No Omega chapter this week BUT! HNG delivers the goods!
Kengan Asura extras
Other urls found in this thread:
Winter! cold! way back then!
the good doctor
>Go to a place just to be cockteased
Why do people do this
How would you rank the Jobber squad (Okubo, Rihito, Himuro, Kaneda)?
I'd say Okubo>Rihito>=Himuro>Kaneda
i miss him
looks like a bird, pecks like a bird
My Kure clan members can't be this cute!
I don't know either
At least, before Rihito became Gensai's not-student. At current manga time, Rihito's probably gone up a step. Possibly two.
Kandea is genuinely very good at what he does, but he needs way too long doing the prep work in order to get to the point he can win a fight. And then if the opponent pulls a last minute fighter switch he's fucked.
Woohooo! best buddies!
good thing omega went the correct way.
aww yis.
I accept this character developement for this girl as canon.
Should have consulted Muteba.
ohma :'( it's good to see you again, i hope you're resting easy
unlimited pleasure works
hope hanafusa comes back in Omega, he's based.
I mean literally 90% of the characters in Kengan are based as fuck but still
he's right, even tho she's pure and mine
a family of foxes
extra subtle danberu crossover
man, waka is suffering
I'd switch Himuro with Rihito. Rihito's feat far outclasses Himuro, who jobbed against technically the weakest Kengan fighters.
not the fanservice you expected.
I... uh...
tfw stayed up for the new chapter
yeah, no ass on TV! it's dem rules!
Muteba is a dandy too
I guess negroes don't look so strange with extravagant clothes by default
it's not a nation-wide problem if we make fun of it!
reminder that Daromeon sometimes streams on youtube and his english is better than mine. (but we can't see his drawings yet)
Man, this takes me back. End of the first round, what a time it was.
That's all for now, folks!
I hope Retsudo is part of Omega's tournament, we never got to see him fight in Asura despite him apparently being some sort of monster
Thanks for the dump
This 4komas are the cutest shit despite being for a battle manga
But that's pretty much what Muteba wears.
Well, this certainly makes up for no new Omega chapter this week.
Thanks for the dump!
Boomer Waka
>This is all the Karla we get
Sleep tight Ohma
Whose the 10%
Okubo and Rihito not being able to get laid really doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
Sasuke and Murdercop were kinda boring.
Wait, did this happen after the tournament?
before, most likely when he was recruited for it.
It's the extras up to the end of round one. So no.
Then why did Fusui recognize him? She saw him the first time during the coup before the semifinals
Ever since the kengan dumps began this has become a familiar routine for me. It just don't feel right if I miss a thread, like missing an agreement with an old friend
the taekwondo faggot who got his legs broken earlier in the tournament and the judo edgelord who just killed people cause yes
Poor bastard
I don't think you'd forget a guy like that
Poor Kiryu. If only he didn't have his Ohma autism.
Ya got a long way to go kid.
He'd be genuinely a pretty cool guy, if not for the psychosis.
This entire clan is fucking adorable
Henzo is a lucky guy.
That nurse is more fucked up than the doctor.
I like her, shame that she barely appears.
Even Raian?
I'm hoping Saw enters with the Purgatory guys to try to rematch Gaolang but gets matched up with Retsudo instead who takes out his siscon rage on him
A crude imitation, with no understanding. The saddest part is would look good with some small changes.
Hat MATCHING the jacket and trousers. Lose the sunglasses and necklace. Get a shirt which buttons to the base of the throat. A black tie, double Windsor. Standard dress shoes.
Specially Raian.
Of course.
OH GOLLY GOLLY GOLLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Raian is the cutest.
I understand why Rihito can't get laid. It's because he's actually a huge dork once you get to know him.
Rihito is not specially handsome and is kinda childish. The traits that attract a woman are the fact he is a businessman, strong and yet caring and nice, but those also make him more husband material, and he doesn’t seem to be looking for that type of girl.
Maybe his training with Beard has mellowed him out and he has matured a bit.
Considering the fact that his existence (an on-hand world class surgeon) allowed for more impactful fights, I can't see him not coming back.
No actual chapter today, but whatever. Time for round 3.
Round 3 - Match 1
Round 3 - Match 2
Round 3 - Match 3
Round 3 - Match 4
>ywn hang out with Seki while he makes Curry
Feels fucking terrible man.
The "FUCK" just plainly written in Adam's teeth made me laugh.
Match 1 is a fun one, seeing how they are both great fighters, but both lost to Agito. Okubo is very strong, but I just don't see him winning against Gaolang's extremely fast and hard punches. Gaolang's footwork might also be enough to keep him from getting grappled to the ground.
Kuroki vs Agito is an easy one. We know the result.
Seki vs Wakatsuki is another muscle beast match and even though Seki can take punches like no other, Wakatsuki can hit like no other. I don't see Seki winning this.
I'm a bit torn on Julius vs. Sen. Sen is obviously the better technical and more well rounded fighter, but overcoming such a huge difference in muscle mass can't be easy. I'm not sure what to vote for yet.
Do we know where he ran off to after he tore a hole in that wall?
Pretty sure we don't. My guess is he went back to the inside.
>the taekwondo faggot
He was a dancer, it was his entire backstory. He even wore a faggy tutu or something.
Where are the results of last round?
I dunno. I can see Okubo potentially dealing with Gaolang pretty easily. Between Kaneda being physically weak and Agito's fight-with-boxing-only autism, we have no idea how well Gaolang deals with grappling and ground work, and Okubo's world-class at that. He's not as good as a specialist, sure, but he's got the toolkit to go for the areas other fighters are weak in, pretty much regardless of the fighter.
I keep everything logged here
Okubo wins with heavy injuries, he's a sturdy enough guy and would eventually manage to pin him down eventually.
Kuroki wins with injuries.
Wakatsuki wins with injuries, similar to his fight with Julius except I reckon Julius > Seki overall (not by much though)
Hatsumi with minor injuries, only because aikido in these martial arts series always completely wrecks big heavy types like Julius
Where did grandpa go wrong in raising him?
Oh hey. I guess Ohma survives in this timeline.
