Carole & Tuesday

Finally, a new episode.

Attached: [PAS] Carole & Tuesday - 13 (WEB 720p AAC) [9BE0A93A].mkv - 0001.jpg (1280x720, 182K)

Other urls found in this thread:

More pink butthole.

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Follow Angela:

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Can't they just provide "services" to random fans to solve their money problem?

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Rape Tues

Aikido nagger.

Attached: [PAS] Carole & Tuesday - 13 (WEB 720p AAC) [9BE0A93A].mkv - 0004.jpg (1280x720, 160K)

Loving the new OP.
The whole show should have been made in this style.

Attached: [PAS] Carole & Tuesday - 13 (WEB 720p AAC) [9BE0A93A].mkv_snapshot_00.45_[2019.07.11_17.02.23].j (1280x720, 224K)

Twintails Tuesday is best.

Too western and Disney


Attached: [PAS] Carole & Tuesday - 13 (WEB 720p AAC) [9BE0A93A].mkv_snapshot_02.26_[2019.07.11_17.07.14].j (1280x720, 139K)

If anything it looks french.

Oh no! A gang of multiracial thugs!

Attached: [PAS] Carole & Tuesday - 13 (WEB 720p AAC) [9BE0A93A].mkv_snapshot_08.45_[2019.07.11_11.12.31].j (1280x720, 116K)

The ED is creepy and reminds of psycho pass

Diversity thugs

Female president (who doesn’t care about her teenage daughter)

>it's a Carole and Tuesday get gang raped in the ghetto episode

Attached: [PAS] Carole & Tuesday - 13 (WEB 720p AAC) [9BE0A93A].mkv_snapshot_20.22_[2019.07.11_11.14.47].j (1280x720, 154K)

Is that michiko to hatchin?

I'm glad that the Mars slums seen briefly in episode 4 weren't forgotten.

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>her mom is lady Trump

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They shouldn't have changed the ED. ED1 was the best thing about this show.

Attached: [PAS] Carole & Tuesday - 13 (WEB 720p AAC) [9BE0A93A].mkv - 0009.jpg (1280x720, 122K)

>this is P-chan
Will this end like your average Idolmaster doujin?

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Attached: [PAS] Carole & Tuesday - 13 (WEB 720p AAC) [9BE0A93A].mkv - 0011.jpg (1280x720, 175K)

Is America going to have a female president in the future

>not a single CGI bobblehead
>too Disney

Her mom is clearly based on Clinton.

It looks like 101 dalmatians

Tues Mom will be very racist towards Carole.

Carole is a immigrate from Earth and is black and poor

Attached: [PAS] Carole & Tuesday - 13 (WEB 720p AAC) [9BE0A93A].mkv_snapshot_06.03_[2019.07.11_11.43.03].j (1280x720, 64K)

Not to mention her homophobia.

Does he have his very own Senko at home?

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How can the manager be so bad? he basically has not taken any good decision since he's in charge of Carole and Tuesday

>rejecting a great contract that would drown them in money
Best manager ever.

Attached: [PAS] Carole & Tuesday - 13 (WEB 720p AAC) [9BE0A93A].mkv - 0007.jpg (1280x720, 117K)

Carole is gay?

He knows his shit.

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this reminded me to the guy who axed a girl of AKB48

Attached: [PAS] Carole & Tuesday - 13 (WEB 720p AAC) [9BE0A93A].mkv_snapshot_10.32_[2019.07.11_11.45.03].j (1280x720, 88K)

Kiss that trans man Gus!

Is this the new arc that works exactly like the previous arc?

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This is your producer.

Attached: [PAS] Carole & Tuesday - 13 (WEB 720p AAC) [9BE0A93A].webm (960x540, 1.01M)

A music awards show arc?

