After watching the first episode of Dr. Stone I decided to read ahead in the manga. I really liked how they didn't treat science as just as a gimmick as most series do and when I saw Senku trying hypotheses and experimenting with the petrification event instead of just accepting it as is, I was hyped.
However fast forward 44 chapters and this shit happens.
>turns out that the astronauts at the ISS were spared from petrification
>astronauts are top-tier scientists/engineers first, experienced pilots second
>they had access to the Internet and wikipedia and modern technology for at least several months
>they were six of them, five of them top-tier scientists/engineers
>didn't bother to do any experiments with petrified humans
>didn't even try to recreate modern technology
>could have taught their children science and technology and how to use the written word to pass down knowledge through generations or how to read modern books. Used unreliable af oral tradition instead
>3700 years later their descendants are still stuck at stone age
>one kid, also a top-tier scientist/engineer, recreated modern technologies in a couple of years with stone age tools
>also found out in less than a year that the cure to the petrification was a simple corrosive agent
Why is this writing so retarded?
>inb4 b-but they were stranded on an island
That was also super retarded. Why didn't they aim for mainland China? That was also far away from South America. By aiming at Japan they were pretty much guaranteed they would get stranded at the sea or an island. Why didn't they make an effort to escape from the island as soon as possible? They even had a fucking boat.