Boku no hero

BNHA is a bad manga, Horikoshi is a hack author and its fanbase is brain dead.

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Why people hate Bakugou?

ok see you next week user

Agreed, the only thing going right for it is the character designs.

I agree, if the characters weren't so well designed literally nobody would give a shit about this.

>I don't like popular things or just having fun. Why can't more anime be deep and intellectual, much like myself?

Tip your fedora a little harder.

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Because they can't live out their "punish the bully" fantasy through Deku.

I hate when he tries to do pathos and drama

the manga's strong points are its humor and light hearted moments, all his edgy shit is fucking terrible

Hypocrite, don't come into this thread and make your own bnha appreciation one. Fuck off lardass.

Funny you say that when the one fucking arc that killed my love for the series was the one of them raiding a villains base.
It has nothing to do with it being fun or popular, it's just that the writing is shit and so are the characters.

It’s got some cute and cannon couples

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Shipperfags, normalfags with bad taste and fujoshis are the only things keeping this shit alive. Lucky for the mangaka there is quite an abundance of those.

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What the fuck is that facebook tier reaction image even? Are you outing yourself as a normalfag with bad taste?

Look at his file, he's a dirty phoneposter.

Are you saying Shigaraki's hilariously melodramatic and forced backstory wasn't done as a joke on purpose?

Hes a genuinely awful person user.

>melodramatic and forced
Is there anyone with a valid point in this thread or is it just underaged shitposters?

Eat my ass, cocksucker. Hori is a dogshit writer and that's a fact.
Go cum on your dead mother's grave you braindead ape.

What makes this story so weak overall? I'd say the world building and stagnant relationships.

I just hope this awful arc ends soon. I don't mind the focus going back to Deku as long as we don't see Shiggy for minimum two years.

Fags fuck you its a good show

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I don't want to see him ever again. Hope he dies.

A thread died for this. When will you idiots learn how to use the catalog? There’s already an MHA thread up that hasn’t even hit bump limit

it would be actually good if the main characters were pro heroes instead of retarded high school teens with forced character drama

This I cant believe hes supposed to be Deku's foil yet looks like a fucking faggot.

This is a thread exclusively to lament over the wrongdoings of Hori. You fuck off and make your own thread you general lovoling cuck.

My post is very clearly anti-general, and if you want to make a thread exclusively to hate on a manga then perhaps you should include that in the subject

The regular thread is full of inane shipping shitposting.

I dropped this when Deku finds out he has 8 quirks or something, is it worth to pick up again?

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So the rest of the board should suffer because you can’t deal with a few people shipping in your series’ threads?

fuck no, it gets worse every chapter

Can the mods just nuke this thread already, it has no reason to exist

We have enough faggots like around we don't need anymore

>anti General
Then you'd know there can be multiple threads about a series you general loving cuck

It actually gets much worse.

KEK cry more, it has the reason to exist because there are people who dislike this shit manga

Shut up fag, this thread is for all the people who hate this series and have read it.

And what exactly does this one bring to the table that couldn’t be said in the existing one, which may I remind you once more, has not yet reached the bump limit

Hori ruined the villain's alliance this arc, and for some reason wont let Destro kill them off.

It can, because everyone is like minded here. We want to talk shit about Hori and his dog shit writing.
Cope faggot.

>won't kill them off
Because Hori the dipshit hack expects you to care for the LoV. He thinks he's making them sympathetic not understanding how much worse they all became as characters.

I don’t care about MHA or your opinions at all, you haven’t answered why this thread should exist over the other one yet

This is an accepted fact

The specific topic in this one is pointing out how Hori is a hell of a shit writer.
The other one is a general, fuck off and go back.

funny because the original version of this image applies to (you)

If this one isn’t a general, then why is the subject just “boku no hero”

>BNHA is a bad manga
>Horikoshi is a hack author
>Its fanbase is brain dead
Amen to all of that

Everyone is rooting for the Liberation Army not these has beens. The LoV doesnt even have any organization of influence in the world of Boku no Faggot they are complete jokes for villains, literally a bunch of early 20 year olds bad at the world and chimping out.

Because that is the name of the Manga retard

So it’s a general? I don’t get it, why couldn’t you just post in the other thread that has an identical subject

Except too bad that the liberation baboons are all throwaway characters. They are literally waste of ink with how unimportant they are. This arc does not matter at all with the exception of Shigaraki's comedic flashback.