Looks like Brazil

Attached: [PAS] Carole & Tuesday - 13 (WEB 720p AAC) [9BE0A93A].mkv_snapshot_20.53_[2019.07.11_11.48.24].j (1280x720, 103K)

Is this why these kids almost robbed them?

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Reporter-san will surely uncover that Carole is the politician's daughter and use it to create some sort of scandal

Music Collection W H E N ?

Make Mars great again!

>Space Trump

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I need that full version of the Mermaid Sisters' song

Ariel > mermaid sisters

Is that dude based off of Rick Rubin?

Attached: fuck audio levels amirite.jpg (474x647, 47K)

i heard about this show but am holding it at arm's length for fear it's gonna be a lesbo fest
does this true?

>ywn kick spics out an airlock
why even live though

I wish I was a Yea Forumsfag and could get all the references they are probably throwing in this show.

Most of the Yea Forums references you can possibly get on the show is from the episode titles and music video episode anyway, so you won't be missing much.

Oh yeah, guess it does look like him. Probably.

Attached: [PAS] Carole & Tuesday - 13 (WEB 720p AAC) [9BE0A93A].mkv_snapshot_21.12_[2019.07.11_11.54.04].j (1280x720, 66K)

No, because she's going to get stabbed and won't be able to partecipate.

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>a lesbo fest
I wish.

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I want to stick my dick in crazy.

Attached: [PAS] Carole & Tuesday - 08 (WEB 720p AAC) [310C163D].mkv_snapshot_09.06_[2019.05.30_18.44.13].j (1280x720, 75K)

Good episode, but the forced rivalry with Angela is really fucking boring. I really hope this whole "grammy arc" doesn't end up lasting the rest of the series, but now that I think about it, the 7 minute miracle does look like it takes place in a huge grammy style auditorium

>but the forced rivalry with Angela is really fucking boring.

It’s better than bakugo and deku that took 62 for them them to make up

How is the series so far?

Its okay I guess. Its pretty but kinda boring.

Boring like bebop?

this is definitely her dad right

Attached: [PAS] Carole & Tuesday - 13 (WEB 720p AAC) [9BE0A93A].mkv_snapshot_09.33_[2019.07.11_13.30.59].p (1920x1080, 3M)

Why isn't Roddy streaming, or at least recording this guerrilla concert FFS? It's exactly the perfect sort of setting for people who want to appear as indie artists who do it for the art and not for money and fame.
Chooseday's mother is Dollary Clintrump.
It's what I immediately suspected.

This week's song is Walk This Way by Aerosmith:

Attached: [PAS] Carole & Tuesday - 13 (WEB 720p AAC) [9BE0A93A].mkv_snapshot_20.21_[2019.07.11_20.32.59].j (1280x720, 153K)

>race mixing propaganda
>muh white males harassing girls
Fuck Netflix for this shit.

Pitchfork still exists in this timeline, future is looking bleak.

Fatty producer will end up fucking Angela's dad-mom.

I predict her return by episode 17.

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>>race mixing propaganda
Impossible, all the girls are gay.

No its a lot worse than bebop. Comparing the two is insulting.


user there was also an asian and a black dude. They were diverse thugs

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I wonder if Roddy will ever be relevant again.

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Terribly boring but at least the music is still good....most of it

>everyone tries to rape Tuesday: the Animation
I blame butthole posters.

Wes he ever?



She's so fucking pretty

Her estranged dad, and top 1 assassin of political figures in whole solar system.

Bebop is average and boring with nice music and style over substance you nostalgic fag!


He is so pretty

This show had it's cool moments, decent animation, some cool music here and there, but fuck that shit. 13 episodes in – dropped. I knew Watanabe likes to do shit like that, but it was generalized and ok even if you disagree with his views. However fuck me sideways if I'm going to stomach modern-day fucking politics in anime.

>immigration is exclusively a modern-day problem

Go REEEEEE somewhere else.

Watanabe has always been political. You just contradicted your post within the post itself.