>Gaolang vs Okubo
It's a boxer vs a grappler with some striking experience, Okubo probably wins this.
>Gensai vs Agito
We know how this one goes.
>Seki vs Waka
RIP Seki, arguably the worst match-up for him. Might be the one time he refuses to take a hit head on.
>Julius vs Sen
I could see Sen throwing him around a ton, and he's beaten Waka before, but Waka has a normal frame and joint locking a giant like Julius would be pretty difficult.Sen would probably win and watching Julius trying to analyze the ruse cruise would be hilarious.
Depends on how hard Gaolong pummeled his ass, really
Also, if I do another randomized tournament after this one, I'll probably try to substitute Gensai for someone else and use the light-medium-heavy injuries system as well. Will probably see very different results then I think, though this is fun too.
The doctor is my favorite character. Really looking forward to him patching up Koga and/or Ryuki in Omega. Bet its gonna be hilarious.
How do people vote for Agito? We've seen this match
>Oh, you look just like this cadaver I have.
I mean, there are shifts in circumstances. Gensai's good, but if Agito hasn't fought Gaolang last round and gotten spooked, he'll fight differently.
wish ketchup ninja characters do some cameo in kengan omega
The Fang beat Gaolang by aping Okubo's strategy, so I am going to have to give this the Okubo
Okubo - heavy injuries
We saw this in canon
Seki is great, but Wakatsuki is just too strong for him
Waka - moderate injuries
I don't know if Sen can really cause damage to Julius. I'm gonna withhold my judgement.
>No chapter this weak
Don't do this to me, it's the only thing I look forward to each week
>We get the extras this week.
>Also got the Animes opening and its absolutely gorgeous:
Thank god, i dont think i could have survived 2 whole weeks of no Kengan, i need my dosis.
Well, atleast being goofs is what he and Ryuuki got in common. I miss him.
Okubo high-diffs
Kuroki hax-diffs
Wakashitter low-diffs
Julius mid-diffs
Who's the biggest man slut, Ranma or Himuro?
Muteba is /fa/ as fuck. Its no surprise he fucked most ladies at the tournament, then probably swam all by himself back to africa carrying a bunch on his back.
She'll follow him anywhere if it means being with him. Cuties.
I think both Fang and Okubo himself stating Gaolang was the toughest opponent he faced gives the win to Gaolang.
>Between Kaneda being physically weak and Agito's fight-with-boxing-only autism, we have no idea how well Gaolang deals with grappling and ground work
Fang did try to do other things besides boxing, it's just that Gaolang didn't let him.
Murdercops unstoppable murderboner is still something, i would say ElectroCEO was a bitch if anything.
>Even in universe they note those two look alike.
You really cant make this up.
Kure Clan is easily the best family in Kenganverse. Imagine, an entire family that understands its purpose in life and they're good at it.
I guess the result might change if you consider previous matches.
Would Gensai be more injured after fighting this new roster, compared to how he came off fighting Setsuna, Rei and Rihito. Alternatively, would Agito be possibly less damaged considering who he had to fight.
Wasn't Saw Paing depressed during Gaolong's second fight?
The page after that.
Man Gaolongs fight really pointed out how too many options due to reaction time was Fangs problem, didnt it.
Sen seems like he would manage, remember Bando was also one of the physically largest and one of the brawniest fighters and he picked his bones apart once he got close enough to do so. He also tackled Wakatsuki before so immense strength isn't insurmountable.
Who will you add in his place? Or just give his first opponent a buy?
I think the Light-Medium-Heavy injuries system will work well, opens up some relevance to certain fighters like Muteba, Akoya, Rihito and Meguro who even if they might lose a fight, will still rack up some heavy damage on their opponents, then you get to consider "Well Cosmo would NEVER beat Agito, but Cosmo was against X and then Y so is basically uninjured, but the fang had to fight Meguro and then Muteba so is nearly dead already."
they deserve each other
based af.
he looks like a JoJo side-villain, lmao.
This just makes me think he's Hibiki's dad more and more. He always seems to be in 4koma with food and there's a chapter where Hibiki is at a batting cage just shouting random IRL baseball players.
>implying Sekibayashi Jun wouldnt die for pro wrestling
SHAME on you
>Gaolong vs. Okubo
I think Gaolong's footwork and speed put him above Okubo, if just barely. Fang was the superior fighter between him and Okubo and he basically copied Okubo to beat Gaolong. Even then, he won because he got lucky and Gaolong punched his elbow. Since Okubo isn't as good as Fang, the difference between Okubo and Gaolong will be even more pronounced. Close win for Gaolong.
>Gensai vs. Agito
We know how this goes. Gensai's experience puts him above Agito.
>Sekibayashi vs. Wakatsuki
Waka just hits too hard for a guy who focuses on taking hits. Julius was the most durable guy in the tournament by pure muscle mass, and he still felt the blast core. Even if Seki could reduce the damage it would still add up.
>Julius vs. Sen
I think Julius has too much mass for Sen to effectively do anything to him. He's too heavy and too strong for Sen's throws to matter much to him since he was able to resist a goddamn drag racer. Plus he's probably smart enough to see through Sen's tricks.
>This is what happened to Ciocolata after he got Muda´d into the trash.
>no idea how well Gaolang deals with grappling and ground work
I don't know about ground work, Muay Thai has a fair amount of grappling and holds, and Gaolong is a master of Muay Thai as well as boxing. If he pulls out his mixed style, then I doubt Okubo can take him.
Read solo leveling, it comes out a day earlier (Jaimini) or the same day (Mangadex).
This manga is great at showing off the flaws rather than just explaining them. You just know that the fight would've gone differently had Agito started fighting like he did against Sen sooner.
That's still striking, Fang didn't even try to take it to the ground did he? He wanted to win with his autism.
Do you guys think Sayaka calls Agito onii-chan?
I don't think going pure striking against the Acme of striking is the greatest idea, even with the increased reaction time.
>work hard fighting (potentially to the death) to put food on the table and your daughter becomes a fat gyaru
>A.K.A. "Kazzy the Cold-Sensitive"
That one is pretty funny, compared to all his other boastful nicknames.