>Waaah my family died
>I hate society waaah

Holy shit get back to All for One already i cant stop cringing.


Only thing that could make this shit arc better is nuking it next week and then going back to either the students or endeavor. Horikoshi has such a shit pacing.

Well, I guess you’ve given up trying to defend your waste of space thread. You shonen watchers have named threads for a reason, and it’s to stop you spilling out like you’ve just done

Who else noticed the giant red flags about Hori's ability to write back then when he fucked up the Overhaul arc?
That's when I personally said "Fuck this shit I'm out"

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The thread IP hasn’t changed in like 20 posts. Do you really need to samefag this hard?

If only we had listened

Everyone? Overhaul arc had basically everything wrong with the series all packaged in one long arc so people picked up on how much of a shit author Hori is.

61 posts in a 25ip threads. How is that samefagging you ridiculous nigger? Go back to your general thread and be a dumbass over there.

Even Hori forgot about the Overhaul arc that's how bad it is.
What kind of a mangaka forgets an entire arc like that? What the fuck

>red flags
That was way too fucking late for red flags, the manga was already bad in the overhaul arc

Wait what? How did he forget about it? Kek.
I haven't been following the series for years now.

He has no idea how to structure arcs, Overhaul is something that should have appeared at the end of the manga not in the middle.

>BNHA is a bad manga,
It has merits
>Horikoshi is a hack author
He's got some good ideas but Yakuza arc was pretty much the point I kinda trailed off from it
>and its fanbase is brain dead
another fanbasetard, Broad media are bound to bring in the worst people.
Cute girls and boys do that to things

BNH threads before the Anime were VERY fucking quiet and they died quick with very little fanfare and discussion. I still remember when there was a lot of hype around the Deku Todo fight and it was still nowhere close to the amounts of posts in a thread.

Broad bases bring in more shitposters and more tards, I thought you'd understand that by now, newfag.
Bring in 1 productive person you bring in 100 destructive people, this is the logic of the universe

Words of wisdom. I wish faggot shiggy and league of clowns died for good and the manga would have All for One and Doctor as main villains.

The buildup for the Overhaul arc was alright iirc, but the climax was so shit that I still remember sitting in front of it and telling myself "Holy fuck, I can't believe this is it."

I don't see fujos or trannies attaching to Naruto, bleach, OP, BC or any other shonen the same way it has happened with BNHA. The fanbase IS brain dead.

I saw them when deku vs bakugo 2 basically copy pasted lines from naruto, pretty much verbatim

>reeee you're an eyesore!!
>I'm the only one who can receive kacchan's feewings!

>Blatant shitpost OP not deleted yet
Come on mods, you have one job


If you look at capeshit you can notice an assortment of villains yet this manga barely has any, its so dry of villains that people read Vigilantes crap to get a more basic capeshit feel of the series.

Hori literally made a public apology on twitter and Jump author notes for forgetting the Togawice chapter and League's plans to infiltrate and take down Yakuza from within.
He literally forgot the main premise of the overhaul arc.

Just because it triggers you doesn't mean it is shitposting you retarded clown


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And some dumbass will come and say "he didn't forget" over and over again. This fanbase is so damn full of retards.

Why lie? He forgot that Twice had measured Toga before.

How many mistakes can he make? This legit embarrassing. Just work with written notes if you have memory issues regarding your own work ffs.

Hell no, this manga already suffers from cast bloat. It doesn't need more characters.

>can't help her autistic husbandofaggotry
Yeah, we live rent free in your head.

There are a bunch of trannies on Nardo fandom

He forgot because he doesn't plan his arcs and genuinely doesn't care about this manga anymore.
BnHA is nothing but a cashgrab to him.
Also he announced that he's going to spoil the ending of the series in the second movie that's coming out later this year. It's ridiculous.

It needs more fucking villains for this to be comparable to capeshit. Making a villain is easy just imagine a set of superpowers then come up with a design, backstory, and motive. Another thing is this series needs genuine evil pieces of shit not waaah society was mean to me faggots.

>Not all over Naruto

Are you too young to remember what it was like when Naruto was still on going?

Because he's a shit author

Wow he literally has no sense of duty at all, does he?