It's oddly specific and coincides with the presidency of a certain american too well, while carrying over narratives that have been spotted several time in certain company's products. I mentioned in my post about Watanabe's political inclinations, but this time he outdone himself. Pair it with the general mediocrity of C&T and you have yourself a valid reason not to put up with this bullshit.

New ED is based.
New OP is just okay.

You know, I actually agree that it did feel really thrown in my face. The scene could have been executed in a way more subtle manner. Hell the whole show could use a lot more subtly and nuisance. But honestly I don’t think it’s all too wild that Watanabe wanted to use the current political climate to fuel his story. We’ve already been clued from the start into the relatively political nature of the show and how it effects Carole and Tuesday’s endeavors and the music industry in general.
We all know that Watanabe is pretty leftist so “deportation and nationalism = bad” isn’t too weird of a motif to go with the show, considering Carole’s backstory to boot.
I just wish this show wasn’t so rushed and on the nose

I don't like how the execution is so stupid.
He isn't running for president of a city or country, it's for the entire planet, making this world too simple and politically homogeneous.
Plus, from where these "refuges" are coming from? To where she plans to send them?

>Where does she plan to send them?
Back to space mexico where they belong. Then she's gonna build a yuge space wall and make the space mexicans pay for it!


Its amazing how easily triggered conservatives can be despite their disdain for those lefty "snowflakes". So, are you boycotting Nike and Gilette products too?

Both of them terrible compared to the first ones

Yikes:the anime

Well, we can assume that only a small portion of Mars is inhabited, and if as many hints suggest the setting is the same as Cowboy Bebop, the refugees come from Earth that was fucked up by the Moon gate.

I'm flexing in my sick sneakers and shaving my pubic hair, not taking in a story and views of a creator. Don't you see a difference?

I just came here to remember you this show is made by niggers for niggers

The director is japanese

and eats black cock everyday

No. He just likes jazz music

Bye ;^)


t. angela

You just know.

his white skin scares me

That dog is scary.

More like drowns in black pussy
This guy does everything for some brown sugar



Carole is fucking sexy!
No wonder Tuesday turned down the the handsome lesbian devil.

Does Tuesday know how babies are made?

When a mommy pays a callboy to visit her in the bedroom before she has a very important speech...

what do we think of the new OP

She has less followers in real life




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This looks like late 80s-early 90s Soviet animation.


The new OP is miles better than the new ED

I don't remember, was Hillary Trump's boytoy white or black?

How long do martian colonies/cities even exist, did they ever mention that?

since they built the martian wall

Who thought this was a good idea? Is it parodying current phones? Was it meant to be funny?

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That phone was produced solely for SNS purposes

As long as bebop

frankly amazed the show’s gone on for this long and nobody actually drew pink butthole yet

I'm completely unaffected by the race, sexuality and political commentary in the show but I find it funny how both sides seem to be triggered by it. If Tuesday's mom goes full Trump parallel, I'm expecting that on the opposite side of people like there'll be others complaining that they used a woman as a Trump stand-in.

Honestly it has a 1:1 screen to surface ratio and no notch so its based as far as i'm concerned

I can't help but wonder if refugees would even be a big enough problem for Mars to base a campaign around them?
Mars is terraformed, so supposedly you can land (and somewhat live) anywhere on it, but you'd need a spaceship to even get there. It's much harder to do than dig a route or swim in on a raft, or even drive a car.
This leads me to think there might be a whole mafia doing it, and that's where the terrorism mentioned in early episodes will come in.
Dollary Trampoline is the obvious reference due to publicity US politicians get, but to me she looks more like Marine Le Pen.
Most of the phones we see in the series have the usual rectangular form. Which means this one would break the display of most all the sites since they'd not be designed with this form in mind.

I don't care either way but the butthurt is always amusing.

Why are some people so triggered by this? I thought it was hilarious that her character design is based off Hillary but her political views are based off the Donald. Just seems like some funny irony to me.

