Ohaiuu >.> Arigatou gozaimazu ^_^ I'm new to this server, is this where we do introductions...

Ohaiuu >.> Arigatou gozaimazu ^_^ I'm new to this server, is this where we do introductions? My name is Sarah but you guys and gals can call me Sayori and I'm an irl 16 years old girl (gasp an irl girl on my interwebz) yes shocking I know furthermore I am HUGE freaking weeb, I'm such a dork lawl rofl btw I am trans h-hope that's ok...

What animes do I like? well berserk (1997), claymore, mushishi, samurai champloo, ergo proxy & cowboy bebop are amongst my favorites. I also like i like more self aware anime like gurren lagann or kill la kill.

Oh oh and I do quite the very obscure Lain and texnolyze (which many of you probably haven't seen) although they require a more mature and acquired taste, tis why I rarely see either of these two animes discussed online as they are very artsy and the themes are not easily understood or grasped by many. I see myself and deeply identify with Lain, she's literally me.

If I had to pick a favorite anime why it'd be Blue Reflection, no other animu has made me cry as a much a true masterpiece!

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p-pls date me Sayori, your exquisite taste elicits so many dokis! O_O;



what the fuck is this where's the penguin of doom?

>penguin of doom
old and busted

new and vivacious

the future of shitposting is now, old man

Rip this board

>I am trans h-hope that's ok...
It's ok boo, we know ur beautiful. :3

It must be very hard for you if you're so scared to even admit it!

Attached: Ironic shitposting.jpg (750x850, 152K)

>Oh oh and I do quite the very obscure Lain and texnolyze (which many of you probably haven't seen)
this part is way too obvious

hello sayori check this

Attached: 1549210320432.jpg (1280x720, 143K)

But that's not a five like Sayori-Chan's nya!

Trannies fuck off, this is loli territory

Attached: 1553537122623.jpg (1024x907, 249K)

Oh my god, her hat ribbon looks like the Leaf of Poor Posting.
It's a sign.

Mods, please ban.

Yes, I actually do perhaps deserve it this time.

But it was worth it.


>mods mods mods someone made a poopoo pwease cwean it up


I forgive you for no reason other than your pic was cute.

>when ironic trans posting in mockery is beloved by actual trans people
Alright, delete the thread now

hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!

>Banned for giving everyone cancer

>tranny avatar
Stopped reading there.

I also forgot to mention it would make the /vpol/ newfags like you mad. That's another reason I can forgive it.

>why yes I do mutilate myself to antagonize people on the internet how could you tell

Le normoid discord zoomer animes

>berserk (1997)
low test, Griffith looks better than ever lately

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what's there to read, it's just an image, you didn't even get to where there were words

I want to suck her little penis.

um sweaty it's called a clitty