ITT: Things that are officially dead

ITT: Things that are officially dead

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I can't look at her anymore without imagining a filthy Hollywood semite rubbing his fat fingers all over her.

Does mars chronicles not get chapters anymore?

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You thought the movie did her justice?

Should have just kept the original ending and be done with it.

Technically it was a mexicano

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She was cute.

Sure. But too cute. Not at all as badass as she deserves to be represented as.

Even if I didn't, I wouldn't associate it with DER JEEEEEWWWWWSSSS

It's the first movie, begenning of the story, even n the manga she was all cute in the early days...

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Sadly it doesn't look like we'll ever see a second.

It's still possible. The movie didn't make billions, but it didn't lose money either. It performed better than was originally expected.
Blu-Ray isn't even out yet, so it's too early for announcements anyway.

Yeah, I wonder what's up, there hasn't been a new chapter since February. Kishiro must be up to something.

Fuck yes.

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The movie pissed off leftist sjw everywhere. And that usually means it's good. Gonna watch it later today.

I got tired at the prologue of Mars Chronicle, now Baron Münchausen then became an interesting character...
If I have tos ay it, I kind of dislike how it's not gritty anymore, mind you, the manga quality is great. I just dislike the switch to digital in part.
Also, the whole ZOTT tournament left a bad taste on my mouth.
And Mars Chronicle is... There.
>Caerula:"You wish"

Honestly, it was the only anime move I've enjoyed since Edge of Tomorrow.

Yea Forums unironically

That happened quite a while ago, like 2012. Some people say 2009.


Or that. So it's hardly hot news.

Mars Chronicle is all sorts of weird but Elevens seem to like it though.

it was a threesome


>tfw /pol/ is the most active board

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That's after the meme war.

My waifu.

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That and James Cameron regardless wants a sequel made. So after making or in between making bank of the Avatar sequels, he could try making Alita 2 happen.

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Why do you even think about the movie? who gives a shit?

T_D is a paratite that doesn't let his host die regardless howuch he may wish it.

>le bad ass female protagonist
Kike pls.
I will left this thread now, since I never liked alita in first place, watched the OVA as a 10 y/o kid and find it repulsive and cringe and never thought about it till the movie shit.

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I really liked the movie and preordered the BD. Too bad it bombed and the real juicy parts of the story will never be on screen

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>this much projecting

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Kill yourself.

Unironically this. Fuck those shitty rebuilds, save 1.0. Why couldn't Anno just treat the project as a remaster of the original. Nigga had to go full George Lucas.

>Avatar sequels
Oh wow
Are those still a thing?

you never read the manga

>wanting american kikes and beaners to touch Jashugan and Desty nova

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And how many did we have meanwhule? 2?


I think we will have a sequel, i hope so

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>Mayhershalalalamalaa Ali
Only redeeming quality of this boomer autistic weebfag shitfest

>movie poster
>last order
you bought all that at once after the movbie to fit in. And never read it. Good slave.

rebuilds were a hundred times more enjoyable to watch

my sex life

My interest in anime and manga.

the sequel was never at risk the fact that they turned the original manga run into a trilogy tells you what they are really after is last order.

>buzzwords: the post

Sure thing :)

Movie poster is the actual theater poster, gift from a friend who work in a theater.


Hopefully, i don't know if Last order will be interesting as a movie desu, but we'll see....

I just want a nice fig of Gally or Xazi... Or even Zekka... Manga not movie tho

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don't forget your black hand on your epic nerd loot bro, you didn't pay for that shit for nuthing, they must believe you consumed it as well!



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Is she the teacher who saved her students during the zombie apocalypse?

Aside from some daytime Emmy acting from the supporting love interest. It is up there with Speed Racer for me. I enjoyed myself.

Certainly better than the recent anime failures of GitS, or Death Note.

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>The movie pissed off leftist sjw everywhere
Why tho

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>the movie killed the series
>not the shitty sequels
Both gits and Alita was ruined in Japan first

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the girl in the Tokyo GhoulS movie is a better Gally than that american garbage will ever deliver

But she's alive and getting a second movie!

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The endless tournament was the most tedious and boring thing ever.

I feel that user, yet I can't stop coming here

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Well I definitely hope it wasn't a swan song for the franchise.

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that character never even had one movie.

Erica is the MC now .

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Hello my french comrad

Bonsoir camarade !

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People who hated the whole Captain Marvel movie drama tried to make people look up to Alita as an actual example of strong female character, that made Captain Marvel supporters, including the media, rip on Alita as a payback.

What did they rip on her for though. She is in fact a strong female character, no amount of mental gymnastics could possibly change that

She looks cute. "Strong female characters" aren't allowed to look cute.

still waiting for it to come back

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So, jealous women with too much time on their hands?

>She is in fact a strong female character, no amount of mental gymnastics could possibly change that
Then you are out of touch with how advanced the mental gymnastics those people have.

- Alita choose to have a body with female curves, and that's bad.
- Alita has a male mentor / parental figure she looks up to, and that's bad.
- Alita has emotional bursts and makes mistakes, and that's bad.