Not a fan. I really liked the first OP despite the awful lip sync.

>I can't help but wonder if refugees would even be a big enough problem for Mars to base a campaign around them?
Yeah that's why I wondered about how long Mars was already a normal human location people can visit. Everyone who isn't a teen there is an immigrant themselves, probably, so they shouldn't have this "our place" feeling yet and immigration would be a very normal thing anyway. On the other hand being a politician means to bait people with problems that aren't a thing in order to get some real or fake reason to fight for and create a buhman, turning the politcian into the hero who's trying to prevent the big crisis if just enough people are enlightened enough to vote them.

Tuesday's pink lips and butthole! Both made for kissing!

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RIP Tuesday's aristocratic pink butthole. There's no way she's getting out of these slums without getting MARS'd in the hood.

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How problematic of you to make assumptions about those refined gentlemen because of the color of their skin.

These two are growing on me.

Attached: [PAS] Carole & Tuesday - 13 (WEB 720p AAC) [9BE0A93A].mkv_snapshot_10.32.302.jpg (1280x720, 86K)

It's not the same anymore. Those songs were really good, especially Hold Me Now. Only problem is that the full version is very short (like two and a half minutes).

her little pink butthole could already sense the world of pain it's about to face

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>so they shouldn't have this "our place" feeling yet
There are plenty of immigrant Trump supporters with the "I got in now fuck everyone else" mentality.

For some reason I almost always like these older gay/trans/whateveryoucallthem characters in anime. They are always either funny bitches or badasses.

Yea I really like their rivalry more than C&T vs Angela. It felt like Angela could've been friends with them at first as fellow artists with a healthy rivalry but this episode just made it feel like she sees them as a stepping stone for her music career. Would've been nice to see them hang out together for an episode while the managers constantly bicker over the littlest shit or something like that.

Angela is just a bitch to everyone.

>politician mama wants to avoid big scandal
>abducts her daughter away from a planetary syndicated television show
>nobody notices kidnapping five feet from the studio sound stage
>nobody had even previously made the connection between Tuesday and the political mama running for president of Mars who shares the same name three weeks into production
>Mars isn't even Mars, its Brooklyn with a few space-feel buildings and Earth normal gravity, so president of space Brooklyn
>what's political mama's corrective action taken for the risk to her political career of her daughter being seen singing in public from her heart as only a lonely girl can do?
>go to your room you broke out of and take an entire week to not break out of it again
>here, I'll even leave you with my strangely incompetent son who somehow didn't report back to me where Tuesday was though she was on the aforementioned planetwide television show

What dumb woman wrote this dreck? Should I even continue? From what I gather ITT, it only gets worse.

Yea the show is pretty trash. I would only watch it if you care about the music parts. Watanabe is incapable of making a decent show that isn't of the episodic adventure type.

The show could have taken place on a future Earth instead of Mars and the general plot would still make sense. The show didn't really need to take place on Mars.

>"I got in now fuck everyone else" mentality
Yeah, this. It's even a thing for basically any fandom and subculture in existence. As soon as people are in the gatekeeping starts. And yes I am guilty of this as well regardign Yea Forums.
Same here. The problem is that the rivalry with Angela feels forced for the lack of a better plot. It would make much more sense for her to get pissed by the AI music she has to sing after seeing C/T and she probably will but only way later and it feels dragged and stupid. There are so many, better, stories you could come up with with this setting aside from "arrogant idol hates talented newcomers".

>There are so many, better, stories you could come up with with this setting aside from "arrogant idol hates talented newcomers".
I definitely agree with that. C&T feels like Zankyou no Terror 2.0. Interesting premise with absolutely nothing interesting done with it.

