Is Kubo the greatest mangaka of all time?

Is Kubo the greatest mangaka of all time?

Attached: kubo.jpg (365x500, 29K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>write the most beautiful relationship between a man and a woman ever
>decide to make canon the shitty generic relationship
Yeah no.

>t. Rukiafag

Naturally Kubo is more concerned about the declining birthrates in Japan and wanted to show young men that they should marry good housewives who can actually bear them children and not die at childbirth

She's a fucking spirit. If she dies she'll probably pop up somewhere in SS.

Attached: 1315178949319.jpg (562x437, 54K)

>150 years old

FTFY, some rukiafags are based

No but I unironically think Kubo has the best or one of the best character designs.


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