Why was Konosuba so good?
Why was Konosuba so good?
I watched it recently and thought it was okay.
>Why is Konosuba so good?
It honestly isn't. It's basically just that one scene in your OP pic. Dicklets are so insecure about it that they simply can't let it go and shitpost about Aqua to cope.
>it's always sunny in philadelphia
>but is anime
isn't it at least somewhat fun
It wasnt
Konosuba is shit
Konosuba>>>>>>>Overlord>Shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>Rest of the Isekai Garbage>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RE:Zero>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sword Art Online.
Can't refute this.
unironically aqua
the show would not be the same without that retard
What about Kumo?
Because Aqua is legit a funny character, and cute as well!
megumin is cute and funny too!
S1 was a 9/10
S2 was a 6/10 at best, It didn't feel right.
I don't care if she's dumb and useless. I'd marry Aqua.
but you can stop watching after the next or so season
author goes full megumin because she's more popular instead of keeping the same girl
Instead of being a self insert isekai, the protagonist just Yea Forums personified.
Kazuma va is godtier. One of my favourites of all time.
There's a big aspect of it where the party feels like a D&D party. This really sunk in to me during the Death Curse scene- I can't tell you how many times I've seen a Cleric or Warlock with Remove Curse or Greater Restoration kill a dramatic moment like that, or big dramatic attacks or spells whiff against an enemy that turned out to be immune, or had a player who is aggressively of the mindset that they made their character to be good at one thing and they are damn well going to do it (I'm the best tank ever, I am GOING to get hit dammit), but Aqua just sort of removing the Death Curse was what made the comparison sink in for me.
It catches that weird mix of believable and absurd that the best D&D parties, the ones where a bunch of characters team up just because and end up in that grey area between close friends and loose associates, tend to gather. Except it does it without the people behind the characters all trying make that happen.
If it didn't catch that, the funny moments wouldn't be funny, the endearing stuff wouldn't be endearing, you'd get caught up in "why do they tolerate Kazuma? Why does Kazuma tolerate them?" instead of just enjoying a group that's full of people shitty enough to enjoy their failures and just good enough to root for them when the chips are down.
nice blogpost tard
who's hyped for konosuba 2.0 in october?
Oh sorry. I'll use smaller words for you next time.
I used to think it was terrible until I watched and laughed. Konosuba it's truly a kino anime.
It's funny.
I'd honestly flip it. Season 1 had moments, but 2 was where the comedy really got good.
it was okay, the fanbase is really awful though
it does a comedy routine i havent seen in a long time.
It was until it became a carbon copy of what it was parodying.
>literal garbage that is konosuba
Lots of normalfags.
What does that even mean?
>Rest of the Isekai Garbage
How is that bad? Are you a fucking tranny?
Don't make me upvote your shit
I didn't watch overlord, is it worth of watching the anime?
Overlord is typical power fantasy fare
Because it's funny and the main characters are surprisingly likable assholes
Because it isfull of likeable dorks.
Hey Aquafag, how does it feel to know that kazuma doesn't have erotic feelings for your waifu ?
Sorry, but Natsume is a shit writer. Konosuba is a fluke. That kombatant something story is beyond shit.
she's mine
watch more anime
It's just a neet who gets trapped in his favorite mmo because he stays logged in past the time it's supposed to go offline. So logically he goes on a murderous rampage through this world, killing hundreds of thousands just to keep up appearances to his little squad as well as satisfy his now inflated ego and lures people into his lair so he can kill them and feed their corpses to his followers.
So if you're actually autistic no memeing, then you'll love it.
Less AND smaller? Wew lad, maybe I'll just draw you pictures in MSPaint instead.
Season 2 is absolutely not worth watching. The anime is very slow paced, can be boring at times. If you really have nothing else, go ahead. I hear the LNs are much better.
Great dubs.
Lol didn't they actually start selling holy water for a while in Wiz's shop?
Aqua's fat ass
Is there a thing more useless than Aqua's skirt?
Deen finds a way. The source material is shit.
That looks awful.
It wasn't.
Come on man you cant expect most kids these days to know that show,and especially the weebs.
in your dreams maybe
Too bad that it eventually becomes a self insert isekai where the main character dates a child
Picked up
It's a good joke because it would actually be 100% pure.
Her brain.
Your taste is shit
SAO isn’t even isekai.
Did he misspell "gainer" as "gamer"?
>no .hack//Sign
Zoomies shits
not true
roots was better you boomer fuck
I like your style, dad-san
sauce me up my dude
Konosuba Nichijou
She’s frogfood
Goofy animation, stellar voice acting, really good OST that perfectly fits each situation it plays in.