Agito was already attempting to go for pure striking for most of the match, so having that faster reaction time would mean Gaolong would, at the least, have to work harder to manage him.
It really is, suppose thats a strength that comes by itself when Writer/Editor both have years of martial arts experience and Doraemon being talented enough to properly put it on paper. Much less need to point it out when they can smoothly integrate it into the fight itself by knowing how it has to look to do so.
The mangas fight choreography is top notch.
It fits given we know his endurance in the sauna though, he got solid heat resistance instead.
Not entirely sure yet. Was thinking perhaps one of Hayami's guardians, like Long Min, but they all used weapons, so that's not really fair.
That's just stand-up grappling (clinching) though isn't it?
While he might have some resistance to being taken down, once he's down he's fucked. Okubo's a very good wrestler too (never missed a day of practice), he should be able to take him down eventually.
Attempting to go for a grapple would require him to close the distance enough to actually grab him, but Gaolong was already doing well to keep him at the distance he wanted. Even if Agito closed the gap, Gaolong may have just gone for a hold of his own.
Or maybe Omori, but we haven't actually seen him fight, I believe. We just know that he can put up somewhat of a good fight against Agito
His potentially his son is a little more disappointing though, even if he is ridiculously wealthy.
>Who will you add in his place?
Medicine man. I think he's the only fighter who wasn't in the tournament that we've seen long enough for somewhat accurate comparison.
I feel like that would just mean a free win for his oppononent though. How about Nitoku? We've seen him fight.
>Yanagi Makoto is known for having no fashion sense, which is a bad thing given the company he leads
>Nishihonji took Cosmo to him anyway
Should go to Muteba.
Muay Thai, as a sport, doesn't really include any ground work because they're not allowed in matches, but as a martial art it has some takedowns and ground defense. Seeing as Gaolong is Rama III's bodyguard, I'd imagine he learned it less as a sport and more as a supplement to his skillset. He's probably versed in the takedown and defensive aspects of Muay Thai just as much as the clinching and striking. That being said, his main advantage will be in keeping Okubo back and staying off the ground. His foresight should be good enough to know Okubo is going to go for a takedown immediately because that's typically the area where boxers are weakest.
Was it ever stated how much of the winnings fighters get?
Cause It's hard to think what fighters like Waka and Agito who have Billions of dollars to their names would do with that kind of money even if they made 5% of it
Would it really mean a free win? At the very least he'd be able to partially disable/injure them so it's not an uninjured person up against someone who had to fight, and depending on the match-up he might be able to pull a victory out of his ass. I could see him maybe beating Kaneda/Chiba/Ren.
>the nurse found his clothes in the dump and gave it to the doctor.
I feel like, exactly because Gaolang's a specialist and not a fool by any means, he's extremely aware of his weakness which is grappling/ground work. I can only assume he has countermeasures in place for such situations.
They probably don't get a cut of the winnings since the winnings aren't always purely money transactions. They can be for certain objects or rights to contracts. They probably make a salary or get paid on commission by negotiating a deal with their employer.
Thats probably atleast before the later rule changes between Companies and Fighters been agreed on between both sides. Given Wakas relation with the CEO he probably was fine not taking much, and Agito probably refused money given his debt to the old man.
For a mid tier match like Ryuki vs Toga dude it's apparently enough that it can be spent in a single shopping trip.
Poor designated jobbers don't even get to beat the guy whose whole thing is injuring people and then taking a dive.
Wouldn't that be before first one, as Saw Paing talks about his turn with Gaolang, which would be before he fought Rei?
You can still ballpark a lot of physical object, and estimate land deals and such.
Waka and Agito were pretty much adopted by their "employers". They were probably given limitless credit cards
You're right, I just remembered Gaolong only wearing his robe before his fight with Agito.
>The measure of the top Kengan Fighters
>"Ya gotta a Black Card?"
Toku2 aside did any of the fighters even care about the money?
Getting to hug and kiss real girls is better than jerking off alone in your room.
Gaolang would have little if any experience grappling, Muy Thai and boxing are striking arts first and foremost.
Thats why when Agito did the switch to a takedown it took Gaolang down.
user showing he has no idea how hostess clubs work.
No touching is like Rule 1
I doubt that Agito can beat Gensai with Formless alone and without evolving several times, including pre-initiative and Hatsumi's dodges.
Though without getting spooked, he might even try using Okinawan Karate at first, if he learned it at some point (and he likely did).
Thats because the Fang still focused on striking, Okubo's entire style is built around doing whatever you aren't.
Thats why I have to give it to Okubo over Gaolang.
They both are touching the girls in the pic, user. It's okay for them because they're friends with the owner.
I can't wait for us going mainstream when the anime came out, Kenganbros!!!
Just as well Rino also runs brothels then, innit?
>3d anime
>going mainstream
Not a chance.
>You just know that the fight would've gone differently had Agito started fighting like he did against Sen sooner.
While it's true, I just don't see that many fighters that could push Agito that far and make him almost lose without actually winning the fight, so his pride could be broken enough for Omori to reign his autism in.
Ironically, Agito using Martial Arts would likely be defeated by Wakatsuki, while Formless would lose to Sen, while he defeated each with the other way of fighting.
I wonder if Omori's style is what Agito use in Martial Arts version, but on the other hand Omori said that he's bad against Hatsumi type Fighters.
Reminder that Julius is a meathead
Go away Muteba.
I honestly hope Omori gets a fight on-screen in Omega. Takayama got a pretty sweet one in Asura that showed how brutal he is and why he'd be deserving of being the Fang if not for Agito, but Omori is largely a mystery as the previous Fang.
With several degrees
I'd settle for seeing some fights of all previous Fangs, and finding out who is the current one.
Especially the fights that Erioh mentioned in particular.
It really depends on how well Gaolong will be able to lead him by the nose. Going in for a grapple is going to be even more difficult than trying to strike because you have to actually get into grabbing range to do so. Gaolong is going to see a grab coming from Okubo who is known as the world champion MMA fighter. Okubo can go for a tackle, but he's gonna eat some free punches for his effort. It only took Agito one good punch to put him down for the count, and while Gaolong's overall power is lesser than Agito's, his speed and technique in striking are better.
