Dr. dropped Stone

After watching the first episode of Dr. Stone I decided to read ahead in the manga. I really liked how they didn't treat science as just as a gimmick as most series do and when I saw Senku trying hypotheses and experimenting with the petrification event instead of just accepting it as is, I was hyped.
However fast forward 44 chapters and this shit happens.
>turns out that the astronauts at the ISS were spared from petrification
>astronauts are top-tier scientists/engineers first, experienced pilots second
>they had access to the Internet and wikipedia and modern technology for at least several months
>they were six of them, five of them top-tier scientists/engineers
>didn't bother to do any experiments with petrified humans
>didn't even try to recreate modern technology
>could have taught their children science and technology and how to use the written word to pass down knowledge through generations or how to read modern books. Used unreliable af oral tradition instead
>3700 years later their descendants are still stuck at stone age
>one kid, also a top-tier scientist/engineer, recreated modern technologies in a couple of years with stone age tools
>also found out in less than a year that the cure to the petrification was a simple corrosive agent
Why is this writing so retarded?

>inb4 b-but they were stranded on an island
That was also super retarded. Why didn't they aim for mainland China? That was also far away from South America. By aiming at Japan they were pretty much guaranteed they would get stranded at the sea or an island. Why didn't they make an effort to escape from the island as soon as possible? They even had a fucking boat.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Not dropping it at the sight of E=mc2
OP you should had know better this pretentious shit would turn out like this.

I thought they made that record so Senkuu could hear it later on, but yeah I see what you mean.

The series is hardly pretentious, sounds like an angry "Dr. Flop" poster. Keep spouting buzz words.

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More buzz words please. Keep it up, your generic shitposting training video seems to be working.

Cause the story is focused on senku not his father duh

For recreating tech, they were limited in manpower, Senku had to recruit most of the village to make iron
We don't know if they did experiments, it's entirely possible they did and were just unsuccessful
Not teaching writing is a fair point, that should've been a top priority
They wanted to stay as far away as possible from the source, it was a complete mystery to them. Based on their knowledge it was instant assured death, while being stuck on an island is only possible death. There was a couple that tried going to the mainland for medicine, did you even read the chapter?

>Didn't bother to do any experiments with petrified humans
You don't know that. Senku only managed to crack the petrification because he managed to link batshit with the solution and even then took six months to guess the right formula of alcohol and nitric acid.

>Access to internet and wikipedia for several months
I'm no expert, but youd think world kinda shutting down after there are no humans running it. But sure, they might've had some time (they did check right after the petrification)

Other things I can agree on, but big part of them going near (or at least stay close to) Japan was about Senku's fathers absolute boner for his son. I guess they really did not have it in them to save the whole humanity like Senku wanted.

>falseflagging Yea Forumsirgin OP for the xth time

Couldn't the descendants of the village be some random people who were simultaneously revived 200-600 years before Senku's revival but without modern tech and the Internet couldn't recreate anything past stone age technology? That would also explain why the village only had stone age tech.

>for recreating tech, they were limited in manpower
Sure, but as I said there were 6 adult astronauts that survived this. Not enough to recreate advanced technology but still.
>we don't know if they did experiments, it's entirely possible they did and were just unsuccessful
If the cure was a simple corrosive agent, then almost any corrosive agent would do the trick. That gives me the impression they didn't even try.
>They wanted to stay as far away as possible from the source, it was a complete mystery to them. Based on their knowledge it was instant assured death, while being stuck on an island is only possible death
They were approximately 20000 kilometers away from the source and literally on the other side of the planet. Traversing 50-100 km to reach the mainland would barely increase the risk of instant death.
>There was a couple that tried going to the mainland for medicine
That's the only valid argument but that didn't stop Byakuya from using the boat to rescue the other three astronauts though. And they didn't even try to get to the mainland before some time-skips and someone dying from pneumonia.

>If the cure was a simple corrosive agent, then almost any corrosive agent would do the trick. That gives me the impression they didn't even try.
Senku had a hint about Nitric Acid by coincidence and even then took about six months to figure out the correct formula with the acid and alcohol. Astronauts wouldn't have the starting clue, and wouldn't most likely focus on one thing for half a year.

its been stated that senkus dad and the other astronauts were not that intelligent. they all had basically just slightly above average IQ and they knew that what ever they did create would eventually be corroded or lost through thousands of years. inventing and creating technology is one thing but preserving it and passing it down a couple millenniums is another. yet they still did manage to do that with the (glass record) that actually is the only reason why senku was even able to beat tsukasa by convincing others from the kingdom of might's army to join the kingdom of science. and senku's IQ is way above the level of the astronauts.

Apart from the fact that the 5 astronauts were supposed to be top-tier scientists/engineers (but we'll assume this is a bizarre parallel universe where this thing doesn't happen and all astronauts are retards), the fact that they were 6 people is kind of significant. Senku had to do the experimenting and finding food, water, building shelter and not dying all by himself. With 6 people you can distribute the load somewhat. I admit that Senku had the know-how and the clue of how to cure petrification but they didn't even try to find anything out.
Also with such a simple corrosive agent curing petrification I wouldn't be surprised if in the 3700 year time skip someone managed to find and apply the recipe accidentally. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

In the current arc, they find an offshoot village where the people in charge have weaponized a version of the petrification beam as grenades, so it's possible someone elsewhere has found out how to revive people.

I think Dr. Stone sucks!