How come the frog slime doesn't turn into water when she touches it?
Aquas brains
>Konosuba>>>>>>>>Shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>Rest of the Isekai Garbage>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RE:Zero>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sword Art Online=Overlord.
>Can't refute this.
Those kinds of shots always made me wonder how fat her ass is supposed to be considering there isn't any fabric visible.
it's the seinfeld of anime
Because she’s useless.
user I think you missed something. Go back and watch Konosuba one more time.
get a job u bum
You know in the books Aqua seems to come off as a good person so far at least.
Daily reminder that Aqua is going to be the next and final demon king. Game over.
>Goofy animation
LOL. That's not a selling point. Konosuba is mostly comedy, the material is strong so even with trash production values it can stand out with decent timing and the good interactions.
It's especially good if you watch it right after the horrible shit that was Shield Hero. It's like drinking a health potion after getting injured.
It wasn't but okay
>Shit>Konosuba>>>>>>>Overlord>>>>>>>>>>>>>Rest of the Isekai Garbage>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RE:Zero>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sword Art Online.
I like Konosuba, Overlord, Goblin Slayer, Shield Hero and even SAO. Thanks to you Yea Forums I know now that my tastes are shit.
Only two more shows and you can actually watch Isekai Quartet.
I don't know why but I just liked those. I know there are many more shows and even much better ones, but I think I have spent good times watching what I've seen. Maybe in a few years I will look at more if there is time.
why are there so many more doujins and porns of megumin than aqua and lalatina, those two are much better
Because Megumin is together with Kazuma in the LN, and actually is pretty willing to do lewd stuff, surprisingly without getting flustered as much as Darkness (who is super willing, but either too flustered or too aggressive). Megumin basically straight up offers to give Kazuma a handjob to relieve him from being pent up when they lie in bed hugging each other and he reacts to it.
Im untill volume 8 of the Light Novel, does it get any better?
oh, ALSO
the animation is goofy at times, which gives the show a lot of charm. characters are flawed assholes and bitches which makes it edgy in a non-cringy way. there is also a lot of lewdness to it, with stuff like the succubi, darkness' masochism, female characters in general having big tits and so on
better useless goddess
is useless
At least he gives him Stat updates and a knife.
aqua's butt
How bad is it that Aqua is basically a female version of me?
People only like Hestia for her boob ribbon
Megumin and Vanir
Do you have a nice ass?
That's not a goddess, that's a damn hooker
>dates a child
he's a child too
or saggy tits?
you downgrade yourself user. either that or you are a bumbling fuck
it pretty much makes fun of most typical isekai cliches, doesn't have characters that are mary sues or who go through some typical traumatizing experiences ( like we see in Shield Hero or Re:Zero ) while still remaining likable, also add some character and situational comedy into the mix and there is the reason.
Where does the 2nd explosion spin off series take place in the timeline? Between what volumes?
aqua makes the show good. its fun watching a retard accomplish difficult tasks and somehow get by. it’s like watching PFC Schmuckatelli going thru his military career
Honestly, Kazuma and Aqua are just magical characters in terms of comedy. This one lacks charm as characters. There just isn't a character with Kazuma's scummy charisma, where he's an amazing straightman and idiot. Combatants I think does better.
13 and 14
>Deen finds a way. The source material is shit
other way around. I laughed out loud ireading the books but only smirked during the anime
But slime is good.
shut in neet
I am a Shut in student but somehow I feel worse than a neet.
In the sea of endless Isekai shows, Konosuba stands above because it mocks every one of them.
Which unadapted volume deserves the next movie?
You didn't say 15 immediately though, so (You) get no say.
After volume 5 it just becomes a straightforward Isekai complete with Kazuma having a harem and everything.
As far as movie goes, the Crimson Demon Chief Trials and the Bomber Majin definitely are the best material. You've got a good cast of characters, you've got interesting location, you've got the origin of the Crimson Demons, you've got something to do for every character if they show the trials Aqua and Darkness accompany YunYun on, you get the romance with Kazuma and Megumin and you get to do a great dramatic ending with the Bomber Majin fight that they can play a song over.
i am pretty sure Kazuma rejects Darkness and Megumin tease him really bad, there is no harem or sex.
Megumin confesses first, he takes it as teasing because they're both kind of really inexperienced and inept at the whole thing. Darkness confesses to him and he rejects her despite being pained by it, but she forces herself onto him and actually takes his first kiss. From there on him and Megumin just sort of struggle to actually get the relationship sorted out but generally both end up being blueballed by outside intervention or their own cluelessness.