Looking at physique, it could be Kazufumi, Gensai's master, but it could be someone else entirely. Definitely not Gaoh "Absolute Unit" Mukaku.
Didn't Sandrovich mentioning wanting to do a Gaiden about those two in one of the character notes pages or something? I vaguely remember him saying something like that
Is it okay to ship this? They seem cool about it, but how does the Kure clan generally feel about marrying within the clan?
I honestly love the opening despite the fact that im still having doubts about the anime. Hope it will be sorta like Baki.
They'd probably be cool with distant cousins fucking since it could potentially produce more heirs with the "good" Kure genes. Means they wouldn't have to worry about scouting outside talent to breed into the family, but I doubt the Kure clan cares about absolutely all of their members marrying powerful fighters.
Okubo with heavy injuries since he is more complete than Gaolang.
See the manga
Wakatsuki with injuries, not major though, its just a really bad matchup for Seki.
Hatsumi because Aikido wrecks big bodytypes like Julius.
They are too distant to be a problem, but the age difference is like 12 years. Again, Karla's mom is an indicator that doesn't seem to be a bother.
They screened episode 8 and 9 at AX. The reception from the audience was great. i havent seen baki but im pretty sure that if youre a fan of the manga you'll enjoy the anime
I think it was in Metsudo's bio page, which was in early volumes, while Vol 0 was after Vol 14.
Then again, there's plenty of time to explore it further.
It's the duty of main line, I doubt that people outside of it must marry outside Kure Clan, unless they are particularly strong, like Raian.
This is good news.
>I don't know who is stronger
>And I don't give a shit
>Julius is easier to Kill
Isn't there a kengan Zero where this is explained?
And a marketer
Julius is underrated. Also he cute.
I'm guessing that user meant a full story covering them winning the tournament, Zero is probably all they will get though yeah
It's amazing how Raian and Erioh are so similar. Both decided to use techniques after they were defeated by someone, in the case of Raian it was Ohma and in the case of Erioh is still unknown.
Can the techniques of the Kure Clan defeat the OG clan?
i vote agito because the fight was pretty close and he still have options, also because i want some variations, its kind of boring knowing that gensai will win this tournament for sure
Geese Howard's cousin.
Does going limp when you're about to get hit really work?
A thousand years and they still consider nip Kure a fake?
We know he won the Tournament and had used Removal in his final fight, but we do not know much of his significant battles in the past and those are the interesting ones. Just like some of Wakatsuki's opponents.
I only hope that Edward Wu will face Wakatsuki and prove Agito's words to the latter that Raian outclasses Wakatsuki in strength.
Not fully limp, but you are told to 'roll' with head punches. For body shots you tighten up your core.
Julius is /fitlit/ as fuck
That was before the fight.
There's a bunch of heavily underrated characters just because they were outclassed in a match/their first match.
He used steroids, he didn't achieve that body with true effort.
closets thing I can think of is the neck spin to reduce damage to the head in boxing but I don't think thats necessarily going limp.
You aren't in a car accident, you're being punched. Best bet is to try to jump backwards if you can't outright dodge/deflect.
The branch of Wu that stayed in Japan and became Kure arrived there with Buddhism. They are basically discount version.
I wonder though where this guy falls in the Kure-Wu scale.
Omega's tournament is going to be a bunch of individual exhibition matchups and not some knockout tournament like Asura, right? There's no way Wu's not fighting Raian
Okubo is my favourite fighter in that regard.
And the page that mentions the period in which Kure Clan started in Japan, which is the same period in which Buddhism arrived in Japan from China.
My personal favourite from round 1 losers is Kiozan.
I think it will be individual matches until one side have all their fighters defeated, because a version where taking down more than half of the other side's fighters put too big of a risk the whole thing would be over after 7 fights, and that's no fun, and Idemitsu is against no fun.
And he'd want to have best fights to witness, and probably use strongest to fights Kengan's strongest, so using Wu against Wakatsuki might be better trade off than Wu vs Kure right off the bat.
I fucking love Saw Paing
It's hard not to.
>tfw we might get the meeting of foreigners in Japan to learn more about Nippon in anime version sooner or later
How come you never see UGHHH MUH SHARKTEETHfags when it's cool looking dudes?
>65 next year
>even kids laugh at me if i yell at them
Why couldn't i be born a man that erodes others bravery like he does?
Because Erioh was cute piranha that grew into cool shark and ended up as sometimes scary old man with very soft spot for his great-granddaughter, and we met the old man version first.
I wonder if there is a reversal story of this trope of superhot powerhouse girl wanting the MC for practically no reason than laying eyes on him with a trollop that's superfunny and intelligent wanting the MC and somehow still be adored by readers like Karla is.
What's the qualification between p-teeth and s-teeth? The lenght? Girth? 'Cause i can't really tell the difference. Pointy things are just pointy
Do you think Saw's constant loudness is due brain damage caused by his training as a child?
He can be quiet, he just isn't.
>Rock: "ANOTHER fucking estranged family member? Really?"
How do you guys think Spec from Baki would do in a fight against Raian?
He was calling Julius a meathead even during the fight
He called Julius a meat head once, and it was before the fight when he was asked who he'd prefer to fight against.
I can't believe the Kure is actually Chinese people in Japan! Then again, that would explain their general disregard for individual human lives and strong empasis on clans
I just can't wrap my head around the joke with the pen. And i understood ALL the Gao/Fisherman extras
He'd get mauled. Raian is constantly bloodlusted, he'd see Speck is fighting Dirty and instantly rip his nuts off
It's not the teeth that makes him look like either of those two carnivorous fishes, it's his nose and hairstyle that makes him look more pointy.
Is he kure or Wu?
Oh boo hoo poor little Japan dindu nuffin wrong and was injustly punished unlike all the other guys
>Retarded murrican can’t read without his big biased goggles.
