What exactly is the joke here? Why is this show is unfunny?
What exactly is the joke here? Why is this show is unfunny?
A lot of it is puns and wordplay which are lost in translation
despite being titled ‘my ordinary life’ the reactions of characters and often many events that happen are decidedly not normal.
It’s funny
You’re just a no fun allowed raging homosexual pretending to have refined taste for judging a piece of media without even being the target demographic
Where's the joke though??? What am I supposed to be laughing at??
This show was just a waste of animation.
The humor is unfunny and the characters are bland when not downright unlikeable.
All it has going for itself is the sakuga.
It's a kids show you retards.
No wonder manchildren get so defensive when it’s criticized
It is funny because the girl is chasing the other girl whilst wearing a silly animal mask and making the other girl scream shrilly while wacky lighthearted music is playing so you know it is a funny scene and there are speed-lines and lots of moving parts so you can be wowed into thinking that there is actual thought and substance behind what you're seeing and that you need a postgraduate degree in Japanese cultural studies in order to fully understand and appreciate the subtle and esoteric meaning that the creators have deliberately loaded into every individual frame of this veritable masterpiece of socio-cultural satire
>waste of animation
That's literally the joke.
The absurdity of the situation
It's this.
Easily the best Kyoani show of this decade.
That's like HALF a joke, or a setup for a joke at the very least. You need to actually DO something with it, for fuck's sake.
It really is summer huh.
Nichijou is unfunny reddit garbage. Nichibros is actually great with better characters and has some decent comedy.
user, stop being tsundere, you are doing it for 8 years already.
This probably could have worked if it were half as long and had far less dialogue, especially the kind that laboriously draws attention to the situation's wackiness which kills any sort of momentum
>But Kuma in Japanese means Bear, and Ku-Ma/Kuma are homophones in Malay that mean both Bear and 'to have money', which she says as she puts the money in her pocket! This isn't funny, but it is clever and esoteric and makes me feel very smart and cultured
I've been here all year saying this show is unfunny garbage
And the positively DIVINE twist on the traditional Japanese fable of the wooden/golden fish idol... she...get this....attempts to BRIBE what she thinks is a malicious demon in order to survive! I don't think I can stomach so much unbridled whimsy, all at once, I'll have to step back a little.
It's just a show that keeps on giving - you learn while you laugh!
Nichijou is overrated as fuck
Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou that's some real good stuff
Nichijou is a fucking awful series. Awful as a comedy, and awful as a SOL.
Nichijou doesn't have jokes, it has "LOOK AT HOW MUCH I AM OVERREACTING TO THING!".
If you want some decent comedy series, watch Nichibros or Saiki.
But there's classy sounding orchestral background music and puns and obscure cultural references and shit so you know it for true big brained connoisseurs
>humor is objective
just watch nichibros
Im glad it flopped
>This situation - as it originally transpired and continues to unfold before my very eyes - is very strange and I do not particularly care for it all my good sir no siree
That's the whole joke for nearly four straight minutes.
Actually, it is to some extent. There is definitely a craft to it, and people can be "good" at it.
You dont understand because you're not japanese.
It is. It's what makes you laugh that's ubjective.
Imagine how much funnier this scene could be if it were half as long and the stupid bitch wasn't having a protracted spergout and continually stating that the obviously strange and unorthodox events she's witnessing are in fact strange and unorthodox.
>Imagine how much funnier this scene could be if it were half as long
The duration is just right. It won't work if it is shorter than that.
>and the stupid bitch wasn't having a protracted spergout and continually stating that the obviously strange and unorthodox events she's witnessing are in fact strange and unorthodox
Every comedy skits need tsukkomi. Yukko did an good tsukkomi.
You are not enough japanese to get it.
Jesus Christ I see this thread literally every day
Do Japanese people typically know Malay...?
Wrong, the jokes are the retorts by the soba woman.
>Every comedy skits need tsukkomi
That’s why Shinpachi is far less popular than the other Gintama main characters, right?
Our daily lives may be a succession of miracles.
Japs can't into humor because offending people is a no-no there.
There are many jokes in that scene that don't necessarily happen in that specific frame.