Most Isekai harems don't have actual sex so that's irrelevant. Even after Kazuma rejects Darkness she still tries to fuck him and tries to go on dates with him. Right now, Megumin, Darkness, Iris, and maybe even Eris want his dick. That's definitely enough to call it a harem.
what about Aqua?
Complete mutual disinterest.
Though arguably Kazuma and Megumin do get a tiny bit closer to actually having sex than most isekai?
Shield Chad > every thing else
They're both tsundere for each other and don't see each other sexually. Latest translated LN Volume has Kazuma mindbreak a demon king's general with bullying because she made Aqua cry though.
I don't think he did it that intentionally and directedly, it was just that her order for him to lose all restraint backfired spectacularly due to how trash he is. With the sheer amount of times that they mentioned her crying and even losing a bunch of weight and all that, I felt really bad for her, and he even resisted attempts to be freed.
Kazuma defeated a robot made to hunt Chads by deflecting its blow with his girlfriends panties.
because its a funny sitcom featuring an MC who is a scheming necrotic jewish pervert
because it actually parodies and subverts tropes instead of just doing them BUT LOL IT'S SELF AWARE LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
go back
When did this happen?
Every seems to love Kazuma, but I'm kind of conflicted on him. He exists in this annoying in-between space of being his own character and being a self insert, never fully committing to being the former, never progressing in any direction. Being a socially awkward weak hikineet is still a part of his personality, which is ridiculous because he's been in this fantasy world for 2 years doing adventures and drowning in pussy. He shouldn't be a "relatable" character that an otaku can self insert into at this point, he should be closer to Rance or Kota or something.
It's not. I literally can't see why people like it so much. It's just the same stupid jokes repeated ad nauseam with an unlikable mc to boot.
the mc being a piece of shit is the best part
every one of the main cast is horribly flawed
He's a weird nerd LARPing as an adventurer, of course hes not going to be an uberchad. The difference between him and a normal isekai MC is he isn't a bland moralfag.
>it’s like watching PFC Schmuckatelli going thru his military career
Wait. Isn't that one of the Milkey Holmers?
There's tons of non-moralfag Isekai MC's like in Shield Hero, Overlord, and Slime Isekai. Kazuma is in a sweet spot where he's not a moralfag but he isn't edgy either which adds to his charm.
>Shield Hero
absolute moralfag, remember user if you kill the bad guys you become a bad guy
he the bad guy so he had morals just inverted ones
Hes a complete moralfag
>Kazuma is in a sweet spot where he's not a moralfag but he isn't edgy either which adds to his charm.
Sounds like a pervert if you look at his actions but I don't think we would have done it better than that.
Megumin and Darkness were the icing; Aqua was the cake.
You're really twisting the definition of moralfag there. Also, you might not know but Rimiru kills tens of thousands of people and becomes a demon lord later on so he is definitely not a moralfag.
Overlord is literally worse than Sword Art Online and everything else on that list. Otherwise fine
Because it's a parody about a shitty genre.
Because it was It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia in an Isekai world
Aqua and Kazuma are basically married even if they don't want to admit it.
Yeah, Aqua
they'd better adapt up to volume 10, that's when it gets really spicy
not according to the LN
In volume 5, the one being adapted into the movie, the gang visits Megumin's village, and Megumin's mom uses the sleep spell on her and tells Kazuma "hey impregnate my daughter for me" then locks them both in the same bedroom
Shall I go on?
In volume 14 Megumin is about to give Kazuma a hand job but every time they're about to get physical they get interrupted, because it turns out Eris, the goddess, has a crush on Kazuma and is slightly jealous
Its actually shit.
It was a native isekai.
How far has the anime got in terms of volumes? Will we ever get this far?
She's the only one who should be allowed to join them.
Season 1 covered Volumes 1&2, Season 2 covered 3&4, the movie will cover 5, so at a rate of 2LNs per Season, we'd need six more seasons until Kazuma impregnates Megumin, at which point she'll be 16
It was shit. It was every retarded cliche just with loud yelling while they pretended to be parody.
glowing hair aqua
Oh shit, so never ever then
We can hope that they'll try and condenser 4 volumes into a season, but that's asking a lot. At least the LNs will continue to be written and we can enjoy those, and people will always draw fan art of what's happening
well you see
Aqua and Kazuma do play the bickering married couple role very well. Those two deserve each other.
Wiz is better.
Will Wiz win the Kazumabowl?
Couldn't Darkness steal Kazuma from Megumin with enough seduction?
She tries. Aqua and Megumin interrupt her when she does.
What? Where did it say that?
From the continued explosions volume:
“What is your true relationship with our Kazuma?”
