I want to upgrade my 720p Evangelion rips from unknown source to something better. Which rips should I choose? I need:
EP1-20, including the infamous EP16 EP 21-24 - both OA and DC versions EP25-26 Death(true)² EoE
Seems like the most popular rips are Sephirotic and 2D4U. 2D4U only has EP1-26 + 21-24DC, Sephirotic doesn't have 21-24OA, but has everything else. Apparently, Sephirotic also tried to fix EP16, but I don't know if the end result is any good.
Also, is there a reason to download the original Death&Rebirth if have Death(true)² and EoE?
And another thing: has anyone made a rip of the non-remastered "Archives of Evangelion" DVD collection? Original DVDs are 51GB total, which is a little too much.
Andrew Rivera
What makes /m/ a better place for this question than Yea Forums?
Lincoln Johnson
not that guy, but /m/ is better than Yea Forums in every way
But I didn't. I still need to choose between at least two rips, both of which have EP1-20, 21-24DC and 25-26.
Oliver Williams
Why would you need to have the OA version of the 4 episodes?
William Ortiz
Because episode 21 is where NGE branches out into two versions: 21-24OA+25/26 and 21-24DC+EoE.
Wyatt Butler
That's not necessarily true, the DC versions were first released on VHS before EoE even entered production. Plus the difference between the OA and DC 21-24 is just added scenes in the latter. So why would anyone want to watch the OA version?
Andrew Ross
Maybe this wasn't true at first, but this is definitely true for all modern releases of NGE, where 24DC ends with a preview for EoE, while 24OA ends with a preview for 25. When I first watched NGE, I didn't know about the existence of the Director's Cut, so I only watched the original. And sometimes I want to recreate this experience.
Evan Kelly
This is the most autistic post I've read all week.
Grayson Walker
Join the ranks and the based and redpilled and realize that the tv ending and the eoe ending share the same canon. The tv ending occurs during the tanging in eoe, everyone says congratulations to Shinji for realizing he is not a pussy, Shinji leaves the tang, and boom the beach scene.
Yes, you're clearly a bitter old boomer who has a stick too far up his ass to have any fun. But really, the two line up pretty well and compliment each other. If I remember correctly you can nitpick certain scenes and argue they have to be mutually exclusive, but you get a much better experience the other way.
I never said this. I may even combine different rips based on the quality of individual episodes. But I'd rather not download everything and compare them myself if I can get the answer here.
It was never confirmed to be the same timeline or universe or whatever, so not really. EoE was designed to be a standalone redo of the original ending and has its own shorter and arguably worse instrumentality scenes. But obsessing over canon is for retards anyway, especially when Anno made both of them and they have overlapping events and themes.