>risotto would have won the 1v1 against the boss if narancia hadn't butted in
>giorno falls for 10 minutes after cioccolata pushes him off helicopter, survives and pulls luckiest move in history
>ghiaccio would've beaten mista in the 1v1 if giorno hadn't suddenly been behind him to stop the bullet from killing him
>bruno survives train fight because the train swayed
>clash suddenly has no effect on narancia for some reason
its not fair, the villains should have won
Risotto would have won the 1v1 against the boss if narancia hadn't butted in
Other urls found in this thread:
Luck is a real thing and should be taken into account too. Don't be mad because the protagonists got lucky and exploited the hell out of their luck.
Luck, resolve, and fate were all very heavy themes in Part 5.
Ghiaccio could have ended the whole gang with his crazy broken armor
Why didn't Diavolo have Fugo killed? Seems like he'd try and kill anyone related to Bruno to cover his tracks.
Fugo was originally going to be a betrayal but Araki couldn't bring himself to write it after going through some shit (supposedly).
Would it be fair to say that (in-universe) Fugo made a bad decision by not staying? By leaving he was on his own and it would have made a lot of sense for Diavolo to get and eliminate him just for being associated with Bruno. Diavolo wouldn't have known/believed that Fugo really was out.
>resolve, and fate were all very heavy themes in Part
If Fugo had stayed with them they all would have survived since they were the only ones who had the cure for the virus. They could've made it impossible for Diavolo to touch them, unless Diavolo can kill them during time skip.
Don't forget the other important heavy themes like bullshit and contrivance, very thematic.
And part 4
Part 4's theme was more about how despite being stand users, stand users are all still human. They're still subject to the same temptations and desires humans usually are. A stand user isn't automatically made a force for good or evil, it depends entirely on who they are as a person on the actions which they take. At least that's what I got from it, anyways.
You're a fucking braindead mongoloid. Sticky Fingers would destroy Ghiacco.
Every single Hitman Team member was hard countered by at least one member of Bucciarati's team.
>Formaggio vs Fugo
>Pesci vs Mister
>Prosciutto vs Trish
>Melone vs Giorno
>Ghiaccio vs Bruno
>Risotto vs Narancia
And finally, Illuso is unbeatable, the only member who might have a fighting chance 1v1 is Abbacchio.
Fuck Narancia
>Fuck Narancia
Honestly ... I would.
b-bruno what are you doing??
>Prosciutto vs Trish
how is that a hard counter?
Probably because she is a girl, but it's hardly a hard counter.
>based DP in filename
what do you mean is that from some murch?
Luck is interesting. It makes it seem more realistic than a story where the villains/heroes perform a series of improbable actions with no hitches to their plan whatsoever.
Well, it works in jojo because Fate/Destiny is the theme
It's from their sticker line
She would make herself softer, which would make her realize that her skin becomes younger, therefore hard countering Prosciutto's ability.
fist though was fuck I love stickers I'm gonna have to find a way to order some from over here can't cost that much for a sheet
so imagine my disappointment when it is that stupid fucking phone "pay to downlode" sticker shit again
whats the point of something you will never use becuase no one texts you
>just print off your own stickers on that special paper and cut them out
its just not the same as licensed stickers man the feel of pulling them off the paper and sticking them on posters or tables its different
but yes based and straightpilled
there really ins't gonna be a episode tomorrow hm
It wouldn't have made sense anyway. Giorno already developed an immunity/vaccine.
She already held his hands. There is nothing worse he can do.
Am I the only girl who keeps having dreams where Risotto is her bf? Like I unironically don't care that he still murders people for a living.
Nah, all of us are like that.
fuck off garou, you jobbed to caped baldy
Post em
Because Diavolo is brutal, but not sadistic, and only kills when he actually tangibly needs to. Do note for instance that he tells Doppio to spare the taxi driver.
I'm not implying his sadistic, just paranoid and brutal. How does Diavolo know that Fugo wasn't still a part of Bruno's group? All Diavolo knows is that they stopped travelling together. Diavolo was clearly intent on killing the rest of the group, why would he spare the 6th member just because stopped being right with them? Maybe it was the case that Fugo had to go act on his own and was still with Bruno on taking out the boss, Diavolo doesn't know that.
I'm not saying he'd kill Fugo just because he was part of them, but because Bruno just betrayed him and is trying to kill him. Narancia, Giorno, Abbachio, and Mista are in on it too, no good reason to think that Fugo isn't as well. We as the audience know that Fugo isn't a threat to Diavolo, as does Bruno and co., but Diavolo doesn't know that.
Diavolo didn't know who, other than Giorno, had joined Buccellati in his betrayal yet. We know this from the phone call Doppio makes to Squalo telling him about the "traitors".
It isn't until Clash & Talking Head/Notorious B.I.G. that Diavolo learns the majority of the gang had actually joined Buccellati as traitors. Before then, we can assume he didn't think the rest would be foolish enough to join Buccellati on what was basically a suicide mission, and would simply do a Fugo.