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Why do so many people hate this twist? Is it really so ridiculous to conclude that these astronauts just didn't have as much know-how as our big-brained protagonist (who is, like it or not, the center of the story), and that they were having trouble getting off of the island they were on while technology stopped working due to lack of human maintenance?

it's straight up said that the island was completely uninhabited and anyone who made it to the mainland didn't return, so they had little luck as is. Senku discovered the cure serum after applying a fucking year of his know-how and active effort, which only started because he got inspired from coincidences between he and Taiju.

but more importantly there's also the fact that Byakuya (as well as the others) was legit just an astronaut cadet and only that, outside of their original professions (he was just a professor, not an engineer or scientist) - they were holding open astronaut cadet recruiting opportunities, it wasn't like an actual "picking from a crew of big experts" type deal. I mean Lillian was legit just a pop star. They were trained in being astronauts and nothing else.

This page also clearly implies Byakuga DID try to get the tales down in written form, at the absolute least to make sure he knew what to say - either way it's not absurd to conclude that much human knowledge would get lost, no matter how he did it.

The panel straight up says they wanted to be as safe as possible so they aimed at the opposite of South America, which was Japan. Not just "far away". It supposedly took ten hours for Byakuga to get from where he dropped to the capsule, so why the hell would he and the others spend another 10+ hours going out aimlessly into the ocean in the hopes that they'd bump into another stretch of land where there'd just be no one else to help them anyway? At that point might as well settle down.

Are we just speedreading? For a series about science you people suck at paying attention.

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I wonder why did this series suddenly triggered so many autismos? It's not even close to the level of idiocy of the average shouneshit. But people either complain about any small inconsistency which has nothing to do with the main plot, or compare it to reddit and rick and morty. Is that the smart protagonist instead of a typical bland self-insert which is triggering you?

I can suspend, it just bothers me that we didn't even see the astronauts TRY to save everyone, especially after Byakuga was all "WE GOTTA SAVE EVERYONE". All six of them had three years to figure out that nitric acid + alcohol works, but we never see them even try anything, meanwhile Senku gets the idea and initiates it within a whole year.

>they were six of them, five of them top-tier scientists/engineers
>3700 years later their descendants are still stuck at stone age
That's the reason you retard. You need bare minimum 200 people to not have deleterious effects from inbreeding. You expect 6 people to not have their descendants be as dumb as you?

>there are people that dislike a fun shonen manga about DIY science

this shit's kind of just embarrassing. the kind of shit where you completely miss the point, which is the science.
I get that Yea Forums isn't intelligent but come on. If you brought this series up on /sci/ you'd probably have a better discussion even if they didn't know what the fuck it was. nobody should care about the other shit.

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Stop glorifying scientists. The average scientist can't do the simplest thing outside their expertise, and especially for early tech a genius can make a lot of stuff. The protagonist rebuilding civilization faster than a few astronauts is not particularly unlikely.

Man, imagine being a mechanic and not come up with chemical formula that de-petrifies people from seemingly supernatural state on top of your head. Especially without any resources, acid aint that easy to actually come across in the wild.

Any scientist worth his salt should be able to at least come close to what senkuu did in the first episode. Repeated trial and error and applying problem solving skills, even if you dont know where exactly you are headed. Yes, scientists are specialists and not cartoony geniuses in everything, but part of your training is solving things that you initially know nothing about.


This is a bizarre parallel universe, why else would petrification happen?

>By aiming at Japan they were pretty much guaranteed they would get stranded at the sea or an island. Why didn't they make an effort to escape from the island as soon as possible? They even had a fucking boat.

It gets worse when the main characters make a boat to go out to that island and get there in less than a couple of hours. They were literally 2 hours boat ride away from Japan and they had all the technology. maps, gps, etc they could use to help them find it.

You know how when something educational gets popular and the general public all adapt to the new knowledge and it makes you feel a tiny bit dumber? This is why this needs to flop.

"they didn't even try"
The island they landed on was uninhibited and had no people whatsoever besides themselves. They had nothing to practice on.

See The island had no people on it before they landed there. Meaning there was no stone statues. For them to try and begin saving everyone they would have to get to the mainland, which they obviously tried to do but weren't able to accomplish. Disease killed them before they could do much of anything.

Can you nerds stfu about this anime? I mean my god, I'm so sick of school and it's summer now, just fuck off.

I don't give 2 shits about the latest shounen cash cow, but is there anything more self-masturbatory than announcing to the world that you dropped something? See you next thread, BTW.

This is the most obvious explanation, yet I've seen absolutely no one mention it up until now. This page more or less establishes that they had given up hope here and decided to just focus on surviving.

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But aren't the villages in a different location?

>they were six of them
>their children

With proper planning and polygamy they could avoid it enough to not matter, but it didn't look like they did that. So yeah, lots of incest.

as soon as people here started talking about the mango and I saw the equation I started calling it shit

I know right, it's supposed to be summer break, not more school, fuck school. Anime isn't for school, can't wait till this shit gets canceled.


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>getting angry at the equation
>when it was his literal hope to motivate him since the pressure was on

Imagine larping as a highschooler

Stop talking about it you fucking nerd, AXE AXE AXE AXE FLOP FLOP FLOP, I'm gonna bully you nerds so hard if you don't stop, you're not smart for liking this shit, you are cringe.


Axe soon nerd, I will laugh and you will cry.


/sci/ actually despises Dr. Stone

imagine being such a pussy that you report people who criticize your precious shonen

You, you, you! Ignoramus neanderthal!

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This would have been cool if it was remotely like actual science and not 300 IQ "IFUCKINGLOVESCIENCE" youtube-tier pop-sci.

Still better than MHA and HxH.

Drop me the Dr.Dropped Discord link guys I want to bully these flopfags too.