>googles "alita battle angel strong female character"
>this is the first result
Is this supposed to be parody?

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Should have ended with the original ending

the movie looks like puke. Stop avoiding conflict, castrated faggot, your billionaire corporations aren't going to cry

Becasue she wasnt a mary sue
They dont actually want strong females they want propaganda
That said the movie was a disgrace

>the movie looks like puke
Try watching it. Good rips have been out for days.

If you mean the manga, Alita ended after the Tiphares flower happened. Why ruin a completely good ending with one of the shititest Namek sagas I have seen these past 20 years?

>Supporting father figure
>Isn't fat/ugly/brown/disabled
>Needs help from other people. Strong wahmen do not need help from anybody.
>She has to fight to earn respect or recognition.

I'm afraid not.

The movie was terrible and didn't follow the source material.

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I watched it earlier today. It was puke

No, that's how the creatures think.

It followed the OVA and created a tie in with LO, kys faggot it was the best anime movie so far.

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I watched the movie before watching the OVA or reading the manga, and it immediately felt like an OVA with a massive budget. I'm still not sure if this was a good or a bad thing.

I felt that even while slightly diverging from the original story (I only read the manga) it did a pretty good job at building the character and, more importantly maybe, it was a really good worldbuilding.
And they also managed to get in both the bounty hunter and the motorball arc, and hugo trying to reach tiphares, without making it feel too crammed.

So overall I'd say I was pretty happy with the end result, and I remember, after watching it at the cinema, really hoping for a sequel.

Because money

toubunfags for sure

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Bump with Saeko and I'm going to sleep.

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Alita est adorable !

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I don't like the digital style either

>Yea Forums has historically been third biggest board on Yea Forums after Yea Forums and Yea Forums
>Now it's barely 6th
Every day Yea Forums strays further from being an anime website towards being a weird ass political astroturfing grounds for absolute faggots.

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C'est Gally, mon ami.

Je ne pense pas que cette personne soit Française

Et oui ! Gally est adorable !

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Ups! Je suis un attardé ! Je n'avais pas vue le ticket !

Bien vue le flan !

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What happened to the Alita Yea Forums general?

You are getting a sequel. 4 in fact. All the way up to finding out the secret of Zalem.


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He didn't want to tell the same story and that was never the intention.

I like Erica so it's all good.

But I do wish we'd be done with regular psycho child Erika and head on over to crazy martial arts terrorist Erica.

Last Battle.

I want a zott movie so we can see zekka/sechs comedy duo

Should have stayed that way.
Fucking annoying cunts.

is cripplechan any better

Am I going fucking bonkers? Most people I see say this movie is amazing. This movie is god awful. Even on it's own. The manga, while not amazing, is much better. And sure, it's better than other live action adaptations but that's not hard to beat at all. That's a low bar. And after looking into it I found out this was directed by the same guy that directed SPY KIDS. Absolutely hilarious because it straight up reminded me of Spy Kids at times. Standards are low right now, huh? Makes sense with all the Disney remakes and Avengers shit

Worse, if anything.

If Yea Forums ever goes down I'll be damned if I ever post in any similar imageboard that covers any interest other than anime.

>And after looking into it I found out this was directed by the same guy that directed SPY KIDS
Robert Rodriguez has done quite a few things. I think he's more known for his b movie-ish horror movies though rather than Spy Kids. Stuff like From Dusk Till Dawn. He also directed the Sin City movies. Looking up the stuff he's directed though, it's less than I thought it was.

Kemono Friends

Rodriguez's resume is what turned me off on the movie to begin with, but I ended up loving the hell out of it. Felt like Cameron was holding the reigns of the project.

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Can feminists do something else besides shooting themselves in the foot?

I guess it's just not for me, somehow. I enjoyed the manga but could not, for the life of me, enjoy the movie. I suppose I'm glad others loved it. I just feel like a damn alien cause I absolutely hated it. Hope those that enjoyed the movie get a sequel then.

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Didnt the artist go off and do porn since thats what he was better at? And made way more money too

That's irrelevant. The author is dead.

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Spy Kids is kino


there's no Zalem in the movie

you get sympathy points in the west if you shit over a foreign product and tell your obedient faithful customers that you "improved it's problematic foreign-ness with your own personal feelings"

>A bounty-hunter cyborg with the power to bring down toxic masculinity? Sign me up!
Holy shit. You can't make this shit up. Feminists were a mistake.

Meguca and VEG

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Oh goodness me, no. They are women, after all. Even the "men"

R.I.P. Moot...


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Because that was his original plan, the stupid flower thing only happened because his publisher cancelled his series.

This was my culture and they fucking destroyed it.

t. japan

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>didn't post a picture of shirase's mom
You're lame. I bet you don't have any friends.

>someone suggests downloading a rip
What did user-san mean by this?

He has become one of my favorite black actor.

But that didn't happen with Alita.

I don't normally think this but i think they might actually be shills, i refuse to believe Yea Forumsnons would actually enjoy this shit, so either paid shills or normalfags i say.