>bragging about helping the soviets in ww2
Actually, that alone isn't the issue, it's the following pages that continually paint burgers as a big bad evil and japan was just a poor oppressed victim nation. Tragically saying the numbers you lost against the people you attacked, while making them, who defended themselves out as villains (while ignroing the victims you yourself made) really can't be excused as anything else. And from a mangaka who actually lived in America, this lacking nuance and direct victim telling is just in poor taste.
That was near the start of the fight, before his brains were on full display.
You just hate Julius, face it.
>America doesn't enter the war
>Japan and Manchuria invades Soviet siberian relocation industrial zones
GG ez dumb allies
Muteba knew the outcome of the fight after the first blast core and his opinion of Julius didn't changed at all
The fact that Muteba, a serial fucker of white, asian, latino and basically every single woman in a country is almost universally a beloved character speaks volumes of the characteristic writing of this manga.
Introduce an african dude who is really fucking strong while fucking like half a nation's females in a few days anywhere else, and you'd have constant shitposting, crying faggots and /pol/ tier "info"dumps
>won't somebody think of my poor world superpower??
Burgers started it by doing the same shit they're doing to Venezuela iirc.
>Retarded murrican snowflake demanding history to be revised ALWAYS from Murrica point of view as the victim hero nation
He's the "Draw a girl and call it a boy" meme with races.
These two are such a pair of absolute fucking madmen, I'd love to see more snippets of their past.
All the characters are flawed and caring, so far that’s a great accomplishment for the writer. This is a good way of bringing a bunch of antiheroes without ruining it like Sorachi did in Gintama.
>he hadn't shown his intelligence yet
>h-heh... I knew the outcome all along m-meat head!
Meanwhile, i bet if a chinese comic writer made pages where the nanking massacre numbers were used to generate sympathy, and making japanese out as evil oppressors, you'd blow a fuse and whining about "muh insectoids"
Does Erioh know about the Wu clan? He is older than Edward so this couldn’t be something he missed.
Kaneda is no jobber.
A jobber is someone 'strong' that looses to hype someone else. Like Vegeta, he looses to reecome (and every other villian) to hype them as strong.
You know for the get go that kaneda isn't strong.
It's probably something that the Kure elders know about but they never imagined it'd be relevant since they broke off from the Wus so long ago.
I understand what you mean and agree with your general point, but what precise flaw did people like Julius and Muteba have? I mean, personality/mentally-wise. I don't think we got to see enough of several characters to establish a proper characteristic flaw, unlike say, Rihito's abrash arrogance before his humbling down
For a clan fanatical group obsessed with lineage and family, that would seem odd. Then again, if they cared about their chinese heritage, a bunch of xenophobic nationalist otakus would boicott the shit out of this manga due how great the Kure clan otherwise is represented
Why would I care? The author's allowed to write from their point of view, why would a Chinese support the Japanese over their own and why would a Japanese support an American over their own?
I know I'm super late on this, but there's a second PV for the anime coming up.
The fights themselves seem to look okay-ish, but it's definitely not a looker.
The trailer song is also up now.
There was probably an idealogical difference or something that led to them breaking off from the Wus in the first place, I'd imagine. The main family must have done something that the original Kures disagreed with strongly enough that they fucked off to a whole different nation.
You're allowed to love your country, but admit your nation made mistakes, you know? That's what nuance means.
Okubo didn't job. He fought the second strongest fighter in the tournie and forced him to act outside the grappling style. Okubo was always the under dog.
Rihito never jobbed. He was weaker than Ohma from the get go and couldn't touch a relaxed Ohma. Him losing to anyone is expected.
Himuro jobbed to Kaneda to show that Kaneda's weakness can be used as an advantage with his foresight, where being a top grade fighter doesn't mean you win instantly vs a weaker guy. Same as the actor dude vs Sen. It's all about game plan.
Kaneda was never a jobber. As Himuro mentioned, he went in nearly crippled. He had cracked bones and busted ribs while being on half a dozen high strength pain killers. His gameplan also failed because he didn't manage to make Gaolang go 100% from the start so his predictions were ineffective, resulting in accrued damage until the final exchange. If Kaneda went into that fight 100% and Gaolang went for the kill, the outcome might have been different.
Having your civilians nuked, twice, is their mistake now?
How about you admit your nation participates in war crimes, dirty burger.
Knowing ol' Sandro', it's because the chink Kure are evil paid mass murderers unlike pure nippon paid heroes who only kill bad guys like japanese Kure
Actually, invading a bunch of weaker nations, then pull a "sneaky" attack on a superpower only for it to have consequences don't really paint you as the innocent party.
Not a burger though, norwegian, and i'll happily admit my nation's mistake was letting Sweden and Denmark exis as independent countries after we BTFO their kings
We already know they participate in human gu jars, they're clearly not the good guys. Fuck off to Wuxia manga if you want China to get jerked off.
I doubt it. Edward probably is himself an outcast from the Chinese clan. I am betting that the old branches, nip kures and wus are probably in well terms, aside a small group that most likely is working with or related somehow to the worm.
>If Kaneda went into that fight 100% and Gaolang went for the kill, the outcome might have been different.
It was later shown that even "serious" Gaolang wasn't even close to actually being serious.
>and i'll happily admit my nation's mistake was letting Sweden and Denmark exis as independent countries after we BTFO their kings
You don't seriously want to still be held responsible for Sweden, do you? Letting go of them was a great choice.
Probably should've kept Denmark, though, we're doing pretty well.
>Implying i give a shit about how whoever is portrayed
I'm just stating facts that Sando has said plenty of generic nationalistic japanese statements, so it should come as no suprise that he paints foreigners in general as vile beings baring a few "good seeds who love Japan after understanding my culture", just like any other nationalistic x nation writer has, and will do.
>that country's mistake is having war crimes committed against it, our mistake is not being badass enough!
Nice humble bragging faggot.
>I don't give a shit about how whoever is portrayed
>let me complain about how this group is portrayed
Yeah, at this point we literally know nothing and it's all speculation anyway.