>Wanting to bully the disabled

Tbh, I also hated that part and while it didn't make me drop it, it really reduced the opinion I had of the manga, from a possible modern classic to just an alright gag manga with some serious moments.

why not make a Sun Ken Rock anime if they wanted to cash in?
Dr Stone is one of the wakest WSJ manga

"wake" or not, it's still more popular than sun ken rock.

They deserve it for liking trash, they need to stop talking about this failure, fuck Dr.Flop and fuck school.

>so much salt
Did the author kill your family?

Guys help out I need blackup LOL, some kid in other thread needs to be bullied hard, also drop the Discord link LOL.



Disabled replies, axeflops

>remotely like actual science
But it is?

>Comparing a shitty little rowboat to this

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Nigga, Soyuz as a baby was able to float across the water from the Island to Ishigami village in a dinky little bow. Also did you forget that Byakuya literally landed, found a dinky little rowboat, and managed to find people in the middle of the ocean within 10 hours? Surely they could have found land in the 3 years they lived there if they just tried a bit.

>people having a shitfit over the equation on Senku's outfit
How autistic do you actually have to be to see that as a problem? There's a reason it's so prominent in media - the equation explains the equivalency of mass and energy which lead towards the understanding of atomic energy and theories of relativity.

How can you even call that pretentious when you yourself don't even acknowledge the importance of that equation?

Remember the Russian couple? They died trying to reach land. Byakuya got the boat from the island. The other trapped Astronauts were in the middle of the sea.
Soyuz was on a much bigger boat originally before he drifted away, it's not confirmed how far he drifted.

What everyone associates with Dr Stone...

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For me the manga went downhill after they defeated the first villain..
It just rushes from invention to invention. The first 30 or so chapters were really good, so it's a shame.

It's literal "I hate school" children crying about it.


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>no villain to stop them
>not doing the things you said you would do in chapter 1

Who's the "first villain"?

Soon brother

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She's pretty nice

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Can't compare to best girl

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So you don't like science like I do? Science is cool! I believe in science.

I find it funny how she grabs him, like she's going to break his neck

>t. retarded contrarian who doesn't know actual science

>says speedreader
>claims a couple died when it's unambiguous what truly happened to them (they could have just not come back and started their own civilization/colony)
>thinking it's easier to find astronauts in the middle of sea than to find a giant landmass

Hobo phase is always the most fun. Now they are mass producing shit and since the mangaka doesn't want to spend 30 chapters on each invention just has mini time skips all around. It's kinda sad.

There's a reason most of the village is comprised of idiot monkey-people with low-level super strength.

FUCKING THIS! They could have recorded information in fucking clay tablets! They could probably have made it to the mainland before too much tech decayed. Like have a tradition where when you have enough people you send some on a journey to the mainland. Do it enough times and eventually some one reaches it. They could pass down how to fucking read books and from there they can learn how to use the last few remaining vehicles and then they have Mad Max rather than stone world.


user, there's no way six individuals could mantain a species for 3700 years, they'd go extinct after a couple generations if they're lucky. So if you accept that their descendants are retards because of inbreeding you'd have to accept they should not be alive at all. The setting is just stupid.

Astronauts are not smart they are trained monkeys

I can't stop listening to the OP, please help.

Oh dear god. Why on earth would you reinvent the gramophone before the lathe? Why wouldn't you just make like a couple iron sand castings to make a basic fucking lathe? It's the first fucking step to the industrial revolution. Why? Why wouldn't they make a basic machine shop? Do they dislike round parts?


>be astronaut
>all other humans petrified magically
>descend to Earth
>couple of years pass trying to figure out what to do
>no wars
>no government
>no taxes
>plants, animals, fish repopulated well above any point of needing agriculture
>life becomes really easy
>meanwhile the infrastructure to support a population of 7 billion is quickly degrading and becoming useless
I'm gonna side with the astronauts on this one. 3700 years later their descendants are in the stone age, but they certainly live more fulfilling lives than we do.

>not come back when that was their plan all along
>let people die
>had kids
>left kids behind
>"We hated them anyway LMAO*
Lea/v/e speedreader

press pause bro

>they certainly live more fulfilling lives than we do
How about you buy a plane ticket and go to some 3rd world country to see how they live? This attempt to romanticize primitive living is something only spoiled 1st world brats are capable of. The reason your life is unfulfilling is because you suck.

They don't even have medicine for fucks sake. The only reason Ruri's still alive is because she has the mysterious Japanese Cold instead of any kind of real world illness.

That was literally what they did, the 100 stories by Byakuya told them to go to the mainland, which is what they did.

fuck off Ted

Maybe there was something that prevented them from coming back. Your shitty posts will be disproven by next year anyways when their civilization is the next plot point.

>t. buttblasted 3rd worlder

>something that prevented it
Like death, but i'll leave it open, whatever it was it was not their will

3rd worlders are
>stupid as fuck to the point of not even having any common sense
>barren of resources (food included)
>still have a shittty government that destroys the poor and uplifts only themselves
>is still subject to being robbed/killed by people with guns
Did you even read his post?

That dress is so cute.

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I'm not the one whining. Want to trade places to experience what a "more fulfilling life" looks like? Didn't think so bud. Also,
You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.
I don't think

>mysterious japanese cold
Are you in fucking kindergarten? What kind of mongoloid dumbass numb nuts retard has never heard of pneumonia?

Then why didn't they learn to read, go to a library, and preserve tech before it rotted away?

I want her to beat the shit out of me so badly anons.

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Well let's see, when they got to the island there was already a stoned hermit there that had everything set. They had everything on hand. The other choice is dying at sea trying to find mainland.
Should be an easy choice.


>stupid as fuck to the point of not even having any common sense
>barren of resources (food included)
>still have a shittty government that destroys the poor and uplifts only themselves
>is still subject to being robbed/killed by people with guns
So the difference with 1st worlders is only the availability (or capacity to steal it from somewhere else) of resources?