“…Friends…I guess.”
I closed some distance with Chris, who’s now avoiding my gaze.
“Aren’t you two a bit too close for friends? In addition, didn’t you mention that you don’t know me well, Chris? How then, would you have major interactions with Kazuma?”
“Eh… about that… Look, I taught him some thief skills, then all kinds of stuff happened! He’s really just a friend! I have no special feelings for him!”
Her reaction gave it all away, plus that “sharing secrets” part caught my attention.
“The only girls he’s met were us three from the party, though he became quite a celebrity recently. Putting aside the women he’s been with since the start, I can’t let a wild thief out of nowhere take him from me.”
The quietly listening Chris blushed and returned a statement.
“Heh, I heard Megumin had been getting along very well with Kazuma. Hey, you like him, right? How true is your love? Let’s hear about it!”
“I love Kazuma. If you say how serious, I’d say pretty damn serious.”
Chris’ blushing intensified, she’s losing her cool.
“In the beginning he was a weirdo, but later I found him reliable and very caring. I guess that’s the ‘gradually fall in love’ trope. To me, Kazuma’s everyday life became as important as explosion magic.”
“I… I-Is that so? Megumin is secretly really assertive. I keep thinking you would be more bashful… your answers are so direct, I don’t know how to respond…”
For whatever reason, her look became more respectful.
“Like this, I would kill off any affection towards my Kazuma while they’re still budding. You and Kazuma are really just friends?”
“We’re definitely friends! You can stop being so jealous! Er, I’ll go scout out Behaim’s home now!”
b e s t g i r l
It's hinted at in Volume 15 when Kazuma dies and confronts her about it. She denies it but it's noted that she looks away and is blushing, which is anime for guilty
Volume 14
She doesn't try seduction. She tries force.
She grabbed my wrist and whispered into my ear,
“… I was going to quietly accept my defeat, but I’ve just changed my mind. I’m older than you and Megumin, also a noble. Starting tomorrow, I will adhere to my standards and respect your personal space. However, right now… “
After sending a chill down my spine with those words, she grabbed my hand and pushed me down onto the bed!
“Hey, wh-what’re you doing, Darkness!? Wait! No, this is bad! This is bad in every possible sense!”
As I was held down against the bed by Darkness, I thought about what to do in this situation.
Blushing furiously, Darkness panted and said,
“Don’t you always enjoy calling me Sluttiness or Lewdness? I’m always lewd-this lewd-that…! You’re right, I am lewd! I’ve already made up my mind! Forget about sleeping tonight, I’m playing with you till sunrise!”
“Alright I get it, please calm down. I-I don’t think losing our first times in this way is a very mature thing to do, so calm down-!?”
As I said that and tried to get up-
Darkness tightly gripped my left hand and pressed her body weight onto it, pinning it to the bedside.
Of course, that left my upper body spread wide open across the bed.
Keeping my left hand pinned to the bedside, she straddled onto my waist.
It gets real dark for a moment. It's saved by Kazuma distracting and throwing her off by giving conflicting instructions using reverse psychology, but it actually doesn't comment on whether internally he's putting up mock resistance because he actually wants it, or if he's trying his best to throw her off verbally, since he can't match her strength, to stop her. He does think of Megumin though, meaning he probably actually doesn't want to.
For some reason Married with Children comes in my mind. I know I'm wrong, but I can't shake this feeling.
I can see Aqua as Peggy and Darkness as Kelly, but I'm not sure about Megumin as Bud.
What volume and chapter does Aqua find out about Kazumin?
Not as cute and funny as the succubus
Not yet. They try to keep it a secret. Darkness figured it out but Aqua ... well, you know Aqua.
S2 ep2 was the best episode of the whole series.
cant wait for the movie to come , it would animate vol 5 wich is x10 better than the rest of the series
What a normalfag opinion.
Haven't anons said he was giving her instructions on how to do it properly willingly? That must've meant he wanted it since he's attracted to her physically.
komekko is even more cute and funny
kazuma x megumin doujins are unironically hot and wholesome
If you want to be real optimistic you could try reading it like that, but his instructions are more "Grab my legs, no, don't let go of my hands!" and notably, all of his internal thought completely cuts out during that segment and its simply descriptions of what's happening. The last thing before that is him worrying because of Megumin.
As I said it's a tough call to make whether he is "giving in" and just acting like he's resisting while reverse psychology-ing her into continuing, or if he's intentionally giving conflicting instructions to trip her up and stall until help arrives. Given that if he actually did want it he could make it much easier, and his thoughts about Megumin, I tend to go with him trying to outsmart her to stop her since he can't physically beat her.