>Mars isn't even Mars, its Brooklyn with a few space-feel buildings and Earth normal gravity, so president of space Brooklyn
Several towns have been shown, not just Alba City, of which "Brooklyn" is just a tiny part anyway.
>>what's political mama's corrective action taken for the risk to her political career of her daughter being seen singing in public from her heart as only a lonely girl can do?
Tuesday is a sheltered retard and her mom knows it, what she does not know is that there are people to look after her.
>here, I'll even leave you with my strangely incompetent son who somehow didn't report back to me where Tuesday was though she was on the aforementioned planetwide television show
When he went to search for her she wasn't partecipating in the show yet.

But yes, please drop it.

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It's a very common problem in anime in general. There are so many shows with more or less unique settings that could as well have taken place in a random Japanese school or town instead because the world was never included into the plot and they also refuse to do world building.

Even worse, Watanabe wrote it. I'd assumed ti was that Akao Deko who'd been handed script duties for the first time after only doing series composition.

No excuses. I don't normally plotfag but this is awful. I think I'll keep on just to remind you of it.

>No excuses
>can't refute anything
Okay I guess.

>abducts her daughter away from a planetary syndicated television show
>nobody notices kidnapping five feet from the studio sound stage
As expected she meekly let herself be put into the car, it was only Carole making a fuss.
>nobody had even previously made the connection between Tuesday and the political mama running for president of Mars who shares the same name three weeks into production
Nobody ever made the connection in general so it isn't even inconsistent, you can assume her surname to be common and Tuesday herself always having been kept away from the public eye, which makes sense considering how her mother treats her.
>go to your room you broke out of and take an entire week to not break out of it again
All she had to do to "break out" the first time was just walk out, nothing was locked and the security system obeyed her. It's implied that she didn't even need to exit from the window, she only did it because it was suggested in the guide she consulted on how to escape from home. The second time instead, everything is locked, there is human security and even robot guards.

Here have a webm

Attached: solves you from behind.webm (1280x720, 1.69M)

I'm so happy this WOKE shit is DOA

wasn't it revealed within the first 3 eps it's been 50 years since they got to mars?

Because she just opened it today and the episode is from around the year 2070, retard.

You didn't refute.
>Several towns have been shown, not just Alba City, of which "Brooklyn" is just a tiny part anyway.
Obviously its an overstated way of mocking the allegorical connection to its modern-day setting, which I image has been done to death already (). That there's a space Manhattan where part of the story also takes place doesn't turn the criticism aside.

>When he went to search for her she wasn't partecipating in the show yet.
She was participating in the first week, and we can assume the brother wasn't told to stop looking for her. Which isn't the main point. We're to accept that three weeks go by before word gets back to this highly connected person with political handlers (being that she's in the midst of a national campaign) of what became of Tuesday before she takes the radical step of a public kidnapping (contradictory to her stated goal of wishing to avoid scandal) at just the narratively appropriate moment leading into the talent show's climax, the real, story-derived reason for the delay? Only to then leave her in the charge of that person who was first tasked to find Tuesday, but failed to say she was on every fucking widescreen there was in the capital city? All to get at the point of depicting the mother as cruelly neglectful, stealing away an innocent girl's newfound dream like a heartless sledgehammer.

Lots of people have to be dumb for this plot point to go over, just don't ask that the viewer be that dumb as well.

>As expected she meekly let herself be put into the car, it was only Carole making a fuss.
The abduction only works by the convenient absence of background townspeople, who were erased from existence of what should otherwise be a highly trafficked area.

>Nobody ever made the connection in general so it isn't even inconsistent, you can assume her surname to be common and Tuesday herself always having been kept away from the public eye, which makes sense considering how her mother treats her.
It's about Valerie's team not making the connection, even if we're to assume the national political media (who surely would know all about the high-profile politician's reclusive daughter) wouldn't make a fuss about her sudden public appearance -- which they surely would.