No libraries on the island. Byakuya just taught them nip and 100 survival stories, then he croaked.

No you ESL retard. The point of his post that in a primitive world that has no government, no modern technology that makes oppression easy, and a plethora of food WITH the knowledge of the modern era you can live a really comfy life. You can't compare that to 3rd world shitskins living under an iron thumb by a corrupt government while they are having constant famines and have the IQ of a peanut.

3rd worlders dont have enough of their population caring about muh human rights to deal with their psychopath cliques(governments) that control their countries basically once they give the cattle food and entertainment they will endure it. No matter how fucked up Mexico or Peru is the people will endure it because they simply dont care about their suffering enough to change anything.

Why is she such a slut?

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this picture pisses me off like crazy because they included basically every character except gen where the fuck is gen i'm livid

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In another group pic some others are missing
>inb4 this is Gen's POV

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What's the difference with the "dude we have of first amendement who cares about anything else" people arguing that their guns will save them from tyrany don't do shit when tyrany starts taking hold on their country? A general lack of interest and just plain indifference is common everywhere in the world.

>everybody focusing all their attention on gen
it's what he deserves

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god I can't wait until Suika, Gen and Chrome show up

>inb4 he's making this face at everyone

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She should focus on getting close to Mirai to get a better chance with Tsukasa.

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He takes the picture.

That's what she's doing now I assume, they have the time

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Ep 6 for Chrome, ep 6-7 for Suika is my guess

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Reminder that Tsukasa is dead and he isn't coming back
>but muh petrification
No, please accept it, he is dead, it will become too hard to deal with if you keep deluding yourselves.

He's coming back because I still need to see him and Kohaku fight side by side.

i hope that he dies due to the shitty rudimentary cryopreservation technology they used!

science is not fun
I do STEM, I have depression, anxiety, science ruined my life

Pretty much, who decides to be an ass first gets the colonies, sklaves and resources and as a bonus fucks up the areas social structures with artifical borders and groupings so he's able to sell them weapons for decades after setting them free.
Another nice thing is introducing modern, better agriculture that has an higher output for the first few lucky years until the bigger seasonal climate changes hit or the soil erodes away. At the time that happens those idiots don't even remember the old practice that was working in their region so you'll be able to throw all your cheap leftovers there since you also got them to agree to free trade and that way farmer that still triy will have a hard time to sell his products for enough money to build up something.
But since you're the good guy now you let them work for enough money they don't all starve under inhumane and horrifying ecological conditions in your mines since you need someone to get that gold, diamonds and rare earth elements you earn your profits with.

It comes all down to putting some effort in keeping shitholes as shitholes because you can make a lot of money with them.

Kinda, at least human geography only makes you sad.

Why does Homura have the same style platform heels as the women in the village if she had never been there before their first attack?

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Fuck off back to R3ddit, stupid shitposter that belongs in V/.

>senku is a pedochad

Fuck off back to R3ddit,you stupid nigger summerfag and newfag.

>thinking senku has any interest in children

Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard.

>senku tattoo

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Want to know how I know you're a redditard. You over-generalize and don't provide a cogent argument while resorting to "u mad" as a response.

>appealing to /sci/ as an authority
The funny thing is they hate this kind of pop sci shit

I'm a degenerate fujoshit but I will admit Kohaku/Senku tickles my love for jock/nerd cuteness. It's adorable.

Speaking of tattoos, isnt skin marking something tribes always did. Just imagine how hotter Kohaku would be if she had tribal tattoos on her.

Just dropping by to say this series will be axed after the anime

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>didn't bother to do any experiments with petrified humans
Possible source of contamination if petrification is contagious, unnecessary risk.
They would also have no reason to believe that petrified humans were still alive. Even if they assumed the process itself was not fatal suffocation and/or starvation should logically occur if it's only a shell. If it's complete petrification then logically speaking all cell have ceased functioning, basically the definition of being dead..
They don't have sufficient equipment to risk investigating dead people who might have some kind of stone plague. It's pretty easy to fill in this small of a plot hole, Frodo.
>didn't even try to recreate modern technology
Even if the astronauts attempted to rebuild civilization there is no guarantee that their decedents would have maintained that for any length of time, just take into consideration the rises and falls of civilization as we know it and the number of dead languages belonging to once prosperous civs.

checks out on the 3rd worlder

I like Dr. Stone, but it has some problems for me.
The main thing, I think, it's that it's the senku show, all the time, constantly. Some side characters were given some minor time to shine, sure, but senku is unbeatable and flawless. He hasn't failed at any single endeavor or hypothesis throughout the whole manga. He faces no intellectual difficulties, it's just him following a flowchart for a couple of chapters and resolving small conflicts while the supporting cast does the grunt work. He's never wrong. He never has to rethink his previous ideas and no experiments fail or are even improved upon by the main cast. The show has a solid and diverse enough cast that he can share the load, having him being wrong or just plain outsmarted and growing from it would give it a sense of progression. Every single character grows and learns, except senku, because he had a learning montage when he was a kid so he has to be 100% perfect and flawless now. No growth possible.

what exactly is "pop sci"? not even trying to be a smartass, I just want to know what people are referring to when they imply this series' approach to science is lesser. it seems like it just simplifies things, which is a given when you want to teach science to a casual audience through a story.

Bill Nye the science guy would be pretty pop sci I imagine.

I can't believe there are people who couldn't stand Taiju. I think he's simple and lovable and serves as a great foil to Senku up until he can split off and join Chrome and Kohaku. I think his anime voice actor makes him even better.