Another line i could image Sandro go with is how Edward makes it appear as all of the chinese wu/kure clan are evil monsters, only to meet his end at a chinese wu/kure who is "cleaning up" a mistake to subvert expectations, since sandro loves to subvert everything everyone thinks will happen
Don't test me, Dane, i know the Hitman Style, Gao style
>How dare you point out the obvious! You must be the opposite!
Such a simple mind. I thought Beard trained you to be smarter as well
That wasn't pointing out the obvious, you were clearly upset that the might portray them in that light.
Annen nordmann som leser kengan, herlig.
I'm going to take a chance and guess that the reason the Wu are at odds with the Kure is that wu's probably have a much stricter policy when it comes to the strenght of their members, the kure feel more aloof and look like they don't care too much about supporting weaker family members and allowing them to get regular jobs like policeman or taxi driver
Stop, you don't want to attract more of us, lest we turn into the most cancerous shitfest like that pathetic /n*rgetråden/
Wakatsuki and Kuroki in the finals?
Who knocked out fastboi?
Are you actually implying the Kure hasn't been portrayed as good, nice hitmen? Their clan is total cutes despite being paid killers.
If i'm upset about anything, it's how a literal group of killers get the "good guys" treatment. Don't give a shit if they're brits, indians, chinese, or worst of them all, australian hitmen, that stuff just shouldn't fly.
Thanks to Koga i train full week again. Hope we see his based ass again in Training soon.
There's definitely going to be different Chinese branches, the fact a branch split off to Japan should prove it (that and 4000 years is a long time to stay a single entity). My guess is the Wu clan at large was created for a single goal (maybe to fulfil a prophecy or make a true tiger's vessel or something) and the Kure's branch is ignoring that goal. Maybe some in the clan are pursuing more drastic methods (such as human gu jars) while others go with other methods.
>Koga inspired
lol, enjoy always being nr 4th in anything you attempt
Better than being Ohma inspired and sleeping right?
11 fighters in the original tournament were hitmen or outright murderers, most of them got the good guy treatment.
hatsumi sen
Personally, i imagine the Wu being pretty much in ties with Triad underground, like Kure with the Yakuza underground. No loyality to them as long as they get paid.
That said, plenty of extras show that Kure's also partake in what is foreign issues like terror cells and quelling rebellions by killing warlords etc, so they're not afraid to get politically entrenched in a side if that side pays them. Perhaps the Wu is the same and will kill Triads and cops as well as Muhajeedins and dictators from abroad.
>Inb4 a page showing a Wu assassinating K*m of North Korea
>. If Kaneda went into that fight 100% and Gaolang went for the kill, the outcome might have been different.
Yeah, Gaolang would have stomped even harder.
Or Sen vs Kuroki
just read the first part over the weekend
Muteba was great
Fuck you
I stay comfy, you stay in constant muscle pain
I think the point is that Kure Clan seemingly only (shown at least) take hits on bad guys. Dictators, gangsters, corrupt people etc despite supposedly being "neutral" or whatever. Though i get it from a storytelling aspect. Hard to like a family that kills presidential puppies and caring sweet old ladies whose grandson became a criminal for cash.
How? Rei would absolutely kill him
Africans, and Nigerians spesifically is such an enigma to me. They seem extremely cool and fun people, even met a few who i liked, but i can't rid myself of the starved africa and all niggers are criminals mentality despite seeing that lots of them are more or less like us.
When i found out they had a massive forum that's a kinda Yea Forums mixed with reddit, i started lurking a bit just because what the fuck would they be talking about anyway and saw that they discuss and act just like we do, but more polite for some reason.
because people dont like rei
Sen could not just dodge, but also "roll with" Bando's whip strikes, which are fast enough to be invisible to the naked eye. Rei, without the love boost, probably wouldn't be any different.
the place is a mystery
>I think the point is that Kure Clan seemingly only (shown at least) take hits on bad guys.
That's the same for most of them though. Shit you could argue Akoya does that, except the story paints him in a bad light for it.
Akoya not only hunts criminals, but anyone even distantly related to criminals.
Did your cousin run a red light? Time to die, kiddo.
I'll think i'll grow to like these guys with time and do away with my prejustice.
>poor little Japan dindu nuffin wrong
He didn't say that
are you not allowed to mention that people died in that bombing without putting a
disclaimer every time or something now
>namefag forum
That's why they're nice. Names on a forum tie an identity to you, being a dumbass or an asshole gets you noticed or even kicked off (which can kill post count/upvote dopamine progress). I can say something as dumb as "Fairy Tail's a good manga", justifiably get shit on for it then learn from the mistake, and everyone can move on afterwards because I'm called Anonymous and the guy who shits on my is called Anonymous.
>you'd blow a fuse and whining about "muh insectoids"
It'd be as irrelevant as you whining that a Japanese manga isn't pandering to you though
it's a fucking manga, stop being such a fragile snowflake
I understand your point, but you fail to realize that sock puppets exist and always has been. If some guy gets bored, he'll make a troll account and shitpost. If the place has strong moderation, he'll just IP reset and start anew, just like here (besides the strong moderation part). If it's lax, they make a "the faggot everyone hates" puppet to troll with.
Someone didn't read that one gaiden.
Don't be silly, those minor offences come later. Gotta have your priorities in order. First it's getting rid of the corrupt politicians and drug dealers, then comes hanging them upside down off buildings with their heads in their arms, THEN comes the rotten apple related to the minor criminal.
>First it's getting rid of the corrupt politicians
Except Toyo for some reason.
Sock puppets take a considerably amount of effort compared to something like Yea Forums and it's easy to just ban them, plus if there's an upvote/postcount system you're missing out on those.
Absolutely DANDY
Sure, but if you don't know about Yea Forums, it's the only way to do it
Not a chance.
He doesn't have the foresight, and he predicted the whips based off of Bando's movements + they were extremely limited in range.
This is the best ship.
Setsuna has been involved in some death battle shit so it wouldn't be too weird if a Kure clan member saw him
>they were extremely limited in range
Are you joking?
Sen might actually have a decent fight against him, Kuroki is a pretty decent match-up for a trickster like Sen.
The Kure are something else.