Based & incelpilled
Diaovolo struck me as the type who would've eliminated Bruno'd group altogether, whether he knew for sure if they were complicit or not. The guy went to great lengths to kill his down daughter to cover his trail, and had one of Risotto's men killed due to their treason.
I don't think it's out of his character to want to eliminate Bruno's group as a whole especially since they'd all met Trish and had been with Bruno for seemingly a while (except Giorno). I don't think Diavolo would have needed the concrete proof that the others were in on it to give the order to eliminate them all. Especially since they all got so close to the boss at that island.
You're missing that Diavolo straight up ISN'T the sort who'd eliminate the whole group. He doesn't work like that, he doesn't kill someone unless he actually does need to. Setting Cioccolata loose is his doomsday option, and even then he sent in Doppio to try and make sure things didn't go too out of control. He kills precisely who he needs to and tries to avoid mass innocent slaughter like Dio's joyride.
>unless he actually does need to.
I would think that this is the case, considering how close Bruno's group got to him. They had his daughter, and were at the island where he was. If he's paranoid enough to track down and kill is daughter, is it really that much of a stretch that he'd eliminate the group that's at the doorsteps of figuring out his identity?
What basis for
>Diavolo straight up ISN'T the sort who'd eliminate the whole group
is there?
>Asspulls: The Part
Based redpilled trips of literal chadness
The part where Diavolo never ever shows a desire to kill anyone he doesn't absolutely, positively have to kill (tells Buccellati ((who's already defying his orders by following him)) that he'll spare him if he leaves the basement, tells Doppio to ignore the taxi driver, and sends Doppio in to keep watch over Cioccolata). Diavolo is a madman and a monster, but he doesn't take pleasure from killing innocents the way the prior villains did.
>They had his daughter, and were at the island where he was. If he's paranoid enough to track down and kill is daughter, is it really that much of a stretch that he'd eliminate the group that's at the doorsteps of figuring out his identity?
They only were there because he had ordered them to. He trusted Buccellati and his men still, none of them had shown any sign of disloyalty. And again, when Buccellati does move against him, his first reaction is to tell Bruno to simply leave.
It's still the 4th-5th best part (shared with Part 8 for now).
>Diavolo is a madman and a monster, but he doesn't take pleasure from killing innocents the way the prior villains did.
I'm not arguing that he'd kill them because he wants to, but because of his paranoia. Bruno DID betray him, and so Diavolo sent assassins after the group, with that intent to kill them. Why wouldn't he have sent one after Fugo, too? You act like Diavolo was hesitant to kill Bruno, but immediately after the island they almost get killed by assassins that Diavolo sent after them.
>They only were there because he had ordered them to. He trusted Buccellati and his men still, none of them had shown any sign of disloyalty. And again, when Buccellati does move against him, his first reaction is to tell Bruno to simply leave.
Right, there's no reason Diavolo would have killed them just for showing up, but then Bruno betrayed Diavolo, and Diavolo then killed Bruno, and sent assassins after them when they escaped the island.
Thinking about it, Ghiacco would be such a hard counter to Prosciutto. Not only would his suit probably block the aging effect by itself, but cold nullifies it. Prosciutto would be completely fucked.
>Why wouldn't he have sent one after Fugo, too?
Because Fugo didn't go with them. He went right back to his life, may have gone to another Capo to work for them. There's no reason to think he was sitting around waiting to be assassinated, and from Diavolo's point of view, there's no reason to think the guy who left the group is somehow still working with them. Diavolo sent assassins after the ones actively opposing him.
>Because Fugo didn't go with them.
He didn't depart the island with him.
How does Diavolo know that they didn't just say "Hey Fugo, here's the plan, we go to Naples, you stay behind and try to take out the assassins or something."
>There's no reason to from Diavolo's point of view, there's no reason to think the guy who left the group is somehow still working with them.
There's equally no reason to believe that Fugo really did dip at that point and didn't just go solo according to some plan from Bruno. And for someone as paranoid as Diavolo, I have a hard time believing he'd think "Well, Fugo went off on his own and the others are still together, guess that means that Fugo's not working with them and I'm safe from him."
>"Hey Fugo, here's the plan, we go to Naples, you stay behind and try to take out the assassins or something."
That's a ridiculous idea. You're trying really hard to reshape the facts to fit your expectations, but it just doesn't work. If Diavolo had any actual sign that Fugo was opposing him, he'd have him dead in a minute, but there was none, so he didn't kill him. That's all there is to it.
I would think knowing there's a 6th person in a group where you know the other 5 have betrayed you and are actively trying to find and kill you is enough reason to think that the 6th man might be a threat.
>>"Hey Fugo, here's the plan, we go to Naples, you stay behind and try to take out the assassins or something."
>That's a ridiculous idea.
It really isn't, especially not in JJBA.