I want to fuck Ginrou dressed as a girl so badly bros. My dick stretching his unused boipussy.

Biochemistry Ph.DA series about actual science would be boring as fuck to read/watch and would be constantly shit on for anything it gets slightly wrong. Actual science is 90% paperwork/lit. research/admin. hurdles/grant writing, 9% 1 year of preparation ending in failure, and 1% actual success.

i want senku to periodically do me over a table!

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>muh science is magic
Anything that can be studied is science including magic. Trial and error is how walking apes somehow managed to figure out how to extract metal from rocks they found. As for why all humans instinctively believe in magic its because our brain doesnt like the idea of not knowing shit so it creates a handwaved rationalization for any gap. Magic would be infinitely more useful than regular manipulation of matter which is technology though, it makes no sense why magical world are still only in the middle ages when they should be 1000s of years ahead of us.

Senku reminds me a lot of Soma

I love Taiju too. Honestly I love all the chars a lot. Like the village people are fantastic but I genuinely love Taiju/Yuzihiura/Tsukasa a lot too. I can't think of a single one that I dislike, even Hyouga.

>complains about muh scientific accuracy/why they didn't do things to progress
>yet still repeats the "Stone/Bronze/Iron age" meme.

The Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron age are just divisions of Eurasian history based on the switch from one material to the other making for convinent milestones to split it up by; it's not actually nessacarily a progression that socities advance through.

Case in point, there were/are random tribes in africa that never adopted bronze metallurgy but went straight to iron and then steel but still live in villages without complex goverments, cities, infanstructure, etc; wheras if you look at Mesoamerican civilizations like the Aztec, they almost universally used stone tools (they smelted bronze but not much for tool use), but they had fuckhuge cities, insanely complex water mangement systems, political and diplomatic networks, formal goverments, circles of intellectuals, peots, and philsophers, formal biology with categorizational systems and bonotanical gardens to study plants, etc.

A system where a society that makes this is "less advanced" then a bumfuck tribe that lives in a tiny village just because the former uses stone tools and the latter uses steel is silly and is rightfully not seen as valid by any actuial anthropoligists, archeologists, etc. Different geographic conditions, cultural and political trends, etc influence how socities progress; there's no 1 set path and a given culture can be advanced in some ways but behind in others, etc.

Attached: Montezuma_s Palace besides the city center ceremonial plaza (off to the right), in Tenochtitlan, the (1200x800, 323K)

>He's never wrong. He never has to rethink his previous ideas and no experiments fail or are even improved upon by the main cast.
What? He miscalculated how to put the ship together and had resigned them to go small-scale until Ryusui stepped up and bailed him out with the modeling.
He wouldn't have even had enough iron to build it if Chrome hadn't figured out how to find a deposit.

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Guess he was right about you.

He IS dead, user. You don't come back from being frozen. The peripheral revitalizing ability of depetrification can cure him though, repairing cellular damage and the stitched wounds inflicted during the war.

The fridge is just to preserve his body so it doesn't decay or rot away. He's not in stasis or anything, he's just straight up dead.

He does get stuff wrong a small handful of times (about 3 to be precise), but immediately thinks up a new idea or gets bailed out almost instantly. I think it'd be interesting for them to actually have to go with a shitty plan B or think of something else to do entirely other than getting bailed out. Everything goes Senku's way no matter what, even when he's wrong initially it still ends up going his way.

I'll also note that other parts of the world have their own age divsion system accordingly; Mesoamerica has pic related.

I'm excluding the ages analagous to the neolithic period of eurasian history, so only from the first civilizations onwartds. As I explained there's really no perfect analog between Mesoamerican socities and european ones because they were progressing along different pathways due to geographic and other differences, but if I had to make a comparsion to what each mesoamerican era was analagous to in terms of european ones; i'd say the (late, technically early preclassic is 2000-1400 BC; so before divilization) preclassic is chalcolithic, the classic is bronze age/iron age, the postclassic is iron age/classical anitquity.

Again, though, it';s really not close to even a perfect analog: even late postclassical civilizations like the Aztec never even invented the sail; wheras on tyhe other hand had quite possibly what was the most advanced sanitation and medical practices of any society before the invention of germ theory, as ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1805201/ points out.

I'd assume that South/Southeast Asian civilizations and East Asian ones also have their own system distinct from the European/Middle Eastern Stone/Bronze/Iron/Classical etc one; I know Andeans ones (like the Inca and Nazca) do as well.

Attached: mesoamerican history summary.png (1457x1520, 346K)

>wants to ruin a beautiful gorilla with tattoos
Shit taste

Ohayou Sekai Good Morning World!
Fukanou No Yami Wo Haratte Shinwa Wo Reaching
Jou Ni Kaeteku Houryuusei
Ippozutsu Ishi Wo Wakatsu You Na
Kono Ayumi De Sekai Wo Hirogeyou

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ITT: StoneChads completely BTFO OP's every point and then continue hardcore scienceposting among themselves

you know it!

Attached: sparkle.png (256x584, 112K)

That's literally been every Dr. Stone thread I've seen so far on Yea Forums. A shitpost shitflinging OP, Stone chads come in and refute every point, and then they just take over the thread and start using it as their own. Truly the most based guys. They don't even have to start their own threads because they are living rent free in shitposter's heads.

I know shit about genetics, but I doubt a village started by six people can survive 3000 years of inbreeding.

>3700 years later
Honestly, this is what killed me, as early as Chapter ONE.
It's the year 2019 right now, right? What was 3700 years ago? Something like 1700 BC, right? WHAT THE FUCK WAS THE WORLD LIKE IN 1700 BC? More accurately:

WHY THE FUCK, AFTER 3700 YEARS, HASN'T 1700 BC HUMANS RETURNED TO DIGITAL-AGE SPACE TRAVEL????????????????? Just dumb, but I continued because Boichi can draw some hot stuff. I'm not actually reading anymore, though.

