be considered fat.
Well that’s cool but my point still stands in regards to the parody thing
Post more fan service scenes from the manga
It's parody that was succesful with the readers since Tamaki is the highest rated female in the series and already got her own figure.
Not that user but his question is how catgirl is a parody when she’s played straight relative to the cliches and archetype she embodies?
This is good, what's your problem? Boob ending was dumb though.
Fire force looks decent for a pretty basic shonen show, I'll probably stick with it unless things get real retarded or the animation quality drops heavily
yes I am a bit nervous, how did you know?
Good shit
Can someone post Tamakis ass?
Are you retarded?