Who knows? He was 28 during Fist of the Seeker, which was probably around up to 8 years before Kengan Asura.
Something about the way those posts are phrased makes it sound fake, like they're pretending to be more intelligent than they are. It reminds me a bit of old atheist fedora posts.
Also, why are Nigerians speaking english? From what I can gather they primarily speak French and the English they do speak is mostly the fucky pidgin English.
What the hell?
These fuckers are great.
Cutest Kengan girl.
I meant in the sense that they had a clearly defined range, at like a 2 meter radius out from him.
You are overestimating Sen. I think he is strong but he lacks something very important for fighting. Directness. His strongest attack was set up and still failed. Kuroki outmaches Sen in every aspect, except redirecting.
Kaneda would perform better if Gaolang would from the start fight seriously within limits of a match, but would have no way to prepare for fight to the death Gaolang.
Gensai's too pure for a fighter like Sen, he'll fall for all sort of dirty tricks and then still win.
Africa is one of those places that just makes you scratch your head, in the places that aren't dirt poor its like some weird remix of western culture combined with these fucking oddball ideas.
It's honestly engrossing.
>he predicted the whips based off of Bando's movements
He predicted them because he investigated Bando's murder victims and his medical records
His strongest attack was stopped before it connected, exactly like what happened with Agito's Dragon Blow.
Yes, but midfight he could see wtf Bando was going to do, since he only had 3 attack patterns.
These are probably some of the most educated or richest Nigerians, Nigeria is growing rapidly, but its still a poor nation so anyone with access to the internet and that speaks English well is upper-crust to say the least.
This is like looking at a forum populated by College Professors, the conversations sound stilted because they are all on their best behavior and they keep high standards.
But Bando also noticed that, changed his attack in a feint that caught Sen off-guard, and yet Sen still managed to dodge it just fine.
Congo Dandies are magical. I had the luxury of meeting one and he was one of the nicest, most relaxed and self ironic funny guys i ever met while travling at work. Despite his lower education, which he wasn't ashamed to admit and his mediocre english, he was also very knowledgeable too about history which is my main shit so we had a good time talking at the airport.
After that meeting, i started to dress more colourful and sharp too. Not like those guys, but a middle ground.
Does this sound college professor to you?
Aren't these Dandys poor as piss? No offence but from what i gathered about them is that they often spend their entire budget on these suits, even if their families dont have the money for it
That's the anime class professor. I hear in the third semester you need to write an essay on how Cosmo shouldn't have beaten Akoya.
>Kaede wearing fishnets
He was reading him.
Sen is good. He's not dodging Rei tho.
No but it sounds like what I assumed the normal Nigerian's grasp on English would be like.
So just blatant bullshit then.
>Akoyafags STILL seething
After Rei's fight with Saw Paing, Sen just calmy went "aw man, he's gonna be a little annoying to deal with".
He also said that Bando was the one he was least compatible with, with no mention of Rei. He clearly did not think he would be too much of an issue.
Yeah, he too as he said had saved up a bunch of money over many months to visit his parents since he "jokingly" said his biggest expenses was what to wear next season otherwise he'd meet them every two month or something. He made no excuse about being poor, but to him, it was the image of wealth and fashionability that he inspired his neighbours to follow that made him do it, and as he said with a laugh, because he always love feeling and looking richer than he will probably ever be even for a day. Wish i was bolder and asked more direct questions about their culture but didn't want to offend him, and he was a cool fellow waiting passenger that actually made time pass for once.
And that's from someone who HATES talking to anyone for small talk, especially randoms.
Don't use up all the Extras. Save some for the next times there are break weeks.
They speak American??
Also thought he had agito's number lmfao
She's wearing fishnets while it's fucking snowing
An idea: Kaneda did better than Himuro could have agaisnt Gaolang.
Jeet kune do's "Dude punch faster LMAO" would have been a worse match up against Gaolang "the pinacle of striking" Wongsawat
"Jeet Kune Do" should be a pretty complete system overall and not just dude punch faster lmao but we haven't seen enough of Himuro to judge I guess
We got many, many of these and the dump now was around the size of a usual chapter, at that pace we got enough for quite some time given they dont take many breaks.
>Western /pol/
>African /pol/
>No sir, you see because of implied parallel universes and obscure theories regarding mythological creation implying our natural superiority is just theories, can we truly be sure of our genetical supremacy?
It's like reading a chapter where it's that dead loon vs mutabe all over again
My point is that it's like using a match box to fight a wildfire. Himuro has no hope of beating Gaolang in his own game, Kaneda tried to play a different game
>"Something about the way those posts are phrased makes it sound fake, like they're pretending to be more intelligent than they are."
Characters visible there, from the big guy and then right to left:
>Koyasu Shingoro, 39 years old, 4th Dan, 6th times Meido Kaikan (second biggest school after Rokushin) tournament champion. 194 cm tall, 132 kg. Without doubt second strongest participant of the Rokushin Kaikan Open Tournament. Known as "The Lion King".
>Ikeuchi Mentaro, 27 years old at the time, works (worked?) as a teacher in women collage (likely that one). Mix of Karate (Nito Style), defensive grappling (striking from grappled position), and his own striking style. 182 cm tall, 85 kg. Finalist, he's the MC and the guy whom Kurachi fought.
>Hayakuwa Samato, 28 years old, Nak Muay, and user of Kure-like Removal. 180 cm tall, 70 kg.
>Hatsumi Ryozo, 30 years old, Sen's self-proclaimed ninja cousin, probably mix of Hatsumi Style Aikido and his ninjutsu. 175 cm tall, 78 kg.
Special mention to two well known participants, whose current age is unknown, likely to make us incapable to truly determine timeline and go with rough estimations based on Sekibayashi's age:
>Kurachi Karugo, 40 years old, Sekibayashi's wrestling senpai. 184 cm tall, 110 kg. Believes in Pro Wrestling.
>Kureishi Mitsuyo, 26 years old, BJJ, MMA, seems that his score in Cage Fights: 11W, 0L, 5KO. 175 cm tall, 69 kg.