Attached: Boichi knows what he's doing.png (1836x1300, 1.16M)

in 1700 BC there were more than 6 people on earth

It's a really simplid
Fied explanation saying genetic diversity was strong enough to not cause mutations. Seeing as the ISS had people from comletely different parts of the worlld. That was their explanation. It's bs burt at least they provided something.

Byakuya fucked up and didn't teach them agriculture.

I'm not understanding what you're trying to argue here. Advancement depends on people present willing to entertain and pursue the ideas to reach a desirable outcome, and sometimes mistakes or accidents can advance science in a way, like the discovery of penicillin advancing the field of antibiotics.

For Ishigami Village, they were often too concerned with survival to entertain anything more, and famines and plagues could wipe out swaths of the population. For the Treasure Island civilization, development, exploration, and advancement of technology was expressly forbidden by the leadership to forbid challenges to the throne and any dissenters were punished by execution or petrification.

He DID teach them agriculture though. Goats were part of the 100 Stories, so animal husbandry was a part of it. Ishigami Village just didn't encounter any to herd, and the other example was explained in the post above mine.

Forgot about the recent goat-story connection

This whole thread reads like something you'd find on Yea Forums.

welcome to Yea Forums when the mods stop doing their jobs

>user can't stand people criticizing their precious manga.
What a loser.

Plus it was clearly stated that disasters periodically happened.
For all we know civilization had advanced somewhat but was reset by this, just like the topography was.

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Dude. In three thousand seven hundred years, people developed more than just how to farm. But this manga? Nah, they live in hunts and have log fishboats.


And totally content by it! Yup! No human in existence, after...what is that? 180 generations? No human ever got too bored and said "I want to explore!" or "I wonder what's under the ground if I mine!" or "I WONDER WHAT AN ENTIRE PLANET FILLED WITH ARCHITECTURE OF AN OBVIOUSLY MORE ADVANCED TIME COULD POSSIBLY HAVE THAT I COULD STUDY!"
But nah, I won't look at the pyramids, or say, a bridge. Nah nah nah. I'll live in a grass hut.


Senku sure was lucky to have missed having entirely missed any danger from all those world-level catastrophes (and local level catastrophes) then, huh! Not even remotely buried! Just, counting the seconds away! Yup! Consistent!

>For the Treasure Island civilization, development, exploration, and advancement of technology was expressly forbidden by the leadership to forbid challenges to the throne and any dissenters were punished by execution or petrification.
To be fair it seems like an outside force invaded the island recently and took over. I don't believe any of the people on that island right now (at least not the darker skinned ones in power) were originally part of the 6 astronauts and most of their descendants are probably stone.

He'll be back to restart UFC.

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So new ep and chapter tomorrow?

Yes, as expected.

Hm that should be a good time then. All the raging anime only nerds posting on the same day as all the manga discussion is happening.

so no early leak for dr.stone?

they kinda already know the history via the 100 stories but a lot of the details and reasons are lost.

The North Sentinelese have been fucking around on their shitty little island for 50,000 years without any kind of advancement.

Does this manga turn into flintstones?

more like Minecraft

We literally spent 192,000 years hunting and gathering user.

Some of the machines do end up looking flintstones tier

>Dude farming
Why would we need that when spearing animals to death is easier?
Illness? Just get a potion from the shaman
Boredum? The spirits will entertain us
Starvation? The gods decide who die for reason

What is weird is why Kohaku's tribe isnt completely nuts when it comes to their religious views.

Geneticsfag here. There are two major reasons why inbreeding is troublesome- one is more of a long term problem, another impacts within a couple generations. The first, and most commonly known reason is that genetic homogeneity means that if something such as a disease or "an obstacle to survival" occurs that is relevant to genotype (immune system, ability to digest certain foods, etc.), there's not going to be any alternative genotype that can be selected for that has a higher fitness relative to this new negative pressure, meaning that a population that's inbred can just be pushed to extinction.
The other main reason, and arguably why 6 people would be pretty dangerous, is that inbreeding makes homozygosity for deleterious recessive alleles a hell of a lot more common. In other words, we each have 2 copies of every gene, give or take. For the vast majority of all genes, we only need 1 working copy of each gene, so there will be no impact of fitness and no visible phenotype if you have 1 working, 1 broken copy. So each of us carries potentially quite a few single broken copies that are unique to our families or to ourselves, but that are extremely rare compared to the greater population- the chances of having a child with someone who has a break in the exact same gene leading to 2 broken copies being passed down is incredibly low, normally. The problem is, if you start with only 6 people, then within 2 generations you can very easily see the broken gene passed down by 2 parents, leading to a child getting a nonfunctional gene. Of course, this can range from relatively harmless, to debilitating in life, or making a fetus non-viable.

Apparently, 192,000 years ago we didn't start off with 100 stories about how to build animal husbandry and build society from a group of space-age astronauts either. We also didn't have 2019 era architecture and metallurgy lying around the planet for humans to discover for almost 4 thousand fucking years.

They didn't leave the island for about 3000 years. Ishigami village only existed for a few hundred, and the surrounding area was completely changed by then due to erosion, mt fuji, and the giant flood that swept taiju and senku away. If there was a giant building anywhere near there you'd think it would have been a plot point already and Senku would have went scouring to find it.