>All she had to do to "break out" the first time was just walk out, nothing was locked and the security system obeyed her. It's implied that she didn't even need to exit from the window, she only did it because it was suggested in the guide she consulted on how to escape from home. The second time instead, everything is locked, there is human security and even robot guards.
It's a clumsy way of setting Valerie up as responsible for Tuesday's renewed escape attempt. If the 'problem' isn't dealt with in a way more comprehensive that the "go to your room" directive which is supposed to resonate with its intended audience (apparently getting younger with every episode), of course she's going to run again. Anyone of Valerie's position should realize this.

Ok, I'm convinced. Now I definitely to have to keep watching to make sure none of this gets past you again.



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Cowboy bebop didn’t need to be on mars

Nah. C&T at least has funny jokes and some cute girls.

Terror has none

Carole is a refugee from Earth, if Natalie Clintrump gets elected it might come out that she's an illigul and has to go back

Soundtrack when???

has watanabe lost his touch? space dandy was 10/10 but I don't think he was that involved with it beyond the premise and a few episodes

Cowboy bebop is a 5/10

Champloo is a 5/10

Kids on the slop is a 6/10

Dandy is a 9/10

C&T is a 7/10 (mermaid sisters > bebop characters)

Terror is trash ! 3/10

Bebop 8/10
Dandy 4/10
C&T 5/10
Not contesting the others.

He's back

Attached: Ookawa.png (728x410, 243K)

>Dandy 10/10 > C&T 7/10 > bebop 6/10

Bebop is overrated. If it was released now people would call it boring

Ellen with a tan

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Carole is cute

Attached: 88AD6F7F-C1D8-4B4E-A972-6E344B599485.jpg (1280x720, 133K)

Carole thinks Angela is cute.

She gay?

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You're all wrong, although I agree on most of his shittier shows.
Bebop 9/10
Champloo 9/10
Dandy 7/10
Slope 6/10
C&T 5/10
Terror 3/10

>Champloo 9/10

Champloo was even more boring than bebop .


Nice contrarian opinion. I think you're trying a little too hard to fit in.

>tuesday gets outed as her Mom\s daughter
>cybelle makes a statement that she and Tuesday were in a relationship

Bebop 7/10
Champloo 6/10
Zankyou 6/10
C&T 1/10

>confronted with different opinion
>lol u contrarian!
You're just stupid.

>The abduction only works by the convenient absence of background townspeople, who were erased from existence of what should otherwise be a highly trafficked area.
Even if there were people around, no one would fucking care or notice because that's how shit works in crowds.

>Bebop 7/10
>Champloo 5/10
>Zankyou 1/10
>C&T 8/10

"Grab'em by their dicks is what I say..."

Bebop 8/10
Champloo 9/10
Zankyou 6/10
C&T 4/10

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>Bebop 1/10
>Champloo 1/10
>Zankyou 1/10
>C&T 5/10

Watanabe = 1/10 director

Blade runner anime short 100/10

>oh, hey, look at that new pop star throwing herself onto a moving vehicle
>and over there's a mars squirrel!
>but whoops, enough of this random gawking
>I've no time to snap a photo and upload it to the internet, though everyone and everything else in this world operates according to modern behaviors
>--except for the unexplained reason why a significant portion of the population suddenly and without narrative necessity became trannies--
>I've got to cross this street as part of a mindless anime crowd
sounds legit

Have they kissed yet?

It's actually a reference to AOTY 2005

Attached: top-10-anime-villains.jpg (210x240, 13K)

No but Ertegun and Roddy did

Mars lives matter

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RIP Carole and Dann

But Bakugou x Deku is a battle rivalry in a fantasy world. Much easier too follow.


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Based butthole posters

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What did they mean by this?

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"modern-day politics" are present in tons of anime loser

No it's not you dumbass tranny. Netflix is doing everything it can to change that though.

yes the big bad netflix boogeyman is coming to steal your anime away and inject it with politics, just like /pol/ told you right

Nice. Interracial relationship along with a female president and culturally diverse cast

Netflix is clearly inserting western sjw politics into the anime shows they fund, and they will continue doing so.