>Vangaurd action squad
>8 precepts of death
>Resevoir dogs
>Gentle and La Brava
>Giga and Ujiko, plus the Nomu
>Oji Hariyama
>The MLA
Not to mention the multitude of street thugs we see, including the giants, sludge monster, carbonated water dude etc

Yeah, not even 300 chapters in and Hori's already burnt out on being a mangaka.

Jap fujos.
Western fujos that drew Naruto as a black trans woman didn't touch it.

>Doesn't plan arcs
>He's going to spoil the ending

Can you even read what you wrote?

200+ chapters of nothing happens

Compare every shonen at the 200 part to this pile of garbage.

He forgot one thing, not the whole arc, but since this thread is just a huge shitpost go on.

I guess it's not a job meant for everyone. It's probably grinding and exhausting as fuck, but he's a fucking adult he should have known himself enough to realize this wasn't for him.
I sure as hell know I wouldn't take up a "challenge" like that if that meant potentially disappointing literally millions of people. It's ridiculous and selfish.

Fuck off piece of shit liar.
He confessed before in an omake that he only planned the ending of the series and he makes up the arcs in between as he goes.

Arcs and the actual ending isnt the same.

Someone post the screencap

You should mail this to Togashi

maybe if he wasn't a 80lbs effeminate weakling he'd be able to deal with the strain of serialization better

No one cares about 1A shenanigans get to the capeshit already you fucking hack.

user is too retarded to understand that.

You've been disingenuous this whole time why would I believe you now?

At this rate Horikoshi is going to retire from writing the series somewhere between chapter 300 -400 and Jump is going to assign another writer to take over the writing.
Hori's is incapable of continuing this shit for as long as Jump wants and it shows.

The man who created and finished yu yu Hakusho? Are you even aware of the shit you write?

>comparing Togashi to Hori
Oh wow how embarrassing.
Togashi has enough under his belt to prove his worth in the businessmen as well as his sense of basic duty and love to his fans.
He's old as shit and a father with kids.
Hori is what? A 20-something living alone somewhere and has one axed series before BnHA. Do your math.

in the business* Sorry about the auto-correct.

My math adds up to 0
As in 0 chapters for HxH in the entire year

I hate hiatus x hiatus but its way better than this steaming pile of shit.

So you're gonna completely ignore everything else that makes your argument useless? Kek.

Based misanthrope hours

I’m gonna completely ignore them like how Togashi complete ignores his job as a Mangaka

I'm not entirely defending Togashi, but at least I'm objective enough to count his iconic, finished and excellent work that grants him more than enough respect in the meduim.
You, on the other hand, are grasping for straws in order to try negate this discussion. What would happen if you admit that Hori is a shit writer, user? Just accept it.

Hori is too busy playing with action figures to write a manga.
Hell, he doesn't even have time to draw the pages anymore with how drastically different the artstyles get every arc because of the change in his art team shows they do it for him so that he can play with his spider man toys.

t. Newfag who doesn't know about yu yu Hakusho

Wow, really struck a nerve there

For you, I'm guessing? That's okay.

>This whole post
There’s shitposting, and then there’s whatever this is

Yeah it's obvious that he has ghost artists like Kishimoto used to have back in his Naruto days.


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Nah, this one takes the cake
Ignoring said mangaka has an entire work finished behind him. HxH is more like a Hobbie at this point.

Well, it is factually correct that HunterHunter hasn’t received a chapter this year

That holds no weight as an argument to what we're talking about.

The fact that the style of the cover arts never matched the interiors should have been obvious to you he doesn't draw his own manga anymore since second season of the anime came out.

Boy, someone sure is upset today.

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>making that picture and posting it
I'm guessing you're talking about yourself?

It’s quite entertaining to watch these people roll around crying about a series they clearly have idea about

>underage user wants a safespace to whine about hori not doing his fanfic

We can acknowledge hori's fuck ups and don't pretend they don't exist. I think we get the series far better than you.
More like Hori not writing something decently.

Cool but the art is great.


Same guy, by the way.

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Shiggy suffers so much he now glows.
>All of the other reindeers.

>one guy has 45 ips

>in jail
>only consistently relevant villains
>in jail
>in jail
>in jail also missing arms
>in jail
>throwaway (also dead)
>in jail
>part of LoV
>mentioned once
>dead (soon)
>probably not even actually a villain
>dead/jail (soon)

because he's a literal sperg

OP is a faggot

That's your damage control?