I don't think they stated when they left the island, but If it was longer than about 1000 years, there might not have been a lot to find:
(from that History Channel show 'Life After People', which might be worth a watch for Stone viewers/readers)

I'm not going to continue this argument anymore because this is a fictional world created by a guy who thinks all the people trapped by their magical petrification ray somehow didn't go fucking insane after 3 thousand fucking years of absolutely no stimulation but full consciousness. You can tell me all you want about how many hundreds of years they did or didn't "leave the island" or how little or how much of the old-modern age was left or whatever. I'll simply repeat my point that humanity gets fucking BORED and will GO DO SOMETHING after sitting on their ass in a tribe when they fucking know there's more out there. For more than a hundred generations.

Just not in Dr. Stone, apparently.

>you'd think it would have been a plot point already
Yeah. It should be. Considering some giant flood swept away the main characters who are thinly armored by easily breakable mineral but still attained absolutely no damage whatsoever...but that doesn't apply to, uh, heavily steel reinforced concrete or other earthquake-proof infrastructure building and shit. But the author said so and that's that! I guess we're not supposed to question it!

Killing animals and praising the gods is doing something though.

How small is Treasure Island? Even North Sentinel island is as large a town.

Why wasnt Ishigami tribe nomadic? Humans realized a very very long time ago its better to follow your food than stay in one place and hunt for it.

The manga clearly shows what happened over time via the line of priestesses that the Hundred Stories were passed by.
They settled the among the remains of civilization but then apparently found it more practical for whatever reason to start a hut existence as the old infrastructure disappeared.

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This mango in entire episode.

everyone with proper education should, too.

You can't go insane being petrified because the only two people who kept their consciousness were Taiju and Senku. And they didn't go insane because they had no want or need for any external stimulation. It's the reason coma patients don't go insane. If your needs are met and you have no need for external stimulation/entertainment then you don't go insane.

>thinly armored
Speedreader confirmed. The entire body turns to a dense stone. The chemical reaction with the nital revives the body and un-petrifies it and then the "shell" is basically a molt.

the real question is- would you still drop it if it said E = γmc^2?

How large were human tribes back then? Were there any over 100 that were purely hunter gatherers?

>all coma patients go insane
Based retard

I think you suck.

No, it's why they only eat fish.

Well yeah. Have you never taken a history class before?

Many statues were broken by natural causes, the statues aren't just a stone armor the entire body turns into stone, many bodies are buried (even taiju's was), also yes steel does erode after 3700 years. In fact it would erode after several hundred. The petrification ray is obviously slightly magical as it only breaks down with 1 known substance and it completely unpetrifies, revives, and heals the human body.

Stop trying to pin an Anime world down with real world standards. As long as everything in the Anime follows the rules set by the Anime itself in it's FICTIONAL WORLD then it's fucking fine. Jesus Christ you people are like goddamn apes.

what chapter is this?

101: Treasure Box

>Never read or watched Dr. Stone, just realized it's shonen
>Casually enters this thread out of curiosity
>Faggots complaining about school
>Other faggots complaining about "Pop Sci"
>Long ass scienceposting

Pretty interesting, I have to say. Please don't mind me if I lurk for a while. Seems comfy and a nice break for from the EVA threads, haremshit and other shonenshit right now.

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fuck yes gen falling asleep next to senku

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The written word WAS passed down. That's how the 100 tales were recorded. That's why all these dumb inbred cavemen can speak japanese. Also lets be honest, Senku had the benefit of hindsight on his side. The compound he used to break down the stone was something that naturally occurred to him, He actually didn't have to figure it out because he only was freed from the stone because it happened to him. That is information that none of the scientists had going for them (It's also worth mentioning that of them, one woman was more of an idol than a scientist.) Granted I'm not sure why they couldn't have or DIDN'T have any makeshift technology or maybe put notes on how to make that shit in the 100 tales so you're not wrong.

The series is pretty fun, so long as you don't expect anything too deep or serious.

There was so much going on that chapter that it was easy to overlook that it literally showed the astronauts' descendants presumably landing in Japan to a crumbled civilization.

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This is the most brainlet post i've seen all day. Congratulations.

So does Gen go around barefoot all the time? Asking for a friend.

>thinking senku has any interest in anything but sweet lady science.


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Or maybe they'll just finish telling their story at a reasonable pace. Not that you'd know about that.

I feel like she doesn't know how to tenderly hold somebody. This is as feminine as she can get.

Don't respond to him.

So how do they get famines if they eat only fish?

Lack of fish.

Jesus christ, do you think the ocean is just a uniform field of neverending fish?


Harsh winter

What ocean? Ishigami is inland you retard.

Hunter gatherers dont have the numbers to put a dent in any oceanic fish species.

They already had the lathe by that point, wasn't that why going for the gramophone was so easy?

people spent tens of thousands of years as hunter gatherer nomads, we rushed things in the last few thousands of years

Not true, he only made a lathe after conquering Tsukasa's Empire. He made the gramophone because there was a need for one and they already had a lot of the parts from the radio and cotton candy machines. The stuff made back then was by an on-demand need.

I didn't really like that plot point, because if Senku can discover depetrification and achieve so much in the middle of wilderness, just as you say, 6 engineers/scientists with lots of functional modern stuff should have achieved more (although discovering depetrification was pretty lucky on Senku's part, who got depetrified first and got a clue). However, I'm holding my judgement because, from what we got in the latest chapters, there might have been attempts at developing humanity again that were stopped by whyman. Of course, I don't have proof, but in the first years after the petrification, whyman might have been more attentive to the remaining humans' development, even if he missed the original six astronauts. Also, either whyman or someone else with access to the petrification weapon has the astronauts' descendants' tribe on a tight leash. The villagers that Senku found out were a branch that broke out from the main group, maybe there were others like them before that didn't got lucky. Anyway, maybe thinking that the author will eventually give more satisfying answers is assuming too much, but declaring that something is shit because it's not completely explained right away is also a bold assumption (and judging from the amount of anons that point at plot holes that are later explained in the series, I think the writer deserves some trust).