Special mentions to some of Rokushin Kaikan, starting with Rokushin Three (winners of previous karate tournaments held by their school, though the one in which Mentaro participated only Narushima was in) and one impressive karate practitioner of their school:
>Tatsuyoshi Katsuya, 38 years old, 195 cm tall, 126 kg. Known as "The Strongest Mongoloid". 6W 0L 6KO
>Muto Shin'ya, 35 years old, 176 cm tall, 104 kg.
>Narushima Joji, 34 years old, 184 cm tall, 96 kg.
>Motoyama Jin, 28 years old, brother of Motoyama Hotaru, Cosmo's former classmate, moved to Rokushin Kaikan from a non-contact karate. 177 cm tall, 64 kg.
There are some others impressive, but not enough translated material to elaborate on style and such.
Fanart including most of characters that appeared during tournament.
Hate to break it to you, but fishstocks is great to keep warm. In the army we all use them (inside pants/shirts naturally) during cold nordic times. Aborbs sweat so you feel dry, but also insulates enough bodyheat to feel more comfortable without.
Granted, army issue may differ from akibahara slut fishstocks
>No, it is them who are wrong!
Nah, internet savy nigerians are fully aware of the stereotype of dumbfuck nation's english, so many unconciously(?) write like a pretentious english teacher to avoid making themselves look stupid. Kinda like younger japs. They can most of the time write like a science book, but when told to speak it they sound like a retard with a fetish for vocals
>Narushima Joji
Brother of Koga?
So thats what these guys do when they are not spamming half the world mails with their cheapo scams
>34 during Fist of the Seeker
>Which was about 8 years before Kengan Asura
>Which was 3 years before Omega
>Koga is around 20
Uncle is more likely.
Also, master of Rokushin Kaikan Karate School, and the man who organised the Rokushin Kaikan Open Tournament, has appeared in flashback in Kengan Asura.
Have anyone gotten a classic 404 the past decade? These last couple of years I only get a bunch of slavic and chinese scam mails, and one from Greenland somehow assuring the bank of Greenland would reinstate fees in weird danish/english.. Feels like the Nigerians just given up on it and moved on to trying to outcompete Indian tech support biz
It's a 419, not a 404.
You can guess what i've seen the most then to make that mistake
This manga is just begging for sol spinoffs. Like every other secondary and tertiary character feels like they'd fit in with anyone
Hey bud, some of us don't even pretend.
It helps that the threads are mostly shill aside from a few trolls that're quickly shot down. I think most of the kengan readerbase is probably older men so half assed trolling is more apparent. I hope the anime doesn't ruin conversation.
>People speak proper actual English
>Zoomer gets shocked, thinks English is supposed to be full of references to his youtube celebs, memes and politic buzzwords
I knoz that pewdipie wud LOVE ur coment bud!!
Sorry, 2 years since Kengan Asura, 3 years since Koga encountered Ohma.
I'll post Kureishi back in the day to repay.
Not only that, but most fans who do "trolling" are cheeky rather than malevolent shitposting, but unlike most threads, people here can tell the difference and what to ignore. I myself is 31, and i've never shitposted in a KA/KO thread simply due the early story each week captivates me, and now it would be like shitting in ones bed.
KA/KO threads are just generally comfy, its quite a nice change of pace every week. Couldnt think of much other Yea Forums threads that end up having civilized talk about things like African Dandy culture because one character in it is one.
>That OP
It's just as good as I'd hoped it would be
Yeah, had a very good feeling about it when heard partially in the PVs already, im looking forward to what they do with the opening. Only 19 more days till the ride begins as a anime, and the clips they posted on their Twitter actually feel like the fights will be enjoyable.
The one thing I miss is talk about martial arts. Last time we had elaborated on such was Kokuro and toe kick, and partially on Gaoh Style's uselessness in Kengan matches.
Wish someone would appear to post about Snake Style(s).
Cool, thanks for the background info. Also, uncle seems weird? Wouldn't his father be more fitting, according to shounen tropes?
Speck wasn't actually that impressive. Sure, he was stupidly strong compared to normal people, but almost any higher tier Kengan fighter could match or surpass him in terms of strength.
The only notable ability he has is his insane endurance, like how he held his breath long enough to swim to the surface from the bottom of the ocean or how he can throw an infinite striking combo and never slow down.
But in terms of straight forward damage output, Raian would destroy him.
Possible, we just know that Koga was raised by his grandfather, so seems like his parents havent been present.
Its hard to say, the highest strength feats we got in Kengan is Julius vs F1 racer and folding weights like pretzels, Baki tends to be at a more bizarre powerlevel. Speck almost punched the Statue of Liberty in half afterall, thats something i doubt is possible even to someone like Wakatsuki.
I need more dark adventures of Dr. Kurapika, his hospital infiltration was fucking great
Could Gaolang beat Little Mac?
Could Cosmo beat Gaolang?
>Literally thinking Mac is anything remotely similar to Cosmo other than 'they're short'
What differences do they have?
Both are little, both are guys, both fight Americans, both fight Japanese, they're basically the same guy.
I can't wait for Saw to marry Sayaka
I really want this anime to be good but the CGI worries me
Did Cosmo fight a guy who learned to literally teleport and project images?
Did Cosmo fight a guy who tore down a whole building in two punches?
Did Cosmo fight a near human intellect Gorilla that knows how to Box?
Did he do all that While never even bothering to use leg work?
>Did Cosmo fight a guy who learned to literally teleport and project images?
Yes Ohma. Chap 57
>Did Cosmo fight a guy who tore down a whole building in two punches?
Maybe Adam
>Did Cosmo fight a near human intellect Gorilla that knows how to Box?
Yes Adam. Chap 43
>Did he do all that While never even bothering to use leg work?
Damn, so there are differences.
>never even bothering to use leg work
He faced Long Ming while crawling on the ground basically
Damn you right, they ARE the same character!
It's typically the African-American community that usually bolster the prejudice. Otherwise, other African groups especially Nigerians are considered one of the highest paid groups on average in America. Must be a large cultural difference.
You forgot the most important thing
>Beat Prime Mike Tyson
What is this?