What the fuck happened to Shaft? They haven't done a TV series in more than a year.
What the fuck happened to Shaft? They haven't done a TV series in more than a year
It's probably for the best. They haven't made anything good in years.
Same with a lot of other studios: Trigger, KyoAni.
But why
What's Xebec been up to?
I love their ecchi shows.
Xebec is ded user. Fused with Sunrise
Both Trigger and Kyoani had a TV show last winter.
Where's my Hidamari Sketch season 5?!
They lost a huge number of their staff.
F/E gave them cancer.
There's probably enough material, so either Shaft doesn't care anymore or they don't want to do it without Matsuki Miyu.
They've got enough money.
they are occupied by their next project
More than half the staff and producers walked out a couple of months ago. They wanted to do other anime besides shitty Monogatari over and over and over again.
>More than half the staff and producers walked out a couple of months ago. They wanted to do other anime besides shitty Monogatari over and over and over again
And most of them are working on Fire Force
They're bleeding talent.
Would be awesome if true.
Shaft is dead. Most of their talent and good animators went for other studios, that's why the decline was so obvious.
Trigger did Gridman in fall, and have already announced that furshit Brand New Animal thing
Sounds like Madhouse after Redline. Hopefully the remainders can pull off a surprise hit like Madhouse did with Sora Yori and breathe some life back into the company.
Better bleed talent than heart.
Guess Aniplex is (almost) done with sucking them dry.
Seeing how long it's taking them to bring up the new Madoka anime suggests they're in really bad shape regardless of whatever might be funding them.
The staff walking away in this situation is understandable, I guess if Aniplex blinks once, Shaft is done for, and everybody there acknowledged this. I don't know how things work inside anime studios, but I guess most of these dudes who left probably were paid on demand, now imagine having little to no work to do.
Sangatsu and Kubikiri Cycle weren't that long ago, user.
They are dying. Staff are jumping ship, kVin wrote an article on it if you care.