Anime is rapidly growing since people are so tired of western shit which in turn is all sjw politics these days. To combat this Netflix and others are trying to take over anime, it's very logical.

As someone who likes anime because it's so different from the crap coming from the west, this is indeed terrible. C&T is shock full of progressive politics, there's absolutely nothing japanese about it apart from the animation production quality.

it's funny that you think that considering netflix has absolutely nothing to do with the production of the show and has zero creative control over it whatsoever. this is 100% watanabe doing what he does, just the same as dandy or bebop or kids on the slope.

Do people seem to forget that Cowboy Bebop had transexual characters, Faye walking into two gay guys fucking and Champloo had an episode of a foreigner who wanted to go to Japan because he was a Gay and thought the country was accepting back then? Watanabe was progressive before the it became a meme.

Attached: gren.jpg (702x540, 30K)

LOL, Watanabe is producing this show in name only. This is literally a Disney channel type show animated by japs. It's clearly aimed at a western woke teen girl audience and fat sjws who like to project themselves onto the two pretty young girls.

Lots of anime has had crossdressing as well, and POCs. but they don't push sjw agenda. C&T clearly does, the whole backdrop is the progressive political landscape of the US right now.

>anime shows they fund

C&T is definitely far more progressive since it's already covered like every sexuality, gender identity, and race in the book. Visually it does seem more catered compared to Bebop/Champloo, but at the same time it hasn't had any negative impact on anything in the plot so I don't know why anyone really cares.

can you please explain in your mind what it means for a show to "push sjw agenda"? because it sounds like some arbitrary designation you're giving to C&T so you can say it's bad for doing things that plenty of other shows are doing as well.

I wouldn't waste my time with someone who uses those dated buzzwords.

Left wing progressive dogma, which means immigration politics, white people in power = bad, maximum diversity (there has never been a more diverse 'anime' than C&T)

The idea that a japanese production house would make this type of show centered around western progressive politics without pressure from their western funders is ridiculous.

It's made for a western progressive market, nothing in this show appeals the to japanese people politically.

>nothing in this show appeals the to japanese people politically
so you know nothing about the current political landscape of japan that hasn't been regurgitated to you from people on english-speaking imageboards, gotcha

Oh please. The japanese are staunchly anti-immigration, and one of the most conservative nations in the world. Do not confuse their liberal expression in terms of drawn/animated sex with them wanting sjw politics.

Someone being gay, trans, is not a big thing in japan. Their pride parades are so different from those in the west that they literally bear zero resemblence.

One is a competition in being as shockingly vulgar is possible, the other is simply a statement of 'hey, look here, we are just normal people like you'.

It's a perfect shot-for-shot anime adaptation of the Dollary Clintrump presidential election.

Money talks; they don't have to pressure anyone. Nips know its not a show for them so they don't have to worry about a backlash.

>going to a lawless refugee favela
RIP carole and tuesday, this is how you get raped and disappeared

>M-Muh disgusting western pride floats with drag queens and dudes in booty shorts vs. superior nipland's pride parade!!

God I love that new OP so much. The new ED is fantastic too but man that new OP. Also can we talk about the terrorism on mars stuff? I really want that to play into the plot but it doesn't seem like it's been brought up again. If anyone has screenshots about what i'm talking about please do post.

>Tuesday's mom is basically the female Donald Tump
Don't tell me the plot is her trying to deport Carole.
Also First ED > Second ED

Attached: 1555513588013.jpg (1280x720, 225K)

>muh superior snowflake Japanese culture folded 1000 times
Imagine being this much of a weeaboo.

It took place on several planets actually.

Attached: 1552533214848.png (220x233, 64K)

The majority of episodes just follow standard western/noir/hard boiled/thriller tropes and gain nothing from being set in space or some random planet. The sci-fi elements are largely just window dressing.