Huntermumblers still seething that other series are getting chapters weekly/monthly and adaptations out the ass while O MYxRUBBER NEN is growing increasingly irrelevant by the year because the mangaka can't be bothered to continue it.

No need to damage control you dumb fuck. You're wrong.

The guy said there was a lack of villains, and cited cape comics as his reference. I provided him with a list that proves him wrong

If your argument against that is that they’re in jail or dead, then comics may not be the best thing for you to cite

The villains are lame and boring unlike capeshit. Capeshit villains are so memorable they get entire movies made after them that dont even have their hero nemesis.

Capeshit is worse than the worst manga.

Funny. Every single Herotard thread I happen upon now has you traumatized autists speaking about our superior series unwarranted. As if we permanently damaged your puny brains.
I wonder where the rubber man touched you babbys?


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i only watch the anime because the animation is decent and the music is fine
please don't bully me

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Manga is too large a medium to compare to just capeshit thats why Im comparing capeshit manga.

>huntermumbler just so happens to show up in the thread moments after somebody talks shit about him
makes one think

> +200 days since last chapter

what could this mean?

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Based and nenpilled

Fuck Off herotard your manga shit garbage

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my problem with the series is that the LoV are the only consistently relevant villains. and if we're being fair your list isn't really great either

>multiple villains split despite being part of the same organization (eight precepts/yakuza) (destro/MLA) (Nomu and LoV)
>Resevoir dogs appeared for like two chapters
>Hawks is a double agent
>Oji Hariyama is only mentioned
>the multitude of random gangs are never seen outside of their one chapter each

>Your Chinese picture books aren’t as good as MY Chinese picture books
Did you ever stop and wonder why people even bother doing this?

all the mysteries thus far feel completely inconsequential because deku vs shiggy aka reprisal of OfA vs AfO is already set in stone
if the author kept AfO around or maybe showed that he had a backup plan besides shiggy this wouldn't be a problem, but too late for that

take this arc for example
balding-from-stressman and friends are clearly going to lose/die here
it's been painfully obvious since his introduction that the purpose of his entire organization is to serve as a backdrop for shiggy and LoV wanking

> togashi dont care anymore
> Rush ending incoming
> Dark continent never ever
TIC TOC hunterspic

at least the mangaka still cares to complete it, unlike mumblexmumble


MHA attracts people who dont follow the board culture and bring nothing but cancer here. Look at their generals or what kind of threads they make on the catalog. Most of them are so deluded that they don't recognize how much of a garbage their favorite manga is and even dare to compare it to masterpieces like HxH.

MHAtard are all redditors and numales who dont belong on Yea Forums and its everyone's duty to shitpost on their threads and make them feel unwanted here.

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im going to miss senator armstrong when he dies, like how i miss overhaul

(its funny to think how irrelevant momo is that overhaul literally has her quirk but better)

This. BakuCHAD is perfect.

God do look how much space we have in your head!

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> wojack

Yea Forumstier shitfling shitposting

What's that?
You'll have to raise your voice a little more, ᴴᵁᴺᵀᴱᴿᶜᴴᴬᴰ

Why would you want to pick this up after the worst "plot development" a shounen's gotten in years? That's a series-killing asspull if I've ever seen one

>Overhaul is something that should have appeared at the end of the manga


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>It is my DUTY as a human being to shitpost on a manga forum because someone enjoys a Japanese children’s book that I don’t like

Who here needs to cope? You ʰᵘⁿᵗᵉʳᶜʰᵃᵈˢ have been seething for ages, shitting up threads of more relevant shows that are still getting attention in order to cope.

BNHA threads are the source of the board's declining quality and where a lot of the bad posters in Yea Forums come from. Until mods carpet bomb them we Hunterchads will continue dabbing on this garbage.

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I know this is bait and as much as I want to fundamentally disagree with you, this thread will inevitably reach bump limit with a flood of off-topic shitposters only to prove your point in the end. Well played, 4-D Chessmaster-sama.

>Who here needs to cope?
The one with a shit manga.

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are you sure the source of the board's declining quality isn't the constant shitposting you ʰᵘⁿᵗᵉʳᶜʰᵃᵈˢ do in other threads in order to feel better?

>>Series-killing asspull
>chapter ranked first in the TOC and had some of the best sales the series had seen

What's that, the one with a dead manga?
I guess that would be you then, mumbleᶜʰᵃᵈ


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>1 minute apart
>same gimmick

Rent free and unironically coping

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