Oh, I was pretty sure that they had something at least very similar to a lathe by then

A bit nitpicky don't ya think? Especially when we don't know the full story. Are you really dropping a series because of one stupid writing choice? Are you new to shounen? Also at least get to the end of Stone Wars (around ch 80). If you don't like the conclusion then you're 100% justified in dropping it

>Dumb shonen anime turns out to be a dumb shonen anime
Could've fooled me user

Ywn fuck both Senku and Taiju to repopulate earth, why live

it would cause some issues, but if you made sure nothing closer then a first cousin rule, you could recreate some genetic diversity all by themselves.

for example.

say 3 men, 3 women, all prime of their lives and NO relation whatsoever.

in order to get proper genetic diversity going, you'll need each of the men to get each of the women pregnant and with a healthy child at least 3 times. (why 3?, to insure the highest statistical possibility of enough male/girl pairs for the next generation)

this would mean each women would have 9 children each assuming no still births or other issues, resulting in 27 children. Now 15 kids can't be married/sleep with each-other, as all the children from one mother (9) and the 3 children from each of the other mothers (6) would be siblings

This leaves a random kid from m1, 12 potential mates, assuming general statistical probability worked on the m/f mix, each child will have 6 acceptable partners. who are NOT related to them. Those children will have 2 children with each of the 6 partners, the girls will have a hard time of this as they'll be asked to give birth 12 times in their lifetime.

Now we hit the 3rd generation, and inbreeding will have to occur on some level at this point as EVERYONE is now officially related to each-other, and the largest drift we'll find are first cousins. we should have a population now of 324 children in the 3rd generation, we now have a large enough population we no longer need to practice polygamy, which was necessity to accomplish by the 3rd generation, else we would have serious genetic issues down the road in our population

The genetic defect rate for first cousins is around 3%, which isn't particularly high, but you'll need to practice euthanasia for any obvious genetic abnormalities in this generation (shouldn't be needed after it, as every child will be able to pair up with a 2nd cousin in the next generation, and there is no genetic similarity between 2nd cousins.

so in the 3rd generation, there should be 149 potential partners for every boy, all his first cousin, and as I said, no need for poligamy anymore,

just make sure each pair has 10 children

this should grant 1620 babies for the 4th gen. Kill off the 48 or so kids with genetic issues due to the inbreeding to keep the genetic illnesses out of the population. that leaves around 782 (males) and 782 (females) plus or minus a few. From here on out it's child's play to find 2nd cousins, 260 of the opposite sex for whom there should be who are related through their great grand parents but nothing closer, which in genetics means there is no longer any direct DNA similarities with their great grandparents, and that's why there is no real elevated risk for genetic issues with 2nd cousins.

pair those kids off, let em pop out 10 kids, and the following generation there will be hundreds of 3rd cousins your kids could marry.

As long as you keep track of the family try, from that point on finding people you're not related to. around generation 5 you could toss the whole lineage book out the window, and let the kids match as they want (excepting to their siblings or cousins)

That's a really well thought out post m8, fuck the Cuck Force faggots

I don't like the art style change, feels like senkuu is getting younger by every chapter.

Isnt he like 19 By the time chapter 80 rolls around?

You lack passion. People who are passionate about science will find it fun. People underestimate just how powerful passion is. if you're forcing yourself to do STEM, then that's on you.

don't say that name here. I don't want Dr. Stone to turn into a shit show like shokugeki did.

I'm sure someone else has mentioned it by now, but I'm more upset about the logistics of their descendants.
-The first problem is they wouldn't exist in the first place because they'd simply be too inbred and no amount of years would ever fix their shallow gene pool. There simply aren't enough of them to reproduce a viable population. They'd reach a point after, maybe, 3-4 generations where they'd be too sick and retarded to carry on.

-The second problem is lets humor the shonen manga and it's plot conveniences: why are there so few people? (Have they found any other villages? I'm not 100% caught up) The population 'ideally' should have doubled every 20 years or so... And over the course of 3700 YEARS there should be THOUSANDS of people if not HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS- maybe even a million people.
Where are all the people???? There should be DOZENS if not HUNDREDS of tribes, clans, and small primitive settlements if they've had so long to just exist.

>Shouldn't they have advanced in this time?

Not necessarily; the vast majority of Human history is unrecorded and was spent in caveman times where we scarcely innovated at all or changed our way of *life in any meaningful manner. Civilization "as we know it" has existed for less than 10,000 years, but we as a species have existed for nearly 500,000 years- much of that time spent being dumb ass ooga boogas.
*You also need to realize that during caveman times the Earth was significantly more lush, food abundant and plentiful- a caveman may have had a 'working hour' of only 3-6 hours a day, so there may have been little motivation for things to change.

>it makes no sense why magical world are still only in the middle ages when they should be 1000s of years ahead of us.
If you can get whenever you want just by shouting some words and waving hands, why would you bother investigating shit and develop technology?

>posting untagged spoilers
>being a fucking retard in general

Fuck off cunt.

>posting untagged spoilers
>being a fucking retard in general

Fuck off cunt.

Where is your mst3k mantra user? But from what we've seen only Taiju and Senku were able to retain their consciousnesses, ant they're obviously not normal like super autist.

The difference is that nobody expects shounenshit to be smart. If you're gonna write a story about smart people, write a smart story. Anything less feels oit of place and lowers believability.

The petrification is not real